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Latest revision as of 02:28, 7 August 2021

Look what the April Drug In
Date of Scene: 05 August 2021
Location: April and Harley's Apartment.
Synopsis: April breaks it to Harley that they have a new pet! Or something!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
With the cougar fed and watered and given a place to curl up on the ground, April makes her way back upstairs. She shoves her hair out of her face as she waves her way through the Hyenas that are following RIGHT BEHIND HER on the stairs as she goes up them. She looks back at them behind her. "Stop pushing me! I'm wlaking as fast as I can!"

They don't listen and keep pushing.

April groans and reaches the top landing then shoves the door to the apartment open and steps inside. She looks toward Harley's room to see if she's available to ... tell about the new guest...

Buuuut, she also starts to walk toward the kitchen while the Hyenas follow after her, sniffing... sniffing... new cougar smell, after all!

"Stooooop...." April bats at their noses as she goes to the fridge to get a drink then walks it to the sink to wash her hands off.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Oh, yes. The Hyenas smell blood. Or in this case, new blood! A challenger for their domain and of April's affections! So indeed they are sniffing and prodding and poking and ..., well it's mostly sniffing really. To better know their enemy! Or something... But they are also hungry so their tongues are lolling out and they yelp up at April when she takes that second too long to open the door.

Demanding hyenas are a thing!

As for the Hyena mistress herself? The mistress of disaster? There are sounds coming from her room and she is ..., singing? Right on the climax of 'My Heart will go On'. It's a classic really! But it seems to be right near the end because then she is heard saying.

"And that's the kick off to oouh Only Fans page! If you want moouh ya know what to dooooo. Hot duets between me and my roomie April? Or who knows what else!" clearly suggestive! Ugh ...

April O'Neil has posed:
April steps back out in to the living room with her bottle of vitamin water and between the two Hyenas that follow after her. She catches the last bit of what Harley is saying and smirks. "They're gonna have to pay THROUGH THE ROOF!" She shouts back in to the other's room across the living room as she drops down in to one of the sofa chairs and pulls her feet up on to the edge to block the Hyenas with her legs. Since they're being insistent she starts to playfully shove them away with her feet before laughing as one of them starts to chew at her pantleg.

"Stop it! these were expensive!" She protests!

So it will be on Harley's inaugrial OnlyFans stream, April is being devoured by her Hyenas... such is life for the young wayward reporter!

The sound of her laughing and playing with the two is coming from the living room now.

Along with lots of whining and then a squeal of pain as one of them bites too hard.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's momentary silence coming from the room when that shout from April comes. Caught in the act! But then there's the sound of some rough-up happening?! Harley is heard saying, "Well, dear fans! Seems like April brought some rough boy home tonight! I told her I should veto her tindah catches but she never pays me any mind! Hmph! Soooo, I am gonna have ta go, and this will eitha be a great video latah on or I will be in jail foh kickin' the ass out o' some guy. I will bbl!"

Harley makes way to the door and pushes it open! "Alright, whats goin' on heah and I wanna join in on the fun and---" she pauses when it's the hyenas doing it. Well... Hands go to her hips.

"Bud. Lou! You spoiled brats, what ya doin' ta Apes!" she ambles over to distribute much needed punishment to the hyenas who yelp and settle with resting their chins on April's legs. Grumpy..

Harley does notice it. "What's wrong with 'em? Didn't we feed 'em just a small while back?"

April O'Neil has posed:
One of April's shoes is gone along with the white sock as well by the time that Harley makes it out in to the living room. When the true caretaker of the Hyenas gets them to simmer down, April drops her feet down to the floor in front of the chair and whimpers a little before she looks up and smirks at her roomate.

"I maybe have eanred this." She says back to her. "I... invited a stray in." She tells the other yet further! "The other night I went to check on a lab and I may have released a ... part cougar... part... man? On to the city..." She softly nods her head then as she puts her drink between her thighs and pets the top of the Hyenas heads as they rest their chins on her legs now.

"He's ... downstairs... in the furniture show room. I gave him the left overs of the pot roast that Milly--" The old lady neighbor from next door "--brought over a couple nights ago."

She glances down at the two seemingly settled boys. "I think they're mad at me, for the food being given away and for the... cougar man."

Harley Quinn has posed:
OOooo, white socks. "That's a capital sin right theah ..." clearly Harley does not approve of white socks! Got to have mismatched red and blue! Or fuscia. Just no white! Tsk tsk. The clownette makes her way over at last to settle down next to April, a brow arching up to the roof when she is told about April going to some lab. WITHOUT HER! "Soooo......" there's a sort of dangerous tone to the woman now...

"You are tellin' me you went, on your own, to some lab. Liberated a werecougah. And ya didn't bring me?! I coulda used some o' that danger! And you prolly could had used a bit less.."

