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Latest revision as of 21:11, 23 July 2021

Visit to College
Date of Scene: 23 July 2021
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Conner shows Monet the ESU campus and they have lunch together. No supervillains were punched in this log. We will fix that in the next one.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Monet St. Croix

Conner Kent has posed:
Summer semester is slow. Not just the classes, but also the whole college life. It means Conner is bored, which is never a good thing (just ask Tim). There was a bit of excitement during the weekend, in Mexico. And he managed to lose his third Starkphone in a year, thanks to a supervillain with a lot of artillery.

This time he had remembered to upload the database into the cloud, though. So he didn't lose Monet's phone number. Or any other phone number from... well, lets say he quite good at getting phone numbers from women. But some are more interesting than others. He doesn't know that many that can fly and are invulnerable, and superheroes.

So. Would she want to go to the movies? No? What about just some coffee? No? The beach? No. He offered to show her the ESU campus, and that got him a maybe.

Now Conner already had the faint idea Monet might not be the kind of girl he would generally attempt to date. But he barely knows her. At the very least talking to another crime-fighter is rarely dull.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
ESU being one of the colleges in the tri-state area, Monet actually welcomes the invitation. The maybe was more to not seem eager but it was said. Does she rush, no because there is no emergency here.

Leaving the pool Monet goes to her room and changes out of the bikini into a proper outfit for an outing to visit a school: black capri pants and an Oxford grey t-shirt emblazoned by the crest of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Once dressed, its a quick flight to the neighborhood in which the university can be found and then she leisurely walks to the arranged for meeting place.

Conner Kent has posed:
The Empire State University is not as prestigious as Columbia or Harvard, but it is still ranked around the 20 to 25 position among the best of the U.S. by most rankings. Not very large, not really high-tech looking (nothing like the Metropolis university) but it is in Greenwich Village, and it manages to feel like a place of learning.

Conner waves to Monet from a corner of the central square, near the art school. Despite the summer heat, he is wearing a leather jacket. A new one. But otherwise he looks like most of the young students lazing around between classes or just sitting around on the grass, usually at some shade, often with their tablets or laptops.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Returning the wave as she approaches, Monet greets Conner with a pleasant, "Bonne apres-midi," (Good afternoon in French) and highly European gesture of a hug and a quick peck on each of Conner's cheeks.

Glancing around the area she gives a friendly smile before saying, "Thanks for inviting me out, I've been researching schools as I'm looking to continue my education. May come down to how many credits the school will allow me to test for of course though." She then asks, "How have you been, Conner?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner grins at the young woman and is obviously surprised by the hug and pecks. Right, she is French. "Good to see you again. And, er... well, the ESU is a good place to be. Better I expected. But I have had a weird life, so I wasn't sure what to expect." Beat, "see? Aliens have not attacked the campus. So far."

"I have been well, a little action here and there," he comments, nonchalantly. "Some work here, but not much, I couldn't take any important course during the summer. But the credits will help, eventually. I am just in my second year." He shrugs. "Are you in college already? Or looking to start somewhere?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monegasque or Monacan if one is being totally precise but the distinction is lost of anyone who isn't from Monaco or France. She sees the surprise but doesn't acknowledge it as to either not call it out or to just dismiss it. A faint smile of recognizition and acquiescence about the lack of alien attacks is then given as Superboy answers her question.

"I've a degree but not a full bacheloriate," Monet starts her reply. After a moment's pause she says, "Associate's? Yes, that's the term," and then resumes, "Got that at a private school in Westchester," she very slighlty gestures at her shirt even as she continues speaking, "I've taken some years for myself and family but want to get back to studying."

Conner Kent has posed:
The name 'Xaviers' is somewhat familiar to Conner, but doesn't ring a bell right away. Maybe he will google for it later. "Well, I can show you the campus. I like it here. When I was looking for a college, I checked a few in Metro and here. This was actually the most... hmm... I don't know. It felt more friendly. I had been living in Hawaii and I needed to try something new."

That is where he pauses. Then he grins. "As I said, my life has been a little strange. I wanted to try some normality and this has been great. Usually there are a lot of things to do here, besides studying. I am in a journalism major. What would you like to learn?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"I haven't decided," Monet says as her immediate reply. However then she begins a litany, "Criminology, possibly pre-law, or maybe pre-med... the sciences in general have an appeal, especially astrophysics and cosmology. Might just end up pursuing multiple degrees."

