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Cornhole of the DAMNED
Date of Scene: 11 March 2020
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Jubilee and two younger students are playing Cornhole when Megan comes up to join the game! No-one was hurt in the making of this game!
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Megan Gwynn

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"No... no you.. wait, stop.." Jubilee is with a group of freshmen, kids a little over twelve years old, playing Cornhole of all games, "Seriously, you guys have never played this game before?" Two obtuse triangles are set up at different ends of a twenty foot area of the backyard with three holes running along the top. Bean bags are littered around where someone(s) have been throwing them back and forth.

"The goal isn't to hit EACH OTH- Tommy!" A green skinned frog looking kid with a backwards METS cap beams a beanbag at another student, "Good aim, sure, but that's not how we do things... while adults are looking.." Jubilee is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with th earms pulled up, black/gray colored plaid pants, and Heeley high-top sneakers.

"Yeah, stand over there... Hambone, you're over here with me... and just watch okay, you guys are killing me."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is enjoying a free period between classes when she spies some kids playing some weird game she's never heard of in the backyard. But hey, it might be fun! She grins as she flutters over, peeking over Jubilee's shoulder, eyes widened in curiosity. "Oooh, whatcha doin'? Need an extra helper?" she's dressed in a green hoodie and faded grey jeans, probably just stepped out of phys. Ed. class or something, but everyone knows Megan always has tons of energy to burn. Like, all the time.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Heya Fairy-Dust." Jubilee says over her shoulder while Hambone winds up like a pitcher and hurls the beanbag at Tommy, who deftly dives out of the way... Jubes holds her hands up like she might offer some kind of argument, but just sighs instead.. scratching at the back of her neck where her short black spikey hair ends. "Kids, amirite?" Like she's not, amirite?

"uhh, yeah.. actually yeah.. Tommy needs a partne-" 'Girls are gross' "-I need a partner for Cornhole. Have you ever played?" Both hands land on Hambones shoulders, shoving him playfully towards the other oblong triangle platform. "Basically each team takes turns throwing beanbags. The idea is to get them in one of those three holes, or as close as possible. The team with the most IN the holes or near it, wins. Pretty simple.. unless you're one of these two idiots."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, peering around at beanbags and weird triangle thingies, and shrugs, a blank look in her eyes. "Cornhole? Isn't that like, a tasty dish involving...Corns and holes?" No? Okay, guess she's never heard of it.

She makes a face, peering around at the weird set up and shrugs helplessly. Yeah, a lot of help she is. Phhht! "Ooh, but doesn't mean I can't learn, I'm a fast learner, really!" Megan beams, wings fluttering a hundred miles an hour, even as she's currently standing on the ground. "Sooo, care to enlighten me?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"No, I'm pretty sure that's cornish hen, that you're thinking about." Jubilee says dryly at Pixie, side glancing at, perhaps, the only person with more energy than her in this whole school. "Alright, it's really simple.." Tossing a beanbag in her palm, she turns enough to aim down the lane and underhand throws it up on a high arch that has it sliding towards the middle of the triangle. It doesn't go in one of the holes.

"Admittedly it's more fun while drinking, but there was an old set down in the basement." She explains, shrugging to Megan. "And that's basically all it is.." Tommy has invented new rules, though. Bouncing a beanbag, he winds up and hurls the thing at Megan like a projectile. "Dammit Tommy! This is not how you make friends!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Cornish hen? That's a thinG? Oh...Hah!" she giggles, clearly on something..Or is she like this all the time? The heck? And then Jubilee gives a demonstration and Megan waits for...Something to explode! But...It's really quite simple, more than simple. "...That's all? Really?" she makes a face. "Umm, how about we add our own rules?"

She grabs a beanbag, and does a twirl, three times, jumps into the air, and hurls it hard at the hole..Over her shoulder. Whoops! Did she just hit a poor kid in the shoulder?

"Sooo? how'd I do? Did I hit the triangle thingy? Oooh, I'll bet this'd be waaay more fun when drunk!" she grins and winks, "Of course us minors NEVER get drunk, ever...Right?" nope, nope, not this girl!

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubilee frowns at Megan joining in on the boys version of Cornhole, "Does nobody at this school appreciate the classics?!" Her exuberance is mock, she does not genuinely feel it. Before it was her against two boys throwing beanbags at one another because, somehow, she got made responsible for them during their free period.

Now it's her and Pixie against the boys.

"Yeah, never once have I ever drank a single drop.. I'm the nineteen twenties over here... prohibition." Two fingers held up, hand over her heart, "Scouts Honor." The beanbag his Hambone in the shoulder and he frowns deeply while rubbing it, No fair, she cheated!! "Oh knock it off you big baby."

Hambone takes up a beanbag and hurls it at Jubilee, who snatches it out of the air, goes into a one handed cartwheel, and hurls it back at him. Hard enough that when it smacks him in the forehead it almost knocks him off his feet! "GOOOOOOAL!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and winks impishly at Jubilee. "Really? Well we'd better do something about that!" she does keep her voice down a bit about the alcohol bit, not wanting to set a bad example for the way younger kids. But hey, she's down for some serious fun sometime..When not babysitting kids!

"Heh, I did cheat, but itsn't it waay more fun to play this way?" With a grin and an impish wink, Megan grabs another beanbag, twirling around and tossing it over he rshoulder again.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
This time it's Tommy who gets hit in the chest with the beanbag, frowning at Megan and Pixie, This isn't any fun! "Yeah, you don't like it when you're the target huh? Call this a morality lesson!" When he tries to return volley at Megan, Jubes snaps her fingers and flashes him in the eyes with a sudden spark of bright blue light.

It goes almost four feet over her shoulder.

"Don't look at me! You been doing your little froggy leaping thing all game!" Jubes scoops up a beanbag and cricket runs into a shoulder rolling through aimmed to smash Tommy right in the gut. He dives out of the way though. They both start giggling. Jubilee glances at her watch, "Ohhh times up boys. You two have to be in class in like four or five minutes. Get moving!"