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Jubilation Lee's Medical Exam
Date of Scene: 06 August 2021
Location: Medical Lab
Synopsis: Jubilee reports to Doctor McCoy for a much-needed medical examination. He checks her vitals, draws some blood, and tries to get an account of what has happened to her. Unfortunately, she really doesn't know much, except for something about a disappointing British guy who gave her a ride home.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Henry McCoy, Noriko Ashida

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Perhaps Hank McCoy was always destined to do an examination of Jubilation. When Xavier's inquired about sending him to do his own examination of her corpse, New Hope Hospital reluctantly revealed that they had misplaced it, apparently while transporting it from one part of the facility to another. In the coming days, it became very difficult to get anyone on the phone who was willing to discuss it prior to the results of the Westchester Board of Health could conclude its investigation. All the while, Noriko Ashida was insisting that Jubilation had come to her in the night, a detail dismissed as a product of grief and sleep deprivation. But, last night, Jubilation Lee was seen back at the mansion, apparently alive and well, and was instructed to report to Doctor McCoy.

    While the rest of the mansion's hackles are raised over an apparent horse murder, Jubilation stands in the doorway of the medical lab. She's wearing a pink t-shirt that has a ripped neck hole, allowing the garment to hang lazily over one shoulder. Her shorts are black, spandex, and way too short for polite society. "Haaaaank?" she calls out, hesitant to enter the lab.

    And, there she is. To say that she looks good would be an understatement. Her hair may not be done up and her makeup might not be expertly applied, but she has never looked more beautiful in her entire life. Her hair is silky smooth, her skin creamy and soft. There's just something... oddly beautiful about her. Just some sort of intangible way -- a sexiness never before seen.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Eureka! She's home! While a blessing, this also has Henry on edge. She was reported as dead, a corpse, and he was supposed to have performed an autopsy. That's not a diagnosis most people would flub - the lack of life and all. But then he was alerted that she was on campus and heading to the lab. He booked it down there, with no time to waste. As she peered into the lab, he was donning his labcoat.

Glancing over at Jubilee, he pauses - taking in her new look. "Jubilee... how are you doing?" The question itself sounds like it holds a myriad of other questions. "We've been concerned." The man explains, motioning to the examination table. "Up here, please. Perhaps you could explain to me what's been going on these last few days?

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation slowly walks in, stepping away from the door and towards the table. Her walk is slow, graceful, and downright hypnotic. She gives the man a lazy smile and lifts herself up onto the table, all while maintaining eye contact the entire time. "Ohh, I'm just wonderful, Hank. Thank you," she answers with some amusement. Her voice is velvety and deliberate. "And how are you?" Her word choice, cadence, and diction just seem a little unusual, but nothing overly frightening.

    Jubilee slooooowly crosses one leg over the other, as though she's trying to make a show of it. "You've never once asked me how I'm doing in this kind of way, so I'm going to assume you're predictably referring to this rumor that I was /dead/," she explains matter-of-factly. "Well, obviously I am not." She lifts one arm in air and bends her wrist, striking a pose. Not dead! See?!

    "To be honest with you, Hank, I don't know what happened. I was in Brooklyn or something, I think there were these crackheads or whatever... I don't know. Really weird people. But then I'm in a car with this /guy/ -- don't tell Nori -- and then I'm walking along the road.... And, I don't know, now I'm here." There are a lot of gaps in that story.

    "But I feel....mmmm... great," she adds, a soft moan added to her words. She closes her eyes and smiles.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Eyes narrow at the odd pheremones around her, Henry taking mental notes. His mental guard goes up, having spent too much time at the hands of Sinister and his cronies. "I'm well, thank you for asking Jubilee." The man comments, watching as she takes her seat. A slight nod. "There were reports of your passing, Jubilee - so you will please forgive our concern, yes? When a student and friend suffers trouble, we all get rather tense and concerned."

He moves over to collect up his scanners, stethescope and other testing implements. "Not dead, but acting a bit... unusually. And it seems there are a few missing parts of your recolletion from the other evening?" He suggests. "Do you recall ever being in the morgue? Brooklyn... what had you out that way?" He asks, as he affixes the blood pressure cuff around her arm. "Perhaps you can tell me more about this man or these weird people?" He suggests, setting the monitor to start the testing.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation rolls her eyes backwards as she tries to access more of these memories, pulling at mental threads that have gotten cross-stitched in unusual ways. Dying has a way of doing that. "Well..." she begins. "I was at work, I remember that part... And we have that special Burger Joint sauce -- the secret sauce that is really just thousand island dressing -- well, one of the locations in Brooklyn ran out, so, you know, we agreed to bring some. Obviously I'd rather get paid to ride the train into the city, so, yeah, I did it."

