Gray Ghost |
Simon Trent (Scenesys ID: 3152)
Simon Trent
Gray Ghost
United States
United States
Park Row Apartment Gotham
MFA Julliard
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
30 mar 1952
Played By
Adam West
192 lbs
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
Character Info
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TV's Simon Trent. Known for his world famous role as TVs own Gray Ghost. He's rough and
tumble and he does his own stunts. He's been in videogames, television shows, movies and even radio.
He's the voice of some of TV's most beloved characters and he's also a menace to criminals across
Gotham. Beware The Gray Ghost
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*1952 Born to Theatre actors in Park Row Gotham. His family worked for a theatre troupe out of
the Monarch Theatre
*1960 acts in first stage performance and gains taste for theatre.
*1970 Attends juilliard seeking to professionally act and eventually graduates early with
flying colors. Noted for a bright future in professional theatre acting.
*1977 Acts in first
television program in a leading role in the western Have Gun Will Run wins award for his part as the
hero of the picture.
*1985 Acts in The Gray Ghost a hit television series that propels his
name to the front page of every newspaper. The initial series, an adaptation of a long running comic
from the 40's is wildly successful reviving interest in the comic.
*1989 The Gray Ghost hits
cinemas and is again wildly successful cementing Simon Trent role AS the Gray Ghost.
The Gray Ghost suffering from failing ratings in spite of the successful film is cancelled.
*1991 Typecast as the Gray Ghost Simon finds it incredibly difficult to find work outside of
the role. He returns to his theater productions and playing himself moving back to gotham. He works
at the Monarch Theatre with his old theatre troupe.
*1993 Due to recent events the Monarch
Theatre closes its doors forcing Simon to find a new place to perform.
*2005 The appearance
of Batman sparks a revival in interest in the old superhero genre of film and comic book sparking a
renewed interest in the Gray Ghost, the revival is slow at first and localized but it takes hold.
*2008 The Gray Ghost videogame releases with Simon Trent Reprising his role as The Gray
Ghost to surprising success. It makes back its money and then some prompting several sequels over
the coming years and a boost in then flagging comic sales.
*2009-2020 Simon coasts by on the
convention circuit and late night television circuit acting in various small roles related to The
Gray Ghost building off the budding popularity of superheroes.
*2020 Filming starts on the
reunion series of The Gray Ghost, with Simon reprising his role of The Gray Ghost much to the
surprise of everyone including the man himself.
IC Journal
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Simon's a talker he loves meeting new people and expressing himself in any way that he can,
especially in front of an audience.
Simon can't stand to see others suffering and will do anything in his power to assist those in
need even, and often at the cost of himself.
Character Sheet
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A lifelong trained actor Simon is a master of the art of disguise and acting able to pull from
the depths emotions and feelings that seem as real as reality itself. He can read a teleprompter for
the first time as if the words were coming from his very soul and just glancing at a script read
from the heart. He is a world class master of the arts.
Martial Arts:
Simon Trent is skilled in the arts of boxing, and wrestling to a professional level. He's able
to reliably pull off skilled maneuvers in these arts.
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Utility Belt:
This dark grey belt contains the following: A Screwdriver kit, wire cutters, hand wraps, a swiss
army knife, zip ties, and 20 throwing stars.
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Advanced Age:
Simon is pushing 70, and he feels it every day that he wakes up. Despite diet and exercise he's
unable to fight the onset of age and it comes at him sometimes at the worst possible time.
Trent has yet to update to the modern era. He still has a rotary dial phone in his home, gets
the newspaper delivered every day and reads it front to back, he drives the same car that he's
driven since the 70's. It's just the way he is, wary of the changing world around him. He uses the
same computer that he's had since the 1980's, and still goes to the local library when he needs to
search up information.
Simon gives often at the expense of himself resulting in his own situational poverty more often
than not. Most of his finances go to causes that he personally believes in his own attempt to make
the world a better place.
In spite of his constant work Simon lives in relative poverty unable to provide most of the
things that he needs for his day to day life. He works hard to maintain his lifestyle and needs this
current job to put himself back on his feet.
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Simon Trent has
12 finished logs.
On the Side of the Ahgels |
September 14th, 2021 |
A cunning plan is devised to restore Simon's fortunes.
You Oughta be in Pictures! |
September 14th, 2021 |
The Show Must Go On! It does, after a fashion.
Getting Ghosted (in a Good Way) |
September 10th, 2021 |
Peter Parker meets Simon Trent and his (ahem) modern counterpart.
1000 Faces: Party Like it's 1999 |
September 9th, 2021 |
The crowd at the Laughing Magician share their little slices of life, hope, love, heart and soul. Maybe just enough to tip the scales in favor of the world lasting past Friday night.
Holy Casting Call Gray Ghost! |
September 7th, 2021 |
Catman signs the Gray ghost to play the part of comissioner in his new project and the two share a heart to heart.
PoP: A Day Ending in Y and Nightmares. |
September 4th, 2021 |
Another thinning, this time right outside the Laughing Magician, is handled without any loss of live. It proves, at least, that a day ending in Y doesn't have to end in complete tragedy.
Touched |
August 30th, 2021 |
Gangbangers go down, lives are saved, but at what cost? Might be best not to borrow trouble before it's here. But that advice came from someone that's already a tad 'Touched'.
Lights Camera Misunderstanding |
August 28th, 2021 |
Harper and Simon talk shop on the set of the Beware the Gray Ghost Revival series
Food. Trucks. Back. ALRIGHT! |
August 25th, 2021 |
Beware the Gray Ghost. And overeating.
Booksignings and Booze 2 |
August 22nd, 2021 |
Selina gets two autographed coppies of Trents autobiography The Man Behind The Mask, and free tickets to the preview screening of the reunion piliot.
Book-Signings and Brews |
August 21st, 2021 |
Eddie meets The Gray Ghost and buys a signed copy of his book
No Man's Land: Severed |
May 25th, 2011 |
Gotham is declared a No Man's Land. The Penguin makes his move. Gotham's heroes rise up.
Entertainment Credits
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Simon Trent has been credited in
5 shows.
Theme of the Crime |
December 6th, 2021 |
Theme of the Crime is a fictionalized cable series about theme criminals in Gotham, but it is not set in Gotham and except for Catman, the villains are more AU versions. (i.e.. Instead of Poison Ivy, they have a group called the Ivy League)
The Gray Ghost Reunion |
March 6th, 2020 |
Series revival of the 80s series, The Gray Ghost
Gray Ghost the Movie |
January 1st, 1989 |
Movie adaptation of the comic and TV series of the same name
The Gray Ghost |
February 1st, 1985 |
Adaptation of the long running Gray Ghost comic from the 40s
Have Gun Will Run |
January 1st, 1977 |
Simon Trent has been credited in
1 albums.
Simon Trent has authored
0 books.
Simon Trent/gallery
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Group Memberships
Simon Trent has been listed in
0 groups.