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Latest revision as of 01:29, 24 August 2021

Hello Blue Boy!
Date of Scene: 23 August 2021
Location: April's Room: Antique Store Apartment
Synopsis: April and Leo catch up and drink some tasty black cherry vitamin waters!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Leonardo

April O'Neil has posed:
April had just finished walking the Hyenas for Harley who was feeling under the weather and was locked up in her bedroom. AS such the Hyenas are being unleashed down in the bottom of the stairwell junction between the doorway in to the antique store and the doorway to the back alley behind April's building.

Bud and Lou are unleashed and they rush over to their food dishes to start to eat up the remainder of the dinner and some water.

With a huff of exhaustion, April starts up the stairs with the dual leashes hanging from her right hand. She's wearing white exercise clothing, and seems like she was using that walk just as much as aerobics for herself as she was for the deadly duo of Hyenas....

She opens her apartment door and then sweeps herself inside, headed toward the kitchen now to get a drink from the fridge, presumably!

Leonardo has posed:
During her walk, April and the hyenas got a lean green, blue bandanaed shadow. Bud and Lou knew he was there, the turtle didn't make an attempt to hide his scene from them. However, he's visited the apartment April and Harley share often enough... and brought the beasts 'snacks' freuently as well... that they don't make any fuss over his nearby presence.

The trip to the antique store is uneventful. Not even requiring April's guardian angel to take any action to protect her.

As she enters the building, he climbs up to the apartment window. As she enters the apartment though the door he does the same though the window into the kitchen. As she enters the room he greets her.

"Hi April, want a drink?" The question is asked with a friendly grin while he leans against the cabinet next to the fridge.

April O'Neil has posed:
April steps in to the kitchen and sees Leonardo just before he speaks so casually at her. It makes her jump, as always, and she puts a hand up to her chest. "Leo." She breathes with an exasperated huff. "God..." She moves her hand then to brace herself on the fridge before she puts the othe ron her hip and just shakes her head. "Yes, I do." She says then before laughing and walking past him to the sink. She gives him an affectionate slap on his shoulder. "Cherry water please." She says, of a specific type of vitamin water stored inside the fridge.

She flips the faucet on the sink on and begins to wash her hands off after dealing with the Hyenas.... she's a bit of a germ-a-phobe.... even if she frequents places like the SEWERS!

She looks back at him as she washes her hands off, her dark hair tied back behind her shoulders. "How are you? How are the guys?" She asks.

Leonardo has posed:
Knowing he was coming here, Leo'd made sure to clean off after departing the sewers. Some rooftop hose was used without the owner's permission but such a little transgression into public use.

As April cleans up Leo opens the fridge and finds the bottles. He comes out with two bottles, both are Blackcherry flavored vitamin water, which he sets down on the table while closing the appliance with a gentle back kick before taking a seat at the table and moving one of the bottles toward April.

"We're okay. Raph still tends to go off on his own a lot though, Mikey's busy with his party job and Donnie seems to have a schedule to follow as IT, but I'm pretty sure that he's still self-employed though." The summary of his brother's activities is given quickly before he continues about himself. "Me? I've taken on a couple of students." Without naming either expressly he asks, "Have you met Kainashi, by the way April?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April shuts off the faucet when she finishes soaping and rinsing her hands. She reaches for the towel beside the sink to dry her hands off as Leo sits down at the table with the drinks. She turns around then and sets the towel aside before she leans back on the counter to listen to him.

At his question there she offers a nod to him. "I know the name, yeah. I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with her, but I do know the name." She walks toward the chair across from Leo and sits down on it, then grabs up the bottle and twists the cap off. She takes a big swiggy chug from it before leaning back and pulling one foot up on to the edge of the chair with her. "You should bring in as many students as you're comfortable with, Leo. You're extremely skilled and the world needs more people able to defend themselves from the madness out there on thsoe streets." She says with a smile toward him.

"Plus you got a whole dojo in the mall now..."

Leonardo has posed:
"Yeah," Leo sounds a bit whistful as he agrees about the dojo, however he's holding something back in that regretful agreement. Rather than addressing that though, he says, "She's one of my students. The other's a certain vibrant reporter you know." He leaves that as that, counting on April's own investigative skills to suss out the identity of this patently obvious clue.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is still coming down from the heavy workout that is walking Bud and Lou around the neighborhood. She takes another drink of her black cherry water before her blue eyed gaze goes over to Leo when he describes his students. She laughs.

Yep, she knows.

