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Latest revision as of 13:54, 20 August 2021

Is There A Line
Date of Scene: 19 August 2021
Location: 6B - Elektra's Condo
Synopsis: Jessica and Elektra, round...anybody even keeping count anymore?
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Elektra Natchios

Jessica Jones has posed:
Benefit of being a member of the Defenders, access to some information, which for the time being includes a place to reach Elektra. Will it stay true for more than a week? Who knows, but for the time being, a very angry Jessica is able to knock furiously on Elektra's door, so one might think the F.B.I or worse, the I.R.S. was there. "Open up, bitch!" By the sheer lovely manners, easy to guess whose on the other side, even if the voice wasn't familiar already.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
What? Stop living in this 'small' penthouse? Certainly not! Elektra is ready to fight tooth and nail for this place, even make a few people disappear. FBI included ... Or maybe some bribery. Regardless, Elektra is currently going through the process of drinking a martini by the pool while going through a few business details on her tablet. All very high class. What isn't high class is the furious knock on the door. And the voice.

Oh great...

A sigh comes out of the assassin and she sets the tablet away, along with the martini (back to you later), padding quietly towards the doorway.

Some moments pass by in silence until finally the door is heard being unlocked, "What is it now?" her voice betraying some impatience at the tone used. Not at being called a bitch, she is used to that.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The violent knocking persists, maybe a few more calls for the bitch to open, before the sound of the door opening is enough to make Jessica stops the barrage. She doesn't look happy once the door is opened, but Elektra already might have guessed from the rude knocking. "That blonde bimbo you were tossing at the rich asshole with rapist written all over his forehead...she's a kid! It's June...you're using kids now!?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Come in." A gesture with her hand for Jessica to wander inside. Not that Elektra's expression is an inviting one, in fact it appearing none too friendly at being questioned in such a manner. But still, the politeness is there. "Can I get you something to drink?"

She walks back inside the house, a brow arching, "A corrupt FBI agent." she then corrects about the rich asshole mentioned, ".. working for Gao. You know the one responsible for burning down Colleen's dojo."

"Do you really think June is just a kid?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica does walk inside, still looking very unhappy, but when does Jess ever look happy? When stupid drunk doesn't count, it just numbs everything. "Whiskey...or whatever has alcohol in it, I guess," Jessica will never refuse the offer of a drink, especially when it comes from Elektra who has all kinds of top shelf stuff. "Well, if you needed someone to get close to a rapey FBI agent, why send a kid? I'd do it, and kill him for you in the process..." Jessica offers while clenching her fists. "I saw her, I spoke to her, she's a fucking kid. I don't care if the Hand told her she's a ninja or whatever the fuck."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"But you are not his type." The deliver is offered in a rather natural manner, Elektra's dark gaze looking at the other woman from over a shoulder. "June was." is her tone remorseful? Not at all.

She makes her way over to the small bar in the living room, a look at the bottles before picking up a particular one of whiskey, pouring a couple of glasses in. It's all done in silence until she finally speaks up again.

"Besides, killing an fbi agent means bringing a whole lot of heat upon us. We don't really want that, do we?" She shakes her head a bit, offering one of the glasses towards Jessica before taking a sip from her own. Maybe to show it isn't poisoned.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica stares blankly at or rather through, Elektra, as she makes that statement. "You're kidding me, right...? Hello...Alias Investigations? Do you know how much info I gather by being somebody's 'type'..." Jessica rolls her eyes, "I'm offended, Elektra. I'm a professional...fucking hell, not his type...jesus christ."

"Fine...gather blackmail material and report it to someone who wouldn't ignore it, ok? Like leave it with April O'Neil of Truth Seekers to air it out in public..."

Jessica grabs the glass and downs it in one gulp, clearly, either she's not concerned an assassin like Elektra might poison her, or she's counting on it at this point.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You are too old." Elektra states plainly. Ouch, right in the kisser! Or well ..., it might just give insight on what that particular agent was after. "And no, before you ask. We got the info before anything was even close to happening." just to clarify. "This particular agent was being used by Gao to keep tabs on her businesses, to make sure none other would be taken out after Colleen's info that she leaked to the police. The only unfortunate part is that she figured out it had been me behind it.."

A shrug, "Which means trouble will be coming to meet us. But you prefer that, don't you?" a bit of a smirk on her expression, she taking another sip from her whiskey. As Jessica downs her own without even blinking she lets out a sigh. "This is rather expensive whiskey.." savor it! But she pours another glass for the detective.

