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Recovery and Past Traumas
Date of Scene: 29 July 2021
Location: Asteroid M: Medical Bay
Synopsis: Hank and Clarice talk about Rahne's situation and their own past traumas. Mystique brings fritters.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    When Rahne first arrived on the asteroid - needing to be stabalized, and cleaned up, and settled into place - Clarice had found herself rather unceremoniously pushed to the side, and then ordered to shower and eat by Mystique.
    After having accomplished that, however, she'd hardly left Rahne's side, determined that the other girl wouldn't be left alone to wake frightened in an unfamiliar place. She'd tried to concentrate on some work on a tablet, but that had been a real struggle in her current frame of mind. Eventually she'd dozed, sitting in a chair by Rahne's side, one hand gently twined with the other girl's - but it was a light, fitful sleep that she roused from whenever someone entered to check on Rahne, or administer another dose of medication.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Rahne was constantly monitored - Hank was not going to let a moment go in terms of her care. Every test is confirmed as needed, every treatment overseen. Eventually, she's stable and she just needs to rest and let her mody mend. Henry still stayed near, seated nearby. He's got a book open, his reading glasses on. As he turns the page, he notices Clarice as she wakes up.

Marking his place with a bookmarker, he looks over to her. "You know, we could wheel a bed closer so you could rest easier?" He offers, with a smile

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It seems a bit silly," Clarice says with a little embarrassment. "Especially since I imagine Mystique's going to kick me out of here and send me back to my own quarters sooner or later, anyways." She gives Rahne's fingers a gentle squeeze, her gaze going from Hank, to studying Rahne's features for any signs of consciousness, or discomfort. "I just want her to wake up. I want to know how she's doing after an experience like... that. She must have been terrified."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A look to Rahne and a nod. "Perhaps. Perhaps she's dreaming of better times." He suggests, with a slight smile. "She's not medically sedated, so she can wake up when she's ready. Just painkllers and all the antibiotics we can muster for now." Hank looks to Clarice after. "How are you doing, Clarice? This took a toll on you as well." The man offers over, his tone soft.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The question directed at her ellicits a wince from the young mutant who keeps her gaze fixed on Rahne, rather than daring to let her gaze stray towards Hank. "I don't know," she admits. "I'm still angry. Part of me wishes I'd killed them for doing this. Part of me knows Rahne would not thank me for that." She shakes her head as she adds, "I've felt so useless, and helpless in all of this. What control do I have over anything that happens?" It seems like a frighteningly small amount.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A moment passes, Henry looking at Clarice the whole time. A glance to his book, and a shrug. "Part of me wishes you had as well." He says, honestly. A slight smile as he looks back to her. "Rahne would definitely not approve. And... life is about being helpless at times. Often, you are just a passenger who can hold on and do little else." The man explains. "But when you /do/ act, you do not hesitate. And I expect that is part of your life, nowadays." A scratch to his chin. "You are doing all you can, and I can assure you that Rahne appreciates you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Surprise registers on Clarice's features at Hank's admission, and she looks up towards him in silence, studying his face for a time. "If I'd had my powers... I imagine I would have killed them," she admits quietly. "Part of me," a large part of her, "still wants to run off and finish the job. Maybe it's just so I won't be stuck sitting here, feeling like I'm doing nothing. Like I have no control."
    Could anyone blame her for dreading any sense that she's lost control? After everything she's been through.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod. "I was needed as a doctor, or I'd shudder to think what would have happened to them." Henry admits, candidly. "It is how we respond in those moments that help to define us as a person." A slight shrug at that. "I would like to think that we did what was needed. What Rahne needed, as well as what we needed." A tap to his book, claw tracing over the title. "And you are in control - you being here is helping. I assure you, she knows you are here Clarice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Do you think so?" Clarice answers quietly, looking to Rahne once more as she squeezes the woman's hand. When will she wake up, though? She won't really feel reassured until then.
    "I don't feel in control," she adds without looking up. "I feel-" She hesitates, searching for the words, then letting out a frustrated sigh. "I responded with violence. I could have killed that man - and I wish I had. And Rahne would hate that. I told a friend something about myself last night, and she- She just got up and left. I don't know that she'll ever want to speak to me again." And if she ever told Rahne the same thing? Wouldn't the same thing happen again?

