Nick Fury

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  Director Fury  
Nick Fury (Scenesys ID: 289)
Name: Nicholas "Nick" Joseph Fury
Superalias: Director Fury
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Citizenship: American
Residence: Classified
Education: West Point, Decades of Field Experience
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Avengers, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 45 Actual Age: 45
Date of Birth Classified Played By Samuel L. Jackson
Height: 6'2" Weight: 210lbs
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: One
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Nick Fury has been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for decades and has become almost synonymous with the agency he runs, at least to the people who know about him. While the world knows about S.H.I.E.L.D. most people haven't heard of Nick Fury or know what he looks like but you better believe he's a known quantity in most world governments and with the world's various superhero teams, which he likes to keep a personal eye on.


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*1950 - Born in Huntsville, Alabama as Marcus Johnson. Son of Nia Johnson and Nicholas Fury, Sr.

*1965 - Marcus becomes All-Star track and field.

*1967 - Graduates high school (Salutatorian). Enlists in the US Military as infantry. Two tours of duty in Vietnam as part of a LRRP. Begins college correspondence.

*1974 - Commissioned as a Lieutenant in the US Army. Assigned to the 1st Ranger Battalion.

*1976 - Joins 5th Special Forces group.

*1978 - Selected as part of the first graduating class for Delta Force. Spends 10 years as operational team leader.

*1985 - Promoted to Colonel.

*1988 - Reassigned to CIA as Asst. Deputy Director for SE Asia. Takes new name: Nick Fury, Jr.

*1992 - Recruited by SHIELD.

*1995 - Encounters alien insurgent. Becomes privy to SHIELD's database of extra-terrestrial life. Made Assistant Director of the COMBLOC region. Given Infinity Formula to help recover from wounds sustained during encounter.

*2001 - Appointed interim Director of Operations for SHIELD.

*2008 - After appearance of Superman, appointed by NATO as full Director. Begins forming plans for the Avenger's Initiative.

*2012 - Alien Alliance Invasion. Assists behind the scenes with supporting resistance operations across NATO groups.

*2018 - SHIELD lends firepower to the US Military in the face of Doomsday, to little avail.

*2018 - Loki's Assault on New York. Fury moves the pieces around the board to encourage the Avengers to assemble for the first time.

*2020 - SHIELD infiltrated by HYDRA agents. SHIELD operations suspended while insurgency is dealt with. Fury emerges out the other side.

*2022 - SHIELD monitors ramp-up in activities from the growing community of Inhumans.

IC Journal

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No one truly knows the real Nick Fury. His personnel file is almost completely redacted. He has a thousand different aliases, with a thousand different lives lived; all he has to do is pull a card, and like a puff of smoke, he's gone. Despite 20 years as the Director of SHIELD, Fury barely exists in the public awareness.

The mission always comes first. Nick cares very little for feelings or emotions when weighed against operational concerns. He is a demanding taskmaster who holds his people to a very high standard. But there is no one Nick is harder on than himself. Such a personality leaves little time for family or even friends.

Personified in the form of Nick Fury. He's loyal to SHIELD and its Mission, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure that it outlives him when he's gone. He's loyal to //his// people, and will do whatever he can to be sure that they are prepared and ready to fulfill their duties. Sometimes it comes with a challenge; he's not one to hold hands. 'Figure it out' is a common statement.

No Nonsense:
Nick is not the most pleasant of people to be around on good days. He cuts to the heart of the matter with every conversation, with every briefing. There is no question as to how he feels on a certain matter, and he won't hide it.

Character Sheet


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Armed Combat:
Thanks to his military training and combat experience in field, Nick knows how to use firearms to his full advantage. He is proficient with the operation and service of every standard infantry weapon fielded by NATO and the Soviet Bloc. Fury is a superb marksman with skills comparable to world-class firearms experts. He has hands-on experience with most US combat vehicles.

Covert Ops:
Nick Fury is a master of planning, coordinating, and predicting covert operations. It is almost like he knows what is going to happen before it does, and he maintains a firm grasp on lines of intel going out and coming in, that is incredibly effective. He has the ability to see a piece of information, and determine whether it is reliable intel or if it is fake. His grasp of this intricate web of lies, deceipt and covert operations is astounding. His ability to manipulate sources, to coordinate covert operations, and assign just the right people to an assignment is amazing. That is what makes him such an excellent Director of SHIELD.

