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Latest revision as of 05:07, 29 July 2021

Spiders in the Bat-Belfry
Date of Scene: 29 July 2021
Location: GCPD Headquarters - Midtown
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Silk catch up on both technical and non-technical updates in Bat Country.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Cindy Moon

Peter Parker has posed:
Don't Touch the Bat-Signal. Don't Touch the Bat-Signal.

He's not touching the large spotlight with the metal bat silhouette placed over the beam emitter. But he keeps looking at it.
Maybe he shouldn't have picked this spot to meet up with Silk, but how else was he going to kill two birds with one stone?
He wasn't sure if Silk had gotten the Gotham update, or even if she needed it...but if they had to, it would be easier to not have to worry about updates.

...Don't Touch the Bat-Signal...

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk touches the bat signal. In fact she lands right on top of it, looking down at Spider-Man. "Hey there!" she says brightly, leaping off the bat signal with a flip and landing beside her spider-bite pal. "You called? And all the way in Gotham too. Quite a ways away from home."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man blinked, then nodded as he saw her leap lightly from THE BAT-SIGNAL (yes, he mentally capitalized all that, DON'T JUDGE HIM) and landed with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. He had to admit, she was impressive.

"Yeah, I know...but a lot of crime organizations are networking these days. Just last week, the Penguin smuggled a bunch of exotic animals into Brooklyn. They're working together...so we will have to occasionally follow the threads back to these other major cities."
"So!" He clapped his hands together. "Let's get you wired in. Fire up the augmented-reality rig for Spider-Comm. You should not see the 'SYSTEM OFFLINE' message now. It should be a pink box with 'GOTHAM CITY UPDATE? Y/N'...and you REALLY should pick Y."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk nods and does a little motion with her fingers to fire up the spider-comm, and indeed she sees the messages. "Are you sure? N is an awfully tempting letter. It comes earlier in the alphabet and everything." Joking aside she does select the Y, and watches as the updating bar work its way from left to right. "Neat," she says. "Are we doing to do this for Metropolis, too? It seems like a good idea while we're at it."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods as the progress bar continues, with data files like MEDICAL.DAT and BAR.DAT and POLICE.DAT blinking on and off as they are loaded.

"Yeah, but you actually have to be *in* Metropolis to do the update. Each city has its own cell network, and you have to interface with the hacked equipment for each city. On the upside, once you have it, it will update info for each city by dialing up a number designated for each city. The main update was too big for that, though...stresses the bandwidth to the point of some telco monitor noticing. Have to keep it stealthed for it to work. Can't jam what you don't know exists."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk nods as she watches things update. "That makes sense," she says. "I'll head over to Metropolis tomorrow. I've got a day off of work and can do a little shopping while I'm there. Maybe get into a little bit of trouble later in the afternoon. You never know." Even though you can't see it, she's shooting Spider-Man a grin.

Soon enough the update is finished with a satisfied little *ding!* Silk twitches her fingers again to open up the comms and starts browsing through the files and opens up an audio channel. "Testing. Can you hear me? Will the comms allow me to be able to talk to people over in the other cities?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey gives Silk a thumbs-up as Silk's chat symbol appears at the bottom with SILK-GC next to it.
"Yep. Now that we're wired in, it'll be like sending texts and calls to call phones, only like covert radio. You'll see a name and where they are - NYC, GC, MET."

He looks out at the gothic spires of the buildings around them. This place must have gargoyles on every building corner.

"You might also check the user list now (+group spi). We have a number of Honorary Spiders using the system now." He turned back to face her, his smile a little more evident under his mask.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk takes a look at who's on the list and brightens up. "Oh hey! I know Squirrel Girl and Madison. We're still workshopping her codename. And Supergirl!" She tilts her head and gives Spider-Man a questioning look. "But Black Cat? Isn't she a bad guy?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. "She's...COMPLICATED. The last time we met, she was stealing some emeralds, but it was from an international arms dealer who was going to skip the country using them. She handed them over to me so I could give them to the cops. The guy failed to skip town, and she disappeared while I was distracted by the NYPD. I had given her the link, and she has been radio silent for awhile."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Hunh." Silk seems rather impressed. "I'm surprised she gave them up." She shrugs, "I guess it was either that or fight you for it. I guess she's been laying low since then." She doesn't entirely sound like she's sure that this is a good idea but this is Spider-Man's comm system so he's allowed to do whatever he wants with it.

Peter Parker has posed:
"She's confusing. She's a thief, and a very accomplished one, but she was giving me very odd signals wheile we were talking. Like we had some secret, only I don't know what it is."
Spider-Man shook his head. "Well, she's not been seen anywhere, so I can't worry about her when we have ACTIVE crimes going on. So, with some help, I think we can really make a difference."

He looks around. "...although I am not sure the Bat-types know I'm operating in Gotham City yet. Although they may learn soon."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Might be good to tell them," Silk says. "I see we've got Red Robin on the comm, so we have somebody we can talk to over here, and Super Girl over in Metropolis." She nods, "So we can at least let somebody know that we're here if we need to be."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey's grin widens slightly. "Funny story, that. When I was setting up my rig for Metropolis, Supergirl and Superman showed up. When Supergirl found out what I was doing, she wanted to get involved. As in...well, in working with the Spiders. Even though they do all that save-the-world stuff."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Really?" Silk sounds surprised. "That's kinda cool of them. It's nice to have a heavy hitter on our side if things go way wrong." She folds her arms and nods, "And we know how often /that/ is."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Far too often." He looks around. "Y'know...I'm actually a little hungry. What say we put the new Spider-Comm plugin to the test and find a good after-hours pizza joint? There has to be one SOMEWHERE in this city."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Sure thing!" Silk says. "I could always go for pizza. Gotham seems to be an all night pizza kind of place." She looks thoughtful for a moment, "Or an all night dingy diner kind of place. I think that's more likely."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles and fires a webline. "It's a very neo-noir kind of place, isn't it? Gothic architecture, dim lighting, old-style fixtures. I always get the feeling I'm going to run into Sam Spade on his search for the Maltese Falcon." He paused. "Okay, do a search for pizza joints currently open."