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Latest revision as of 19:05, 12 March 2020

On Approach to Genosha
Date of Scene: 11 March 2020
Location: Doom's Flying Fortress
Synopsis: Doom, Zora, and Lancer complete their plans for Genosha before their arrival.
Cast of Characters: Zora Vukovic, Samantha Dunbar, Victor Von Doom

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    The might of Doom is on the move.

    The rumble of engines propels the Flying Fortress through the air, with Doombots flying in neat formations outside, the symbol of Doom, the crest of Latveria, decorating the side as the craft makes its way to Genosha. Laden with supplies rather than...other things, it is prepared for dealing with assisting the helpless.

    Zora is more concerned with making sure people cannot wiggle out of acknowledging Doom's assistance, and perhaps slightly on edge about being...public. This is the first time she's really been out in the open since gaining Doom's gift of cosmic power, thus she's currently starting out the large observation window of the command room currently.

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    Samantha, on the other hand, hardly more publicly known than Zora is the complete opposite. Then again, she's also not the Herald of Doom and the focal point of Latveria's faith and representation of Doom. Her role is more subdued, and perhaps the pragmatic side of her is more comfortable with that.

She sits as the Fortress moves merrily on its way towards Genosha. It is only when they are so committed that she asks of Doom, "You are certain they will accept our help? Genosha is not known for being amicable to outsiders. Even in times of turmoil." Picking his brain, more than questioning his decision.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom stands in the center of the observation deck, holographic displays surrounding him and displaying relevant data. At Samantha's question, he hmms, "Genosha's situation is precarious enough right now, they are hardly in a position to refuse. Though, we did give them the illusion of choice in the matter so they could save face. Which, in diplomacy, is typically all that you need to get others to yield."

Doom then continues, "And it is important tho note, this is a humanitarian mission. Yes, we also wish to discern what happened, but our first goal is to aid those that were harmed by this mysterious attack."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "I think the pride of Genosha bows to the needs of its people, given the disaster that has befallen them, especially with their king...missing. And a queen who seems a bit overwhelmed by her new responsibilities." Zora turns from the window, folding her arms across her breastplate. "I am more concerned that other 'guests' may impede our search. SHIELD will certainly be there, and any number of the self-righteous will be present. It may be difficult to question the populace as to what happened."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
        "That is why we observe, first. Question, later. Besides," Samantha says with a gesture of her hand, "SHIELD is not going to have any real authority here. The Genoshians know it. So will SHIELD. Though they will pretend differently, no doubt." Her lips press together in a thin line, and she moves her eyes to one of the monitors. "We will learn much simply by completing our role as humanitarian. Hear much, too. Some of them will wish to talk about their grief. And trauma. We only have to listen."

    Then she adds, almost as an afterthought, "SHIELD will be far more obtuse. They don't do subtle."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom hmms, "Do not underestimate the cleverness of Nicholas Fury. I'm certain he will send his best agents to observe." He pauses, then smiles coldly behind his mask, "After all, Doom would do no less in his position. But they will not interfere with our humanitarian mission. As far as the Genoshans..."

Doom continues, "Magneto is missing, so his daughter is in charge. And she has been understandably traumatized by this ordeal, which provides an opportunity to forge closer ties with them. From a superior position, of course."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora nods slightly. "The /Avengers/ are not subtle. That does not mean they will not send spies who are." She mmmms. "Getting the queen's permission to overfly the island with your Doombots, my lord, will give us an advantage, of course. We will have a full scan of the area. And once I am there, I can follow the energy trails of the Sentinels, unless they have been somehow obscured. Several were destroyed, I believe. Enough for a starting point."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "Fury is devious," agrees Samantha. She's studied enough about the man under Doom's tutiledge, though never dealt with him directly. "Few of his agents are." She lets out a brief chuckle at Zora's commentary about the Avengers.
    "The Avengers will also forget about Genosha the moment another crisis comes up. They will, perhaps, send funds. A few trinkets. But, once they leave they won't return. They'll have a new pet project to attend to. It's their pattern."

    She looks away from the monitor after getting whatever information she needs, looking to Doom. "Besides SHIELD, do we know who else is going to be there, my Lord? Do you foresee any roadblocks we will need to be wary of?"

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doom shakes his head, "It does not appear so. Wakanda is sending aid as well, but King T'Challa does not seem to have any significant presence there. He is playing his cards close to his vest, as he does."

With that, Doctor Doom hmms a bit, looking speculative, "Though, that leaves the question of who initiated this attack, and why. Was it just a strike against mutants, or was it a test to see if they could actually //do// it?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "Many questions. The fact Sentinels still exist has me pondering whether they are the ones supposedly destroyed but hidden away, or if the plans for the Sentinels have fallen into other hands. Or even government hands." Zora quirks her lips. "I would not put it past many countries to covertly launch such an attack, if they felt it was deniable. There is plenty of anti-mutant feeling among various governments."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "It was not a government. At least, not officially." Samantha taps a few keys to bring up a data screen. Her eyes narrow in thought. "As you both likely have surmised, it would be someone with access to Sentinel technology. That implies someone who either worked on the initial project and had enough security to either obtain the information necessary themselves or already had access to it from the start. Or, someone who had authority over the project."

    A few keystrokes, and the data shifts, showing a series of numbers - likely the people estimated to have such access, or ability, or connection to the project. It's not all that high. "The information or access, potentially, may have been sold on the black market as well. If that's the case, we're looking at an organization that can amass the fortune of a country to acquire them and be willing also to shrug off the losses they knew were inevitable."

    Her features twist, and she looks at Doom, then Zora. "One thing is certain. Whether it was a targeted attack against mutants, or a test as we have yet to determine, Genosha was targeted because of it's controversy and dark history. The looming threat it poses. It was a safe target, because there will not be a mass outpouring of worldwide sympathy for its loss."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doom nods, "And Wakanda is likely thinking the same thing that we are, as T'Challa is no fool. Certainly he has his own covert agents investigating the matter, much as we are doing far more overtly."

He pauses, "Plus, discerning the perpetrators removes a threat from the board, and also establishes gratitude from the Queen of a struggling nation. Encouraging closer ties." And well, Genosha has been devastated, but it still has some resources. If nothing else, it allows for closer ties to mutants, which Doom has never really had to this point.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "As you say, Lord Doom." Zora says, nodding at Samantha. "Surely whoever has launched this attack knows it would cause the world to search for them, however. SHIELD if nothing else. They must be confident that they cannot be easily found, or they want to be found, possibly to stage another public attack."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "Do you have any instructions, Lord, beyond provide humanitarian aid, and observe?" She turns in her seat to fully face Victor, now.

    She looks towards Zora, sidelong. "I do not expect the culprit will be discovered. Not immediately, at any rate. But there will be clues to be had. Analyzed. We will need to be patient until the pattern emerges, fully for us to view. Until then? We can theorize. We can be certain of whom it is not, as a starting point."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doom mmms, "At the moment, no. Doom trusts you both to act in our interests here. There has been trust placed in both of you." He pauses, then adds, "Do not make us regret placing that trust in you." Not a threat, but there's definitely an ominous air of the words, as Doom does not suffer failure gladly.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "We will not fail you, my lord." Zora says, bowing slightly. "We stand for you in this; we will not allow any to disrespect your power, authority, or humanitarianism." She looks over to Samantha. "We will likely find more acting independently of our main forces under the guise of commanding the Doombots as they search. If the new Queen will give us free reign in that sense."