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Latest revision as of 03:30, 8 August 2021

Not Dolores Umbrage At All
Date of Scene: 07 August 2021
Location: Principal's Office HHHS
Synopsis: 7265=Hawkman Meets Morrigan!
Cast of Characters: Joseph Gardner, Morrigan MacIntyre

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman is gliding along on a warm day, sunlight glinting on his helmet and metal gear. Wheeling over Happy Harbor High he makes out a figure in the office he'd crashed into a while back fighting that damned Gentleman Ghost -who was no gentleman. This might be the opening he was looking for to make reparations for the damage he'd caused. A nearby hawk shrills as the Avenging Avian does a slow spiral down stopping at the window with a flaring of wings, to settle on the sill. Thank you gravity belt.

`Oh my, that is a lovely woman there for sure. I feel like I met her but where would a jerk like me meet such a beautiful lady?~, he thinks.




Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The curtains on Morrigan's office windows are generally closed on bright and shining days given the sun doesn't agree with her. So it's a rare sight when they are not. The redhead looks like she's finishing up some things and idly checking her phone and things as she goes about.

Though when the tapping is heard on her window there is a bit of a frown before she looks over to it. She doesn't go near the window yet, but when she realizes that's the guy that probably crashed through it there's a chuckle, "Do you need something?" she asks through the glass as she approaches.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman is decent at reading lips. People with telescopic vision should practice that skill. He nods his head and makes a credible attempt at miming peeling bills off a roll and counting them out to pay for something. Then he puts his hand over his heart and raises the other in a pledge -to behave perhaps, and he finds himself quite suddenly smiling back. Then he mimes opening the window. Not like it's any defense. he as a huge mace of uncertain origin. One that might send a chill through anyone sensitive to magic, like a cold spot that magic does not approach.

Or it might be the AC, if on.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes squint for a moment behind her glasses, not too sure about the massive man with the mace. Then she remembers she can shunt him into another dimension if he tries anything. She reaches out to unlocked the window and pull it open much like one do with a door, she just didn't open them a lot. "I'm guessing you're the one that crashed through my window months ago?" she asks him curiously.

Then she turns to head back to her chair, retaking her seat. "If you'd like to sit down you can, though I'm not sure how the wings will handle it." she offers.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman looks over his shoulders. The wings collapse, feathers sliding over feathers until they are a fraction of their former size and neatly folded against his back muscles. Which still leaves him a huge man with a big mace. He sets the mace down on the floor and goes over to take the offered seat, but first removes a metal armored gauntlet and glove to extend a hand. "Thank you. I would be that idiot, or whatever you called me. Do I have the honor of addressing Dr. MacIntyre?" Hannigan was right, she did not resemble Dolores Umbrage in appearance, or bearing in the least! She did have that principal thing going. He already felt like he was back in high school.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan reaches out and gives a handshake to the offered hand. Then she gives a look to him and there's a smile as she gives him a nod, "Well, have a seat then." she tells him. Then she gives a soft chuckle, "Yes, I'm Doctor MacIntyre. And you are?" she asks him. She wasn't mean or anything. Just trying to figure out what he was doing here.

"I apologize if I jumped ahead, I am indeed the one you're looking for. We've had a lot of excitement around the school around the time you crashed through the window, so we never got you tracked down to see if you were alright." she states.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman nods politely. "I'm Hawkman and thank you Dr. MacIntyre, I was fine. Your school liaison was accosted by an evil spirit I had some knowledge of and I crashed in here in the course of the fight." It was mostly Hannigan's fault he wants to say. But, he is NOT in school. "Yes, I read of some of the things going on here. You are an incredible administrator to keep this place running so smoothly. But you shouldn't have to pay for my clumsiness. Please accept this and do with it as you will." He takes a pouch off his belt and silver coins pour out onto Morrigan's desk. ROMAN silver coins, she will probably realize, along with some loose rings and bits of finery.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft nod, "Yes, he was accosted in Rome and other places as well it seems like. And well, he also had to deal with the Punisher a few times." she shakes her head to that. Then she gives a smile, "It is a team effort here. Everyone helps to make things run smoothly. Even when we are dealing with a lot on their plates outside of school." she admits. "Hopefully this school year it will be different." she adds with a brighter smile.

Then there is a wide eyed look to the coins and things that are settled onto the desk and she gives a shake of her head, "It was an accident and I cannot take such rare and wonderous things. You don't have to pay for things that were out of your hands and helping Mister Hannigan was enough really." she tells him.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman gets up and waves off the protests. "Then consider it a donation for the school and its wonderful staff. Use it as you will. It's yours. I'm sorry it took me so long to make my apologies. Blame my previously known principals. We so called heroes weren't all doing great in schools. Your school is lucky. Do people tell you you're not the way they remembered their principal a lot?" He chuckles and then says, "I haven't exactly found my place in the scheme of things yet, but I'm around if you need me Dr. MacIntyre. I will try to come through your window properly in the future."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him as he stands and she smiles to that, "I'll see about putting some of it on display and see if Doctor Croft can use some for her history classes. Having things like this might help keep some engaged." she tells him. Then she rises and there's a chuckle, "Less witch like cackling that other principals I suppose." she muses to that.

"So do you have a hawk like spotlight like Batman or do you have a name, sir?" she asks him. "I forgot to ask given so many in the masked business tend not to give them. But wanted to ask before I leave for a dinner engagement." she offers.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman pulls a card out of his belt. "You're very welcome. Is email good? therealhawkman@HH. I get pages on my phone. Or you could try singing for me, like they did for Underdog. I bet you have a fine voice." He hands the card over to her. He considers, "Maybe something from the Dropkick Murphys or the Real McClarens? Sorry, had to get that in but they are pretty loud. Oh... I sort of talk to birds. You can try to give them a shout, go get Hawkman!" He blushes a little. "I know... a grown man talking to animals is a little silly."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan reaches out to take the card and there's a nod, "Yes, emails are good." she tells him. "I mean, I know a lot of grown people that talk to different animals, my good friend talks to avians as well." she muses. "Singing sounds like a Disney Princess move. But can try it if the internet is down." she chuckles. "You don't really have to be self conscious about powers here. We're all different in our own ways." she tells him gently.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman shrugs a bit. "Yes, you do have a bit of a Disney Princess vibe. A self-rescuing princess at that. Uhm, do you need a ride to wherever you're going? I'm just flying around looking for evil to thwart but there isn't a lot around here. I mean I'd set you down if I needed to fight anything." The wings open and close a couple times. Nervous? A flight test? Who knows?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan laughs genuinely to that, "Yes, I am very much a self rescuing Princess. Which sometimes disappoints some." she admits with a soft shrug. "And no, my date is sending a car to pick me up. I need to head home and change first. I thank you for the offer though." she tells him. "Happy Harbor tends to be quiet on the evil part. Or for now it is. I'm hoping that we don't have to deal with anything evil over the next few months. The students need a break given the summer some of them had." she admits.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman folds his wings and climbs through the window then. "Nice meeting you Dr. MacIntyre! I hope you have a great evening. Your date is a lucky fellow. Good-bye." He lets himself fall out the window. A second later he rises into sight. The wings are spread and they propel him improbably fast with a flap. He goes off seeking evil... then doubles back to get his mace.