Her arms go back to the back of the couch as she gets settled, lordette of the couch. "And you brought him heah?!!", a shake of her head, "And you crammed him in the doll room? That's wheah I got all the broken dolls in!" the possessed ones.

"And oh yea, they can prolly sniff him right off of your clothes. Turtles ain't exactly challengers to their dominance... But cougahs?!" she shakes her head again. Lots of shaking.

April O'Neil has posed:
April sighs at the guilt trip over not bringin Harley with her... "Hey. I was on a limited time frame. I had a contact call me and offer to take me to the lab with some clearance creds that were gonna expire the next day when they cycled out the old ID tags...."

She lays her head over on Harley's arm and looks up at her. "I'm sorry, you weren't here. I would've glad taken ya with."

She flutters her eyelashes up at the other to try and soften her up some!

When she raises her head up again she takes a drink from the bottle she'd gotten and then looks back to Bud and Lou....

Downward staring gaze.

"Yeah well, he might be here for awhile... I dunno... so they're gonna have to make friends!" She tells /them/ while talking to Harley!

April looks back up at Harls then. "The cougar man is sleeping now, curled up on a blanket... the dolls are ... well... I dunno, maybe he'll chew them up or something.... not that I'd really mind! Though some of them are probably worth something..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ooo, sounds high tech.." Harley comments about this lab.. Which just makes her want to have been there more! And then April goes with the batting eyelashes. "Hmph! I know your tricks, Miss O'Neil!" she turns her head away, folding her arms together, nose tipping up. "Do not let this repeat again! What if instead of cougah boy it was oouh crocodile friend?!" scary thought!

"And ooo, thinkin' on adoptin' him then? Does he even talk or what's goin' on with him?" Harley then asks, curiosity winning over her attempt at staying mad. She has time for that later! And maybe she will use it to sell April on the OnlyFans thing. Such a conniving clownette!

"And what about a name? You not gonna be callin' him a cougah all the time are ya?!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April flumps back in the sofa chair and places her drink bottle on to her stomach over the tshirt she's wearing. She looks up at Harley then and flashes her a smile. "I researched the place a bit and my contact had been inside it. He said there was no Crocs, just a bunch of wildlife from the area. I think this cougar man came from the foothills somewhere, but I'm not sure. He was the only one that was like... part... person? The others hadn't been altered... yet."

She kicks her other shoe off and uses her bare foot to pull the sock off so both of her feet are bare now, which of course has Lou going down to lick her toes which makes her start to giggle for a moment before she pulls her feet back up on to the chair's edge with her knees up high.

"Name on his collar was Alderic, but I wonder if that's the brand name or somethin'. Kinda sounds like a company from Colorado..."

Once more the auburn haired reporter is looking over and up at Harley and smiling sweetly at her. "We can go see him when he's awake, I found him rummaging through dumpsters. He's gonna need a bath. Was thinkin' of hosing him down like we do these two mongrels." April drops her feet on to Bud and Lou's shoulders then, wiggling her toes.

Harley Quinn has posed:
When April brings her now bare feet up to the couch to escape the hyena's 'attack' it makes Harley look at her feet, then back up at her again. "Girl, we gonna go and get you some socks that aren't white. Honestly, how did ya survive foh so long without me around!?" a mystery, "Also, if you awhe bringin' yoh feet back in so I lick 'em that ain't gonna happen!" so sayeth Harley. But she's smirking when she says that.

"And Alderic, eh? Fine with me, I will get the hose ready and we can make suwah he's all cleaned up all ovah. Even Bud and Lou know how valuable being clean is! It means they get food to eat." true story. Hard love.

With April teasing the hyenas by toe-wiggling it means they dive in to start their 'attack' on her feet. No biting though! And then Harley asks somewhat alarmed. "Has this Alderic been ..., potty trained?" she won't be cleaning up that room downstairs!

April O'Neil has posed:
April starts to laugh softly and rumbly at Harley's words. "I have otehr colrod socks, ya just caught me on a boring day!" She protests and defend herself! "And don't act like my feet wouldn't make you millions on that website of yours...." She raises her right foot up and and over her left knee to wiggle her bare toes at Harley's face.

Of course then she's open to attack and the Hyenas move in on her again.

What results is the living room filled with the giggling laughs of the Reporter as she's being assaulted on multiple fronts! She replies through the laughter as she wiggles and squirms on the sofa chair to try and get away from the Hyenas going after her feet.

"I dunno if he is or not!" She says with a whimpering laugh as she sits up and curls her feet on to the sofa chair underneath her! "I mean, he probably isn't..." She grimaces. "I hadn't thought about that... I dunno! I'll figure something out!" She states while sitting up and eying the two furry fiends!

"You'll like him though, I think, he's nice.. if a bit feral. Think how intimidating he'll be if we tame him, or whatever." She grins big and sinister at that!