Her head shakes side to side and she looks back to Leo. "Watch out for him." She warns him. "He is the sweetest man in the world, but trouble follows him waaaaaay more than it follows me. We O'Neils get in to trouble naturally, but for Terry? Its like on another level. Its like on THREE other levels, from me!" She says showing off a big grin to the Turle in Blue. She stares at him for a moment though.

"How are you doing though, Leo?" She asks. "For real? You okay? You need anything? Like stuff for the dojo or some new swords... or something? I dunno."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo laughs as he twists open the bottle of water he'd grabbed for himself. "You've seen my forge, right?" he asks and then interjects before she can answer, "Oh! I should make you a knife... maybe just for kitchen use. What type would you like, April?"

Is he trying to distract her? Perhaps.

April O'Neil has posed:
April drops her foot back on to the kitchen floor and she shoots him a grin. "Did you really smith your own blade?" She asks him. "Two of them, I mean." She says before sipping from the bottle again. "And as for a knife... I uh.... God, I need all new steak knives, they're so dull after cutting up so much meat for the two fuzzy chumpkins in the stairwell down there..." She shakes her head and looks back to him. "I'd take whatever you offered though, if you're really getting in to metalworking... I mean thats a huge deal, Leo. If you want, I could help you sell some things on Etsy. Make some extra cash." She grins then at him.

"I know Donnie likes to claim to be the only one to go to for computer help, but I rival him. I swear it." She leans forward a little and whispers. "Don't tell him I said that though."

Leonardo has posed:
"That'd be great, Ape," Leo says slippiing in a picked up nickname reinforcing his statement that he's been spending time with her cousin. "That Etsy idea sounds good... and I've been making blades for more than five years now. I guess I just haven't talked about it often." He then sips at the bottle. "I could make you a set of steak knives... maybe a matching meat cleaver also," he says and then, after a moment of pondering, "I want to make you something for self-defense also."

April O'Neil has posed:
April tilts her head and just shakes it gently. "I've known you for two and I've never once heard you talk about forging your own stuff... But, to be fair, I've also never asked you where you got them." She says with a light laugh. "I just assumed... 'the internet'." She grins at the Turtle across from her. "I'd absolutely love to have knives you made, Leo, I'd make sure to be extra careful with them too..." She shows a warm smile to him.

A laugh comes from her then and a shake of her head. "I dunno about anything I am supposed to use in a high stress situation though. You know how I am, I trip just getting out of bed. If I have something sharp, I'm liable to stab myself before I am any one trying to attack me..." She thinks she's a clutz, and there's evidence to support this too.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo shakes his head at the comment about the Internet. "I think our original blades were.... well, I think that Splinter lifted them from pawn shops. Well, not the original, original ones... those were crude wooden ones that he made for us." He takes a sip of his water again before saying, "When I was eleven I broke my first pair of actual ninjaken so Splinter made me learn how to smith my own to replace them. Junkyard steel and a good fire can produce a good blade. I still have that pair of swords also."

April O'Neil has posed:
"Aww..." April says when she hears the sentimental side of Leonardo talking about his swords. "I'd love to have some of those too. I'd ... I dunno, have them mounted on a display and put up on the wall or something." She says with a broadening smile.

"How is TErry doing with the training?" She asks then. "Is he wanting to use weapons like that, or is he wishing for just... hand to hand... or whatever." She's no expert on combat training!

"He better not come back here and tell me he wants to fight in the UFC now or something..." She states with a grin for him.

Leonardo has posed:
After another drink from the bottle Leo first says, "These are good, thanks," and then shifts to answer the questions. "Actually, I've been studying him mostly... that and the basics. Have to figure out what he doesn't know and how I can adapt the training to his abilities before we try anything advanced. And... he's more concerned about the stealth training than the fighting right now. If he's learning a weapon I'll have to figure out what's best for him. That'll take a while also."

April O'Neil has posed:
April slowly nods her head a couple times to the summation of Terry's training. "Gotcha." She says before she moves to stand up again. "Well keep me informed on that. I'm curious now and Terry only comes by here when the world is about to blow up." She grins at the Turtle then as she walks to the fridge to open it up. "Are you staying for dinner? Harley is feeling under the weather so I was gonna make spaghetti with meatballs. Its one of her favorites." She glances over her shoulder as she takes out the fixings from the fridge. "You're welcome to stay, I'll make enough for you to take with you for the others too, if you'd like!"

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo nods excitedly. "I hadn't been planning on it but... if you're fixing your spaghetti, of course I'm staying!" he says quickly and then adds, "And I'm sure my brothers'll be disappointed they are here for it but left overs will be welcome."