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Latest revision as of 13:52, 23 July 2021

Making a house call to check on the good Doctor.
Date of Scene: 22 July 2021
Location: Robert Marksman's Penthouse #1
Synopsis: Doc Robert's alright, but Mystique, Clarice and Lydia aren't...
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman has returned home after the incident with the Golem. He took time to make sure no one was hurt in the area and if so he gave them medical care. He no longer has the trip home since he is has moved to the penthouse of the hotel. Most of his things are still in boxes at least in the rooms they are supposed to be. The furniture is set up though. He has taken a shower, and is sitting around the house in shorts and a t-shirt while he unpacks things. He is still oddly enough wearing his sunglasses.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
After taking her leave with Lydia, long enough to let the police do whatever it was they were going to do, and then leave, she returned to the area as a lovely Latino to find Clarice and ensure she was still breathing, but at that moment she couldn't be the supportive mentor she needed to be.

Livid doesn't begin to describe Mystique's mind, but the anger is kept in check so she can assess the damages. She moves through the area making notes of repairs that will need to be done. This is her cool down time, her time to not go off an punch her own people, her 'me' time after a fight. If Clarice stuck around, that was fine, but she needed that time to get all the correct emotions back into the boxes.

With that done, emotions boxes and list made, she heads toward the hotel. She had no idea who the others were, except perhaps Wade, it was to Robert's new digs she was headed to check on the good doctor. She had no clue if he had experience in that kind of fighting before, so she wanted to make sure he was alright and knew he didn't have to deal with the aftermath in his own mind alone.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice made herself scarce in the aftermath of the fight. If she'd been able to teleport away - she would have.
    Of course, if she'd been able to teleport away - she wouldn't be in such a charged, frightened, and even angry state. So instead, she was down a short alley and around the corner of a building where a small plot of land had been left to go fallow. She'd been thinking they could turn it into a community garden, but for now? It was just a quiet, empty space out of the sight of most prying eyes where she could sit, legs pulled up to her chest, and try to calm the hammering of her heart in her chest.
    When the latino woman tracks her down, she lifts her head to gaze at her uncertainly, her posture going tense - until the eyes flash a particularly recognizable shade of amber at her for a moment. She offers a nod of recognition, but doesn't follow. Not yet. Probably for the best, given her rather recognizeable features and the sheer number of police that must be patroling the neighborhood.
    It's only when enough time has passed to gather her thoughts - and for most of the police to leave the area - that she finally re-emerges, taking her place wordlessly beside Mystique before the pair approach the hotel.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is told someone is here to see him, and the ladies are shown to a priority elevator. The attendant takes them all the way to the top. Robert takes the time to put his hair up, figuring he could throw on some jeans, but he is decent enough. They find a door to the penthouse of the hotel. As they come towards the door, the door opens, and there is Robert "Hello, ladies, all ok?" He asks them.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
By the time they reach the top floor, Clarice has gotten a hug from Mystique, the camera got flipped off and a 'kiss my butt' gesture her tapping her lips then patting her rump and then the elevator doors open. Sometimes it was the little thing that made the normally blue mutant laugh.

"That's what I was going to ask you," she offers, using her own voice though not her face. The only two things that indicate her as Mystique is the eyes, she left them amber, and her voice, other wise she's a J. Lopez knock off. "I wanted to make sure you were alright, and to personally thank you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The hug is briefly returned, though Clarice doesn't make any rude gestures in the direction of the camera. After all - Robert and his newly acquired staff have done nothing to earn her annoyance. "We're both fine," she answers quietly - a small smile appearing on her lips as Robert opens the door. "I hope we're not intruding - umm, I know you haven't had time to settle in quite yet," she remarks. ...there were just //so many// boxes. Why did he have so much //stuff//? She still didn't get it.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman was a rich kid and is now a rich guy so yea, there are a lot of boxes. He motions the ladies in and says "I had some folks come in and put the furniture in place, and set the kitchen up, but I planned on setting the rest of the place up." He tells them. He motions towards the couch "Have a seat, and yea I am ok, I have done the hero thing a few times, and when I am armored up, I am mostly bullet proof."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique's lips turn up in a slight smirk, "Hero thing... I've done the hero thing..." she half chuckles, walking over to the couch but she's not ready to sit yet. "You realize you were recorded right? That you're on the internet already, and likely will be on the news?" She is keeping herself in check, keeping her anger locked up. It's not Robert or Clarice she's angry with, so no need to take it out on them.

