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Latest revision as of 12:48, 26 August 2021

Date of Scene: 26 August 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kara and Donna talk new costumes and good friends.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Donna Troy

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara could be anywhere in the world tonight. Quite literally. But she's come to find the Tower to be much more of a home than many of the other places she frequents. Maybe because it's surrounded by friends and doesn't come with a sense of pressure to be doing something.

She sits with her WayneTech laptop (heavily modified, because she can't help but tinker) open before her on the countertop. On the screen are a variety of designs, fashion software showing different variations of the Supergirl costume. She's been changing it up a lot lately. Unsatisfied with how it looks, always looking to move something around or change the cut of this or that.

"Mmm," she grumbles under her breath, resting her chin on her palm, "Too much leg? Kal will try to talk to me like he's my father."

Donna Troy has posed:
    The tower seems to be fairly empty today. Nothing particularly serious, but a number of smaller missions have kept much of the team out on the streets. Nothing serious enough to demand heavy hitters drop everything, so Kara is free to work on costume designs, Raven is free to work on brooding in her room, Donna is free to spend some time at the Themysciran arts center, and so on.

    Thus when Donna's visit to the arts center is done and she has returned to the tower, she finds the main room empty except for... "Kara! Heya," Donna says with a smile, taking a seat at the counter next to her and peering curiously at the screen. "Another costume change? I don't think Kal will complain too much about a bit of leg. I mean you've worn that outfit with the skirt quite a bit." Amazons may not have the super-hearing of a Kryptonian, but clearly it's a lot better than regular human hearing, and can pick up grumbling under the breath from the next room with no particular difficulty.

    "Why do you change so often?" she asks. "Just trying to find the right look? Or you just get bored of looking the same every day?" She breaks into a playful grin. "Or is it to torment the merchandise vendors?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, I do not know," Kara muses, looking at the half-completed design on the computer screen with a wistful sigh before turning her full attention to Donna, "I just like to try new things. The bodysuit is nice sometimes, but I think some people find it scary - like I am wearing a military uniform. The skirt is nice, too, but then sometimes people do not take it seriously. And have you seen this?"

She holds up her phone, flipping through it for a moment before bringing up Instagram. On it, she shows a number of photos she's given 'hearts' to that show people cosplaying as Supergirl. Different versions of Supergirl. There's Steampunk Supergirl. Noir Supergirl. Even sexy Supergirl with a midriff and a skirt that is more suggestion than article of clothing.

"They dress as me. There are others, too. I have seen some who dress as you. Many who dress as Diana."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna grins and nods her head, draping an arm around Kara's shoulder as she leans in to look at the photos. "Yeah. Diana loves the cosplayers. She collects them." Her lips quirk. "The pics, not the actual cosplayers. She has a folder full of them on her desktop at the embassy. I think there would be a lot of very happy cosplayers if they knew."

    She undrapes her arm and gets up to cross over to the fridge, opening it to see what's in side. "There used to be more doing me back in the old days. I mean before the Titans broke up. It was crazy back then, Kara. Glamorous young superhero team. The media loved us. My armor got a lot of attention. I mean, who does superheroing in armor that looks like it comes from a fantasy movie? It stood out, and I think a lot of cosplayers liked the challenge. Since I lost that armor in the fight against the Warzoon I must be a great disappointment to the cosplayers. Or possibly a great relief to the really lazy ones, anyway. A super who fights crime in street clothing. Apparently we've had compliants from a company that licenses Titans figurines. Want something to drink?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara leans her chin on Donna's forearm as she drapes it about her shoulders, humming happily to herself and staring at the screen in silence. She grins a little at the mention of Diana collecting cosplayer photos and makes a note to save the ones she's seen so far. If it's good enough for her, after all ...

"A ... water, please, if you don't mind. And you know, Donna, if you want, I could work on a design for you? I know the street clothes are easier, but it is fun to stand out, is it not? I can see it. Bright red here. No sleeves so you can punch things more easily ... maybe a midriff ... "

She immediately draws both her lips between her teeth and clothes her mouth, folding her hands and staring down at her laptop screen.

"Or I do not know. You look fine as it is."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna returns from the fridge with a bottle of water and a can of coke, setting the water down on the counter in front of Kara before taking her seat again. "Pallas -- you remember her, you met her on Themyscira. She's the chief armoror. She's outraged that I have not yet asked her to make me a new suit of armor. I think she'd be even more outraged if I showed up with a costume that she hadn't personally hammered on her own anvil."

    She flashes Kara a bright smile, a message that she isn't being entirely serious about Pallas, and pops open the tab on her coke before taking a deep swig. "When I was trapped in space, I had that pirate cloak. That was kind of fun. And the weird thing is... well, it was just black there. No stars. So I mean I could wear that as my costume, because it does look pretty cool. But I mean it's almost certainly some kind of star map and I think it makes more sense to figure out what it's a map of rather than wearing it and risking it getting torn. Also, there's the whole 'no capes' thing. You know, that movie?"

    She grins, leaning in close to look at Kara's screen again. "Show me some of the designs you're thinking about for yourself," she suggests. "I'll give you my opinions. I promise not to be disapproving like your cousin."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head, gratefully taking the bottle of water and opening it for a sip. She turns to the laptop afterwards and flips through her designs. Some are half-completed; others are little more than line-drawn concepts. But there are a few in there that appear completed. There's some that seem more conservative with leggings, boots and gloves. And another that looks almost entirely the opposite, more like a swimsuit than a costume.