Nick Fury has been the Director of the most powerful Law Enforcement and Espionage Organization in the World for years. He has the training, experience, and knowledge from years in the field as a soldier, and as a spy. He is a master of espionage with almost no equal. He understands the intricacies of the "world" of espionage, and has watched, trained with, and by the best the world has ever known. This involves the direction and use of the most advanced tools, equipment, personnel and weapons in the world...our in some cases, out of this world.

Honed over the years by not only study but by application in the various fields, Nick has learned what works to motivate and lead and what does not. He gets to know his people, studies them and their files and sometimes works out elaborate plans to get the best from them.

You learn a bit of everything, living Fury's life. Fury can survive in adverse environments with minimal gear or preparation. He can pick locks, break into cars, and surveil a target anonymously. He can speak conversationally in Vietnamese, ASL, French, and Russian. Armed with a translation dictionary and a long plane ride, Fury can hit the ground running with enough local lingo to make himself understood quickly and easily. He has all the skills one could want to drop an operative in a foreign country with a map and a compass, and come back four months later to their soldier now leading well-trained local militia.

Nick's life is a carefully thought out and considered path of checks and cross-checks. Through his experience of the tight scope of the military to the less over-sight of his intelligence work, he has managed to play the cat and mouse game and come out on the other side, more or less successful. In that, he's honed his skills in order to play the 'long game', always multiple moves ahead of his opponent. Studying and applying the tactics of famous generals and leaders in history doesn't hurt either.

Unarmed Combat:
Nick has a firm foundation in soldier hand to hand combat systems. He holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a brown belt in Jiu Jitsu. He is more than able to keep up with younger and more energetic soldiers and defend himself effectively against multiple attackers. He trains anonymously in local clubs and gyms in order to keep his skills honed.

Fury is a highly skilled driver and operator. He can deftly handle military and civilian vehicles; knows how to drive defensively and aggressively; he has instrument ratings on a handful of light aircraft, and is fully qualified to pilot several small helicopter types as well as SHIELD's iconic Quinjets. Outside of the world of competitive racing, he's a hard man to keep up with behind the wheel.


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Thanks to his extensive career in the field all around the world, both militarily and in the more secretive arena, he has made contacts, allies and in some cases good acquaintances of which he can ask for favors. This network reaches from the highest levels of governments down to the humble goatherd. As a result, he can virtually be assured of a 'blind eye' when flying into hostile airspace when need be, or communication with or information regarding any of his Agents at any time.

Infinity Serum:
No one lives forever, but there are a certain few who are more than willing to add a few years onto their lifespan. To that end, Nick is the recipient of the Infinity Serum, which has effectively stopped the aging process for him. While he is 70 years old and counting, he has the appearance of a man in his mid-50s.

Nick has places he can run to ground all over the world. Some of them are known SHIELD safehouses, but the bulk of them are completely off the grid. These can range from an apartment in Eastern Europe to a cave in one of the -stans. With each safehouse comes a potential new identity so he can be assured that he won't be found unless he wants to be.

SHIELD is a US-led NATO counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security with a focus on alien threats, magic, super-science, and exotic weapons and materials. It has a budget in the billions of dollars and pursues the use of extremely cutting-edge technology. Fury has prioritized retaining a small cadre of highly elite, well-trained personnel who are highly effective at their jobs. SHIELD's annual budget is not entirely a black bag but Fury has significant discretion for what he spends, as long as he produces results. SHIELD has numerous bases and outposts, as well as a fleet of airships, helicopters, jets, carriers, tanks, planes, trucks, weapons, and equipment. Enough to outfit their thousands of soldiers, spies, technicians and experts, to tackle any threat imaginable.


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Nick is dedicated to SHIELD's mission; he is all-in. This may lead him to, in some cases, heated disagreements with those that are tasked to oversee the Agency, and as a result, may cause real problems. He will disobey direct orders from his 'superiors' if he feels that he's in the right, and will always choose life and those he protects from the darkness.

With all his experience in the field, there are absolutely people and organizations with whom his dealings were not so positive. Like his contacts, this includes some government officials at the highest levels down to the noble goatherd. He has a target on his back wherever he goes, and he is very much aware of it. They will not only stop at nothing to target him personally, but they will go after his beloved SHIELD and/or his Field Agents in order to get to him.

