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Latest revision as of 03:12, 17 July 2021

A Few Things To Work Out
Date of Scene: 15 July 2021
Location: Vanessa's Apartment
Synopsis: April comes by Vanessa's apartment, finding she's dealing with an eviction notice. But she has ale which makes it all better!
Cast of Characters: Vanessa Carlysle, April O'Neil

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
After having crashed at April's place on her first night back in New York City, Vanessa Carlysle finally returned home. It looks untouched, which tells her either the Turtles haven't needed to use it as a safehouse, or else April was by and cleaned up after them. Vanessa pulled open the freezer. "A dozen frozen pizzas still. Nope, they haven't been here," she commented before swinging it closed.

Now it's a couple of days later. Vanessa returns home, having gone up the stairs and down the hallway as if with care to not make noise. She closes the door quietly behind her, locking the trio of locks on it before unslinging her purse and tossing it over on a kitchen counter.

A glass is obtained from a cabinet and a trip to the sink resulted in a glass of tap water. Vanessa sips from it as she starts to wander towards the living area. She almost makes it there before she pauses and looks back at the door, biting down on her lower lip over something.

April O'Neil has posed:

April bike locks her bike up outside of the apartment building in the little niche made for bikes to be off of the street. She takes her backpack off of the bike rack and then hooks it through her arms over her shoulders and starts up the steps. She slips in as someone steps out and looks around the lobby. "Been awhile... smells the same." April mutters as she starts to walk up the stairs to Van's place.

The reporter is wearing a pair of slim fit denim jeans with torn knees and a set of black and yellow sneakers. Her tshirt is a STAR WARS tee with a pic of Chewie on the chest wielding his famous crossbow.

April shoots a text to Harley to tell her where she's at, and then knocks on the door once outside of it. "It's April." She says through the door so that Van doesn't like... blast her with a revolver or anything, she knows her friend's old habbits...

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle is looking at the door when the knock comes. Which seems to somehow startle her even worse, Vanessa jumping and reaching a hand towards the drawer where she's redeposited a handgun.

Though the brunette relaxes as she hears it's April. Vanessa crosses over to the door, unlocking the chain and the two deadbolts to let April in. "Hey, just caught me returning. Good timing," she says as she holds the door open to let April in. Though once her friend is inside, she closes it and does all the locks again.

Vanessa looks April over, grinning slightly at the shirt. "You're looking good," she says, giving a smile that is no less warm for showing signs of stress. Vanessa motions towards the sink, "All I've got is tap water if you want some," she offer with an apologetic expression.

Over on the kitchen table, a piece of paper sits among several others. The print out is large enough April can see the title easily enough: Eviction Notice.

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins as she steps in to the apartment and lets her eyes roam around, looks the same... She puts her blue eyes back on Van and smirks at her. "I got some drinks in my bag, for the both of us, if you'd like something that isn't questionable city water." She's talked about the city's water on her show several times!

The dark haired reporter walks over to the coffee table and slides her bag off of her shoulders and glances down at her tshirt. "Got this at the premier of the Han Solo movie, they were selling a bunch of different ones outside the theater..." She sets her bag down and sits down on the edge of the sofa.

"I should've told you I was coming over, but I was riding past and thought I'd check in..." She notes the paper on the table and leans forward to pick it up. "Already? What did you do to deserve this now?" She asks.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa's eyes light up a bit as April mentions she brought some drinks. "Oh I love you," she says, making playful little grabby hands in response. The glass of water is set aside on the counter next to the sink, then Vanessa moves over nearer to April.

"At the premier," Vanessa asks, "like... -at- the premier? Attending it?" She gives a wistful sigh. "That would be a good one to go to. Better than the new stuff," says the admitted Star Wars fan.

As April picks up the eviction notice and comments on it, Vanessa gives a soft sigh and then a little dismissive shake of her hand. "Nah, it's actually, not 'already'. It's.. I got home to find that on the door. I guess the rent hasn't been covered in awhile," she says, eyes avoiding April's while making the comment. And then Vanessa moves on past it as if so it won't become a topic of conversation. "I've got it handled," she says, lying, as she moves to a cabinet. "We need glasses? Ice?" she asks of the drinks.

