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Latest revision as of 05:08, 29 July 2021

Itsu namu: Haori.
Date of Scene: 08 June 2021
Location: Comic Shop
Synopsis: Manga is found, friendship is formed. Roadtrip pending?
Cast of Characters: Yukio, Madison Evans

Yukio has posed:
Still very extremely new to anything America, Yukio has taken some time before daring to venture out and about on her own. Today was such a day, she was told about the school that there was a comic shop nearby, and it was something of a fascination to see how something like that would look in the United States. For what it's worth, she easily looks like a cosplayer of this character or that, so fits right in with that fancy haori of hers.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison, for her part, has made her way to the small selection of board game offerings - and is holding a little plastic bubble pack for Imperial Assault. She turns it over in her hands, reading over the text on the packaging, and studying the art - when the swaying of sleeves catches her attention out of the corner of her eyes. It's not a usual sight in American stores and so the young girl takes a moment to do the sort of thing her mother always chastizes her not to do: she stares. Openly.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio for the moment, is taken with the sights, posters of superheroes, colorful signs announcing recent releases, collections of figures, beautiful covers....and then she finally takes notice of the fact someone is staring directly at her. She briefly studies Madison, before lowering her eyes and moving to standing behind a rack of comics, pretending to browse whatever is on display. Yet, she still seems well aware of Madison, perhaps she was just too shy to say anything.

Madison Evans has posed:
    It's only when the girl looks at her, and shies away, that Madison realizes her blatant faux-pas and drops her gaze down to the package still in her hands. She stares at it for a few moments, silently debating if she should just let it go or- No. If she'd caused offense, she was supposed to apologize.
    Making her way over, she offers Yukio a small, embarrassed smile. "Hi," she greets her. "I- umm. I thought I should apologize. I didn't mean to stare, I just - umm, I've never seen a jacket like that before. It's pretty," she explains.

Yukio has posed:
One thing Yukio did not expect to happen, is that the girl who just stared at her would actually approach her. Eyes growing wide, there's no telling what is running in her mind, as she's greeted, she offers a subdued, polite smile, and greets in turn in a rather high pitched voice, "herro."

The moment Madison starts apologizing, a dismissive hand zips up, as Yukio giggles and lowers her head, "oh, no, no, no, is okay, is okay. Thank you." It's when she realizes she's being complimented on her jacket, that she giggles again and twirls her hand about to make the sleeves flow, "itsu namu: Haori." She explains, "pretty, pretty." So English isn't her native tongue by any means, but she's at least comprehensible.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "...you name your jackets?" Madison asks uncertainly - as she watches the girl twirl. But the smile which had been small, and embarrassed, widens into a more genuine expression. "//Seriously// pretty. If I knew where you got it - I'd go get one too!" ...if her mom would spring for it. Would she? ...probably not.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio has a rather radiant smile, now that she fully understands that Madison is merely complimenting her. "Ah..." she lifts one arm to point at her haori, "is not mmmm....not rike pipuru name," she then points at her leggings, "regingsu," then at her belt, "beruto," finally back at her top, "haori, yes?" That 'yes' is so heartfelt, as if that alone would make Madison instantly understand she meant that's the name of the clothing item. She actually thinks a moment at the question, and offers, "that one...buy in, Kyoto."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Ohhhh... It's called a hari," yes, hari, "not a jacket?" she asks. Look, if Yukio can butcher her language, she can accidentally butcher Yukio's. It's fair play.
    "...I doubt I'll be going to Kyoto anytime soon. That's in, umm... asia, right?" She pauses a beat. "I mean, obviously. That's a stupid question. Sorry. I just- I mean, I don't travel very much," she explains. She talks fast - very fast - and suddenly seems to realize that might be a problem.
    "...should I talk slower?" she asks in a calmer voice.