Look Into My Eye:
Fury lost his left eye in an incident some years previous. There's much speculation and little hard fact about how or why it happened. There is significant scarring around the socket itself, and underneath his eye patch his eyelid droops heavily over a cataract-filled pupil, eye dull and lifeless. It makes him have to turn around more than he'd like.

It's only paranoia if they AREN'T out to get you. Nick Fury doesn't trust easily or often. He snoops and spies on his own people and keeps his teams highly comparmentalized, with himself at the center of the web. His life is a world of traps, blinds, and precautions at all times. Even the people he trusts are sometimes caught up in his world of 'need to know'. For Fury, absolute paranoia is absolute awareness.



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Nick Fury has 38 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
SHIELD II Redux January 14th, 2025 Nick is (somewhat) briefed in a 'heads up' for potential confrontations in the Middle East. It'll be FINE.
Perfect paranoia December 19th, 2024 Director Fury has a chat with Agent Romanova regarding New Jersey. They'll be headed to the Shore with a few others 'this weekend'.
How To Say I'm Back In Furiese November 13th, 2024 Jane's back to Earth and Fury has a job for her.
Even the Boss Needs to Eat October 7th, 2024 A brief chat in the cafeteria over Hydra.
Old Fury Family September 20th, 2024 Nick Fury has a dropin by the Old Man. The two have their own agenda.. The type the rest of the world doesn't have to know.
Entry into Sin August 22nd, 2024 The Agents of SHIELD and allies are given a briefing on Sinthia Schmidt, the heir apparent of Hydra, and seemingly the daughter of it's founder, the Red Skull!
A Reckoning June 10th, 2024 When some of the team sets out to find Bucky, it ends better than everyone might have imagined. Bucky's not dead, he's not locked forever in a cell - he's surrounded by friends that are willing to help him complete his mission.
He Knows When You're Sleeping May 28th, 2024 After a failed operation, The Boss comes in to debrief the team and tells them to get ready to have another go at it.
Hydra vs SHIELD: Counterstrike April 10th, 2024 Hydra attacked the United Nations and made many people suffer. Now it's payback, and SHIELD is putting the blast back in them. Time to remind the serpent that SHIELD has bite and claws and vengeance.
Hydra vs UN: Outside attack April 6th, 2024 Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack.
Briefing January 10th, 2024 Fury has a quick meeting specifically for introductions. What one reads in files is one thing; in person is something completely different.
Debriefing the Cyber-Doctor June 18th, 2023 The extracted deep cover agent from Intergang is debried by Nick Fury and Doctor Banner. Intergang has antimatter and they're charged with tracking it down.
Discordants: The Finale Part Deux! March 24th, 2023 The attack on the starport is defeated by Malekith's death, though not without price.
Discordants: No Going Back March 17th, 2023 The heroes and the Eisenhower battle group put together their heads and come up with a plan on how to deal with the attack on the Starport.
Discordants: DANGER ZONE! February 16th, 2023 The Dark Elf Attack upon the Triskelion is foiled, but not without loss.
Discordants: Getting to Know You February 7th, 2023 An unlikely source gives a glimmer of hope to solving the attacks committed by the Dark Elves. Future plans need to be made before advancing.
State of Alarm January 8th, 2023 A historic moment. The villains plot is almost entirely uncovered and the heroes are ahead of the curve. The POTUS brought together as many of the biggest heroic names he could muster to take on this challenge before HYDRA has a chance to attack.
Whatever, SHIELD January 3rd, 2023 Loki contacts Fury via messenger about his rule.
A Crashed Satellite November 9th, 2022 A satellite crashes in New Guinea and bits recovered by an indigenous tribe. Lara Croft is tasked with negotiating for them. She interviews an archeologist with experience with them, and enlists Steve Rogers for the mission.
Blink Once For Help November 4th, 2022 Jane goes to see a man about a missing Thor. That man happens to be Director Fury, and there's more to it than meets the eye.
There's always something, amirite November 3rd, 2022 Fury gets to meet with two of his star agents to suss out the most important problems that lie before them. There's no good news to be had.
Tales from the Dockside: Oil rush October 25th, 2022 Boots on the ground at Port al-Sidiq. Our SHIELD agents, and an interested party, begin to pull in information.
Tales from the Dockside: Watching the aft October 21st, 2022 Director Fury taps Commander May to help with some potential unrest in the Middle East.
Hydra on a Hellicarrier August 28th, 2022 Hydra attacks S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newestly christened Hellicarrier. They're driven off in a daring mid-air fight by heroic Agents of SHIELD and members of the Avengers!
Fill it up, regular July 29th, 2021 The Quins are being tended and The Bus is ready for refuelling. May and Phil have a chat, more one sided, of course, which ends with a quick update to Director Fury.
Strike First, Strike Hard, Show Mercy April 12th, 2021 Fury asks May if she'd like to be the new Commander of STRIKE
The world needs SHIELD April 12th, 2021 Peggy Carter finds herself in a strangely familiar role as she is promoted to Chief and May accepts the invitation to become Commander of STRIKE. SHIELD isn't the only one rearranging their assets. Dr. List has recycled an ally from Whitehall in to his own employ.
The Playground March 27th, 2021 The Agents of SHIELD start to gather in their new headquarters: The Playground. New lanyards. New tablets. New phones. New digs. Same old HYDRA; the weary SHIELD agents work is never done.
Dollhouse: The Special Priority Operations Team March 15th, 2021 Morse is promoted to Commander of SPOT, Level 8, after the untimely demise of Commander Gonzales.
Afterlife: Shh it's a Secret Warriors March 9th, 2021 Agent Johnson promoted to specialist and is asked to head up a new group - The Secret Warriors. She accepts.
Nothing taken to SHIELD February 16th, 2021 No description
Loose Ends: Know thy enemy January 23rd, 2021 Peggy goes to Spaaace! for a meeting with the director.
Times that Bind: Epilogue January 18th, 2021 The best of SHIELD gather at the SWORDFISH to welcome Agent May back to the present. Cake is had. Whiskey and shots. And a very surprising hologram.
ZZGU: Those left behind December 29th, 2020 SHIELD actives the new dimensional breach detector just in time to catch a massive dimensional breach by thousands of people from another Earth to ours.
Time for an Update December 14th, 2020 Agent Morse gathers her troops -- in this case, Agents Carter, Croft, and Fitz -- for a situation update regarding the retrieval of Melinda May from out of the past. When Fitz delivers a time phone, things get a whole lot more interesting... and Agent May gets the present in the past.
The Drones Come Home October 5th, 2020 SHIELD faces the might of a full drone army, inside the Triskelion. It attempts to take control of the quantum computers and become unstoppable, but agents faced the drones down and stopped it at the very last few feet.
Epicenter: The Debrief September 22nd, 2020 Bobbi recounts the end of Whitehall's branch of HYDRA. She is put on forced medical leave and assigned to R&D until they understand the new super soldier serum she created and used on herself.
Epicenter: Agents of SuperSHIELD August 25th, 2020 Agents Bobbi Morse and Jemma Simmons have been taken by HYDRA. They were taken from Toshiro Mori's estate in Japan, who is known to have been working for HYDRA and specifically Daniel Whitehall. Whitehall has been running his ridiculous 'SuperSHIELD' and Bobbi was investigating it.

