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A new home to roost.
Date of Scene: 17 August 2021
Location: Chief Carter's Office: Triskelion
Synopsis: Chief Peggy Carter has officially signed off on Michael Erickson being a Consultant with SHIELD under Agent Drew's surveillance.
Cast of Characters: Michael Erickson, Jessica Drew, Peggy Carter

Michael Erickson has posed:
    It's been a week since Annandale-on-Hudson. A week since he betrayed his people, killed his own countrymen, and generally made himself an enemy of the empire and an ally of the population on whom he has been spying for forty-five years. And that of a wayward princess of the blood royal, come to that. His body was dying. And so, like the mythical Phoenix whom he helped save, has been himself reborn into a new and dangerous form. For Earth. For Chandilar. For the good of both peoples.

    The Majestor is insane, the Princess told him. A galaxy of souls trained to march at his command. No.

    Michael waits outside of the Chief's office, dressed simple in a flat gray suit. Expensive but understated, Italian linen, Egyptian cotton shirt. No tie. Waiting to be called in with himself and Jessica, who is of course the mistress of his destiny here in the Triskelion and, in a very real sense, on this planet now. She knows Carol, after all. And even with his recent metamorphosis, he knows that the Captain could end him.

    So he sits in a waiting room chair, legs crossed, and frowns at his phone. Playing solitaire, of all things.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Shi'ar generate a lot of paperwork. It's unusual for an agent as low in the ranks as Jessica to be a handler, especially for someone born off-planet. But, of course, they didn't know that the Red Sentinel wasn't your garden variety superhero. Just those two sentences in juxtaposition are synonymous with how different the world has become in the last forty years. Chief Carter would undoubtedly have the long view on that.

Jessica shifts the laptop to her left arm and tugs on her fitted black jacket. Nervous tells. Carter is one of the heroes of SHIELD, known for her level-headed and humane approach to agents. The nerves are hardly warranted. So much has happened in the last few weeks that Jessica routinely makes bullet points to summarize the day and her new symptoms.

She glances at Michael. It looks like that name will stick rather than Cal'hatar. Thinking he doesn't look nervous, she glances at the Chief's door, making herself uncross her legs and not jiggle her foot or scratch the inside of her wrists.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A calm, British voice comes across the intercomm, "You can both come in." Peggy's tone, as at ease if she was going to be having a discussion on the weather, not with a possibly invading alien. The Chief is currently settled behind her desk, looking strangely young for a woman who has served SHIELD since it's founding. She doesn't appear more than 30 human years. But life is strange.

She's in one of her old fashioned suits, slacks high waisted and wide legged, her hair in dark, softly frothy curls around her face. She truly does look like an earlier era. She smiles to Jessica immediately, giving the woman a respectful dip of her head, "Agent Drew." She greets warmly. It's clear she is fond of the woman, or at least, her work. Then she's looking over Michael, one brow arching curiously as she studies him.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Peggy's voice is very U, very BBC of another generation perfect - it feels like a homecoming to Jessica whose accent carries Oxford in its vowels. "Ma'am," Jess returns the nod with pleased surprise that she hopes isn't visible and pulls out one of the two chairs on the other side of the Chief's desk.

Before sitting, she gestures to the well-dressed man standing next to her. "It was good of you to see us so quickly. In light of the current situation, we thought it incumbent on us to integrate Mr. Erickson into our service. So, chief Carter, may I introduce you to Cal'hatar of Chandilar, Officer Third Magnitude of the Shi'ar Imperial Galactic Forces. Also, known as Michael Erickson, the Red Sentinel."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Michael /uses/ the words. That name given to him by his mother and father once he emerged from a gilded egg - an image that would likely give both women in the room pause - simply doesn't seem to have that much purchase for him now. Empty. For now, at least. "I am pleased to meet you," he says, nodding once to the time-displaced lady behind the desk. He does not sit, himself. Commander in presence. Old military instincts, shadows of the Imperial cadres still haunting him. Can't take the military out of the man, et cetera et cetera.

    Stiff upper lips are intergalactic tradition.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"At ease. Both of you." Peggy offers a heartbeat later, especially seeing the way the alien holds himself so stiffly, as if they had the same military practices there as they do here. As if to demonstrate, after she offers her hand to each for them to shake, Peggy folds smoothly into the seat behind her desk and gives a curious, quiet smile from matte red lips. Her hands fold neatly, no notes being taken yet. She wants to watch them both entirely for this interview.

"So...Give me the story here. I am certain I will have many questions but...let's start from the top and you can both convince me why an alien from an invading species should be walking freely through the halls of SHIELD, yes?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
The name, his suits, his nearly perfect command of English make Jessica forget that he is not only from another culture but from another part of the galaxy. This unbending stiffness of his reminds her.

