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Latest revision as of 05:40, 18 August 2021

Back in the Field
Date of Scene: 18 August 2021
Location: Recreation Lounge: Triskelion
Synopsis: Promotions and awards night back at the Triskelion is a proper reason for everyone to celebrate. Daniel gets reinstated as an agent and Jemma gets the Erskine Award.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Steve Rogers, Jemma Simmons, Cael Becker, Michael Erickson

Peggy Carter has posed:
Nothing formal was called. There might be a bit of a party later but this was a surprise. Both Daniel Sousa and Jemma Simmons have been given a summons to come to the Rec Room at 2000 hours, and no other explanation. When they come in, there is a small table set out. A little cheese cake, platter of finger foods, a bottle of wine, scotch, and some iced tea in case someone would care not to drink. Peggy's standing by the table in her old SSR uniform -- after all, she did get it out the other week and she technically doesn't have any OTHER dress wear. She's waiting near that table with a warm, enigmatic smile upon her features as she stands near one of her oldest friends.

On the table are two dark cherry wood boxes, closed.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's early, what else is new? Though him walking through the door at 1956 hours is a little on the nose, it's not planned, it's just that Daniel is one of those people who believes if you're not early your late.

Without knowing what's going on he dresses in a blue button down and a pair of green slacks, shoes polished to a mirror shine, if it's a mission thing or a social thing he'll look the part.

Though as he comes in the room and sees the set up his brow quirks and he looks to Peggy and Steve. "There a party? Or have briefings got a whole lot better catering since I've been away?" he asks them.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's in his rarely-used SHIELD fatigues. Captain America is a man with many hats; Avenger, Federal Employee, SHIELD asset, and an officer in the Army Reserves. But today-- it's Steve Rogers, Agent of SHIELD. SHIELD's a practical organization, and most assets opt for the dark-blue jumpsuits unless they're in a position that calls for a suit and tie.

"No, you gotta hold down the letter here, that brings up the--" Steve's showing Peggy some function on his phone he's managed to puzzle out, and when Dan arrives he looks up at grins at the fellow. His chin lifts in greeting and he stands up from his comfortable half-seat on the table. "Hey, the man of the hour's here," he announces, and offers Dan a handshake when he crosses the room. "No party, we're just springing your re-enlistment papers on you," Steve jokes. "I worked out a deal with Peggy, we're gonna split the recruiter fee and your signing fee. How's four years sound?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Nothing much has changed for Jemma. Being restored to her lab (her 'proper' place, to hear some people put it) means that Jemma had her work cut out for her, restoring it to a semblance of normalcy.

As if such a thing exists.

But yes, she was in the R&D laboratory, as if that was any surprise. And, apart from the fact that the military just positively left her poor workstation in a shambles, Jemma was in her element. It was in the labs when the summons calls her to the rec room. Peggy called for her. That in itself is a surprise. But, to go to the rec room without a reason given?

Well...that just strikes Jemma's curiosity. Which has always been a dangerous notion.

When the scientist walks in, it is with lab coat on. Just like old times. The only thing different may be that lanyard around her neck. The lanyard with her Level 6 credentials upon it.

There might have been a question upon her lips. But, seeing the setup and hearing Steve speak, Jemma may have just assumed it is an event for Daniel. So any questions fall to the wayside....for now.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has been issued a full set of SHIELD uniforms - including these sort of standard black-and-dark-blue jumpsuits with the SHIELD insignia, and there's just something comfortable about them. So after a hard day of helping get things back into order, and settling into her new office, the announcement that there's about to be some sort of celebration - well. She should get to know more of the agents, right?
    The blonde-haired woman arrives on Jemma's heels, giving the woman a nod, and a brief smile of greeting. The expression is passed on to Steve next. The woman beside him she studies with a curious look, before she goes to take a place helping hold up one of the walls. She'll wait and see what this is all about - seems like there's some sort of a purpose.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Having been dismissed from an interview with her not too long ago, Cal'hatar - Michael - whatever - has taken it upon himself to reconnoiter the grounds, habits not being old nor anywhere near dying hard or otherwise. Hands in pockets, the big VISITOR badge round his neck, the grim man in the gray Italian linen suit comes wandering through the corridors, and hearing the sounds of celebration wnders that way as people appear to be piling in. Well, that's nice, he thinks. At least they aren't chained to duty all the time.