"June is staying here now." She then finally says, "The kid had nowhere to go. And working for the Hand was going to get her killed sooner or later. So yes, I used her, but also made sure she had no choice but to leave the Hand." some twisted reasoning there!

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm fucking 26, not 60," Jessica hisses, looking exceptionally displeased, "...you fucking used a kid, Elektra, that's inexcusable...you don't know those creeps like I do. You don't have any real understanding what could have happened to June..." Jess extends the empty glass towards Elektra, "I don't have nearly enough alcohol in me to be told I'm too old for a rapy creeper..." the glass is shaken a bit in an urgent gesture to get her a refill ASAP, "fuck you, trouble finds ME, Elektra, I don't go looking for it. It's because the universe decided that shitting on Jessica is the best thing ever," she actually speaks the last few words in a high pitched, cheerful, valley girl lilt, as if to exhibit she can change what 'type' she is.

"Did you happen to be the one recruitting her to the Hand in the first place, maybe?" Jessica immediately inferres, "because guilty conscience isn't you."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Still ten years too old." A lift of her shoulders given when Jessica presses the matter. Yet it's when Jessica goes about saying she doesn't know about what creeps do that Elektra's expression turns to one of .., is it anger? She finishes downing her glass in a swift manner. "You are telling *me* that I don't know what they do? Me? I have been in the midst of this criminal element for years now. There was noone out there looking for me when I was forced to kill for the first time." she turns to look at Jessica fully now. "Do you want to know how old I was then? Yea, maybe you don't want to know. This is a fucked up life, Jess. You know it."

"That kid was going to die if I didn't do anything, and no, she wouldn't get out of the Hand willingly so I made sure she had no choice. It's still better than the choices *I* had. So don't come at me on your high horse saying what's fair or not." Oh yes, she is big mad.

Yet nothing that whiskey doesn't heal, because she pours a couple more glasses for the two of them. "You should fucking sit down and tell me what's been eating at you, Jess. I know you have been hurt, deeply. And it's killing you." nice subject change.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Ugh...you threw her at a fucking pedo creep? Fuck, Elektra, what's wrong with you? Did she lure him by asking if he'll play with her dolls? Fuck me." When Elektra snaps at her, Jessica snaps right back, "nobody was there for me when I was made to kill either! And you don't wanna know how old I was either, fuck!" It's only a moment later that she seems to realize something, and looks utterly disgusted. "Oh my fucking god, I have stuff in common with motherfucking Elektra, kill me now!"

"Nothing is fair, you dumb bitch, that's exactly my problem with using June...you don't have to be like the assholes who abused you, be fucking better than them!" Jessica looks angry, but the quiet, calm kind of angry, not the rage unleashed kind.

"Oh for fuck's sake don't flip it over to be about me now..." Jessica is a little shaking from anger, as she downs the next glass she's offered, and just keeps herself from shattering the glass on the floor once she's done. "I should leave, this isn't good for either of us..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I *am* better than them. This is why I did what I did." Yes, Elektra clearly thinks she was in the right doing what she did. Ends justify the means kind of woman she appears to be. But is that surprising? Most likely not. "Or do you think she hasn't done worse? Growing up in the Hand isn't rainbows and fairy tales." she shakes her head but then she can't help but smirk when JJ does the comment about having something in common with Elektra. "We have more in common than you most likely imagine." she points out.

Might be why they haven't strangled each other just yet.

"And what was the alternative? Let the kid continue her way? Just let her die? Because she would. But I am sure you must have this nice alternative, don't you?" she snorts and down her glass in a swift manner. Give it to Jess to making Elektra overdrink.

It's when Jessica says she should leave that she says, "You always say that when it becomes about you, and what happened to you. Instead of leaving you could sit. And talk to me. Because if you won't talk to your friends you can always talk to me." she suggests.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Are you...?" Jessica doesn't seem utterly convinced. "I don't know what's growing up with the Hand is like, but maybe we need to crash the Hand once and for all..." Jessica tosses it out there, before waving her hand dismissively, "as if a fuck up like me could ever put a dent in them." When Elektra not only acknowledges Jess' comment, but suggests there's more yet still similar between them, Jessica hisses, "now you're just trying to piss me off on purpose."

"Fuck you, there's nothing to say about me, nothing to talk about...I'm just some stupid P.I. in a world of superheroes, okay? I don't matter..." Jessica snaps, amazingly managing to hold back tears, before turning to flee as she often does, as Elektra noted, when conversation turns to her.