    Jubilation looks down at the blood pressure cuff being tightened around her arm. She squints a little but then refocuses on Hank. "The people -- I don't really remember, but I think they were on drugs. Really, uh, scary, you know?" Another glance at the blood pressure cuff. "...And, that guy, I don't know... He was British or Australian or something. But, hey, I'm not judging." She winks at the doctor and glances again at the blood pressure cuff, apparently trying to see her reading.

    "After that, though, things are a little... I don't know, fuzzy? I don't know what a morgue looks like, so..."

    "Can I go now, Hank, or do you have to examine me further?" she asks, both eyebrows going up. She uncrosses her legs and sits with both knees spread way, way too far apart. Perhaps an attempt at a distraction, but from what?

Henry McCoy has posed:
He is listening, truthfully. Her odd manner of speaking, compared to her previous bubbly behavior, is noted. There's a frown at the odd readings on the cuff, the man checking the device as it works - and then it's reading normal. Henry hrms. "I'm going to as some pretty straight forward questions, Jubilee - with no judgement on my part." He says, moving to press the stethescope against her back - checking her breathing for now. "Did you take anything? Drugs? Liquor?" He questions.

"Breathe normally." He comments, still listening at her lungs and heartbeat by proxy. "How did you meet these people? Were they at the other restaraunt? Or did they meet you while you were on the way?" He asks, trying to piece together what she's relating. None of it is making a whole bunch of sense right now, though.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I'll take that as a no," Jubilation adds. No, she can't go.

    "Drugs? I don't think so. Not on purpose, anyway," she answers with a shrug. "I don't remember ever getting to the restaurant with the box of sauce..." She says that in a way that suggests she's recalling this for the first time, like a piece of the puzzle has been finally put into place. "...But, there was this guy, you know, from across the pond. He... I think he was a landlord or something -- said he was evicting them, the crackheads or whatever." She pauses, squinting again. "...I think maybe it was an office. I don't know."

    Jubilation drags her hands against the top of the examination table and takes a breath. While Hank is near, she seems to be breathing normally. Her heart even beats. It's an afibrillation, but it's beating. While Hank is near, anyways. She drags her tongue across her bottom lip and leans back, staring up at the ceiling.

    "Come on, Hank. I'm obviously fine... Don't you think?" She shifts her eyes so she's staring at Doctor McCoy.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Too many weird things. "Still, by the way your memory seems so sporadic, I'd like to do some blood tests? You may have been slipped some narcotic or other substance - I want to make sure you're clear of it, Jubilee." The man nods, pulling the stethescope away for now. "So this foreign gentleman, from Europe, was evicting some vagrants. From an office - was this office supposed to be your destination?"

Henry was still frowning slightly, concerned that she'd been maliciously doped up or some such insidious behavior. "I can't say that you've got a full clear, Jubilee - not until I am sure. Have you spoken to Jean about these missing memories?" Of course, she may not have realized they were missing, judging by her recollection.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's been awhile.  For Nori that's /a/ /while/.  Promises were made.  The word /fest/ was used.  It didn't take Noriko very long to search the place, given nearly everyone is in their right place.

"What's going on?"  Noriko is already inside.  How much did she hear?  See?  It's a constant feeling some people have had to get used to, others are used to being around mutants with all sorts of powers (e.g. teachers).  Noriko did give a little cursory knock, but it happens so quick, it'd be easy to misremember it never even happening at all.

Normally, Noriko doesn't just barge in on Hank though, especially not with a patient or while he's in mid conversation.  "You better be really sick," Noriko playfully threatens the quickness of her speaking making it easy to conceal her nerves.

"Hey Doc."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Blood test?" The words strike an unfamiliar fear within Jubilation. She blinks her eyes, staring off for a moment. "Sure... Just a little. Like, a tiny amount. I haven't spoken to Jean yet. She has her hands full with a horse." She seems serious about that.

    "No, I wasn't going to an office -- I was going to a Burger Joint in Brooklyn, remember?" Jubilee smiles widely and shifts a little so her rear end lifts from the examination table, bringing her hips into the air. "...It sounds like /your/ memory is the one that's sporadic. Maybe I should test some of /your/ blood?" Was that a sparkle from her eyes? Must be the imagination...

    The knock draws Jubilee's attention. Instead of being annoyed by the interruption, she seems pleased. Quite pleased. "Hank..." Jubilee sings. "Will you excuse me for a moment? I just remembered -- I have something very important to tend to. Just a second." She doesn't bother waiting for a response before sliding off of the examination table. Jubilee walks slowly towards Noriko Ashida, staring at her as she approaches. And then... Jubilee does that very important thing she has to tend to: Jubilee presses her lips against Nori's and rakes her fingers through the speedster's hair. She doesn't break free of it for a few moments -- longer than should be done in front of another person -- but when she does, Noriko is giving the slightest shove.