Yukio has posed:
"He..." Yukio looks a bit preplexed, before trying to repeat slower, "ha-o-ri, understando?" She somehow still manages a very friendly, welcoming smile. Oh what comes around goes around for sure. Easy for one, is hard for the other and vice versa. "Japan!" The name of the country is spoken with such joy, it's clear she misses it a great deal. Rather than ask Madison to talk slower, Yukio maintains that big smile and says, "yes," without being entirely certain what she is agreeing to.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Ohhhhh. Ha-o-ri," Madison ennunciates carefully - and awkwardly - looking to Yukio for a confirmation that she said it right. "Haori," she repeats to herself. "Well. It's really pretty, even if I'll never have a jacket like that."
    She gestures around to the rest of the shop with its comics, and small selection of games, and role play supplies. "Umm, if you're looking for anything - I mean, not like I work here or anything, but maybe I could help you find it?" she offers.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio claps her hands in excitement for Madison getting it right, "korekuto!" She cheesrs, beaming at the nice words offered to her choice of top. "Maybe, one day, I. Buy. You. Yes?" The offering of buying a Haori for Madison might not be too clear with Yukio's fumbled words. Turning to look at the colorful displays, Yukio considers Madison's offer of help, then asks, "Sailor Moon?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh!" Madison remarks in surprise. "I mean - that would be very nice, but you don't have to do anything like that... We hardly know each other!" she protests - largely because her mother would expect her to protest. "I'm Madison, by the way,," she adds - holding out her hand towards Yukio.
    After they've introduced themselves she lets out a speculative sound. "Well - things are usually in alphabetical order. So if there's any current Sailor Moon comic books - it would be on the wall over there under S - the back issues would be in those boxes," she points to tables covered in boxes, "under S, and- I'm pretty sure there'd be English-language manga for Sailor moon on the book shelves there..." she points again. "Where do you want to check first?" True to her word, she tries to speak more alowly and carefully.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio offers a small bow to Madison, keeping that polite smile, "me am Yukio," she returns the favor of introduction. Rather than take the hand, Yukio offers a bow instead. "One step closer to friendo," she says jovially, "english! Yes, yes, that one, I am rearning. Getting better, practice much." She looks at where Madison pointed, and starts towards that area.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well - they'd all be in English," Madison replies brightly. "I'm just not sure if it would be a comic book adaptation - or just the manga translation." Once they reach the shelves, Madison starts scanning through the alphabet to find the correct manga - letting out a sigh of disappointment. "It looks like they don't have them all. They have number 2, not number 1. But I bet they can order you in a copy of number 1."

Yukio has posed:
Yukio seems rather pleased at that, and with the first volume not being available, she seems more than happy to take volume 2. "It's okay, I take it, thank you for your herp." She says with a beaming face, "Madi-san, you are now me friendo?" She asks, a rather low threshold for taking a friendship, but there you have it.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Sure," Madison agrees brightly. "I don't have a lot of friends in the area," she explains easily. "My mom just moved out to New York for work, I'm from California, you see, and I'm going to school at Happy Harbor now- I can give you my cellphone number?" she offers - pulling out her own phone so she can access the address book.
    "I'm glad we found what you're looking for," she adds in a cheerful tone.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio seems mighty pleased, as she takes out her cellphone, waiting for the number, as she starts typing with her thumb to set Madison's contact. "I have a rear America friendo!" She thinks a moment, and than asks, "now we go on, road trip?" She clearly seen a movie or two, as she shuffles towards the register.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison can't help but giggle at that notion. "Road trip! Where to - all the way down to Florida? To Disney World?" she suggests with amusement. "That would be //epic//! But I don't have my drivers license yet - I mean, I'm not even 16 yet, but soon! - and mom doesn't want me to get my license yet, and even if I did, she wouldn't want me driving with frien- I'm talking too fast again, aren't I?" she cuts herself off to ask - an apologetic look on her features.
    "Anyways. Umm. ... do you drive?"

Yukio has posed:
"Dishiney?" Yukio's eyes light up at the prospect, "yes! Yes! Go now?" Apparently she's eager and ready at the drop of a dime. At least she caught the early part of that whirlwind, always politely smiling and nodding along. She once again says a very self assured, "yes," despite not at all being able to drive anything, really. Or was it the question ascertaining Maddy was talking too fast she was answering to? Either option is possible.

In the meantime she completes the transaction and holds proudly to her very first English manga. There will be some studying tonight!

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Aww, man - I wish I could!" Madison replies with a loud sigh. "But my mom would get //so// mad. She'd call the cops on me!" She looks thoughtful before adding, "But maybe we could plan a trip... if I can talk my mom into it, I could tell you, and you could talk your parents into it?" she suggests hopefully.
    She doesn't //actually// believe it'll happen - but if you don't try, it definitely won't!

Yukio has posed:
"Cops? Oh no!" Yukio seems to have an understanding that it's a bad thing. Maybe the road trip will have to be postponed. She shakes her head, before mouthing out, "no parents...parents, home, in Japan!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Don't worry about the cops," Madison says hastily to reassure the girl - before giving her a baffled, almost awed look. "You came to America by yourself? Are you... staying with family or something? Or- umm, at like... a boarding school?" Are boarding schools still a thing? She's not sure.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio nods enthusiastically when Madison actually guesses correctly, "Za-bi-eru," she enunciates slowly, to make sure she says it right. "Is a school in big house. Big, big house," she holds her arms way up over her head as if to further illustrate just how big the Xavier Mansion actually is.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I don't know that school..." Madison muses quietly. "I mean, I guess my school has dorms, too. But I live in an apartment - with my mom. My dad and his family live in California, still," she explains.
    "Well. Maybe I can see your school someday! My school is sooooo cool. Happy Harbor has a lot of like... people with super powers at the school," she says with pride. "But... I don't know very many of them yet..." she adds more quietly.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio gets very quiet at the mention of people with power, but looks intently at Madison, before offering, "...I wirr ask," apparently not quite sure if she's allowed visitors yet. But at least Madison gave her a reason to pester faculty now. Poor them. "I habe go backu now, tank you, Madi-san!"