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Latest revision as of 01:42, 29 August 2021

Lights Camera Misunderstanding
Date of Scene: 28 August 2021
Location: Robbinsville - Bleake Island
Synopsis: Harper and Simon talk shop on the set of the Beware the Gray Ghost Revival series
Cast of Characters: Harper Row, Simon Trent

Harper Row has posed:
There's a TV production that's setting up in Gotham and Harper's been assigned to make sure they aren't cutting any corners that'll damage the city's electrical grid. In this case, however, it is requiring her to work on Saturday so she's not in the most upbeat of moods.

Harper's packing one of her taser guns in a fanny pack slung around her hips and she's checking the wiring on the set despite the production assistant's apparent distress over someone who's not part of the crew poking around the set.

"You've got to make sure not to create a cross circuit though, I don't care how much the director feels that there needs more light on the scene," Harper states. "Have to figure out a safer way to hook these all up!" she exclaims excitedly.

Simon Trent has posed:
     Out from the depths of his very simplistic trailer walks a figure clad in suit of grey with goggles and a fedora. His flowing cape catches on the wind billowing in the breeze to one side as he steps down those steel stairs of dreams.

     He's built like a tank and looks ready for action with the walk of an action movie hero. His swagger shows a natural intimidation factor that radiates off of him in spite of his advanced age as he steps down the cobbled pathway looking over the lights. He pauses for a moment, cape flowing in the wind just long enough to take a sip of his iced venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon with the curly straw that is bent in the funny shape he enjoys so much.

     "Positively delightful." He comments to himself as he takes in a deep breath of that Gotham air, looking from one fresh face to another. His voice is upbeat and optimistic as he strides through the set taking a few more sips of his overly complicated beverage.

     He walks over towards Harper with a bright and cheerful smile across his face. "And how goes the supervision oh uncapped crusader of electrical based crime?"

Harper Row has posed:
Harper looks at the production assistant with an expression that anyone seeing it can easily read as saying 'is he for real?'. The TV woman shrugs and then turns away to get a pair of grips to help her reconfigure the wiring as instructed leaviing Harper with the venerable and eccentric gray garbed performer.

"Say what?" is Harper's first verbal response to Trent. "Oh, the crew had just set up a possible fire hazard with poor wireing choices that the fire marshal missed due to his insuficiant understanding of the way such wiring can interact with each other," she explains. She then says, "I've seen the old show," and further asks, "is the new one a full on reboot or a continuation?"

Simon Trent has posed:
     One of the crew members, a man in his late 50's just mouths the word 'yes' in response to the question of is this guy for real, before carrying on with hauling cable. He's a man who's got bright red skin and devil horns though so who knows if you can trust his judgement as he carries equipment into position.

     "Well that's no good at all, someone could get hurt." Simon shakes his head. "I was told this would be a safe and productive work environment for the whole crew, the last thing I want is a repeat of season 2 episode 5."

     Trent pauses for a moment to sip on his coffee. "We're doing a full continuation of the old adventures that people loved with a new twist on the old formula," He holds his hands up in front of himself motioning with each word. "A crisis on two earths." He pauses for a moment. "I can't say much more than that without spoiling things but I assure you that it'll be a thrilling continuation of the old stories people loved. We even brought Thomas back on the writing staff as a guest credit so I think it'll be a real hit." He swings his arm down to one side with a smile.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper seems a bit startled at the mutant's appearance but, not being a biggoted person at her core, she strives to suppress this and nods in response to his comment. She also smiles apologitically for her starteled reaction.

"No sh-," Harper starts to reply to the comment about the chance of people getting hurt. Shaking her head at herself, she instead decides against being openly rude. "Cool that you're doing a continuation," she says before asking, "What happened in episode five of season two though?"

Simon Trent has posed:
     The mutant for his part doesn't seem to mind that much be him used to it or simply being beyond caring on anything outside of the job the devil-man just goes about his business loading up wire into place. He takes special care to make certain that stapled into position.

     Things go quiet on set from some of the older workers and those who were bigger fans of the series. There's an almost ominous sort of nature to the silence as Simon breaks it with a low sigh. "We were setting up for one of our usual stunts and" He looks almost ashamed off to one side for a long moment before clearing his throat and returning his attention back to the conversation. "We lost a great stuntman that day." He pauses. "From that day forward I've done all of my own stunts, if they can't trust me to do a stunt it's too dangerous for the show."

Harper Row has posed:
"Oh," Harper says in response. She nods and says, "That's... that's pretty awesome actually." After a moment she adds, "I didn't know that about you, Mr. Trent."

The production assistant approaches with a clip board and interrupts by asking, "Can you sign off on the wiring now, Miss Row?"

Tapping the ID badge clipped to a belt loop on her pants she says, "Work day's never done," to Simon and then takes the clipboard and offered pen. She signs the form with only a slight flourish and, on handing it back to the woman, Harper says, "Yeah, that was the only glaring issue I found. Just be careful setting up in the future."

Turning back to Simon she says, "Well, looks like I just helped decreast the danger for today's shoot for you, Mr. Trent," with a friendly smile.

Simon Trent has posed:
     "Now nothing can stand between me and solving today's great mystery." Trent smiles before taking a big sip of iced coffee filling that straw that makes it look like he's wearing glasses over his glasses. "I've got a feeling it's going to be a doozy of a shoot." He adds with a flourish of a hand before turning to walk back towards the set.

     Already there's a blue furred man carrying what appears to be plastic alligators in spades towards a large cylinder in the middle of one of the nearby warehouses. One could say it's a little over the top until they notice the giant crane and the massive hourglass with the clock theming in every corner that looks like someone on the prop department spent a bit too much time following Clock Kings antics for comfort.

     It's clear that this is a well oiled if somewhat underfunded operation when kept in check by the likes of Harper Row.