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Latest revision as of 21:52, 25 August 2021

This place has Soul(s)
Date of Scene: 24 August 2021
Location: Purgatory Night Club - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Andi and Talia decide to catch up at a club, when Satana catches up with Andi and takes an interest in Talia as well.
Cast of Characters: Andi Benton, Talia Wagner, Satana Hellstrom

Andi Benton has posed:
With Talia looking to catch up on some things with Andi and hang out, the young woman with the punk/goth way about her suggested going to a club. The Hellfire Club, in fact, and while Purgatory is considered more tame and age-appropriate, it's still at a place that, in some circles, is known as more than it seems.

This part of the club is filled with people in their age range, enjoying music, food, non-alcoholic drinks, and socialization. Andi herself is waiting for Talia, and she's got a black velvet top to go with black pants and shoes, accented with a dark purple in various ways.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ agrees to the request to go clubbing with Andi. She hasn't seen her in way too long and this is a good outing. She is also cleared of medical concerns after being stabbed with the Shi'ar vibroknife which blended her guts good.

    She is wearing the punky spiky clothes she got with Andi that one time. Leather pants, corsett top, etc. and etc. It is a good look that blends with the club goers at Purgatory.

    I mean add to that the fact she absolutely looks demonic, intensely short dark blue fur, pointed ears, and a pitchfork tail out of those leather pants. The only thing she is missing is horns.

    "Cool club!" she raises her voice so Andi can hear her. "So how you been?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh my." The thrilling contralto that likely has Mania perk up and take notice makes itself heard (barely) over the club noise. "Missed me so much that you got your own little imp, did you?"

Satana comes out of the crowd like she teleported, though really it's just because her outfit makes her blend in so well with the crowd of goths and wannabe goths and perky goths crowding the floor. Her pale, but very well-rounded form is clad in a black corset, high-hipped barely-there shorts, and patent leather boots that go up to mid-thigh, all in black, and all decorated with silver pentacles, goat skulls, human skulls, and demon skulls as pendants, buttons, rivet faces, and, for one particularly large demon skull image, a hairpiece.

These alongside the more usual spikes and the chains that hang freely down her leg, over her stomach, and down her shoulders.

Her eyes turn to Talia. "I jest, of course. I just have a reputation in some circles, so an imp would be entirely topical for me and I thought I'd turn it around. I'm Satana Hellstrom."

She rests a hand on Andi's shoulder as she speaks.

"A friend of Andi's. And you ..." Her nostrils flare and eyes close a moment. "... smell like you have an intriguing story to share. Do you mind if I join?"

The hand on the shoulder slips down Andi's back briefly to work up Mania even more, letting a chilling tickle run through Andi before it drops by her side.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton starts up the conversation with Talia after noting her attire. "Hey, I remember that. And I've been here a few times before. It kind of makes me feel like you could run into just about anything," she explains, gesturing at the place with its decorations along with the overall theme. "And I've been..fine? Still doing all the, well, you know. Stuff I never thought I'd be doing if you asked me a couple years ago, and.."

Satana's voice causes her to stop talking, a sudden look of surprise registering. What was that she was saying just a moment before? "Oh! Uh, hey. Talia, this is.." Satana Hellstrom, yep. That's an actual name, and Andi is aware first of the hand as she gets a peek at the way that one is dressed. Very..distinct, that's for sure. "Heeey, ahh, go ahead. We're just hanging out!" She got up on her toes for a moment from the hand shifting to her back.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ cocks her head and then turns her head at the contralto and the words that cut through the noise of the club like that. The interesting thing is the whole club is lit up like daylight to those yellow eyes of her so she sees all of it. Every detail of Satana and the other club goers. "Someone is in theme even more than I am I guess." she quips.

    The approach is watched along with the hand on Andi's shoulder and then the nostril flare and the whole show really. Especially considering how Andi reacts. "Up to Andi, she picked the club and I should probably meet some of her other friends." those yellow eyes study Satana. "Satana Hellstrom. Why is that name familiar... well I'm Talia Wagner-Lensher, but call me Talia or TJ." her eyes narrow. "I smell like I have an intriguing story?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh yes indeed," Satana agrees. "I detect the lovely hint of brimstone. Just a touch. Really classes up the place. And ... a ... distinct whiff of Chaos. Dangerous stuff to be messing with. You don't, do you? Mess with Chaos? Talia?"