"The choice was just made for you I'm afraid, so are you sure your alright?" She isn't being nosy, but she is sort of wandering the boxes because she just can't sit, not yet, too worked up. "Wanted you to know you aren't alone, unless you want to be."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice drops onto the couch - pulling one of her legs up to her chest, and resting her chin on it casually. She watches Mystique pace around the room wordlessly for a moment. She knows enough to recognize the signs of pent-up frustration, and she rightly assumes she's going to be in for it later. She'd disobeyed an order.
    And given that she would have been killed if not for that golem? It's not like she can really argue against the call Mystique had made. Maybe she really had no business at all being anywhere near a fight until her powers are back. Her instincts are just all wrong. "Robert. I know you just moved in and all - but you got anything to drink?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, to Clarice, and says "Sure, what would you like, I got most everything." He jokes and says "Want something?" to Mystique. When they answer him, he will go to get or make their drinks, and says "Well, I split off from the company earlier today. My brother and I had a big argument" He makes finger quotations around argument "Over me buying all the stuff out here. So he bought me out and I put most of money here and into a few other places. I planned on coming out soon, he will show some tests to prove he is human." again the air quotes "But he is going to make some charity donations to charities that help human and mutant causes both to show he is not against mutants.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has had a big day, and after dropping off Mystique she had to go and sit on a roof somewhere and stop herself from shaking. There was ... so much that happened. Thankfully the only people who got hurt were their assailants, and the golem she created performed perfectly, protecting those who it could.

Once she gets herself under control she spends a few moments tracking down her golem to see how it was handling. Upon inspection, the bullets that it took did little more than cosmetic damage. She takes a moment to dig out the bullets, placing them in her pockets to be disposed of at a later date.

She was then going to hunt down where Mystique went. She had the sense that she was angry at her, and wanted to talk to her, but found that they had gone to Robert's place, so that's where she was headed. It isn't too long before she finds herself at the door, knocking on it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique announced over the Brotherhood comm where she was headed, mostly so the teleporters would know where to look for her if there was a sudden need for her to be somewhere else... she doesn't normally tell people where she's headed, but some things change as life changes.

From Robert she asks for just a soda, preferably coke, but anything except pepsi would work. Alcohol was a bad idea when locking away that much anger, so she'll stick to the plain stuff. "You realize I doctor documents all the time, right? It's part of how I have so many IDs, that all are legal to be honest. If you need help with this argument," air quotes. "and human reports and the like, let me know... but I'd really like to know, why the hell does it matter? Why keep hiding at all?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice asks for a cognac - she's grown rather fond of the stuff, and she's grown accustomed to sipping it and not just knocking them back. She doesn't want to overdrink, just at the moment.
    "Honestly, the world would be a better place if fewer of us hid it," Clarice remarks. "If more people knew that their cousin, or aunt, or brother was a mutant. That their teacher was a mutant, or their senator, or even their favorite barista at one of those fancy coffee shops." She lets out a sigh of frustration. "I think 'passing' for human is a mistake. We should be proud of who we are - we should tell the world that."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will answer the door after serving the drinks and yea he has coke, and pepsi both, but he drinks mostly Dr. Pepper. He lets Lydia in "Come in have a seat, would you like something to drink?" He offers. He looks over to Mystique, and says "Honestly mostly money, and somewhat to help people. Our company does electronics, and cybernetics. If it came out that we were owned by mutants, would be a huge rock to the company, it may survive, it may not. I think probably would but would loose about half it's value. Also some places would not order from buy our products any more. Which while I do enjoy the benefits of lots of money." He motions around the place. "We also use it to help people, mutants and humans. Even before I bought up Miss Frost's assets I hade put a lot of money into the area, not just the clinic but also trying to get apartments up to code and infrastructure repairs after the whole shrinking thing. If we keep the business seeming neutral it will have a larger costumer base, and allow us to do more."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Hi!" Lydia says, looking sheepish. "I heard that Mystique and Clarice were over and I kind of just invited myself over, if that's okay." She follows Robert in, and shakes her head. "Nothing for me. I'm fine, thanks." Then she makes her way towards the couch and sits on it. She can't bring to meet Mystiques eyes, knowing that she probably screwed up somewhere but... it's not something to be brought up in mixed company.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique accepts the coke, can, bottle, in a glass she doesn't care. She has managed to wonder over by a window to look at the view as Robert explains, but the answer is like a punch in the gut. She's grateful to be looking out the window when she hears it... money. The answer was money.

