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Latest revision as of 01:04, 17 July 2021

Flash Update
Date of Scene: 16 July 2021
Location: Table Mountain in the Catskills
Synopsis: Monet reaches out to the Flash via Twitter. They meet and she makes him aware that the Reverse Flash is active again.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Wally West

Monet St. Croix has posed:
So, having discussed her encounter with the Reverse Flash with an Avenger who is also a member of the faculty at Xavier's but also not hearing anything in the month since to advise her that anyone else has been told, Monet decided to take matters into her own hands. A tweet to @FastestManAlive includes a time stamp and a latituted and longitude, it is accompanied by a drone shot of the Reverse Flash that, if checked, is geotagged with the same location and a timestamp from the evening of June 17th. The time in the tweet is less than an hour after the message was sent by @M1&only and the coordinates are to a location a bit more than half way from New York City to Albany.

Immediately after sending out the tweet Monet leaves Xaviers and flies to the top of Table Mountain in the Catskills, the location indicated in the tweet. Sure, the location's public. Sure, anyone could see it. She's counting on the fact that very few people could get there on time. She's praying that a certain yellow clad speedster doesn't pay attention to the twitter feed of the hero he is fan(atic) about.

Wally West has posed:
Wally doesn't normally check twitter that often... (if he did he would trigger the DDOS protection) so he considers it lucky that he was looking when it went up. If he hadn't been looking at that exact moment, he might have gotten half-way through a show when he had to go! Thankfully no such thing will happen.

Wally took longer than usual to get up here on account of trying to not disturb the nature too much. He hopes this M lady hasn't already left. Being the #Fastest Man Alive means people get way too impatient with him. These meet ups are always a challenge.

He also isn't sure why she has a photo of a yello speedster. He hopes there is some missunderstanding.

Thankfully he hears a sonic boom on the way. Sonic booms with no planes nearby are usually a sign that he hasn't been cranked. In retrospect it shouldn't relieve him to hear that, there are plenty of unsavory types that could do that, but he is optimistic. Besides, he figuers he can probably get out of there in time if things go wrong.

Wally arrives a moment or two after she lands. She does appear to be wearing some kind of X-people regalia, so that is some kind of endorsement. Xavier's doesn't wind up with a whole lot of people faking being members, so it is nice to see. "So is 'M' a James Bond reference or is it just because 'X' was taken?" Trademark humor. Hopefully she isn't one of those ultra stoic types or this might get awkward.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet's attire is more civilian than uniform, but the big X on the Xavier's School t-shirt does line up with the X-people theme and a Justice League member might, though the auspices of Batman if nothing else, know of the relationship between the school and the team. She was rushed and broke the sound barrier on the way to the mountain top upon which she stands, waiting for the Flash to arrive.

The question elicits a smile. "Neither," she says in French-accented but otherwise flawless English. "M is just me is all," she 'explains' cryptically about the name.

Holding out a phone, obviously one that's inexpensive... a 'burner'... she says, "I pre-loaded a video I shot of my encounter here with your... 'fan'... so that you can have a copy of it if you want."

Wally West has posed:
"Ahh." He supposes that someone might have a name beginning with M. Some people like having their code names connected to their real names. Perhaps that makes it easier. Some people haven't been following the cape scene their whole lives and thus might have more difficulty with that.

"Ooh, this one has a touch screen. I suppose it would be hard to look at video on a classic Nokia brick." After taking a brief look-- "My fan--" His smile is a bit more hollow now. "I suppose it is only fair that once in a while I get to look at someone elses grainy footage. Where did this happen?"

He is all of the sudden much more serious. He is now hoping this is some sort of elaborate prank. Enemy speedsters are a huge problem. This is one of those times that he wishes this wouldn't just be his problem.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Its been a month since the encounter but June to July is not that big of a change. Monet waves a hand to indicate the area around her.

"He was standing right about where I am now," she explains with the wave before continuing. "He followed me from New York. I chose to come here rather than leading him to where I live. Especially as I didn't know who he was initially."

The video, when played, is as follows...

    The post is accompanied by the comment "I got away Wasn't followed. So who should we share this with?"
    The video, if electronically investigated is GeoTagged as having been filmed in the Catskills, at the peak of Table Mountain. The post is tagged with #VillainSighting and #ReverseFlash
    The video seems to be in the form of "shakey cam" style from a drone about a dozen feet in the air looking straight down at an extremely fit man in a tight fitting yellow body suit with red highlights and the occasional spark of red lightning traveling across parts of his body. Anyone versed in such things recognizes the man as the Referse-Flash and anyone with a lick of observational power will also notice the stylish and pricy shoes that are occasionally caught by the camera. A conversation is going on between RF and Monet, the occasionally seen feet and the voice behind the camera.

  RF: "I was referring to the Flash, not me." He chuckles, "I'm his reverse. No one knows me as well as he does."

  M: Softly ohs before speaking. "I know more about him then you but a fan... not really."

    The camera moves a few feet back so it is not aimed directly downward at the villain and then does a slow orbit of him to show every possible high angle of him. Once the camera is again looking down toward his masked face M speaks again.

  M: "Sounds like you're his biggest fan then yourself."

  RF: "Think what you like, your type always does. You think you know better, but you don't."

    This ends the conversation as he brings up both of his hands; suddenly his arms disappear, replaced by vortexes incredible power that start to try to suck Monet into it like a combination hurricane/vacuum.
    And suddenly there is a crunching sound, static and the video stops.

"Naturally, I'm just calling him your fan because... well, obsessed stalker is not quite as easy to keep saying in a conversation," Monet explains.

Wally West has posed:
This is the sort of scene that normally would elicit some sort of quip from Wally. He is not in the mood at the moment. At some later point it might be worth thinking about why he feels less comfortable joking around when looking at a video of danger than when being on the recieving end, but for now he will be #Serious Wally.

"Ah, well. None of us are poets in the heat of the moment. I'm not here to judge your banter." Okay maybe a few jokes. Thats allowed right?

"I wonder if he wanted me to see this. I can't really think of a reason he would let you get such great coverage with a drone otherwise." He then looks at the metadata again. "How did you manage to lose him anyway?" Being able to get away from a speedster is challenging and he hopes he can crib notes here. He hopes the answer isn't fly straight up. That wouldn't be very helpful to him.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"There was no drone, I shot it with my iPhone," Monet first corrects and then, with a slight shutter, she explains, "I didn't loose him. He left... or he's been following me ever since and can hide that flashing light effect you both produce." She looks toward the Flash after saying that and asks, "Is that possible?"

Wally West has posed:
"Oh." Well that's dissappointing. No free tactical advice today.

The idea that she migh have been trailed by that psychopath sends a chill down his spine. "If he has figured out how to hide that, that would be one hell of a trick." He normally can tell if there are speedsters around, and he doesn't feel another one now. "I don't think he is following you, but if he has figured out how to hide the speedforce, then who knows." There is a nightmare in waiting. "Well thank you for showing me this. I will have to get on it. I hadn't seen him in a while, but with a timetraveller, you never know."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"You're welcome," is the first response from Monet and then she starts, "He's a time--" before it fully registers to her that the Flash has moved "--traveller?" only to find that she's alone at the top of the mountain.