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Revision as of 18:03, 24 August 2021

Demon's Due
Date of Scene: 14 August 2021
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Morrigan meets Etrigan face to face for the first time
Cast of Characters: Jason Blood, Morrigan MacIntyre

Jason Blood has posed:
After a complicated encounter and a close call at the Laughing Magician, Etrigan the Demon had been enlisted to take Morrigan to safety. He had flown the woman to the place of her choosing, taking her right to her window and letting her out. He seems out of place in any environs, the yellow-skinned devil clad in scarlet clothing of a medieval vintage, a torn cloak tied around his neck.

"You know me not, we haven't met
Of trust we have but none
But when under death and mortal threat
Even demons choose to run

Blood's besotted by your looks, your body and your brains.
I wonder if you want him more for what pumps in his veins?
I haven't Blood's looks so far, a turn of my bad luck
Else for my efforts might be me the vampire wants to suck.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was highly intelligent, it's why she didn't really argue with Etrigan. Or tell him to put her down. He'd more than likely drop her just to give her a scare, or to hope to piss Jason off. The widows walk of the old victorian where she lives is where she wanted to be let down, because she's not sure where Jason calls home. She'd smoothed her clothes out before turning to take in the demon that was speaking to her.

"Oh that is an understatement on the trust." she muses to him as she paces a little. Then there's a roll of her eyes, "No, it's not because of his blood. Or yours. I don't need it." she points out. "Thank you for the assist though." she adds. It's genuine in the thanks.

"I'm Morrigan." she offers. "Do you like being called Etrigan or is there another name to call you?" she asks the demon.

Jason Blood has posed:
The horned creature rises up a bit. Normally hunched, he's well over six feet tall when standing, his body that of a brute. Broad shouldered, thick chested, with a thick hide like a rhino but tinted the color of bile. Red eyes that burn like superheated coals, deepset in a face with a wide jaw and a fanged mouth, ears fanning out like fins on either side of its freakish visage.

"Etrigan's the name I'm given by the great and bad alike
Worn with pride in devil's flesh, of savage wicked horn and spike.
You wish to treat me as a friend, think I'll come to care
But human flesh and mortal pain is still my favorite fare
In time you'll see I'm nothing good, a plain and simple fiend.
The son of devil, Merlin's blood, on hate and filth I've weaned
Blood may want to touch you, to make you his sweet girl.
But in my shadow, you're just another putrid mortal churl

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes follow when Etrigan rises to his full height as she stops pacing. There's a settling of her stance that she doesn't realize that she does until she is thinking of way to get off the roof. He was indeed bigger, but she also didn't want to try to out magic a demon. There's a bit of a look over the form and she decides staying where she is would be the best option.

"Alright, Etrigan. You don't want to be friends. That's fine. But I'm not so stupid that I think a demon would come to care for any mortal." she tells him. She doesn't poke back about Jason's thoughts. Not really wanting to provoke him. "Yes, definitely a peasant." she nods to that. "I don't know how your bond with Jason works. Can you relinquish control? Can he take it back?" she asks him. "And if you're planning any shenanigans I would advise against it." she tells him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood cocks his head, the horns above his eyes casting shadows down into the crimson. His nostrils flare, drinking in the scent of hte night air, the city, the place itself. Earth, the realm of the living. The realm of those in between.

"You think I will just tell you how our magic works
All the ever-loving downs, all the wondrous eldritch perks?
My secrets aren't so soon to share, bloodsucking red-haired lass
No matter how much Jason cares, nor how tight your ass."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a shrug, "I figured asking how to get him back was a bit too straight forward." she explains. "I've my own tricks, horned one. Don't think that just because I'm mortal that I am any less gifted in the realm of magic." she states. Though something he mentions makes her shake her head, "I'm sure Jason caring about things is only going to magnify your negativity towards it." she frowns.

"So be it." she nods after a moment.

Jason Blood has posed:
Etrigan hops on the edge of the roof, looking very much like a gargoyle as he looks out over Gotham, the cloak catching the wind and blowing to the side.