The Chief gets it. After shaking her hand with gratitude, she sits and gives Michael a meaningful look, "The good news is that from our perspective, the events took place over the last few weeks. First, though, Mr. Erickson was implanted on Earth about forty years ago. He will likely amend the date and fill you in."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    With the Chief's leave Michael takes his chair, crossing his legs and folding his hands upon his topmost knee. "Well," he says, skipping past all the explanations, "I have turned my back on my people, killed members of the military to which I pledged my lifetime loyalty, and broken my oaths to the Throne and the Majestor, all to protect your planet. It's basically here or death." Every word said matter-of-fact, calm, measured. Tolling the bell of his future. "So. If that's not enough for you, Chief, I don't know what would be." His brows arch. "No real difference between myself and any KGB defectors you might have processed in the last eighty years."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a slight twist to Peggy's nose that comes, especially when he mentions KGB defectors. Dark eyes settle a bit more hard on them, the woman's 100 years of age suddenly quite clear behind her eyes. She's a battleaxe, deep down. "It was some Nazi defectors which nearly destroyed all of us over the last few months, and got HYDRA into our ranks in the first place. I never supported giving Nazis clemancy, nor have I much supported giving KGB defectors the same." Though, there are a few names there. Bucky Barnes. Dottie Underwood. Jessica might know them. Still, Peggy looks ice cold to the idea.

"So, I do not mean to give offense to either of you, but I need more than words. Words and promises are what nearly destroyed us once. How am I to know this is not some elaborate scheme at infiltration?" Her eyes land on Jessica with that, heavier than before. She trusts the woman. Jessica was going to have to make her case.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Here it is. Agent Drew has lost sleep over the past few weeks, trying to get Michael's full story. "Ma'am, I didn't trust him at first. He had hidden behind the persona of Michael Erickson and the Red Sentinel in the service of the Shi'ar for a long time." She takes a deep breath, settling her shoulders straighter as she marshals all the facts succinctly as possible.

"Briefly, it was the night of the invasion and the attempt to kill Jean Grey that my perspective changed. Mr. Erickson repeatedly had opportunities to assist in her murder. But, instead, he turned on operatives much stronger than he or most of us were equipped to handle and risked his life to save Professor Grey and others. None of it appeared staged. Ma'am."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "Well I have never done your people harm." Michael stares back at her, clearly expecting his reply. Perhaps he simply said what he did to set up this dance, who knows? "I have merely been here as an observer, but I do not expect you to trust me. Surely, you've all the reason in the world not to, from your point of view: As Agent Drew here has said, I've been on this planet for forty-five years; I've been able to hide all this time, observing and reporting on this planet's developments to my superiors. I've been a spy for most of my life." Michael gestures to Jessica there, gives her a faint smile before returning his attention to Peggy.

    "I don't expect you to trust me, because you do not know me - but this is the truth of things. I am marked for death. The Empire spans a galaxy, other dimensions. I have braved that. For you and your people." He shrugs. "But. You have access to telepaths. The Avengers, perhaps. There might be torture. Whatever. But the answer is the same. If you want to turn this into 'what can Cal'hatar bring to SHIELD', of course...well. The answer is 'a great deal'." His brows arch, now, and he fixes Peggy's gaze with his own, just as flinty, blue instead of her big-and-browns. "If my honor and sacrifice has no purchase, then by all means let us make this transactional."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The other woman's words get full attention, Peggy's lips pressing into a slightly deeper line. She doesn't protest it, but the last story gets a slight nod from her. That helps a little to know, even if she doesn't look convinced. Then her dark gaze flickers back to Michael and she drinks in his earnesty, but also his practical appeal. It's his very last words that get a bitter, quiet sort of laugh from her and an immediate shake of her head.

"I am not a woman who can be bought, nor is SHIELD. This is not transactional. We can get the things we need. We have people like Captain Marvel at our hands and some of the most brilliant agents in the world. I will not sacrifice their safety or their trust because an Alien came offering me gold and secrets. This is not transactional, Mr. Erickson. It is the furthest thing from transactional."

A deep sigh then escapes her lips and Peggy lets her shoulders sink a little more into her chair. She crosses her toned legs, fingertips bridging as she considers the ceiling for a heartbeat. "But we are here to protect people. Those who cannot defend themselves. Those who are in danger at greater forces of the universe, things governments and police cannot protect people from. That is why SHIELD was formed..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
The transactional meets the immovable. Jessica imperceptibly sits straighter as Chief Carter voices why she, a mutant, can serve a cause greater than herself.