Now the small teams Bobbi has been sending out to find SuperSHIELD have come back with something concrete. A secret base of operations. The mission: Infiltrate SuperSHIELD, Disrupt their operations, Rescue Bobbi and Jemma, take down Whitehall, take down Toshiro Mori.

NOTE: Some of the Agents of SuperSHIELD are unaware that SuperSHIELD is actually a HYDRA operation. They are working under the pretence that they really are Agents of SHIELD's super-powered division. They have been helping SuperSHIELD find Inhumans, Mutants, and Metahumans unaware that Whitehall has been using them for genetic experimentation.

WARNING: Agents of SuperSHIELD and HYDRA agents within their ranks are equiped with a new piece of technology, a watch that lets them select stolen Inhuman abilities and give them a small dose of it for a brief period of time. They should all be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Into the Forbidden Zone May 14th, 2020 Daniel Hastings resigns from SHIELD, and is called in by Fury.
Silent Night (SHIELD) April 21st, 2020 Superman meets with a mix of Avengers and SHIELD agents to discuss the shadow monster expanding out of Metropolis.
The Punching Bag Survived...This Time February 21st, 2020 Daniel and Steve discover a connection in the past and Fury won't be ghosted again, damnit!


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Nick Fury has 38 finished logs.

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Group Memberships

Nick Fury has been listed in 1 groups.