"Your gifts can only do so much when it comes to me
I've thousands of years of eating mages just like little thee
But Blood has laid his seal on you, his blessing on your head
So no, I will not harm you, nor make you meet the dead
In time, of course, you will decide, like all the women do
That Jason's just not worth the trouble, that he and you are through
He'll cry and moan and drink and lie and pretend he doesn't care
But truth he'd want most more than all is his own maiden fair
But women kind and decent cannot love a demon's wicked face
Nor Jason Blood, who's just as bad, deep in his secret place.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a thoughtful look for a moment, he would make a good gargoyle, only if he was stone and not giving her cryptic deliveries of a relationship failing before it even got started. The woman runs a hand through her hair and there's a shake of her head. She does listen curiously though and the talk of women deciding that the man who was trapped with Etrigan being not worth the trouble does pain her.

"I'm not going to provoke you into a fight. That would be very stupid on my end...and I don't want to end up hurting Jason should it take a toll on him. Even if I'm old and gamey." she muses. "I'll decide if I can handle things. Don't think that your tongue speaks the future into existence." she states to him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Etrigan can't help but laugh at Morrigan referring to herself as 'old and gamey'. He makes a playful gesture of sniffing the air in her direction.

"If you have begun to stink, I cannot find it yet
But then I like how fetid things like women tend to get
I said my fill, so don't blame me if thinks don't go your way
I'm Jason's oldest friend, you know, I like to have my say.
So since my company doesn't suit
I guess I'll give myself the boot.

So gone, gone the demon Etrigan
And rise again the form of man!"

And a gout of hellfire shoots up to surround Etrigan, out of which Jason Blood tumbles forward to land on his hands and knees on the roof.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You're like that creepy drunk uncle at a wedding just hanging out to give people the shivers. Stop it." Morrigan shudders when he sniffs at the air. She gives a little frown, "Aye, you're Jason's oldest friend. The word friend is a loose term in this case I'm guessing." she mutters. She does breathe a soft breath of relief out though when he states he's giving himself the boot. "Until we meet again, Etrigan." she states quietly.

She ruses over to where Jason lands on his hands and knees and she kneels down beside him, "Are you alright?" she asks him as she reaches out to help him get his bearings.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood puts a hand on Morrigan's shoulder as he pulls himself to his feet, unsteady for a moment but then nodding, 'Yes, I think so. I didn't mean to spring him on you, it was just...I wanted to keep you safe. Sometimes he's more capable of that than I," he admits.

Jason walks over to look out over the city himself, drawing out his cigarette case and lighting one, an unfiltered smoke of German concoction. He gained a taste for them in Berlin many years ago and now has to custom order them for the rare occasions he feels like smoking, still.

"Seems like the world's trembling on the precipice again. Isn't it always?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is relieved when he's alright. Though there is a softening of her features when she hears he just wanted to keep her safe, "For future reference, I can open portals and teleport to places. I know you didn't know that in the moment." she admits. "Thank you though, I know it isn't an easy thing letting him out." she states. "I'm sorry that the meeting went to hell." she admits.

Then she moves to stand and look out over the city as well, "There's always something happening. And sadly we seem to be caught up in saving it or near to those saving it." she sighs softly.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood cocks his head and looks back at her, "Not in the typical vampire powerset. I suppose that's your magick shining through. I can do that, too, but it takes more effort. Etrigan just...flies. Sometimes the best solution for a nail is a hammer."

He shakes his head, "You don't have to thank me. You didn't deserve to die, simple as that. And I should've known better than to go to the meeting. Constantine and I have always gotten under one another's skin. He should train his servants better, though. He was escalating things when we should have beenw working together."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle, "I guess Dracula is a pretty powerful user of magics last I checked." she points out. "Though I don't know if it's because of his age or what." she adds with a thoughtful look. Then she sobers a touch, "I'm a master of the mystic arts. I've trained a very long time. Though my mother was also a magic user from what I found out recently. So that might help things." she admits. "I'm only half vampire. It might not work as well if I crossed over into full vampire territory like my father." she shakes her head.

"Had I known that you and Constantine were not on the best terms I would have given a warning or something." she states. "What do we do now?" she asks him quietly.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood considers, "I'm not sure. I'm not a leader. I don't like Constantine, but he's always been willing to bear that burden. I can't. If I'm needed, I'll answer the call. But am I going to lose any hairs over a few death deities getting a taste of their own? Not in particular. Perhaps because I am undying, I find little to fear in death. It will be just another kind of hell for me."

He turns his head, "I may have underestimated you, and for that I'm sorry. I'll try not to let it happen again. May I make it up to you?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'll handle the death deity side of things. I don't expect you to go into things after the chilling welcome." Morrigan nods to that. "John's trying to take all the burden and well...it's going to kill him quicker than anything else he's got going on." she admits. "I'm sure if I couldn't die I'd be a little less afraid of the idea. This is true." she muses to that.