"It is why we continue, Michael." She turns slightly in her chair, green eyes fixed on the man, in an unvoiced appeal. "Your honor and sacrifice are why I have brought you to meet Chief Carter. SHIELD can offer you a base to help us defend ourselves against the Shi'ar. Understand that Chief Carter has had ample evidence of spies worming their way into our trust and nearly destroying the democracies of the world. Chief, I will let him speak for himself."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Jessica's words are accepted with a nod, and again, a faint smile that dies the moment his face turns back to Peggy. Seated as he is, Michael simply shrugs. "Chief," he says, sounding somewhat tired, or even bored as he sits up in his seat and uncrosses his legs, never taking his eyes off hers as he does so. "Unless you're going to put me in a cell, or at the very least attempt to do so, I am going to leave this place with every intention of helping humanity. That's the path I've chosen, it is the result of my sacrifices. I will not be welcome in the Empire possibly for the rest of my life; this is now my home. So. I can either take on that mission on my own, or with other allies, or I can also do it with SHIELD. I don't need to be an agent; I don't need to know your secrets. I'm happy just to fight alongside your people when the need be and to answer your questions about whatever information about galactic politics and civilization as best I can. So it's up to you."

    He's about to say more, but then shifts track. "I will say, however, that regardless of what you decide where I'm concerned, I hope that you'll remember that of all your personnel, Agent Drew here is the one that doggedly doubted me. Even when I revealed myself to be the Red Sentinel, which your other personnel otherwise seemed to accept at least a little as a comrade in arms before I returned and revealed the truth of my nature. She has excellent instincts. Were I in your shoes I'd give her a promotion over this - after all, she's the one I went to."

    But back to the topic at hand. "Well?" Michael shifts, as if preparing to stand. "Shall I make my exit, or do I rate a few inches before we decide if I deserve a mile?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The commentay about the promotion does get an arched brow, but there is a twitch of amusement to Peggy's lips. She says nothing about it, but then she looks back over to Jessica, her head tilting to the side, "And are you willing to keep acting as this alien's handler? To keep putting your life and your job on the line should this go poorly?"

Her hand raises towards Michael, fingertips forward, a motion for him to sit and wait before exiting now. She needs this answer from Jessica. Apparently, he might be getting a few inches.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"A mole within a mole. I doubted Mr. Erickson every step of the way, ma'am. It wasn't until we went to pick up his special armory stashed away in his New York apartment that I started to believe that he would fight for us. For Earth." She throws him a 'how could you' look for his comment on promotion but closes her mouth on words best said outside the Chief's office.

Steadfastly not looking at the Shi'ar man, "Yes, Chief. I would risk my reputation and standing as an agent of SHIELD to be his handler." Agent Drew's jaw sets resolutely as she gazes directly at Carter, awaiting her verdict.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    That last bit gets a faint twitch of am eyebrow, but he nods without further word.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's another slight sigh from Peggy, staring at both of them with a gaze heavy enough it seems to carry the world. She then gives a single, sharp nod. "Very well then. Bring him aboard. Consultant. Only access to Level 1 files, need to know for mission permissions. Access to the general staff areas of the Triskelion, especially if you need a place to stay, but no where else. Drew, you remain his handler. You authorize or accompany him on any mission where Erickson shall be. Understood?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica is certain that her head is suddenly transparent and that Chief Peggy Carter can see to the back of her skull. She manages not to sigh, swallowing a long breath of relief. "Consultant. Ma'am. He will not participate in any operations without my express authorization or without my presence."

Lips pursed sardonically, she levels a look at Erickson, "You may become rather tired of me, Mr. Erickson. I have forwarded all my reports to SWORD and the appropriate officers, ma'am. Thank you for your time."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "You make it sound like I'm not already, Agent." He says the words, but there's a distict lift at the corners of his lips as he now gets to his feet. "I am prepared to tell you as much as possible about what I know about things. Galactic powers, that sort of thing - however, I must be serious about two points. One; I am not a scientist, I cannot advise beyond an analyst's level on the abilities and types and such of offworld technologies. Two; you don't get your hands on my weapons or my equipment. I know that might be very galling, Chief, but considering how things are of late all we need is for some sleeper agent that was missed to get their hands on an electron rifle or antimatter particle fountain and suddenly it's SHIELD that's outgunned on many fronts." A pause. "But I will otherwise do my best to ensure that such weaponry is employed in the service of humanity. Obviously I will also submit to medical and other examinations."

    He looks to Jessica. "I put myself in your care, Agent Drew. Thank you for your faith."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A deep sigh escapes Peggy's lips as she considers what they've both affirmed for her, and then she dips her head once more and motions forward, "Very well then. It seems like you have a lot of settling in to do and probably a very long stay in medical ahead of you, Erickson. Drew, I'll expect weekly reports on how things are going, especially any concerns you might have, and things you have learned about the Shi'ar race from your interactions with Michael here. Understood?" She watches them both closely, looking for any hint of doubt or that she's made the wrong call.

Luckily, she doesn't see it, she sits a bit straighter, hands folding on her desk, "Unless either of you have other questions, you are dismissed."