There were probably twelve million responses she could offer to that, not one of them being very nice things to say, so she takes a sip of the coke and turns as Lydia enters. The woman gets a smile, a real smile, glad to see her even if she is on the list of people who will be getting talked to... that's later however, right now she is processing the fact that being normal makes more money and some how, that is a good thing.

Making her way back toward the couch, she does her best to catch Clarice's eyes just to see how she seems about what he just said then decides she will let the girlfriend have the say and maybe comment later. For now she will sit down by Lydia, offer her coke toward the woman for a drink if she wants one and a soft, "Glad you came by."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    When Lydia opens, Clarice looks up to watch her crossing the room then - as she approaches the couch - sets down her cognac and rises to her feet. There's a momentary hesitation, before abruptly she's hugging the other woman wordlessly - blinking back tears that begin to gather in her eyes. She holds in a few moments more - then abruptly releases Lydia, before sinking back into her seat, and retrieving her glass.
    Nothing to see here. Honest.
    It takes her a moment to realize Mystique is looking her way and she clears her throat, taking a sip from her glass, and trying to gather her thoughts. "The company's already successful - has been for how long? I hate that it's harder for new, mutant-owned ventures to get funding, but you really think the company would tank like that?" She shakes her head. Just the idea is... disgusting.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to her, and to Clarice, and says "My grandfather started it, my dad inherited it from him, and us from my father when he passed." He looks to her, and says "With the current concerns about mutants, we would probably loose about 20-30% of the value in the US, and in some of the over seas 10-50% depending on the particular company. Doing it this way, the company stays well, we don't have to let go of people, and in six months to a year, my brother and I can possibly have a heart to heart, him still owning the company but moving some jobs to this area, as a attempt to make amends with me. Will still possibly drop value some, but we have a few projects in the works that should end up keeping us about where we are then. And all the while, I am open to put in time and effort into helping out around Bushwick. The young doctor, putting the good of Bushwick first which should be able to generate some good PR for the area. Possibly even bringing some other jobs to the area, as some of our competition will be trying to woo me to work for them. Having a mutant who has a proven record with high tech working for you is not the same hit as a mutant owned business.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia freezes up at the sudden hug, at first. It's more surprise than anything else, but she quickly warms to it and hugs Clarice back. "Thank you," she says quietly to her. When Mystique joins her and smiles at her she lets out a breath and smiles back. "I don't think I could be by myself right now," she admits. "It... those kinds of things are stressful. I don't know how you keep it together." She shakes her head. "All those guns. It's a miracle that nobody got hurt."

"It's frustrating, but he's right. When I came out as a mutant, some of my fathers clients left for other lawyers, and there were some circles that shunned my parents just for /having/ me. The only place that never really changed was the Hellfire Club and now that I know that Emma is a mutant... well... it all makes sense."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique closes her eyes for a moment, taking a drink of her coke before resting it on her leg. So many things she could say, so, so many. She was trying not to, in fact she was visibly struggling to bite her tongue and play nice. A hundred and twenty years of fighting for mutant rights comes down to losing some money.