    Jubilation walks back to the examination table and lifts herself up onto it again, as though nothing out of the ordinary happened. "...So, you said something about a blood test?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The appearance of Noriko is not something Henry is concerned of - he had half-expected her to have been with Jubilee from moment one! "You mentioned the burger joint, but then have switched to having met this European fellow in an office... was it in the Burger Joint office?" He asks, but then she's slipping from the table and moving over towards Noriko. A blink, then a look away as the two share their moment.

The syringe is collected up, along with a vial for the sample while the two young women embrace. Henry simply focuses on his work, all the while making mental notes. "I'd like you to speak with Jean, Jubilee." He says, firmly. "Which arm would you prefer the draw occur on?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
There are some ways to take a speedster by surprise and a lot of them have nothing to do with physical quickness, but Noriko is expecting, at most, a peck, maybe a word that nothing is wrong to assure her.  This though.  The speedster has no defenses.  Her cheeks, the tips of her ears all flush in an instant.  Even speedsters can't beat their own biology.

The welcome assault makes the girl's knees wobble for just a fraction of a moment and she blinks as she is playfully shoved, taking a step to keep her balance.  "Uh..."  She's left in Jubilation's wake, a deer in headlights.  The speedster loses track of whether she's fast or slow.  With so much control, sometimes she autopilots.  This is more like shock.

Nori pads closer to the exam table but grabs a seat on a stool in a mindless blur, operating at her own natural pace, running her fingers through her hair as if she ever cared about it before.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Which arm? Jubilation lies down on her back, one knee bent, with her head lolled back off the edge of the examination table. She streeeeetches both arms above her head and offers them both. "Dealer's choice, Hank," she answers softly. "Just a little." She turns her head to watch Noriko, staring even. "Noriko, I don't know how much longer this is going to take. I hate that you're waiting for this..." she says with a mock pout. "Can't we hurry this along, Hank?"

    "I mean, I've told you everything I remember," she adds. "Burger Joint out of sauce. Went to Brooklyn. Limey guy. Crackheads getting evicted. And I think some of them were va---" She blinks her eyes. Woah. In that instant, a memory was unlocked and then quickly buried again, as though some unseen force is preventing her from realizing what those crackheads were. "...va-erry bad people."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Right arm it is! He moves over to the side of the table, swabbing the area carefully. Once clean, Henry nods to Jubilee - though he does glance over to Noriko, trying to see how she's taking all of this. A nod to her, before his attention goes back to Jubilee. "I'll inform Jean that you are arriving. Don't drag your feet on this, Jubilee - I want you to speak to her as soon as she is available to you." A nod.

Then it is a well-practiced and quick poke, seeking to withdraw a vial for testing.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"What?  Crackheads?  Why-"  Noriko notices the change in Jubilation right off and it stops her in her tracks.  Patience.  Patience Noriko.  There's a tiny abrupt change, a micro expression.  Some of Nori's regular expressions come across as them just by virtue of how fast she operates when she's not careful.  This one is...uncertainty.

"She has a pretty full schedule though right?"  Noriko looks over to Hank, "The headmistress I mean..."  Noriko looks back to Jubes to say, "I want to come with you when you see her."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yes, of course, you can come, Nori. You can come."

    Something inside Jubilee stirs when that needle goes into her skin. An exaggerated fight-or-flight response starts to come alive, clawing up to the surface. Her lips curl back to reveal all of her teeth as she sucks in a volley of air. It shudders through her throat, causing something resembling a growl. She looks absolutely, positively, enraged by this. How dare he poke that needle into her perfect body? This vessel! He'll need to be taught not to do that. Ever. Ever. Again. Fight it, Jubes! Fight...it! Jubilation takes another lungful of pointless oxygen, snarling momentarily, and then.... She's fine. All good. No problems here, all smiles!

    Such an experienced doctor like Hank might have noticed an aggressive healing response from Jubilation's arm, at the site of the poke. It's like her skin was almost ready to heal over before the act was even done. But, that would be impossible -- must just be a trick of the light or something. With that business settled, Jubes flops over onto her stomach and smiles sweetly up at Hank. "I promise. I won't drag my feet," she answers before sliding off of the examination table entirely. It seems that she has decided that the exam is over.

    "So, there we have it. Alive. Not dead," she announces before reaching out to take one of Noriko's hands. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some neighbors who need to get woken up from all the noise." What the heck does that mean? She gives Noriko a mischievous smile before pulling her towards the door.