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Latest revision as of 05:07, 29 July 2021

An introduction to Shinobi swordplay.
Date of Scene: 29 July 2021
Location: Ruby Cove
Synopsis: Madisan Meets Owari, becomes her student.
Cast of Characters: Madison Evans, Chizue Nakamura

Madison Evans has posed:
    It's just past sunset - and Madison is seated on the beach - her cellphone in her hands, tapping out a message. 'Enjoying the beach. Be back home in a bit, promise.' Someone's mother likes to keep tabs on their daughter - who can really blame the woman?
     But for the moment, Madison seems content to sit in the odd-colored sand, listening to the waves and smiling quietly. It was odd being on the East Coast - she was used to watching the sun set into the ocean, in California. But at least once the sun was down - the sand, and the waves could almost make her feel like she was back home again.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That cellphone Buzzes, before the screen explodes with flurry of multicolored pixels before slowly resolving into the face of a decidedly pixelated Tanuki. Speakers erupting with the shrill otherworldly groan of a harmonica, at which point the buttons do absolutely nothing of course. This continues for a few moments, before "Turn around" blinks into life at the bottom of the screen.

    See fun trivia fact, Whilst rarely practical every Ninja loves a good entrance. Owari is no different of course. Standing plainly just six foot behind, as still as a statue until the ocean breeze ruffles that short poncho of hers. One hand resting actually at the brace of glass like swords on her left hip, the other raised to position a single knuckle under the chin of that mask. A polygonal fold in jet black, so matte black it's frankly a little hard to tell what shape it's supposed to be until you're looking right at it. A polygonal Tanuki.

    <<Hello there.>>Mask finally coming to life with pixelated browns and whites to aproximate a cartoony Tanuki's coloration, whilst that digitized voice rasps out. <<I am the Kunoichi known as Owari, I believe you need my help?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "What the hell?" Madison mutters are her phone seemingly goes quite mad. She taps at the screen, looking for a little 'x' to hit to make the madness stop. Did she get a virus somehow? Can phones do that? What websites had she been on lately. "Oh my God, mom's gonna kill-" This is of course whe moment when she's told to 'turn around.'
    She does so slowly as she tacks on the, "-me," scrambling to her feet abruptly at the sight of an unfamiliar figure standing behind her. "Oh. Ummm... Hi. Are you, uhhh, Spider-man's friend?" she asks. "He said he knows someone who can teach me how to use a sword." If they're not - should she run?

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    <<I am his instructor, and his friend.>>She notes casually, snapping her fingers and releasing her digital grasp on the phone. <<If I can teach you remains to be seen, as does the question of should I.>>Finally stalking foreward one step to produce a pair of wooden swords from under that poncho, one long and one short. She pitches the pair over towards Madison's feet, before fixing that digitized glare on Madisan directly.

    <<Pick them up, and tell me what they are. Consider your words carefully young one, fate hinges upon your words.>>

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison blinks in surprise and confusion. Her phone - after a brief glance - is tucked away into a pocket, before both swords are awkwardly collected from the ground. She studies them for a moment, before looking back at Chizue uncertainly. "I mean - there's the obvious stuff. They're wooden practice swords, yeah? They're... weapons. You can use them to hurt people, or protect people." Or, you know, just to show off and look cool, she supposes - but why bring something like that up.
    "Umm... am I missing anything?" she asks uncertainly, before quickly adding, "I've only just started learning how to fight - and how to protect myself. From Spider-man. I really don't know very much yet."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    <<Do you believe I could kill you with a wooden sword, little one?>>She offers calmly, nevermind her less than towering height herself of course. <<They are weapons, there is nothing -practice- about them.>>head rolling this way and that <<But you were armed with deadly weapons well before I came, you have always been armed. You just lack the insight to understand the deadliest weapon at your disposal.>>

    She humfs finally behind that mask, before lifting a hand to touch her throat. "I will train you, but there are conditions you must accept if I am to teach you. You understand, yes?"Her voice unfiltered is soft, with a delicate hint of that Tokyo accent. Never the less she sinks to her knees and tugs her swords free to place them at her side.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, I mean - you can kill someone with a rock, even. Or just your hands. But, umm, I'm not really planning on killing people, you know?" Madison answers. As the the woman drops into a seiza position, Madison mimics her a bit awkwardly, placing the two wooden swords at her side as the other woman does.
    "You will? Great!" she says brightly. "Umm - out of curiosity, what would be the wrong answer to that question? Or - uhh - am I not supposed to ask?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I was looking for the word weapon."She offers, casually. "If you ever reveal anything taught here to another, or use my teachings for evil? I will be honor bound to slay you myself, and I will not hesitate. This instruction is for you and you alone, and I have certain expectations of conduct and practice I will hold you to. Do you understand?"