She looks a little sheepish at the more revealing one, shrugging her shoulders: "I do not think I would ever wear it, really. But it seemed fun. Maybe if we have to fight a monster on the beach, hmm?"

The comment about capes causes her to click her tongue: "I like capes."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna breaks into a wide grin and her eyes light up at Kara's tutting. Of /course/ she had said that fully in the knowledge that Kara likes her capes. That kind of gentle teasing seems to be very much part of the Titans way. Part of why it often feels more like a family than a team.

    "Yeah, it looks more like something Kori would wear," she agrees. "On the other hand I can imagine Cassie being very enthusiastic about the Titans becoming the team that specializes in fighting monsters on the beach. Every time Diana tells her they're about to make a trip back to Themyscira, her first comment always seems to be 'I need to buy a new bikini!'" She gives a quick, musical laugh before returning her attention back to the screen, and darts her finger across it to flick back acouple. "I like this one," she says of one that's definitely more early concept that fully-realized sketch. One that's not to far from Kara's most iconic skirted costume, but a little bulkier and more armored-looking. "I think it has a good balance between not looking too military but also looking serious. It's recognizable. People would instantly know it's you."

    It also not totally dissimilar in style to the kind of thing that Amazons seem to like wearing, which may not even have occurred to Donna, but is no doubt part of the reason she likes it.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I do like the armor look," Kara admits, looking at the image on the screen for a moment deep in thought, "You and the other Themyscirans pull it off very well. I felt rather plain when I was there. Or overmodest? I do not know. But yes, I think you're right."

She makes a few notes in the margins, using her stylus to thicken out some of the lines and ultimately bring a bit more life to the half-done design.

"Donna, I had meant to ask you something, but I have been busy with this and the phantom-tracker. But I think maybe now is a good time. Or not. If you are busy."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We're an ancient society of immortals. We have the /time/ to make everything decorative," Donna says with a slight shrug. "You saw that when we were there. It's just not the same as here where things get mass-manufactured. We make things to last, and we see no good reason that there should be a single thing in our homes that is not an object of beauty. So yeah, we dress kind of... elaborately."

    She grins wide and gives Kara's shoulder a nudge. "That was quite shocking to me when I first came to America. How plain everything was. It took me a while to get used to it and to start appreciating the more minimalist styles here. But I /have/ come to appreciate jeans a lot. We tend to only wear pants on Themyscira if we're planning to spend a lot of time on horseback. Mind you it's pretty hot there."

    She tilts her head curiously at Kara when the question-about-a question is posed. "I'm very busy at the moment. I'm spending time with my good friend Kara, and I believe she has something on her mind. I wouldn't want her to worry about something if I could help relieve her of that burden by such a simple task as listening."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's mouth quirks at the joke. That's one of the Earth staples she's still accustoming herself to. Krypton, for all its richness of culture, was very stolid. There was little time for joking and relaxation. Kara found she enjoyed it quite a lot, and it was a breath of fresh air that made her permanent change of address in the universe not so bad.

"I was going to ask," she begins again, chewing thoughtfully on the inside of her cheek before a moment, "Do you think you would like to go with me for food? Or to see a film? You are not too busy for that, are you?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "The only time I'm too busy to spend time with the people I care about is when the world needs saving and absolutely refuses to be patient about it," Donna replies with one of those wide smiles she seems to flash around so freely. "And I'm pretty sure you'd be busy right beside me if that was happening."

    She returns her arm to Kara's shoulder to give it a squeeze. "Of course I'd like to do something like that with you. You push yourself too hard Kara, and if even I'm saying that, you know it's true. "

    "Been a while since I've been to a movie theater. Anything good on? I mean..." she waves an arm in the general direction of the giant monitor that gets used for the regular Titans movie nights. "It's not the same, you know?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I do not - I am not sure, in all truth," Kara answers, again rather sheepish as she twists and turns the hem of her jacket with strength that could turn coal into diamonds, "I suppose it was less about the movie itself, and more about getting to spend time with you. If you understand what I mean."

She shrugs her shoulders, moving in a sudden burst of kinetic energy. One second she is sitting at the counter, the next she has gathered all her things and returned her thick-rimmed glasses to her face. Her laptop is clutched to her chest and her messenger bag is thrown over one shoulder. She already looks as though she is pacing, as though time had suddenly sped up then slowed back to normal.

"It is - it is silly. I will find something good to watch. Perhaps one of the car films." She picks the only films she can think of at the moment.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna's fast when she wants to be, though like her hearing, her superspeed isn't really up to Kryptonian standards. On the other hand, she has lived with Wally for a number of years, and he's even faster. Speedsters just can't help themselves. Kara's quick-change act is pretty much life as normal to her, so she only responds to it with a smile before downing the rest of her coke and getting to her feet.

    "That's /why/ it's different, Kara. Going out to do it, rather than doing it at home. Nothing wrong with sitting in front of the TV, and let's face it, when you do that here you're not even missing the big screen experience."

    Her smile widens. "But it's not going out with a friend to relax and have fun. That's what's different. We're superheroes, we save the world. But we're also people. We have lives to live, and this is about living, right?"

    Donna hasn't been dressed as Troia for months. She fights crime (and alien invasions) in civilian clothing, these days. She's already ready. "Right. Let's go. We'll watch whatever happens to be on. It doesn't really matter if you're watching it with a bucket of popcorn and a great friend, does it?"