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Latest revision as of 05:34, 23 August 2021

The Return of the Pawn and King
Date of Scene: 22 August 2021
Location: Shaw's Residence - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw gives Allegra instructions for meeting Emma.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Alexis Carr

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It has been a few weeks since Shaw was last seen around the Hellfire Club. Rumors had started circulating -- had he been killed? Kidnapped? -- but, just as suddenly he returned to the penthouse that he occupies at the top of the Club's building. One of his first orders of business seems to have been getting back in touch with those working for him, and as such, he sent a nice card to Allegra, requesting her presence at his penthouse.

For the meeting Shaw is dressed in a simple suit, and is sitting at the table he usually uses to conduct business. He is looking at one of the newspapers set out in front of him -- the Evening Standard -- perusing the sports page it would seem. Apparently business is not so pressing as to provide him a little leisure time.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It's rarely something so simple with Sebastian Shaw when Allegra has been summoned. The young woman had been away to Italy, to the mountains, and out of communication. A nice rereat to introduce to her grandparents the blonde boy from Kentucky who she sacrificed an ever-so-promising career in the arts.

    When she arrives, her skin is sun-kissed and tan. Her hair braided, and she wore a sharp gray-and-red skirtsuit. So very businesslike as her matte heels tapped in the foyer leading to his door.

    Which she passed through with familiarity, right on the dot of her summoned time.

    "Good evening, Mr. Shaw." she calls out in her dulcet sopranno.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Good evening Ms. Caradenza," Shaw says, rising from his chair and letting his eyes drink in the tanned girl in front of him. One can easily blame him for his wandering eye, but it enjoys Allegra for a moment or two before he holds out a hand for her to take. "It seems your time in Italy was well spent."

His knowledge of her whereabouts is probably not surprising, as he walks her over to the table at which he's set himself up. He folds up the paper meticulously, and then tugs out his cellphone and turns it off, "One can never be too careful these days," he suggests, before he asks, "Are you feeling up for doing some work for the Club?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "My grandparents send their congratulations on the deal worked with the club; it's not often they find New World establishments looking to pick up their more exclusive vintages." she smiles, withdrawing from her bag a glass bottle. It's hand-labeled in careful Italian script, as taught by the most strict of nuns in boarding schools. "A gift of friendship." she states, presenting the bottle to Shaw.

    "And that entirely depends on what work is required." she gives a lilt of her voice.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw takes the bottle and looks it over, "This is a most unexpected gift, please, pass along my most sincere thanks to your grandparents the next time you speak with them. It is exquisite," he says as he turns it over in his inspection. "Would you like a glass of this?" he asks, walking over to the kitchen where he is already producing a glass to pour for himself.

The response to his question gets a bit of a smile, "We'll save the more...entertaining request for after we've discussed business," he replies, and then dives into the heart of the matter, "I want you to reach out to Ms. Frost. It would seem that her current ventures are floundering, and I think she might be receptive to...returning to our fold. I want you to do this discretely though. Just meet and speak with her about how her work is going, if she requires any help...things of that manner. I do not want it known that I am considering extending a hand of friendship to her, nor that she may find her way back into the Inner Circle." As he says this, he pours himself a glass of wine.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The idea of reaching out to Emma was both... well. The joy at her family's wine being enjoyed washed out of her face.

    "I'm afraid my last encounter with Ms. Frost left with quite a cold reception." Allegra replies, but she breathes out in soft huff. Once her mentor and friend and now?

    Well. Threats of Lobotomy via psychic powers only go so far, right?

    "I shall extend an invitation to lunch."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw considers the girl for a long moment, "If you feel this is outside of your abilities, or if you would prefer I handle this on my own, you can say so and I will do so," he replies. He takes a long sip of his wine, letting the implied judgement hang in the air, before he moves to sit at the table, and he reaches out to gently stroke her cheek, adding, "You are my favorite new addition to the Club, I would hate to overstretch you."

And then his hand retracts and he asks, "And how is your boyfriend, Mr. Guthrie? Are things continuing apace with him?" His interest in the girl's love life might be somewhat jarring but...it is always best to keep an eye on any potential dangers to his investments.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "My grandparents approve of him because he's a nice young man with a lot of respect, and learned enough Italian to thank them for producing such a beautiful granddaughter." Allegra answers back breezily as she joins Sebastian, and she takes a deep breath.

    "I can handle it, just that we parted on less than happy terms, so it might take some time to get the information." she states calmly, maybe a little cooly after in inquiry of her lovelife.'

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"A wise young man to learn at least that much." Shaw muses, smirking just a little bit. He finishes off his glass of wine, and sets it down, leaning back in his chair as he considers Allegra's statement about her last meeting with Emma.

"I believe -- at least the sense I have gotten during my time away -- is that she is floundering. Working for the X Institute, perhaps on the edge of the X-Men. But, I do not believe that is a position she is wedded to. She is missing being Queen. And, perhaps, she will be more receptive to your overtures if you make it clear that I have sent you."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I may have taught him a little more on the way over." the girl gives a small smile, and she breathes out.

    "I'm not going to cross the X-Men, Sebastian. If she's with them, then she has to make her own choice. I can extend an invitation." she states, "If they're attached to the X-Institute, they're doing work in Brooklyn to help people who don't have our resources." she points out.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I am not asking you to cross the X-Men, just confirm my suspicions are correct." Shaw replies, "I will do the heavy lifting if it comes to such a thing, but I suspect at this point any sort of conflict with the X-Men is...a very distant issue, if at all." Shaw responds, standing up and walking back to the kitchen. As he goes, he asks, "Would you like another? And, would you like to hear my other request that I need help with, regarding...the upcoming party?" As he asks this, he turns back to giving her a looking over.

The mention of teaching Italian gets a small smile from Shaw, "Perhaps, one day I'll engage you as a tutor for my own Italian abilities..."