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Latest revision as of 04:15, 28 July 2021

The Interview
Date of Scene: 27 July 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: June has a job. Thomas has someone to make burger runs and kill people.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Thomas Blake

June Connor has posed:
    Yesterday, June met an odd fugitive who recommended that she find people she can trust. Problem is, she doesn't have any of those. But, that said, many gangs can be tightly knit, and so she started looking for a group that may protect her, or at least make her too much trouble to be a priority target for the Hand's political turmoil. Which led her to the Catman. His obsession with felines doesn't fill her with confidence, but she heard he was looking for more muscle, and even though she's a diminuitive 5'3", she was actually trained as a ninja by the Hand.

    She comes to the late night meeting alone, a backpack over her shoulders and a fanny pack on her hips. Her half-shaved head hangs slightly greasy bright red hair, her black Strokes T-shirt short enough to share a good bit of her midriff, which is pierced to match her eyebrow and ears. Her legs are covered in shredded black jeans, and she's a few minutes late. Two to be exact.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake was early. He sniffs the air as he waits sitting by a tree. Mask on, his working leathers on. A small messenger bag on his shoulder. As she approaches he notes the bare midriff with a small smile of approval. Without a word he opens his jacket and pulls his shirt up showing he too is not wearing a wire. The bag is opened to reveal a couple bottles of Pellegrino and set aside. "Evening."

June Connor has posed:
    June has a record, that's no secret, any research of her would show that she's been mostly involved with smaller crimes, at least according to the police. But it's been a few years since she's managed to be convicted of anything, which might mean that she's actually gotten better at it. Still, she's only 18, pretty young in the criminal world. Though to be fair, a lot of people like her don't live to become old.

    She glances at the bottles of pellegrino. "This a date or an interview?" she asks, looking apprehensive. Most people might open with a 'hello' or 'evening' in return, but her cynical scowl seems to defy standard pleasantries, and defy her young appearance to give her a slight edge as if she was older. She keeps a slight distance, about fifteen feet back from the Catman.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake smirks and pulls a bottle out to take a gulp of water. His metal clad fingers click on the glass. "Just wanted to establish no wired or mics in there. I get thirsty. So... right off the bat pardon the expression: there's three reasons to join a gang -protection, money, adrenaline. What brings you to me?"

He ignores the snark because he IS Catman and he does have a certain rep with the ladies... and some guys. It makes some things easy, others hard. The eyes behind the mask betray no emotion after the brief smirk. A date? She wishes.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a curled lip huff of a laugh. "Protection," she says directly. "Figure may as well get that out of the way now, huh?" She shifts her weight, and takes a glance around. She has no enhanced vision, so there's only so far she can see in the dark, but she looks around anyway.

    "Ended up on the wrong end of a political squabble, don't really have interest in waiting to see how it ends." She gives a shrug, as if to indicate that's the end of the explanation.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ponders a moment, then asks, "Protection. So why should I protect you? What can you bring to the table? In other words what will I get for the protection? Oh who I am protecting you from would be nice to know. I know a few theme criminals and some of the mobs. Not the Irish, I pissed them the Hell off."

June Connor has posed:
    June's jaw sets a little, clearly she doesn't care for that question. "Uh, well, I am hella good at infiltrating security systems," she says. "And I'll do what I gotta do to get shit done, so like, I'm not going to freak out on you if somebody's gotta die. As long as it ain't me."

    She taps her foot nervously, at the second part of the question. "Nah, this is dyed, I ain't Irish." Well, her last name is Connor, so probably has that descent. "I mean, not from Ireland at least. So...other thing kinda answers you," she says, "I'm a trained Hand shinobi." She has a neutral but tense look on her face, as if she's bracing for impact.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods. "I have two trained stealth types already. You running from your clan? No offense but those mothers will follow you forever. I'd change the look at the very least if you haven't. So I have a couple people with your skills or better. However, they are working with me not for me. Being on the run from ninjas is a good reason not to get fired though. I don't go killing people lightly because that puts you on people's radar. I know things get real, I'm no boyscout but I prefer to stay on the down low. Good for operations. Good to know you aren't squeamish. Are you a practicing member of any religion? And how do you feel about Mutants?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Religion?" June looks a little surprise, her head recoiling as if she just dodged a punch. "Uh, dunno," she says. Clearly it's a subject she hasn't been willing to self-reflect upon. "And I don't give a shit about mutants, for or against, as long as they don't use their freaky powers on me." She isn't sure if that's the right answer. it's definitely not a PC one.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods approval. "Good answers. So what can you do aside from being sneaky and stabbing people? I may need to lay low. There are no warrants on me right now but I am known and I have enemies. You might be gassing a car up or getting food and such. I mean you get paid the same way." He slowly gets to his feet stretching, and watching her reaction, then blinks.

"Oh... you're tiny... that's a /good/thing. I'm not snaking my fat ass through an air duct. People tend to dismiss small women. All that. A close friend is ready to sue the city for building a curb so close to her butt."

June Connor has posed:
    June smirks, "I can gas up a car," She says, "And I've ordered food. You just want...a gofer?" she asks. She doesn't look offended, just surprised. "I mean, ninja. I do whatever gets the job done. In air ducts, in sewers, in beds. Whatever." Clearly no high level of self-respect. "So if all you want is me running errands, that's the easiest thing I think I've ever been asked to do." Definitely not offended, almost sounds like she's relieved to be placed at the very bottom of the pecking order.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake snorts. "You might be running very important errands with all kinds of bad people shooting at you. Otherwise I would get a clueless temp. I'm hiring someone like you to watch my back and keep your eyes open, understand?"

He pauses a moment, "Yeah I heard about girl ninjas taking people to bed for a mission. I'm not making you do that. Period. I may be a horny lech but I have some standards. For what it's worth all the stuff you hear about me nailing anything in a skirt is true -and more. I don't have to force women to do anything. Women get forced to do enough. I'm planning something really big. Soon. If it works, none of us have to work again. Ever. for now, good money, and a place to stay if you choose. Door has a lock on it." Small smirk.

June Connor has posed:
    "That's good because I'm not wearing some fuckin' kitty outfit," she warns. "I draw the line at that weird furry shit." She does seem to be a little more relaxed hearing that she wouldn't have to perform a mission of sexual nature, though. It's not like she wants them.

    "Never having to work sounds like what I could go for. Get out of this shit city and go to Jamaica or somethin'. Somewhere superheroes and villains don't blow shit up every week. So...a place to stay?" she echoes. That actually is a perk she could use right now.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods. "You said you want protection... this place is protected. It is in Queens though and no designated parking if you have a ninja mobile. Also we got this elderly couple across the street. Totally peeping toms. But it has all the amenities. Heh... me? I'd go back to Gotham, open up this great club and run it totally legit... just to drive Batman crazy trying to figure out what I'm up to. C'mon, I'll show you the place."

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a sardonic grin at the idea of the legit club to drive teh Bat crazy. Definitely won him some points with that. "Okay," she says, "I'm in."