    As he reaches the doorway of the rec room, though, it appears that something of a ceremony is taking place; he hangs back then, standing in the hall, listening. Polite enough not to intrude, but not /quite/ polite enough not to eavesdrop.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg's leaning over Steve's phone for a moment, her brows furrowing as she stares at that screen and button. "...why don't they just put it in the screen, everything *else* is in there?" She asks with a little huff, but then Daniel and the others are coming in through the door. Peggy immediately straightens up, like nothing ever happened, and a slightly wider smile blooms across her ever-red lips. Steve's response to Daniel gets an arch of her brow but also a bit of a deeper laugh, "He's... not entirely wrong. Besides, I'm not supposed to be directly involved in my own husband's command. Something about fraternization rules." Not that it ever stopped us, "So... I brought in some help." She does pause to lean over, though, pulling him into a brief kiss to the corner of his mouth. This wasn't a FULLY formal evening, it seems.

And then her dark eyes flicker over towards Jemma, smile widening a bit more. "However, I have another bit of business to handle myself and I figured we could make it a little celebration, finally getting back home. A good excuse to pull out the wine and raid Talbot's whiskey storage."

She clears her throat gently, "Will Daniel Sousa and Dr. Jemma Simmons please step forward." She motions Daniel to before Steve, then Jemma to stand before herself, savoring the undoubted look of surprise on the woman's features.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grins at Steve, looking down briefly at his own left leg, "Well, would have to work hard to be worse than my first four," he says, taking shrapnel from a Kraut 88 does have a way of souring a tour. Glancing about the room, Daniel nods to Simmons and Cael, Simmons he knows, Cael he doesn't but they get a friendly nod from Daniel before the kiss and the call to the front of the room pulls him away.

"Well, if we're going to follow the rules now..." he teases wryly before clamming up and letting the ceremony continue.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Her husband is under her command. Interesting. Michael takes mental notes on SHIELD's fraternization policies, or how they seem to be. Checks his watch, quietly. How much longer does he intend to hang back? Ah, it's not /quite/ time to withdraw.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Wait. What?

The call forward is not expected. Didn't they just do something like this back at the Playground, maybe? It is with just a touch more surprise that Jemma walks up towards Peggy, joining Daniel. There *might* have been a wish to straighten up more. Perhaps her hair is out of place. Oh, but she is still wearing her labcoat! Curse Peggy and her apparent love of surprise ceremonies!

Fortunately, Jemma actually manages to keep it together. Mostly. She offers a smile towards Daniel, then a glance over towards Peggy. And then to Steve. Then back to Peggy. Then....down to the little section of floor just at her feet. Yes....that's safest.

Cael Becker has posed:
    The nod from Daniel is returned with a brief smile from Cael, before her features settle back into a more serious expression, her arms folding behind her back as she continues to watch. She honestly has no notion what sort of ceremony might be about to take place - some sort of commendation? Or promotion? Something of that nature. But she's content to simply wait and watch for the moment.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve gets to his feet when Peggy calls Dan and Jemma forward. There's a knowing grin lurking at the corner of his bright eyes, an expression of pleased amusement. There are few things Steve likes better than springing welcome news on people.

"All right, let's see here." He digs a piece of paper from a zippered pocket, unfolds it, and moves to face Dan. "Daniel Sousa," he reads. "Under Executive Order of the President of the United States, dated 6/12/52, and the provisions of the NATO treaty of '83, you are hereby removed from the US Military's Inactive Reserves and assigned to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Divison multinational NATO mission. You are assigned to this position as a Level 6 agent, with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities conferred by that rank. Signed, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, and Nick Fury, Director."

The paper's already being folded up, and he beckons Peggy over with the box in her hands. "Peg and I arm wrestled over who got to give you the badge, and she won," he mutters at Dan with a straight-faced sotto voce.