April O'Neil has posed:
April sets the piece of paper down on to the table and puts her hands on to her backpack to unzip it right and left to open it up and reveal a six pack of assorted drinks inside of a cardboard slip. "Well it's not liquor, but yeah ice and glasses might cool it off agian. It's HOT out there!"

She pulsl the box out and sets the assorted flavors of ales on to the coffee table. "And yeah... it was the Manhattan premiere, I was assigned to it for Channel Six. It was a good time, got to interivew all the stars. That guy who played Han was a looker too!" She grins softly.

April's eyes go around the apartment and she leans back on the sofa. "You sure about the rent?" She asks. "I can cover you if you need it." She makes good money, and its only growing as her internet fame grows too...

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa pulls two glasses from the cabinet and then fills them with ice from the freezer. She returns to the table, looking at the ales and says, "Let's go plop down on the couch?" as she motions that way with one of the glasses in hand.

She then leads the way as she says, "He was good looking. But still, not Harrison Ford. I mean... he may be... I don't even know. What is he, 60 or 70? Would do that man in a heartbeat!" she says. "And I'd enjoy it so much I'd make sure Han fired first, too," she says, grinning wickedly at April.

Vanessa takes a seat on the couch, picking up the TV remote and clicking the set on. She flips around, finally settling on Channel 6 which has the news just starting up. She turns the volume down enough it's background noise. "Yeah, I'm ok," Vanessa says, giving April a grateful smile, not taking up on becoming a burden to her friend after only a couple of days back in town already. "So how are the boys. I mean, turtles?" Vanessa asks. "Are they still dealing with ninjas and rats and things?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April settles in on the sofa and just grins at the other woman. "Harrison Ford is like 78 years old." She tells her with a little laugh. "I mean, yeah he was attractive, but now? He's... old." She shakes her head softly and reaches for a drink. "He's filming the new boomer Indiana Jones movie, I had to talk about it a bit as I guess he got hurt on set. Threw his shoulder out doing the whip thing..." She mimmicks a whipping motion before taking a sip of the drink she'd brought in the glass Van brought!

Once she lowers it back she just lays it on her lap and holds on to it with her left hand. "The Turtles are good. I mean, they've settled in to the Mall pretty well, but I think they're home sick. Leo stopped by recently to talk, but I don't see them as much as I'd like to. It was easier when they were just a few blocks away in the sewers. Theyr'e twice as far away now. Which is... still not far, but yeah."

She shakes her head before looking to Van. "Harley and I are tracking down the Rat King still. We... broke in to a lab, and got attacked by Foot soldiers, and a ... giant, crocadile, thing..." This gets a grimace from the reporter. "We're getting somewhere with the investigation though, I am sure of it. Stole a laptop loaded with information about how dirty this place is... All kinds of nasty experiments in genetics. The kinda thing that would make my dad sick to his stomach."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Hearing Ford's actual age doesn't seem to dim Vanessa's ardor, as she fans herself. "I'd still do the Kessel Run with him, and for a lot longer than 12 parsecs," Vanessa teases, adding a soft laugh onto the end.

She picks up her glass and takes a sip. "Oh thank you. This is so much better than water from rusty pipes," she says with a happy sigh. Vanessa leans back then, listening to the talk about the Turtles and what April has been up to lately. After, she gives a quiet, "Oof."

Vanessa sits quietly for a few moments. "I'd be so useless now dealing with anything like that. And I'm guessing I'd probably be sick to my stomach too," she tells April. "You be careful, ok? I worry about you getting involved in all that stuff. And... ah, well, and your roomie too. So things are... ok with her? She hasn't done anything," Vanessa asks, waving a hand in the air slightly as if she's looking for the right word. "You know. Psychotic?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April laughs at the Ford joke and then shakes her head softly at the other about being careful, but the Harley talk has her grinning again.

"Define psychotic? She asks beofre grinning at the other and shaking her head. "No, Harley's been wonderful, in fact. I mean... sometimes I wonder where she goes when she disappears for hours on end, but I really don't like to interrogate her. I've had a few interesting people come by... including members of the Batman entourage-- but I wasn't there when they stopped by, which I guess is a good thing."