She gives a soft smile at his comment on understimating her, "You don't have to apologize. It wasn't like I handed you a magical or non-mundane resume. It's learning. Which can sometimes be fun." she tells him. "As for making it up to me...I'm fine with that if you feel the need to." she nods.

There is a moment of silence from her after that, "Do you want to know what Etrigan had to say or should I keep it to myself?" she asks him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood takes a long drag on his cigarette, "Pretty sure a lot of John wants to die. Too much spilled blood, too many lost souls. He's lost piece by piece of himself. His own fault. He's reckless, desperate, a born martyr. He's been ready for the crucifix for years, just waiting until the nails were ready."

"Maybe something else to eat, this time at my place? I have a rather fine chef that I employ for private meals on occasions. Can cook most anything you like and we wouldn't have to worry about any prying eyes or interruptions," he says. "That is, if I can lure you into my lair?" he smirks.

"And no, Etrigan is nothing but a liar and a monster. I don't care what he thinks or says and neither should you."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a nod, "Sounds like him. Though I guess my wanting to help with things as well might start edging me into the martyr category sometime soon." she muses. Though she leaves the talk of John for another time with that. She takes a step closer to him, "I would love to go to come to your lair for dinner." she tells him with a warm smile. She was going to try to prove a demon wrong. Who knew thousands of more years of information than she did about him.

She would probably lose.

"I mean, finely cooked food is one of the best things to bait me with." she grins to that. "I will try to make sure that there is no need for magic or any emergencies." she adds.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood grins and flicks his cigarette out into the sky, "Then I'll make the necessary arrangements and you may teleport to me as you see fit. I'm curious to see how you do it," he says.

He moves a bit closer and reaches out to grasp at her hand, capturing her fingers with his. "Any other baits I should know about? I must know if I'm going to make my traps properly alluring to your tastes."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Should I bring some wine or just myself?" Morrigan asks as she looks to him. "Apparently we're varied in the magic user community on how to use it. So hopefully it's not something that you've seen before." she comments.

When he takes her hand she looks to his eyes, a smile coming to her lips as he asks her about baits. She lets her fingers twine with his if he allows, "Quiet places, old books, and no paperwork are generally the best ones." she confesses. "I think anything that has to do with yourself will be enough to get me to the place where you are at, Jason." she states quietly.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood pulls her hand up and kisses her knuckles as they twine around his fingers, "I have plenty of quiet and more books than you can stand. And I haven't done a lick of paperwork in my life, other than forging the occasional inheritance document, and I've no intention of starting anytime soon," he winks.

"But I do like wine, especially red. I'm finding myself very fond of that color generally," he says, his other hand reaching up to stroke her hair.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a grin, "Then that is a good trap that is already laid out. Now you just need a redhead to step into it." she seems more at ease for the moment. The words that Etrigan had spoken being pushed to the back of her mind. "I won't dare you do paperwork. Honest." she muses at that notion.

"Then red you shall have. I'll make sure to bring the wine and see if I can find something to go with it." she tells him as his hand rises to stroke her hair. Her eyes close for a moment and she enjoys the touch, "The evening didn't end very bad once you look at things." she murmurs to him as she opens her eyes and looks back to him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood smiles, "I've definitely had worse nights and I can't remember when I've had better company," he says.

He'll lean in for the kiss, then, his head slightly tilted and fully intending to give her a proper, direct kiss on the mouth. He might get slapped, but he's feeling a little lightheaded and ready to take a risk.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Let's see if we can keep the streak up for keeping the evenings better than some of the others that you've had, Jason." she states with a gentle nod of her head. "I'll try to continue to be good company." Morrigan tells him as she smiles at what he said.

When he leans in for the kiss he might be surprised by the outcome. He doesn't get slapped, no. Her eyes close as she returns his kiss, her lips pressing to his softly and warmly. Not seeking for more than that at the very moment.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood doesn't either. While he may be a peasant born, he knows enough of manners and proper behavior not to push his luck in that regard. He finishes the kiss and strokes her hair once more before letting her hand go.

"Then until we meet again, Morrigan MacIntyre," he says, raising his hand for a moment and then pausing. "You know what? I think this time I'm going to take the stairs," he grins.