He looks sidelong at Jemma and winks. "Hold fast, Doc, you're coming up next," he promises her.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Ah. He should go. As interesting as this is, Michael isn't a SHIELD agent. These aren't his family. They should be left to their warmth on their own. And so, Michael goes - as quietly as he arrived, filled with the bittersweet memories of a time when he stood amongst his own fellows, stood to take the Imperial Crystalium before dispatched to this world himself. Never again, now. But. The future awaits. He goes to greet it.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A husky laugh escapes Peggy's lips as Daniel mentions they're following the rules now. She grins a bit wider, "As he said, he arm wrestled me for it." She winks to him, but then she stands back just enough to watch while her probable oldest friend in the world officially brings her husband back into the field. Her eyes trail across the observers, but she doesn't interrupt things to speak to them yet. Jemma's given a wider grin at her clear awkwardness.

Then Peggy is reaching for her box, clearing her throat gently. "Dr. Jemma Simmons, Level Six Agent of SHIELD, in light of service in the field of science above and beyond the call of duty in the last few months, and your continued brilliant service since you started with SHIELD, I present to you the first official Abraham Erskine Award, a commendation to mark scientific achievement unlike we ever thought possible in the field of duty." The award is in two pieces, a small crystal plaque with Dr. Erskine's face etched in the glass, and a lovely little golden pin that looks like the outline of the old SSR logo but in softer curves. She pins it to the lapel of Jemma's collar.

Of course, Peggy had a small surprise for Steve too, there. She had told him Jemma was getting a commendation, but not what it was called. Or that she had started an award in the Doctor's name.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smirks at Peggy's laugh then quickly gets his expression under control besides a small laugh Steve's joke. He's quiet as Steve reads the order and happily takes the box with the badge from his hands. "Thanks, Steve," he says earnestly then to Peggy. "It'll be good to get back into the field."

Then it's all about Jemma, Daniel smiling as the young scientist gets the Erskine award, knowing some of the names who got it before her.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael listens in silence as the awards are giving - then pushes herself up from her position holding up that wall, so she can offer applause. It's hard to do with your hands pinned behind your back, after all. She even slides that polite sort of smile you're supposed to wear when congratulating others into place on her features.
    Level '6' huh? She's going to have to figure out how these levels work exactly.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh, I couldn't possibly..."

Jemma manages to stop herself, but only just. As she silences herself, the cheeks become markedly red...a product of her shock and perhaps more than a little embarrassment. After all, this is Peggy Carter that is giving this award, standing besides the subject of Dr Erskine's labors. Who else than the two of them would know who exactly is worthy of such an honor? Not that Jemma will ever admit she is. She still thinks that it is just normal for her.

But...at least she knows not to refuse such an honor.

"I mean....thank you." The smile breaks through, warm and bright.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve stares at the award a beat. A perfect memory is a fantastic asset, but at times it puts demands on a person that can't be ignored. There are a lot of painful recollections pushed on him-- Erskine, Camp Lehigh, Howard Stark-- even Peggy's voice while she stands there pinning the award on Jemma. It crashes against him and he shrugs it off, but there's a long few seconds where Steve's focus is a thousand miles and decades removed from the moment.

"You've earned it, Jemma," he promises the doctor. Dan's offered a handshake, then Jemma as well, with beaming approval writ large on Steve's earnest features. "SHIELD's lucky to have you two," he bids them. "I know you'll both do us proud." He steps back and nods firmly. "Fall out, and enjoy the party. That -is- an order."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Jemma dares to try and protest her award, Peggy just gives the far younger woman a *stare*. Fortunately, that seems to have settled the matter, even if Jemma is blushing as pink as Peggy's ever seen her. "Better. You are most welcome. Well deserved, Jemma... truly. I'm glad I get to be the one to present it. And see the wonders you do in the field. It's been an honor serving with you." Now that the pin is in place, Peggy squeezes her shoulder once before stepping back to speak over all to the room. Steve is given a quiet, thoughtful look for a heartbeat. Maybe she should have warned him.

She clears her throat quietly as Steve finishes the ceremony, and adds: "SHIELD thanks both of you for your honorable past and continued service. Future agents will look to you both to see what it means to be among the top SHIELD agents. Even if some of the past ones have studied you as well." She adds with a wry smile to her husbamd. "Please do enjoy a bit of something before hiding in a lab again, Simmons. It's a good bottle of wine." She winks at the woman.