Opening her eyes she just glances toward Robert for a moment, then back over to Lydia and still, some how, she says nothing.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It was because of the golem that no one got hurt," Clarice says quietly, but simply, her gaze on her cognac. "I screwed up." Badly. "The golem covered for me. Thank you, Lydia." She takes another sip from her drink, then sets it back down without commenting further for the moment.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman find a seat in a chair, that is probably his favorite as he leans back and says "Ok, I can see you disagree with the decision that was made." He looks over to Mystique. "Go ahead and let me know what your thinking." He sits back, and waits expecting quite a bit of something from her.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia just shrugs apologetically at Mystique. "People are assholes," she says concludes. She just doesn't know what else to say. "People are assholes and rich people only care about their money. It shouldn't matter, but it does, and only cowards try to hide who they are." She's sure that Mystique knows all this, but Robert... she's only met Robert a couple of times, so if she hurts his feelings then.... oh well.

She gives Clarice a soft smile and says, "That's what the golem is for. It's why I built it so big, so that it could shield people if it needed to. I'm glad it was able to protect you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique blinks once, then slowly looks over at Robert. "It doesn't matter if I agree or disagree, it's not my life, but you asked so here it is." She takes a deep breath, trying to be calm even if she isn't. "It's not my life, no... my life was spent fighting for the rights of mutants to even own a business, but hey, let's make sure when you do, no one knows cause that's how my make more money. In fact, let's take it one step further and ensure our 'human'," air quotes. "brother is shocked and angry that you're a mutant, let's announce that all over the world in the news, oh that'll be just grand and only set mutant kind back a few generations of hard laber! More money, more money, more money cause that's what matters... fuck the mutants that got you there, you can always buy em something nice, right?"

She shifts her eyes to Lydia for a moment, then looks back to Robert. "You do you Robert, but she's right, you're a fucking coward. Money doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm literally /rolling/ in money, but I'm still out there, announcing to the world who I am, /what/ I am, risking arrest. Clarice, what the fuck do you see in this guy?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice listens to the tirade impassively - probably because she's heard it a couple dozen times before. And it isn't even like she particularly disagrees. She picks up her cognac - she only //just// set it down, too - forcing herself to take another little sip without commenting yet, before finally looking towards Mystique. "Well. Revolutionaries aren't born - they're created. It takes time, yeah?"
    She lets out a sigh - tired, frustrated, and honestly - filled with a different sort of anger. It hasn't been her afternoon, and she's not sure she's in the right head space for this sort of shit right now.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look over to Mystique and says "Yea, I'm the coward, cause I am the one who is announcing who I am to the world. My Brother is not upset I am a mutant, he is upset, I dropped the money into the area without talking to him about it. We are working to make sure the split is over an argument, but not over me being a mutant. Yes, we are playing the game to keep the money coming in, but lets see how many mutants do we know who can openly buy up places like here, and the apartments here that need money put in them to get them up to code. You may have money, and maybe some id that could help do this. But I am putting myself on the line to help these people here and trying to find ways to help them lift themselves up. You may think me a coward, but so you realize, I did not have to come out with being a mutant, I did not have to put my money into this community, I did not have to put my time and blood into the clinic for the past year. I could have stayed in the rich side of town, I could get contacts that hide my eyes. I could have not came to make sure people were safe during the fight tonight. I could have refused to have anything to do with neighborhood watch because of the actions of multiple people associated with it, but I did not. I stepped forward to help the people, I put my money, my reputation, my blood, and according to Clarice my freedom all on the line to help here, and try to do the right thing. But yea cause I am letting my brother hide he is a mutant, which you yourself offered to help with, I am a coward.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia winces as Mystique goes off. She knew /she/ was being harsh but Mystique was positively savage. She almost felt bad for the guy. She looks at Clarice when she says her bit about revolutionaries and looks like she's about to say something, but thinks better of it when Mystique turns her anger on her.