It's closer look at Satana that shows she's taking her costume seriously. She even has all-black eyes with red irises! Isn't that crazy? Pretty good contacts to cover all the visible whites, though. Dedication in action!

"I'd be interested too," she adds, pursing her lips, "where you'd heard my name before. It's not exactly a common one, and it's not really a household name either. Maybe you know my brother Domian Hellstrom and just ... clicked on that?"

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton places herself so she can be between Talia and Satana, or at least close by. "Yeah, she's really into the look," she deadpans as she replies to TJ's observation of Satana's style selections. All of those skulls don't /seem/ real, but one never knows with things like this.

For the moment, she keeps to the background as Satana seeks to find out more about Talia, a hand resting at her hip. She doesn't really know a lot about Talia in the sense of what's being asked right now. Could be a learning experience for her as well. "Seems we all have some strange sides to us," she remarks.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Those yellow eyes blink slowly as Satana continues to know... thinks.... "I tend to dabble in both those things, I come to it quite naturally." she doesn't honestly. Because well not much honest about either of those things after all. "Most people don't pick up on it at all."

    There is a pause and her brow furrows a bit. "Damian Hellstrom... also rings a bell. It is on the tip of my tongue though I am afraid." which is the problem of having seen literally hundreds of apocalypses. The one involving hell is just one of many. "I'm sure it will come to me."

    A glance at the club now "We came to drink, dance, the usual. What brought you Satana?" the girl's tail slinks out and brushes Andi's hip.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana laughs at the question and brushes it off with a giggle. "Why to corrupt the wayward youth of this generation. Like I always do!"

She smiles readily and disarmingly. "No, seriously, I was in Hellfire for other, more tawdry, reasons but I always enjoy coming down to purgatory. I think it's because I'm young at heart, but I find there's just so much ENERGY among the youth, and they're so DELICIOUS."

Andi might or might not be getting chills right about now.

"Oh, you are just FULL of surprises now, aren't you?!"

And Satana raises her tail over her own shoulder. And yes, it's forked.

"I hope I'm somewhat of a surprise myself?" she asks with a wink. "So ... dance first, or talk?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"Haha, she said corrupt," Andi jokes, laughing it off as if that wasn't exactly what was going on at times. Thing is, the symbiote side of her is..into it. It's curious, and by extension so is she, and it's not as if there haven't been bad influences in the past. Is she the purest one around? That would be no.

She glances down with a grin as she feels Talia's tail pass over, and then Satana is showing off one of her own. "If we weren't careful about keeping our other half secret in crowds.." she remarks, a hint of a playful grin growing. "What are you two in the mood for?"

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "I'm about ninety percent sure I don't recognize the name from any family reuinions. Though knowing my family it is a very chaotic reunion." as TJ watches Satana show off her own forked tail. "Nice tail."

    She makes a thoughtful noise there though as the question is kicked around. "Well I'm intrigued by the tail and the talking so far... so perhaps drinking and talking is in order. You're a member of the Hellfire club.. which does not surprise me at all Satana, know somewhere cozy we can talk.. do we need bottle service for it?" amusement as her tail brushes Andi again.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Well we have booths here in Purgatory, and this is my last year where I can actually come into Purgatory unescorted--after my next birthday I'll have to have someone 23 or under escort me in, so I'm rather loathe to leave." Satana gestures to one of the farther booths. "So why not in a booth and let the loud noise help us with privacy."

Her tail, now seeming to go away, is replaced by a hand that curls around Andi's waist to rest on the hip, 'accidentally', atop Talia's tail. "Oops! Sorry! I didn't see you there."

Two points. 1. She doesn't look sorry. 2. She's not removing the hand...

"Shall we away to the booth? I think there's lots to talk about, though sadly there's no alcoholic beverages served here. I find alcohol a great ... loosener of morals."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton opens her mouth and closes it as the tail is felt once more, then the hand over it, with at least Satana not seeming sincere at all when it comes to the apology. "We could just find other places then, if that's the case," she says, not thinking about the fact that either or both of them could play 'escort.'