Henry McCoy has posed:
He crosses one leg over the other, getting comfortable in his chair. "I think we are always our own worst critic. I am sure Rahne will understand what happened, and that you did show restraint." Henry says, after a moment. "You keep saying you wish you had killed that man. Do you though? Knowing how it would make Rahne feel?" He asks her.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice doesn't answer immediately, as she gives the question serious thought. Her expression is tugged into a serious and thoughtful frown by the tangle of emotions and thoughts confronting her. "I honestly would feel better if I'd killed him," she answers. She believes that. "But it would hurt Rahne if she ever learned of it, and that I wouldn't want." She shakes her head. "I don't know. Yes, and no. Selfishly, yes, but..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"It's not an easy question." Hank offers over. "It's far more complex than I made it out to be, as you mention. You have feelings, your friends have feelings." A slight shrug. "In the end, it's a matter of minimizing the upset, without being too destructive to your own needs." A smile. "And I don't take you as someone who will feel better for killing, but..."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Then you take me wrong," Clarice answers in a quiet voice, her attention focused fixedly on Rahne as she says that, her hand still holding to Rahne's. A flat, neutral expression slides into place over her features - though it was a little unclear if she was trying to shield Hank from her feelings, or block them from herself.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry nods. "Perhaps I do, Clarice. But I have hopes that I do not." A slight smile. Noting the hands laced together, he smiles. "So, how long have you two been seeing one another?" He wonders, changing the subject. "Unless you mind me prying, in which case I withdraw the question."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The shift on Clarice's features is subtle, but as he repeats his hope - his belief - that he knows her own mind better than she does, there's a momentary tightening of her jaw in response. She doesn't offer any comment, however.
    "That's- well. It's not even anything official yet. Umm... she kissed me the day she left the mansion, and I've- we've been trying to sort out what that all means ever since. We've neither of us 'dated' before, so... it's confusing."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slight grin from Henry, the man nodding. "Well, I wish you both the best." A look to her. "It's obvious you have some feelings for her. And if she kissed you, I would wager that the feeling is returned." A wry grin. "Just... go at your speed and enjoy the time getting to know one another."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I still have trouble sorting out how I feel," Clarice admits quietly. "I just know I wanted her to be safe. I wanted so badly to be wrong about my worries."
    She finally flicks her gaze back to McCoy for a moment as she adds, "Thank you for coming, Hank - and for helping her. It's good we had a doctor there."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A shake of his head. "I would have been a sad man indeed, had I not been there." He says, quietly. "I hate seeing friends hurt, with no recourse for recovery." The man muses. A nod to her regarding the feelings. "There is no rush, no pressure - just enjoy time with your friend." Henry suggeststo her. "And of course, you are most welcome."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is silent for a moment before asking, "Hank... if we had taken longer - if we hadn't found her when we did... Was her own healing ability enough to have kept her going? Or- Or would she have been in serious trouble without a timely intervention?"
    Mystique had tried to insist Rahne had been in no real danger - but she found that difficult to believe.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry takes a breath, thinking on that. "I do not have a warm answer on that, Clarice. Her healing factor would have helped a great deal - but I cannot be sure it would have taken care of her completely." A quiet whisper. "She had a fractured skull. She was half-buried in filth." A shake of his head. "But I will not dwell on what if. I will focus on what we did, how we helped, and how she will recover now. I cannot lament what might have happened." A slight smile. "That is another dimension or timeline's problem."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "But she very well could have died. It was that serious," Clarice confirms quietly, with a sick twist to her stomach. "Then... I guess it's a good thing I was so paranoid. Just what I needed - to have my fears and paranoias confirmed," she remarks - letting out a humorless laugh.
    "Next time I get worried about someone, though, I really do hope I'll turn out to be wrong."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A laugh from Henry, deep and genuine. "Not all of your paranoia, but worrying about a friend? It's a good response to have." He winks to her. "It was serious. But we /were/ in time. And we /did/ rescue her. I've been in her position before, a few times. Once when Essex had me."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It can happen to any of us," Clarice agrees. "I'm so used to my ability to blink away in an instant keeping me safe - until suddenly it didn't. And since I've been robbed of it. I'm off the medication now, though - thanks in part to your help - so my powers should return soon, but... Even with my powers, I'm not necessarily safe. I won't always get away. I've never felt quite so exposed before."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile as she mentions being on the mend. "Indeed. No matter how powerful our gifts are, there are always those who will some how get around them or cause us harm regardless." A shrug. "It is the same for humans, Clarice." A tap to his chin. "The secret is to never take your safety for granted. I'm not saying spend your life in fear, but just be prepared."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's possible I've been a bit cocky and cavalier," Clarice admits in a wry tone. "I guess it's good to have our eyes opened every now and then. And... it was probably just as worrying for Mister Creed, and Mystique, when I got hurt as... this all has been for me." That does put things in a strange sort of perspective, doesn't it?