She draws in a breaht, slowly, and releases it equally slowly. "She's been a big help around the place, actually. I mean, yeah, maybe she is prone to encourage me to do questionable stuff, but... I still have my own head to make jjudgement calls, right?" She asks, raising her glass up for a sip of the ale. She's drinking a dark raspberry one!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa gently bites the inside of her lip at the mention of Batman. Or maybe it was about Harley, it's probably difficult to tell if it was noticed. "Alright, well... I won't try to play mother. Just I worry about you is all. I remember enough to not trust people who have done the kind of things she's done. Even if sometimes they seem to end up on the same side as... argh. Ok, I should change the topic," Vanessa says.

She takes a long drink of the ale and then gives a tiny shake of her head. "So, how much are you doing Channel 6, versus how much focusing on your own podcasts?" she asks. "And, by the way, how do you make money on that? Is it advertising revenue from the site?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins again over at the other, turning to face her from her place on the sofa. "I'm being careful, I swear it. I mean, never mind that Harley and I went to Blackgate Prison in Gotham to interrogate a man in a Hannible Lecter style prison cell in the basement of the place... and he was... really enamored with me I think. But still!"

She grins again and shakes her head. "We're fine though. And... I dunno, I go in to Manhattan only two or three times a week now. My bulk focus is on uploading to my Youtube channel, my website, and streaming my podcast on a bunch of sources and platforms. I get donations from my supporters on Patreon and, well, I mean, I get a lot of requests to do an OnlyFans, but... I'm not /quite/ that kinda girl."

She's talking to a stripper.

She looks at Van with wider eyes then. "Do you know what Onlyfans is? I mean, yeah, no, it's right. Anyway..." More booze sipping. "So what's your plan then, and how can I help with it?" She states with a topic-changing-grin.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"Oh, yes, familiar with it," Vanessa says and then glances April up and down. "You know you could probably triple what you make everywhere else if you did? I mean... Jesus, April. Look at you," she says, giving April a grin that definitely has some teasing in it, if quite a bit of truth too.

"Oh, plan. Was I supposed to have one of those? I figured like most of my life I'd just kind of throw things at the wall and see what stuck. Or didn't shatter at least," Vanessa says, dodging the question just a bit. Though after a moment she takes a sip of her ale and shrugs. "Back to my old life," Vanessa tells April. She was never ashamed of it before, and she doesn't seem to be now. "It's probably... where I'm more suited anyway. Can only borrow someone else's life so much before I don't know who is me and who is them," she says.

"As far as helping?" Vanessa continues. "Well, if you know any reasonably well-off people in search of entertainment? Too much? Well, I probably need to get a few new things to wear. I gave away a lot of my old stuff, thinking that life was over. Maybe you could come shopping with me. Give me your opinion?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April has to laugh and shake her head at Vanessa's words. "Now whose the bad influence on me." She chides back after the Onlyfans encouragement is sent her way. "I'll keep that under advisement too, incase it all falls apart." She says with a joking grin. "I mean, technically you could too, and it'd be safer than that club you were at..." She's worried about Van falling back in to that life, after all.

"I still need a show manager too, by the way." She grins, knowing that Van is completely against using her friends as outreach. She wants to make it on her own and that is admirable... but tough for April to accept.

"Shopping?" April asks, perking up visibly. "I'd love to. There's a bunch of great shops in Eastchester that I found recently. They got a bunch of great stuff, all varieties. Even sunglasses from like the 70s and 80s." She grins lightly. "Unless you mean, not, thrift stores. In which case, Manhattan trip? Also fun."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
A warm chuckle results from Vanessa. "I think thrift stores, or at least, the not-Manhattan priced places, are probably best," she agrees. "If you want someone to go with you in Manhattan I'll happily lend my opinion, but wouldn't be a trip I'd come back with anything," she tells April.

Vanessa reaches down, slipping her shoes off. She has on dark shorts and a short sleeve off-white blouse, both of which show she'd gotten a lot of sun while she was out on the road. "Eastchester, bit of a trip, but that might be the kind of bargains that would work," she agrees.

Another sip of her ale is taken. The weatherman comes on Channel 6 and Vanessa perks up just a little bit. "Wow, that's the weatherman?" she asks. He's rather good looking and around thirty. "What's he like in person?" she asks.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes go to the television and she stares at the WEatherman in question.

