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Latest revision as of 05:07, 29 July 2021

Fill it up, regular
Date of Scene: 29 July 2021
Location: Hangar - Playground
Synopsis: The Quins are being tended and The Bus is ready for refuelling. May and Phil have a chat, more one sided, of course, which ends with a quick update to Director Fury.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury

Melinda May has posed:
True to form, Melinda May has been keeping herself fairly busy, lately. While Peggy and Daniel may have retreated for a day or two back to their home in Long Island, she's tended to keep to herself and stay put in the Playground. Partly, this is because her nearest safehouse is four hours away in the heart of Chinatown. And partly, this is because her face, albiet blurred and goggled, is still all over the internet as 'Darkwing', who was blamed for a massacre at the SecDef's personal residence several weeks ago. Before the Framework.

All that said, she's not 'hiding' like she was before. Not intentionally, anyway. She's slowly rebuilt her emotional walls, managed to keep most everyone else's emotions at bay. Of course, going into the Orlando facility in full SHIELD colours and shooting Sunil Bakshi between the eyes (with an ICER) did help make her feel better. Aggression therapy is a thing. And it works.

At this moment, she can be found sitting in the cockpit of one of the quinjets, going over a maintenance checklist and making sure the thing is flight ready at a moment's notice. Because the war against HYDRA is heating up and she intends to be at the tip of the spear.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil is pleased with himself. While it may not show outwardly to those who aren't part of his 'inner circle', those within would see it immediately. It's in his step, his manner, his mien, everything; claim victory and the rest will follow.

In fact, it's the first time in a little while that he's got something of a lightness, at the very least, compartmentalized lightness. So, when the be-suited Commander makes it to the flight deck without his car to check on the Bus, there are glances with a heartbeat or two of lingering with the attempt to try and figure out what's different- from afar, of course. His path isn't towards any of the Quins but rather towards the beheamoth that sits as a centerpiece in the hanger. Steps take him towards the ramp, and there, at the edge, he pauses, looking into the depths of //his// aircraft.

Melinda May has posed:
From out of her cockpit window, May can see Phil circling the big Bus. She can discern from his step, that internal lightness. But she can read it in his signature, too. She finishes the run down of her list before she unfolds herself from the seat and wanders out to join him.

"You got the fuel receipt cleared yet?" she asks by way of greeting. "It's gonna hurt." Not really. But, they don't quite have the resources they used to. So, the fact they have the bus at all is a bit of a miracle. Fueling it, also.

Of course, no one else gets to fly it but her. It's one thing to teach the others how to fly the quins. It's another, entirely, to let them have *that*.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Purchase order? Yep," Phil doesn't even have to turn around. He's too busy looking in; it's a sight, with the only thing missing is Lola in her spot. "We'll need a refueling stop."

Finally he turns his entire body to look at his friend and partner, "We need to do it, and soon. I just got off the phone with Talbot." After that announcement, he smiles tightly, but it's not a displeased expression. Not in the least.

"Gave us some breathing room. We can't screw this up."

With those words, Phil turns back around and starts to head up the ramp and into the bird itself. Once within, he has his hand out, touching everything with an almost loving familiarity. It's only been months- only? Only been months, but it seems like forever since she's been in the air. "I miss it." His tones are a murmur, but with May around, it's not necessarily that important that he raises his voice. Not for her.

"I need to talk to the Director."

For most, it may be hard to follow the thought process, but here? Bus. Given to Phil by Fury. Fury..

Melinda May has posed:
"We won't screw up," May says. There's convinction in her tone. "We know what they're planning. We know *when* they're planning it. We'll stop it." Or die trying. It's not a fight she's willing to lose. He doubtlessly knows that.

Still, as he walks up into the plane, she follows. "I know," she says then. She doesn't need to say more than that.

He mentions talking to the Director. She doesn't say anything still. But her brow does lift faintly as she glances to him. She can follow his thought process well enough. She also suspects, however, that his reasons for talking to Fury have everything to do with Bobbi's 'it's classified'... Something about that medical machine.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I think I may have Talbot running interference for us." Phil is more than happy to talk to the air, knowing full well that May will be there. Finally, he does look to the side, at May, "He'll do the right thing when the time comes." And still, Phil fully believes that they're doing right. SHIELD is the good guys.

The further into the bird he goes, his path becomes clear. He's going to the cockpit, certain that May will follow. "Talbot wanted to talk to him." The way the words are spoken carry a touch more weight than the words perhaps intend. He exhales in a long sigh, the heaviness reappearing on those shoulders, on his face.

"I think he's been avoiding me."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods in response. "I expect he will," she says. "He's a pompous ass, but he actually cares about the truth." At least, that's what she felt from him when she faced him in that tent in front of the Triskelion. "And he likes to look the hero."

She decides not to tell Phil about the Talbot Nose Hair cam... Not yet, anyway. It gives a whole new perspective on the man. And not a flattering one.

The abrupt change isn't missed. She knows damned well who's avoiding Phil. "He's avoiding everyone, Phil."

Phil Coulson has posed:
That nose-hair cam? Not necessarily intel he needs to know about. Nope.

The Bus. It quiets a part of Phil, but another part, it reawakens. He misses the times on this big ol' aircraft. Not necessarily the missions themselves, but a part of him needed the team. He'd like to flatter himself and think that they'd needed him too, but...?

"I don't believe that." Phil shakes his head and looks at May, blue eyes to those deep brown. "Not at all. There's a hand in this. Peg- Chief Carteri and her recovery? Come on, May. That has Fury written all over it. You heard her."