    "Maybe I didn't show them enough gratitude for looking after me," she admits quietly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry watches her, canting his head to the side. "It's not too late to offer over your thanks, to those who have helped you Clarice. Hindsight has a way of opening our eyes." A chuckle. "And it's often better late than never, don't you think?" He stretches a bit in his chair. "We all get cocksure about our abilities - we are proud of them. We train with them." A grin.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh, I mean to bring it up," Clarice confirms, "And thank them again." She gives Rahne's hand a little squeeze as she adds, "Though all I really care about is if Rahne here gets better." Likely Mystique and Mister Creed had felt much the same? Still.
    "And we train without them. It's been interesting - and eye opening - not having any access to my powers. And it's been a challenge."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A look to his hand for a moment, a slight furrowed brow. "I've had most of my abilities, for most of my life." He says, quietly. "Born with a good portion of my mutations." Henry looks over to her. "I have only ever felt... without power, when I was captive."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice meets Henry's gaze for a moment - sympathy and understanding there, before she lets her gaze drop to where her hand is clasped around Rahne's. "I didn't feel much - when I was actually captive. Not most of the time. We were brainwashed, and drugs - so much of who we were supressed. There were moments, here and there, where I became more aware of myself, where I tried to fight back. I definitely felt helpless then."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A sigh. "I was captured with a few, Gabby included. We were tortured, in order to force us into secondary and tertiary mutations." Henry explains. "It wasn't that long ago - it's what has caused my current appearance and my more feral nature." He looks to his three fingered hands. "It's a terrible fate for anyone, being captured."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It is," Clarice agrees quietly. She's silent a moment before offering, "The Magistrates - they told me that my parents had abandoned me. That they gave me to the Magistrates willingly, so I could serve my country. That it was my duty. That it was right." She shakes her head before adding, "But that wasn't true. My doctor claimed I needed surgery - and they pretended I died on the table. So no one would protest - so the program would stay quiet, and secret. I blamed my parents all my life for- for everything that happened to me. For what the Magistrates made me into, and made me do."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry looks to his hands again, nodding. "I saw some of that in your files." He admits, with a frown. "Was there any chance of reconciliation with your parents, since ou know the information was false?" The man wonders, looking up to her then.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I never sought them out. And their names aren't on the list of survivors from Genosha," Clarice answers quietly - the pain and grief on her features plain as she admits this fact. "So I lost my chance, and they're gone. There's- umm, I know a mutant who can see spirits. He saw and talked to my mother. That's all I'm ever going to get, I suppose."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a quiet oh from Henry. "I am sorry, Clarice." He offers over, clearly sadened by that news. "I imagine that if they are out there, they watch you - and they know you don't hate them." A nod, the man shifting in his seat. "Sorry to bring up troubling memories, honest."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's alright," Clarice answers quietly. "I learned the truth recently, when Nicolai spoke to my mother. I'm glad I learned it. It's something I needed to know - you know? It's better than hating them. I just wish I'd learned the truth in time." She gives Rahne's hand another gentle squeeze - for her own comfort as much as anything else.
    "Anyways - yeah. People can be awful to one another. I would do anything if it meant protecting others from the sorts of things we had to go through."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Without much preamble, Mystique wanders quietly into Rahne's room with a carafe of coffee, cream, sugar, mugs and apple fritters on a tray. She doesn't say much, sort of wanders in to present the tray, eye Rahne to see how she's doing then as per her agreement with the doctor, squishes herself into the corner of the room as far out of the way as she can get.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile to Clarice, the man sitting near where Rahne is resting. She's sitting next to Rahne, holding her hand. "It is true - humans and mutants alike." The man explains, rolling his neck. "I suppose life is better for admiring the ways people are wonderful to one another. Looking for those occasions, makes the other horrible things lessen a bit." A glance over to Mystique, a nod. "She's on the mend. Just needs her rest right now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Probably true," Clarice admits - flashing Henry a brief smile as Mystique enters. Her attention shifts towards Mystique who she greets with a nod - and another momentary smile.
    "Mystique?" she says. "I was talking with Hank here - and it made me realize something. How hard it may have been for you when I was hurt. I don't know if I ever really thanked you for staying at my side like that - when I needed you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Having just squished herself into the corner, Doctor Emily looking through the window to ensure the cobalt mutant kept her word, Mystique was caught completely off guard by Clarice's words. One brow shoots up to her hairline, and her arms slide lightly across her chest.

