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Latest revision as of 21:52, 1 September 2021

The Play is the Thing
Date of Scene: 01 September 2021
Location: Delacorte Theater
Synopsis: A Little Night Music Reminiscing and a possible charity event
Cast of Characters: Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Susan Richards

Reed Richards has posed:
A beautiful summer's eve and good friends to share it with in the greatest city in the world, quite possibly this sector of the cosmos if these three were any judge.
    Most stand in line for hours to pick up tickets for these performances but our intrepid heroes like the consummate New Yorkers they are have secured a perch on the lake side promontory overlooking the theater and even laid out a blanket and snacks to watch the show. Apparently the Tempest re-envisioned as a space opera. It's been getting rave reviews fir the wire work alone.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm has carried all the things for the pick nick. He is actually wearing "jeans and a t-shirt." trying to fit in. He is scanning about the place, and says "A space opera? Well Star wars was good so we will see."

Susan Richards has posed:
     Good food, family, dear friends, and theater in the park. What's not to love? To Susan, it was a little slice of heaven, an island of normality in the craziness that could sometimes be called their lives. She reaches for the red-and-white checked blanket that Ben carries, smiling as the trio finds a spot to settle in for the show. She spreads out the blanket, which has plenty of room for all three plus their feast, and settles down on one of the outside edges. "True enough. Either way, I'll have to say points for the creativity of the idea."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles easily, neck structured scouting a space, "Ah! Yes, the synopsis sounded a bit derivative of that Talosian Opera we saw last year but I'm sure any similarities are coincidental." Reed smiles and gives his wife a peck, " I felt we could all use a break after the craziness of the last few weeks. He settles in next to her, wearing slacks and "Stand back! I'm going to try SCIENCE!" Tee on of the kids got him for Father's Day. "I wishe the whole family could be here but it's nice to know we raised kids to be out living their own lives."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm nods and will not say what he would rather be doing than an Opera and while he feels a bit third wheel, he was invited, and the invite seemed sincere so he could not easily back out of it. He makes sure nothing is under him before he lowers his bulk to the ground.

Susan Richards has posed:
     Sue just smiles at Reed, then Ben, leaning in and lightly shoulder-nudging the latter. "Don't know what you're talking about, Reed," she remarks. "I think we have quite a bit of family right here. Our brother from another mother, for one." She retrieves some bread, cheese, and fruit from the basket, laying them all out where each can nibble and nosh to their hearts' content. "So, aside from getting dragged along by us to see outer-space adaptations of classic Shakespeare, what have you been up to lately, Ben?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles, "Of course, Ben. You've aleays been family. We could not do any of this without you. And you're always welcome with us. Next weekend you can pick the activity," Reed fishes three bottles of Yancy streets finest out of a cold pounch much to snall tobe able to hold the large bottles in strict violation of park policy, "Yes, Ben what's been going on?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm shakes his head a bit and says "Not a lot, been thinking about seeing what the wrestling guys are up to, see if they want to do a couple of charity events. Maybe see if I can get a couple of folks from the weekly poker game involved in it.

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan smiles wide as she listens to Ben, leaning back against Reed in a very comfortable pose. "That sounds great! Is there anything we can do to help? What charity were you thinking of? If you go ahead with it, we could put out some of the publicity, maybe help you bring in some donations that way."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles, "If you need a ring man, I'm game. We can even rewatch the Rocky movies in preparation. Anyway the foundation can help. You know a celecrity poker game might be a fun event as well."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm nods a bit and chuckles a bit as he imagines Reed as the ring ropes, "I will keep that in mind, and may work, what about you two, now that we got you out of the lab stretch whats you two up to.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards says, "We've been keeping busy. There was that thing on Alpha Centauri and the source wall situation. and Sue had her speaking engagements with the Kree and Thanagarians. Fantasticorp is on track to become Earth's first MultiGalctic corporation. It's quite the boon." Reed smiles at his wife."

Susan Richards has posed:
     "Not everyone's as gifted at science as you are, love," Susan says, her cheeks taking on a delicate rosy hue. "But I enjoy taking care of the business side of things. You've always done well in the lab... when it hasn't come to cupcakes." She tries to hide her smile at the thought of Reed becoming the wrestling ring ropes by taking a rather large bite of bread--and fails, miserably. "You know... that could be a point in favor of the charity match, too...."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm says, "Hey science is easy You connect the thing-a-majig to the whats-ya-macallit, and then you have me and Johnny go somewhere and see if it blows up, if not it is all good." He jokes smiling a bit not seeming to be upset that more often than not he is a bit of a crash test thing for Reed."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards sighs good naturedly, "it isn't meant to explode, at leastvnot usually. I mean sometimes a small conflagration is an excellent way to collect data. And I am well aware of your and Johnny's capa- this really is an excellent performance."

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan just laughed and shook her head. "Yes it is a great performance. And no changing the subject, either. Really, Ben, you do a lot more to help us all when we need it than you think." She chuckles, reaching for the cheese and bread, and just enjoying the day.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm shrugs and says "Hey you would be surprised at what ya gotta do for someone helping you with your calculus homework in college." He grins a bit and will put a rock mitt on eachs shoulder "You know I would do anything for the two of you and the rest of the gang."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards stretches his hand to covers Ben's own rocky grip and smiles, "You don't owe us a thing Ben, but we're thankful for all that you do. We would do anything for you as well. You are an integral part of pur family. The firm bedrock upon which all the rest is built." Reed deadpans.

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan's own hand is much smaller in comparison to that massive, stony mitt now upon her shoulder, yet she rests it atop that miniature mountain and smiles. "And we'd do anything for you, too. You're family, even if not by blood. So tell us... how can we help you?" Reed's pun earns him a 'look', an eyeroll, and something whispered into his ear. Oh, my, my.