"He's a Pig." She says bluntly, the ice in her glass clinking around as she lowers it after the sip and sets it on her knee, the denim torn there to show off her knee a bit. "He's married, but that doesn't stop him from flirting with every female in the office." She states, looking over at the other again to smile grimly. "I've told him off a number of times. It's one of the reasons I'm so popular at the place. My Boss is just /so eager/ to have the two of us in her office to talk about our issues." She shakes her head side to side.

"You know my internet presence is the only thing keeping me on there, I think. My Boss knows I have a big following, which helps with ratings. But yeah..." She crosses her legs at the knees and then looks to Van again. "ARe you back on the market then? You wanna go on Tinder dates with me?" She asks with a grin. "It's like the Thrift Stores of the dating game."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
A quiet, disappointed groan is given at hearing about what the weatherman is like. "Figures. The cute ones are always like that. Well, almost always," Vanessa says, eyes drifting away for a moment off into a memory, briefly, before returning. "You probably blow up that App," Vanessa says. "If you need someone to double sometime, sure thing. You know I'll be there."

The young woman looks down at her drink, a finger tracing the rim of the glass. "Not sure how seriously I want to look for anyone right now anyway. I've got... a lot still to process. That's the way to say it right? Everything is a process these days."

Vanessa lifts the glass to her lips and takes a long drink from it. "Glad you came by. I needed this," she says, looking over to her friend and smiling to her softly. "So you and Casey aren't 'on again', I take it?"

April O'Neil has posed:
A smirk is given with regard to the app but she just lets it lay there for now before she nods softly at the bit about processing. She grins a little at the words spoken though. "It can help to think about the things you've gone through and come up with the right solutions on how to deal with what happened, and time is a heck of a course corrector. I mean... rebounds are a real thing, after breakups and such. I've noticed that here and there..."

She is taking a drink when Van mentions Casey which has her motioning toward her. "Case in point." She says of the man. She is quick to sigh then and lay her head back on the sofa's back before looking over at Van with her head back like that. "And no, we're not a thing right now. I still go over there to water his plants when he's out of town for a hockey game, or whatever, but yeah... He got pretyt weird after he hit that guy last year who didn't do anything to deserve it."

"I've told Harley that I'm one hundred percent Lou's girl now." She grins. Lou being one of the Hyenas. She raises her drink up then and takes another sip from it as she watches the tv and the C6 team on duty tonight gabbing on about stories and topics of importance in this hour!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa grins over the top of her glass of ale. "Probably less likely to give you fleas, too," she says, turning the grin over towards April.

The young woman relaxes back in the couch, enjoying the beverage which has cooled considerably thanks to the glass full of ice. "Maybe that's what I need, a rebound. Someone meaningless and... ah, that's pretty much described most of the guys I've dated though," she says, adding a wry smirk at the end.

"You'd look so good behind that desk," Vanessa says of the news show. "Or not there. A national network. Seriously you got the goods. The smarts, the charisma, the looks. If you wanted to go that route, I wouldn't bet against you," Vanessa says.

She climbs to her feet, downing another big swallow and then setting her glass on the coffee table as she heads into the bathroom. The sound of water running and splashing soon ensues, like Vanessa is washing her face. "Doing anything for dinner tonight? I have an old coupon for Gatto's Pizza I was going to see if they'd take. It doesn't have an expiration date but it looks like it's 20 years old, if you want to hang out and get a pie with me."

April O'Neil has posed:
April grisn at the fleas comment but looks over at Van at the selection of partners self deprecating jab. "Hey, I'm not batting much better averages than that myself." She does a sports reference, thanks Casey.

At the talk of the News desk April shakes her head softly. "I thought that's what I wanted when I was little and watched the News. I thought I was watching adults telling you their true stories and true opinions, but that's not what the News is. Not Not the..." She motions at the TV. "They're working for advertisers, for other people. Just reading a teleprompter written by other people They're drones. II know first hand, I've been doing pick up spots behind the desk the past few months. It's mind numbing work, it's why there's so many funny Blooper videos online. Because when you're... one of those people... you're just a shell of a person."

"Being my own indie reporter is the way of the future. I answer to nobody... really, except Youtube, I guess. But it's not anything like..." She points to the tv.

When Van is up and off, she's standing too and looking after her. "I'm here for that very purpose." She says with a grin to her friend. "To bother you until you throw me out. It's a free night! I invited Harley too, but I think she's out and busy... so, you don't have to worry." She snickers there-after.