She's then moving over to her husband to pull him into a deep, absolutely loving, celebratory kiss. He was off duty, she was allowed! She then pulls back from him and gives his shoulders a warm squeeze, "And you... well deserved also. I know you've been dying to get back into the field. Now I won't be able to stop you even if I wanted but, in truth, it'll be good to serve together again." She moves to pour them both some whiskey. She knows their preferences. Cael is given a tilt of her head and a welcoming gesture to the food table. "Come. More than enough to share."

Then she's looking to Steve again, pouring a bit of whiskey to offer him with a quiet shake of her hand. There's a softer smile on her mouth, "I hope that was... alright. I think he deserves to be remembered."

Cael Becker has posed:
    As she's gestured in, Cael approaches, a polite smile plastered firmly into place. "I'll have whiskey as well, ma'am, though I'm happy to get it myself." A nods is giving to both Jemma and Daniel, though she's familiar with neither, as she adds politely, "Congratulations." A brief pause before she adds, "Uh, did I hear correctly that one of the orders was dated 1952?" Just what the hell?

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel grins after the kiss, returning it as fully as it was given before his cheeks darken a little, thankfully Cap's order to have fun shakes him out of his sudden bashfulness and when the whiskey is poured he helps himself but holds off from rinking until Cael and the others have joined them. "Glad to be back," he tells Peggy and Cap before looking to Jemma and extending his hand. "Congratulations Doctor, not going to guess a woman's age, but I'm willing to bet you're probably the youngest agent to get that award" he looks to Peggy for confirmation. "How old was Jason, thirty-six?"

Cael's question gets a look, "When SHIELD was fully approved and finalized but we got started in '50, but if you're wondering, like Peg, I was there to see it, long story about a magic mirror to explain that one."

Steve Rogers has posed:
The whiskey helps push Steve out of his reverie; he smiles gratefully at Peggy, accepting the drink and clinking it against the glass in her hand.

"It's perfect, Peg," he says in a quiet voice. "Abraham would be tickled pink to know there's an award named after him. And Jemma's a great pick."

He takes a sip of his drink, perhaps larger than strictly necessary, and looks over at Cael. "SHIELD's a NATO operation," he reminds her. "Designated authority is a big deal, y'know? That's why it takes Presidential authorization to move a military member into SHIELD's roster. That directive was formalized in '52. Simple as that," he says, and broad shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Now, while she's still fully in uniform, Peggy is definitely a bit more relaxed. The Chief is smiling and still somehow looks like she's no older than 30 again, a long story to those who don't know it. It's like they are a bare few years into founding SHIELD, not 70 years after and having re-earned their good name on the international scene. "Steve has the right of it. And while Daniel and I served in the field together fairly often, it seemed only proper someone who is *not* his wife handle the official reinstatement. Besides, I've not had the chance to give the Erskine award in some time. It was overdue." She grins to Jemma, raising her whiskey in a warm little toast before taking a deep sip of it.

"And yes, Jason was 36 when he got the first one. It was the best way I could think to keep Dr. Erskine's name going and to help inspire other young scientists. Seems to have worked.."

Cael Becker has posed:
    A... magic mirror. Cael opts not to comment. Honestly, she never knows what to make of this place - instead, she opts for lifting her whiskey to the others present, and taking a sip from her glass instead.
    "Right. Well, as long as we're crossing all the i's and dotting all the t's," she remarks in a dry and teasing tone.
    "I'm Cael Becker, by the way. I've met Steve there at least," she nods to the man. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, though," she adds to the other three as the group continue with their polite small talk.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Definitely deserved," Daniel agrees of Jemma's award, as he stands close to Peggy though when Cael introduces herself Daniel smiles and shakes her hand. "Daniel Sousa, good to meet you Cael," he says before jumping into the small talk and enjoying the rest of a very good evening with family, agents and friends.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Peggy Carter, when not on duty... when on duty, Chief works. Good to meet you, Cael. Now that we're all in slightly more comfortable accommodations." Peggy offers gently, giving the other woman's hand a warm shake. Then she too is happy to fall into comfortable conversation, a few more glasses of whiskey, and maybe even a dance or two with Daniel and Steve. She let's Jemma slip off as soon as the woman wants, knowing she's more than a bit shy, but the night is a lovely celebration of SHIELD agents who well deserve it.