"Well Clarice," she starts, her brain scrambling for words with rarely happens to her. "It's what family does for family, but... your welcome."

She really, really, REALLY wasn't used to being thanked for things. She had stayed by Clarice's side, just as Victor had, until Clarice was able to make it to her own room for recovery. She never once mentioned, nor would she, exactly what she felt in that moment when Clarice was injured. She might tell her how she wanted to murder everyone in the room and that the mutant who had attacked her was lucky she had only shot him in the leg, and not the head.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The blue doctor goes quiet for a moment, letting the two women have their moment of thanks and welcomes. He looks over to the monitors that are giving live information on Rahne's vitals. All steady, all normal. There's no want to interfere in this interaction!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Family? Surprise shows on Clarice's features - followed by a smile in response. "Anyways. I just- wanted to say that. I really do appreciate it. I guess I just have a better perspective on it now."
    Her stomach grumbles at the smell of the fresh fritters - and she tucks Rahne's hand back into place on the bed so she can claim one of the fritters, nibbling at it quietly.
    "You should try one, Hank. They're the best."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique offers Clarice a smile, before settling into her lurking location a little more.

"That's a fresh batch," she comments. "And the coffee's fresh too. Figured I better check in, at least for a moment. Emily is having a major melt down out there."

Doctor Emily Regan Hathaway, the only person on the asteroid other than Erik, who could tell Mystique what to do... at least while in the med-bay.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A fritter is taken, with a nod of thanks. "Thank you. A bit peckish, after all the activity. I tend to miss meals when working like this." Henry admits with a rue grin. "A meltdown? I am hoping we're not the cause of any stress, Mystique?" He murmurs, looking to the others.

"We're just here to help Rahne."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She likes things quiet, and tidy, and completely under her control," Clarice remarks simply, between nibbles. "But Rahne isn't one of our people, she's yours, so... Wouldn't want to give anyone any excuse to think we were limiting your access to her, or getting her anything less than the best care possible."
    She doesn't touch the coffee yet - as she continues nibbling at the fritter with some satisfaction. She really does love the fritters - and she's hungrier than she realized.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A slight snort is heard before Mystique says, "No, no stress on my part really." That was a lie, she'd been stressing pretty much non-stop and not for the reasons most everyone thought. Thus far none of the Brotherhood had tried anything with the visiting X-Men, but there were whispers she had to end quickly.