Her. Bobbi. 'It's classified. Level 10.' "I'm not stupid." The machine wouldn't have been used-

No, wouldn't have appeared without Fury's hand, and then used. Again, with Fury's oversight and approval.

He shakes his head as if to trying to dislodge those cobwebs again, "Something's not right. It's not sitting well."

Melinda May has posed:
That May can follow his fragmented, jumping thoughts is a testament to just how long she's known him. And how much she's managed to piece together herself. The quite order to watch him for signs of instability. His unusal agitation at that machine. The obsession she can sense forming in him. Well formed, actually.

"Talk to me," she suggests. She can follow his thoughts, yes. She wants to hear them, nonetheless. If nothing else... it might make him feel better. She'd like that. It's not good for either of them when Phil's unsettled.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil gives May a long look; yes, his thoughts are disjointed, and as a result, a lot of his speech patterns reflect it. No, all of it.

"I'm not sure I can." It's an honest statement. "Not sure I want to, either." Looking away, Phil exhales and leans on the wall, stopping his forward progress to the cockpit.

"It makes no sense to me." He shakes his head as he speaks, his words coming as his brain tries to wrap itself around ideas. "What is making me search? I just need more than just 'It's level 10'. My head, my dreams are telling me that I knew something once. That.. there is just something there." Phil's gaze turns to the middle distance before he smiles wanly, his lips tight.

"I'll figure it out."

Melinda May has posed:
That more or less confirms what May thought. And it means she'll need to chat with Fury. Or, more accurately, she'll need to leave him a message. That's about how it works.

None of it shows on her face. She's too much the pro for that. And she firmly believes she's watching Phil's six.

"Yeah," she agrees simply, knowing full well what she says is true. "You will." Fury may want to know about Phil's agitation, but he won't be able to stop the inevitable. She just hopes Phil doesn't go so far off the rails she'll have to step in. She doesn't want to step in.

But if she has to, she'll take him far away from everything -- including Fury -- until he can sort himself out.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"It'd be great if I could sleep."

Phil has plans, however. Some are in the works and some are still in the planning stages, but it's the fact that there is a potential solution on the horizon that stills some of his thoughts. When he plans, they (mostly) turn out the way he expects them to.


Phil studies May again for a long moment before he nods, his body physically relaxing somewhat. All this is taking a toll, and he's been hiding it well. The nights of insomnia, the nights of his worrying about those who'd used to be 'his' people. Heck, even May has her own command, and while she's not unreachable, she's also not close at hand.

So close and yet so far.

"So.." and he's ready to change the subject. Introspection only muddies an already muddy lake, and visibility all the way to the surface is really bad. "We need to refuel the Bus. She needs to be wheels up at a moment's notice." There's a pause before he smiles again, and his brows rise in prelude to the question, "Do the kids know how to fly the Quins?"

Melinda May has posed:
"Yeah," May says, using the word to answer pretty much every one of his statements. The Bus will be ready. He knows she'll make it ready. As for the quins, she adds, "Morse and I trained both Daisy and Peggy in them. Davis is certified. Collingwood and McLaren, too. Not FitzSimmons, though."

Her expression draws in as she mentions the sci tech duo. "I really need to touch base with Fitz." He had it so much worse in the Framework than she. The fact she can see that now... is more remarkable than most people realize.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Once again, it seems as if he's the one doing all the talking, with her monosyllabic responses. He chuffs a soft laugh, and nods. "Good." They'll have birds in the air. It's not necessarily his mission, but he's so used to taking point, being the planner, being the one that people look to...

"Fitz?" Phil automatically looks in the direction of the labs, as if mentally assigning them there once more. "I need to talk with him too." Undoubtedly for a completely different reason, but there's no harm in reconnecting.

"Knew I could count on you." He's okay. Really.

Really, he is.

"You go ahead. I just need to check a few things on board before turning in."

Melinda May has posed:
May regards Phil for a long, thoughtful moment. In the end, though, she gives him a small nod and a smile to match. Then, she makes her way out of the plane and back to the quin she was looking at before.

It's a while later, once she's retreated from the hangar, that she finds her way into the telecom closet where she can plug the handset she was given into the little known direct line to... well... she's not sure where. She just knows it works.

"This is Agent May," she says quietly, certain thanks to her abilities that she's alone. "Phil's digging."

Nick Fury has posed:
    The giant sun burns bright. Too bright for Fury's eye. He smiles and takes the hand of the Kymellian before him. "Swifthoof. It is an honour for you to invite me to Patchworld. Earth is new to this galactic civilisation gig and we appreciate your help with the YYK-171. Your gift of the Patchbattery is .. it's beyond words. And as a token of Earth's appreciati~~" a phone buzzes and rings in his pocket. "Excuse me Ambassador Swifthoof. Phone call."

    Fury takes a small phone from his pocket and extends an odd looking aerial. "This is Fury." <This is Agent May>. He turns from Swifthoof for a moment and peers out the large energy shields that protect this small settlement on the Patchworld of asteroids. <Phil's digging>. "Understood," he says back and hangs up.

    Turning back to the Kymellian, "Ambassador.. something important has come up back home. A dear friend is possibly about to make a decision that could ruin his life. I need to get back there for him immediately."

    The deep voice of Swifthoof whickers for a moment and his equine like ears flick, "Our flock is what keeps us true to the values we hold dear Nihick. Tend to your needs and we will continue this conversation another time." A swirling alien battery is offered and Nick takes it in his hand. "Guard this well and I hope it will bring Earth the prosperity it needs."

    Nick smiles and waves, "And to you too Ambassador." He touches his comms <Maria, bring QJ1 around, we're needed on Earth>