    "As for the taking of lives, it is sometimes necessary to protect the greater good with lethal force. If cutting a man down saves five others, then it is reasonable to do so. I will not however, mandate you do so. If you do not feel it in your soul, that it is just to take a life? Then it is best you do not, But we all need to be on the same page. We are discussing swordplay, and this is easily lethal even by accident. We must remain aware of how easily we may take a life, and not confuse it for if we should."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yes ma'am," Madison agrees quietly, but solemnly, her gaze attentive on the strange, pixelated mask in front of her.
    "Umm - what sort of conduct expectations?" she asks. "I get excited sometimes - and, umm, loud. It drives my mom mad." Honesty apparently is not a problem when it comes to Madison, at least. "And I do understand swords are very dangerous. That's why Spider-man suggested I get a proper teacher, and I think he's right, of course."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "To keep your word, to protect the innocent and show respect to those above your station."Theres a little shrug there. "I'm hardly Miss Manners, but the first two are non negotiable of course."And a little nod as she lets her shoulders slump somewhat. "Spider Man is indeed a very intelligent man, but he's also sentimental. If you're going to learn swordplay, you need to be pragmatic and objective. This isn't a sport, there are really no rules here. Your holding a sword, greenlights many villians towards a certain level of violence you are going to have to deal with."

    "That said by your age I'd already been presented with my live blade, donned a costume and begun fighting crime. From what our mutual friend told me, you're already more gifted than I in other ways however."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, umm - yeah," Madison confirms. "Well. A little bit. I'm a little stronger, and a little faster than other people. I can jump higher than other people. I'm practicing, to try to get better at all of that. And I can do this..." She looks up and down the beach until she spots a piece of driftwood in the sand - and trains her attention on it. One hand reaches out towards the driftwood - and as she concentrates on it, it lifts up from the sand and begins to float towards her until she eventually plucks it out of the air.
    "Plus - if I concentrate on what I'm doing, before I throw a ball, or a dart, or whatever - I make the basket, or the bullseye, every time."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Owari watches silently as the driftwood is levitated before finally giving a sage little nod. "Fascinating."And slowly she rises with a slow stretch. "I will return when I have the time for your first lesson. Until then keep your swords, and treat them well. I've also downloaded a few books to your phone, Read them in order and have one book completed each week."And a pause as she half turns "We'll need to teach you to ride a motorcycle too, but you can ride a bicycle already I presume?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Surprise registers on Madison's features - followed by an eager nod. Motorcycle lessons?! She didn't know this was part of the deal! She's definitely into it, though. She rises as well - picking up the swords and holding them awkwardly in her hands. "Yeah, okay, sure. One a week." There's a brief pause before she adds with a quiet laugh, "I have //ninja// homework." I mean - what else would an American kid who knows nothing much about Japanese culture call it?
    "...or is it samurai homework?"
    Fine. She knows //two// words for Japanese fighters. That's.... something?

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "A Ninja is a man who practices Shinobi, a Kunoichi is a woman. So it is Kunoichi homework, if anything. "Theres a little shrug there, those swords are replaced with an audible -click- as they lock into place and like the proverbial flipping of a lightswitch she goes dark. Hell she goes darker than dark, all but invisible in plain sight. "Read, bicycle frequently and mind your sugar intake. I'll be in touch before long."
    Blink and you'll miss it but she just, melts into nothingness. Leaving not so much as a single footprint to suggest she was ever there. Well there is a folder full of e-books as proof, and a pair of wooden swords of course.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Kunoichi," Madison repeats awkwardly, and carefully. "Kunoichi homework." She nods eagerly at the woman's instructions - though that last bit gets a quiet groan. Now Owari sounds like her //mother//. She really doesn't get much in the way of processed sugars! Honest! "Yes ma'am," she agrees anyways - and then looks around in puzzlement as she so quickly and easily fades into the night.
    "Okay - I got to learn to do that, too," she mutters to herself.
    And she's going to have to ask her mom to buy her a new bike. But that should be easy enough to achieve...
    With the swords in hand, she trudges away from the beach on her way home.