This is said without any sense of her bragging but it does imply something about her thoughts on her capabilities. Then, smiling, she says, "Hawaii, that's interesting," and then asks, "What drew you to journalism?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"The ESU has a very good reputation for chemistry and biology," mentions Conner, hearing Monet's varied list of interests. "That is the sciences hall," the only one made of glass and steel, clearly more modern than the brick buildings around it.

The reasons why he is interested in journalism, well. He loses his smile briefly. "I... have multiple reasons. I feel that someone needs to tell the people the truth, not just what they want to hear, and investigate matters no one else investigates because they are not getting paid for it. Besides, knowing the news before the bad guys know is going to be pretty useful for my other career."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"Its a wonder more people pursuing our other career aren't active journalists then," Monet says idly as she looks around at the buildings, especially the indicated Sciences Hall. Then, speaking about herself in regards to Conner's stated motivations, she says, "I guess that I'm just not as generous in my views, I really just want to be able to understand things better than I already do."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I think there are many detectives, and a lot of soldiers," comments Conner regarding the careers of those with 'other' careers. "And... actually, a good numbers of scientists." With an alarming tendency to mad SCIENCE! Too.

"At least among my friends, hmm..." he makes a brief recount. Amazons count as soldiers? Probably! "Yeah, lots of detectives. Maybe because I hang out at Gotham too much," he grins.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Nodding along with the statements made, Monet says, "I've heard that there's a number of those on the other side of the equasion as well." Then that genius level deductive reasoning kicks in and she leans in close and asks, "Do you know /Batman/?" with a sense of awe that shows that she's heard just enough about the Dark Knight of Gotham to be impressed bout likely knows of him more as myth than reality.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hmhmms about the other side. So many crazy scientists there. Then Monet asks about Batman and Conner winces. "Uh, he is... yeah, he is... err," he gives Monet a side glance. "I have seen him a couple times," and been glared by him a few more. "He is spooky and... not very friendly. Short of like a grumpy ninja."

That is going to be his definition for Batman from now on: grumpy ninja.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
After descretely mouthing 'grumpy ninja' back at Conner, Monet looses a pleasant peal of laughter. That said, its not like she doesn't know superheroes herself and so she says, "That kind of meshes with his public image so..." nodding, "Makes perfect sense."

"Did you want to do anything other than show me around campus, Conner?" she asks, inviting a change of subject (obviously for his benefit).

Conner Kent has posed:
That is a loaded question. Doubly so coming from a telepath. "Sure, anything. Hmm, maybe lunch after we finish the basic tour?" He offers. He knows almost all the restaurants in the area. Unfortunately, he is very much an American teen in his tastes on food. "All my other ideas are still on the table in the case you changed your mind, by the way."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Telepath, yes. Reading the mind of everyone she interacts with, no. Lucikly none of this was discussed as Monet wouldn't take favoriably to such an acquisition!

"Lunch works, I do have to eat sometime," Monet replies with a hint of non-agressive snark in her French-accented English. "Where would you like to go?" she asks curiously.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, I don't... but food is tasty," replies Conner, grinning. Wait, where do you take a girl like Monet for lunch? Well, fortunately Conner is in New York. Plenty of good restaurants that are not just burger joints. And there is a good Italian one close by (there is always a good Italian restaurant close by when in New York).

It takes about ten seconds for him to think about it. "I think I know the best place," he offers. "Do you like pizza? Or pasta?" He points ahead, "just three blocks from here."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"Sure," Monet says with a smile. There's no lack of kindness but she grew up on the French Riveria, a land that has been invaded by the French when it was Italian and Italy when it was French; this leads to a twinkle in her eye that could just be viewed as suppressed laughter. "Do you have a favorite place you'd like to go to?" she asks, seemingly choosing her words carefully as she avoids implying any additional details.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I do have a good place in mind," confirms Conner, guiding Monet off campus and close to the Sixth Avenue. There is a semi-hidden restaurant there, close to a church, surrounded by greenery. It is larger than it looks, and safety shaded from the July's sun. Conner talks briefly with a waiter and they are guided to a table close to the windows. "Can't say I am a regular, but I have been here a couple times and the food is great," he comments.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The resturant has a provincial feel and this elicits a broad smile as Monet seems to feel more at home here than other parts of New York. She gracefully lowers into the seat across from Conner and, after the waiter steps away to let them review the menu, quietly asks, "You said you don't have to eat...? Is that normal for...?" she trails off, not wanting to say alien outloud nor wanting to impose her telepathy on him without permission. Instead she picks up the menu and says, "I'm sure the food will be excellent with such an authentic atmosphere," as a way of deflecting her attempt to pry into his privacy.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I guess solar energy replaces it," replies Conner, not particularly secretive about his abilities. "Even breathing, at least for a couple hours." He shrugs. Don't ask about Kryptonian biology, it doesn't make sense as humans understand biology.