If it's the booth in the corner they want, then the booth in the corner they shall have. She starts for it, but she remains close enough to both. "I'm good with soda. And now I'm thinking I should have gone with a different outfit after seeing both of yours."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Is not the seveteen she looks "Oh.. disappointing. Drinks are fantastic especially depending on the view." when Satana touches Talia there is a good chance considering her magic and what her senses are that she can feel that Talia is unhinged from time. She literally is not subject to it and not in the mundane sense of being immortal. Which isn't that mundane to begin with.

tStill she doesn't yank her tail away, instead it wriths a touch and then wraps around Satana's wrist still pressed under the hand as she steps closer. She reaches out mentally brushing towards Satana's mind for a moment. Then the moment is lost and Andi is stepping away towards a booth and well... Talia slinks her tail back. "Soda works I suppose... I mean you helped me pick this outfit out I'll note Andi.." stepping to follow her friend.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"So many surprises. You have intriguing friends, Andi dear. Both the visible and the not-so-visible."

In leaving Andi's hip, her fingers once again send a thrill that she knows Mania enjoys and is intrigued by across Andi's back as she reclaims her hand. She then presses her lips together in duck-faced amusement as she follows the pair, eyes wandering, mind plotting, planning.

At the booth she sits next to Andi. Too close. Turned slightly toward her. And with hand resting on thigh. Blatantly so. Not 'oops, is that your thigh here where I dropped my hand silly me' nonsense. Just a flat, flagrant, hand on thigh. Squeezing friendlily. And her eyes instead are on Talia in ways that could feel unclean.

"I trust that we all know that each other is not quite what we appear to be?" she says by way of opening conversational gambit.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Hnf. Maybe a few," Andi tells Satana regarding friends that are beyond the norm. Much more of a response goes by the wayside as the touch causes a response that's a step above subtle, seen in the way a few fingers curl at her side, in how she exhales with a light 'Mmmh.'

Once seated, hand at thigh is obvious to her with the table hiding it, and she ends up watching Talia as well before she admits, "We..know you know about us." The voice includes that other part of her, now. More just Andi says, "And I know, TJ, but I wasn't thinking about that when I decided to come here."

She did partly feel Talia's tail at Satana's wrist before, but was unaware of what may have been shared. Now, the trio is in a quieter, darker corner.

Talia Wagner has posed:
Talia glances at Satana when she notes that. "I mean.. I'm not hiding anything." a tail flick and she slides into the booth, one of those half circle affairs on the other side of Andi and hooks an arm over the back of it as she leans and faces both the other women in the booth with her, so she can watch them both.

    "That's fair.. and I don't mind meeting other friends theirs." yup plural. Her tail slides out and boops Andi on the nose lightly before she looks past her to Satana.

    "Seriously though I don't exactly hide it very often unless I bother to use the image inducer. I'm my parent's daughter. Which is a loaded list of things honestly. Not sure which part you might be picking up on.. but your nose is really good and your sense of things sharp. The name Hellstrom and Damian and Satana .. has a lot of implications along with the tail. ... does your brother go by Son of Satan?" she queries "To hear my grandfather tell it he once battled Mephisto for that title... not the son of part..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Ah, yes, you do know of Daimon, then. Yes. He goes by Son of Satan. Because Daddy is an ambitious and pretentious creature who's decided that he'll go by Satan, making me Satan's Daughter."

Satana mimes bowing at the table, using the opportunity to tickle Andi with her hidden hand.

"At your service. Please don't judge me by my brother. He's an asshole. I'm much more fun to be around." Licking her lips her eyes stray to Andi. "Ask our mutual friends here."

Yes. Plural.

"And all I smelled, really, was brimstone. Which is kind of my smell, together with cinnamon. So it caught my attention." And ... yes. Her personal scent *is* cinnamon. But no brimstone. Weird. "The rest is just a feeling."

She locks gazes with Talia while continuing her teasing torment of Andi. "You have a certain impact on the Astral plane that's quite obvious. And feels of Chaos magicks, so ... I asked."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton's eyes cross at the tapping of her nose, leading to her muttering, "Dork." That tickling from Satana then sees her shift in place, for that's a sensitive spot. Once she's recovered, she admits, "A lot of that, I don't really understand. It's kind of strange, but..yeah."

At which point a small, disembodied head pokes up over Andi's shoulder, grinning at them. It's the visage of Mania. "You are both very curious together," it says.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "You know it." she quips to Andi's dork comment there and then Talia smiles a bit crooked and shows a very sharp canine as she does. "Well it is a very distinct name, and parents ...and grandparents like that tend to be a bit ambitious and pretentious." she says agreeably.

    She glances to Mania "Well I mean yes we are doing something between fencing and flirting Mania." another toothy sort of smile there.

    Then to Satana. "Well the chaos is probably my mom, The Scarlet Witch. Though it isn't that straight forward or simple."

    She turns her head and waves a waitress down. They do need sodas.