She reaches out to place a hand in Mystiques. "Go easy on her" she pleads, voice quiet "Please. Just... /look/ at her. She's still shaken up. We should talk to her about it tomorrow."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique offers a huge smile, teeth showing even. "You asked, but I did start it with what I think doesn't mean shit. I don't have to agree or disagree, and still be willing to help you Robert and your brother because you /are/ family to me. See, that's what people don't see to get. We don't have to agree, we don't have to like each other or what other mutants do, but we /do/ have to stick together, work together and make it better for all of us."

She lays her hand on Clarice shoulder, for a moment longer looking at Robert, then her eyes shift to Clarice. "You want to go home now? I wanted to check on him, I checked on him, he's fine and got it figured out. None of this is on you, hope you realize that."

Now her attention shifts to Lydia, "This has nothing to do with her, save for choice of a date, but that's her choice to make, not mine. Hell, what I think or say doesn't mean shit, it's just my opinion, which can be ignored if so chosen to be. He asked, so I answered, that's it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No one's a coward," Clarice answers quietly. "We just have different ways of looking at the world. It's... complicated. Ultimately, though - in the long run? I think our people are better served if //everyone// who's a mutant stands up and says so." But that'll never happen. She knows that.
    She finishes off the cognac, looking to Mystique and Lydia with a tight, but grateful smile. "I'm alright." Well. Alright-ish.
    She gestures around the room before she adds, "None of //this// is on me, but I- I screwed up today. You were right to tell me to stay to the edges of the fight. To order me clear. My instinct's to rely on powers that aren't there right now - and it almost got me killed. I'm sorry."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the ladies, and says "Well, I wish you well, and as I told Clarice earlier if any of the neighborhood watch needs a place to stay here in town let me know, having a few rooms set aside for them. If any of you want one as well let me know. I plan on trying to bring up the neighborhood, I have a few ideas I am going to be looking into putting into effect. Your ideas on the safest spot in town would be appreciated as I am wanting to add something for the kids and would like it as secure as we can make it.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia lets out a sigh and nods, leaning back into the couch. She still looks uncomfortable at the kind of hostility being on display here, but for now she keeps quiet.

But Clarice gets a sympathetic smile. "It's okay. I screwed up too. I.. I panicked. But that's something we should talk about later." When emotions aren't so high.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Fuck everything else in the room. Mystique wraps her arms around Clarice, pulls her in very close and holds her there, unless Clarice does other wise or doesn't want the hug, but she most certain is going to try.

"It's alright Clarice," she comments softly, the anger just gone or so hidden it may as well be. "I know it's hard for you to accept that I might know what I'm talking about when I give orders, you think I'm being over protective and willing to risk myself over others, but that's not the whole picture. Sometimes you have to issue orders you don't want to give because they are actually the right thing to do. You learned that today. I know your capable even without your powers, but you can't make yourself a target while you don't have them."
ncharacteristically, she placed a kiss on the top of Clarice's head then whispers quietly in her ear, "You did good, until you stopped listening, but you get it, so no more needs to be said about it, alright?"

She lifts her eyes to look at Robert, "You really want to help? Turn this place into apartments, put your medical clinic here where it the structure is good enough to withstand attacks, put a school in here. Emma wanted to make money off the backs of the mutants here, let's make this place something to generate money /and/ help the community, if you're willing Robert." She takes a slow breath then lets it out. "Listen, I'm sorry I'm a bitch, I'm sorry I called you a coward. It's a hard fight, and it's been a shitty day. How about we meet tomorrow and go over all the things you want regarding the neighborhood, safe places, etc. That sound like a plan?"

Reaching back, she takes one of Lyciw's hand, leaving the other arm around Clarice. "No one is perfect, no matter how fine I can make myself look." Yeah, she's trying a joke.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The gesture from Mystique isn't immediately expected - and for a moment Clarice stiffens, before finally leaning in towards her mentor, her eyes closing for a moment. It isn't alright, she wants to argue back. There were so many ways things could have gone wrong today...
    "Let's just go back to the asteroid," she suggests. "I need to- I don't know. Maybe have another training session before I turn in." It's punch something, or get drunk. Looking towards Robert, she gives him an apologetic smile, adding a simple, "Thanks for backing us up today," before the three women will make their way out of his apartment.
    It's been a long day.