"What about you? What is the secret about your superpowers?" He asks, curious. "Are you half-alien? Maybe magical?" He tosses in the most unlikely possibilities first, because it is fun.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet glances around for a moment and says, "No, I'm neither of those," and then shifts demeanor into an obvious (hopefully only to Conner) vapid laugh as the waiter approaches again.

"Do you know what you want to order yet?" the server asks.

"I do," Monet answers the stranger while looking at Conner.

At the same time that she speaks, Monet's mental voice is heard by Superboy as she projects **I am a mutant** into his mind.

"Do you need any more time, sir?" the waiter asks Conner a moment later, oblivious of the telepathic comment made in front of him.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Sure, I want..." Conner checks the menu, pointing to a pizza that seems to have everything. **That was my third choice** he projects to Monet. No. It really wasn't, because he had not even thought much about it. He doesn't care if Monet was an alien, a robot or a mutant.

He leans back, to wait for the girl to make her choice and the waiter to leave. "We have a few mutants in my team. Er... secret team. Can't tell you much about it, ´cause Gotham. And bats. I doubt you have heard about us."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Its impossible to lie telepathically so in addition to the intentional thought she picks up the rest and laughs slightly, no where near as vapidly as the false one she put on a few moments ago. As he orders she nods, seeming to appreciate his choice.

Monet turns to the waiter and asks, "Is your ricotta gnocchi made fresh daily?" waiting for an acknowledgment before ordering the ricotta gnocchi dish which comes with asparagus and prosciutto in a creamy Parmesan sauce. As an aside to Conner she comments, "We'll see how well they prepare this dish," in a conspiratorial tone.

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is going to be good," assures Conner, quite sure of the New Yorkers ability to cook Italian food better than native Italians. Not that he has ever been in Italy. "So, what else should I know about you? Why did you come to study in a private school in the US, for instance? I know there are many good ones in Europe, and American education before college doesn't have a very good reputation there, does it?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"I had... special needs that the faculty had experience in dealing with," Monet explains. "Plus, its a private school, nothing like the public schools, and my father has an association with the original headmaster."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks confused about the special needs bit. Because she is a mutant? But she looks completely normal. Better than normal. He is curious, but maybe to pry too much would be rude. "I guess it is true, when parents had enough money..." he hmms softly. Money for a better education, an American deal.

That is a bit unfair, since it happens most everywhere on Earth. Not to him, since his first high school was a VR sim. The other one got blown up by aliens. Besides Monet said 'special needs'.

He shakes his head. "Did you like the ESU campus?" He asks, changing the subject somewhat. "I admit I didn't give a full tour, plus I am not really up to date on what they have going in all the faculties."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet nods about the money comment. Its not like she's ever truly wanted for anything and she knows it. An advantage she has over the average citizen of this third rock from Sol that goes far beyond her powers.

She did say special needs, yes she did. She's also not going to elaborate on them as they are related to the trauma she experienced at the hands of her brother.

Ah, a question she's more interested in discussing: the campus. "There is some beauty in the architecture of the campus. Very modern..." She's from Europe where there are colleges that measure their age in multiple centuries as opposed to most of those in the United States that are at most a century or two old, "... especially the Sciences Hall we passed earlier."

At this point the waitress returns with their dishes and drinks.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Heh, it looks positively medieval compared to what they have in the Metro University," remarks Conner. "Everything there seems... well, what other cities will be in fifty years. But well, I prefer New York. It has something," which he is not sure he can define. "Well, you have been in this area and decided to return, yes? I guess you also know Metro and Gotham?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"I've visited them during my personal travels after graduating," Monet replies after thanking the waitress in flawless Italian. She then says, "I haven't had the opportunity to visit Hawaii or any of the other island nations in the Pacific however, so you have that on me, Conner."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, I have barely been in Europe. And I think every time was to fight some bad guy," replies Conner, grinning, just as the waiter leaves hearing range. "Hawaii is a fantastic place to visit or live in for a few years, though."