"Dr. Hathaway runs a tight ship," she continues. "She's been having a meltdown over the number of people in Rahne's room, but the room is more than large enough and people stay out of the way when the staff comes in... she's just one of those," her voice gets quieter, just in case. "... She's OCD about patients, rooms, people, everything."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast ahs, nodding. "If you'd like, I can make sure to discuss everything with her? I'm not here to take over her role, so to speak. Or invade her turf." A wry grin. "I know how doctors get about their patients, after all." A hand reaches out and pats Rahne's covered foot.

"Hopefully, we can come to terms with my assisting or being here."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She'll be alright," Clarice answers. "I mean - when Rahne is well enough, I'm sure we'll be arranging to move her back to the Mansion. She'll be more comfortable there - around the people she knows. This isn't her home." She nibble at more of the fritter before adding, "But before you go, Hank - you should really take a look around. The Garden here is beautiful - and the view spectacular. You can't go without seeing it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique chuckles quietly, shaking her head a little. "Her turf is your turf, you should have heard her singing your praises earlier. You Henry, are not the problem, and then in her next breath, you are so totally all up in her space. She's funny to listen to really. She respects you, so that's a start."

A slight grin plays at the corner of her lips, "Clarice on the other hand, well she just needs to G.T.F.O, at least according to Emily, which of course I have had words with her about and was promptly 'grounded' from the med-bay. That lasted all of five seconds when Bandaid reminded her I /own/ the med-bay." She chuckles again, glancing to the door one more time.

"Emily will be fine, however Clarice... if Rahne left the mansion are you certain you want to take her back there? It's her choice really, and if she's not ready to go back there we can arrange for a place anywhere else she might want to go until she's recovered. If she wants to stay here, you know she's welcome to, and if she decides to stay here, anyone who wants to visit from Xavier's is welcome to."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod in agreement with Mystique as he looks to Clarice. "I have no intention of moving her, unless she requests it." The man explains. "When she's awake and has the wherewithal to make a decision, then she'll make it." A wry smile. "I doubt she has any qualms about mending up where she feels comfortable. If it is here, then it is here." Henry comments, tapping the book he'd been holding in his lap.

A look to Mystique after that, nodding. "We doctors tend to be territorial." He teases.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean - of course, it's her choice. I just thought- this isn't her home. I'm not sure how comfortable she'll be with staying here," Clarice answers, giving a shrug of her shoulders.
    "But I meant what I said about the garden. You should go see it," she insists.
    As for the doctor's frustration with Clarice's continued presence, she didn't seem to care about that in the least. She's staying quiet, and getting out of the way when necessary - so the doctor can hump it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"Oh yeah," Mystique agrees with a nod. "Before you leave Henry, you need to go see the garden. Bruin did an amazing job, well worth the look... just leave the fish alone."

She glances back to Rahne. She didn't know the girl well, but she was still concerned about her. She knew in the end the young mutant would be alright, but that didn't end the worry. "It might be worth taking a walk, stretching your legs, and making Emily think she has gotten rid of you." A playful smile sprout on her face at this.

Henry McCoy has posed:
With book in hand, Henry does get to his feet and stretch - fritter carefully held in the other. "I suppose I'll take a look over there, then? She's stable - she's just mending on her own at this point." He nods. "Your hospitality is appreciated in this. Thank you both, of course."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Thank you, Hank," Clarice counters. "I mean - I know this is something you would have done anyways, if she was one of your people or not, but... still." She flashes the man a smile, without moving from her own seat. In fact, she has very little plan to move until Hank returns to the room.
    Rahne shouldn't be alone in a strange place after what she went through. No way.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods to Henry, "If there's every anything we can do to help Henry, not merely with Rahne, let us know."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Of course, Clarice." He smiles. A wave of his hand and he steps out, munching on the fritter as he looks for the garden to peruse.