He has a pizza, so he takes a pause to begin eating. "How fast can you fly? Because maybe I could show you the place better than any guide." He offers. "Not today, I guess. But maybe next week?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet nods to acknowledge Conner's comments about Europe and Hawaii while she eats some of her pasta dish. After finishing her first bite she says, "It's not bad, could use a bit lighter touch on the tomatos and a bit more garlic, but it's definately not bad," before continuing to eat a few more bites.

*I can reach supersonic speeds and can make a flight to Europe,* Monet's mental voice is heard by Conner. *I don't know that I could go straight from here to Hawaii. Perhaps a stop in Southern California first?*

After the brief telepathic comments she verbally asks, "How is the pizza?" while at the same time asking *How fast can /you/ go?* mentally.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Ah, it is great; want a slice?" he has no wise culinary analysis. Conner likes tasty food, which he doesn't need, and he can't be left alone in the kitchen ten minutes without causing some kind of safety hazard.

"Speed, hmm," that is not a simple question. **Parabolic trajectory avoiding atmosphere? I can be in Hawaii in twenty minutes. Otherwise about ninety minutes, so around Match 5 because is risky to go faster, even with my reflexes**

"I guess it is too far for a quick visit," he admits. "Well, maybe some day."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"Sure," Monet responds to the offer of pizza while indicating the utincles left on the table near him as she adds, "If you'd like a taste of my pasta you're welcome to as well," before reaching out and taking a slice of the pizza as she was invited after all.

*So, faster than me,* she thiinks at him without any malice or judgementalness to her mental tone, *Not even sure if I could survive that to be honest.*

Following her first bite of the pizza, Monet makes an appreciative sound regarding the blend of beef, bacon, olives and other veggies, and a quartet of cheeses on the slice.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shrugs. He is pretty fast, but compared to Impulse or Power Girl he feels about average in that area. At best. **You are telepathic, though. I have a friend that is also telepathic, superstrong and can fly. But she is from Mars!**

The offer to try the pasta is accepted. And he nods in approval. Maybe next time he will order it. Although that would mean no pizza. It will require willpower.

"What else should I know about you? Anything you want me to know?" He asks out loud. Telepathic conversations, although he can handle them better than most non-telepaths, are not his first choice. Not his native language.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Mars. On that word Monet stops mid-chew to stare at Conner. Lots of aliens cropping up all at once apparently. "Need?" she asks before saying, "I can't think of anything that you'd need to know." She finishes her slize of pizza and says, "I guess you aught to know that I'm not actually French, I'm from Monaco."

Yeah, small nation-state, a city that exists within France on the Mediterranean as part of the region known as the French Riviera (or the Cote d'Azur in french).

"I'm not as picky about it as all of my country-men and -women," she explains also despite the way she said it seemed to imply that it is pretty important for her.

Conner Kent has posed:
It takes Conner a few seconds to remember where exactly is Monaco. He is good with geography, but that country is basically a small town and it makes Latveria look huge. "Well, that is interesting," he admits, "I bet you get asked quite a bit about your country. I vaguely remember there was a famous car race there. Monte Carlo rally? Hmm. And you have a king, right?"

It sounds pretty interesting for an American boy perspective. Which Conner -mostly- qualifies.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet manages to keep her smile from being overtly condescending as she responds to the king question. "We're a Principality not a Kingdom. So we have a Prince, not a king," she explains with a tone that shows she forgives his ignorance on the subject. (He is /just/ an American after all, right?)

Conner Kent has posed:
Same difference? Well, Conner doesn't voice it, but for his expression (before he gets more pizza) princes, kings, barons and dukes sound all the same. "You are gonna have to explain me the difference," he decides. Besides, the (would be) reporter in him wants to learn about this mini-country. "Yes? Tell me about Monaco, please," he asks.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Though the rest of dinner Monet explains some of the history of Monaco (and the French Riveria along with it), the gambling history of the country (including that citizens aren't allowed to gamble, only the tourists), and yes, she does give a basic primer about the difference between a Kingdom vs Principality (which boils down to the former being ruled by a king).