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Latest revision as of 21:54, 1 September 2021

A Quick bite to eat.
Date of Scene: 30 August 2021
Location: Mel's Roadside Diner
Synopsis: Bart and Kaida talk about cars.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Kaida Connolly

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had mentioned a place he wanted to try to eat up in New York state. So, he let word out he was going to try it today. So a quick run up, and change nearby and Bart is walking into the dinner looking about, his mouth open a bit in surprise.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Secret identities don't really work for Kaida. However, there is something to be said for a lack of noteriety for the tiny mouse girl. Even if she were on the scene of some great and might fight, most wouldn't notice her contribution. Big or small. It's just the way it is. So, when she joined Bart here, Kaida simply did what she normally does. Walk in casually under someone's feet as people rarely look down and even more rarely notice what they might step on. However, she quickly spots Bart and walks over, hopping casually over to give his leg a slap and then calls up in a tiny voice, "Close ya mouth."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks down and says "Oh hey, it looks like they did in all the old tv shows." He will squat down offering her his hand to climb on and if she takes it, moves her to his shoulder. "I have not been in a place like this before he tells her. "I hope the food is as neat as the look of the place. "I thought about getting a card board cut out of a car and trying the drive in but thought it might confuse them a bit.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
She'll take the hand up to Bart's shoulder and smirks as she is placed up there, "I warn ya, most places draw rather rude assumptions about me." She nods her head as she idly looks around, "And why not get an actual car for the drive in?" She asks and looks outside before looking back to him, "I'm sure ya can borrow one." She nods again before looking ahead, "I just hope that their food is as good as their decor." She grins, "That's what's really important."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will take a seat at one of the back booths to not draw as much attention "I don't know how to drive." He admits to her. "I mean, how often do either of us have need for a car?" He asks the little mousy girl. He picks up the menu so the both of them can see it.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Once the menu is up, she leaps down casually to land before the menu and casually look it over, "I mean, I can't drive at all." She states and looks up at him, "It's not even a need thing." She chuckles and shrugs, "Even if I needed to, there'd be no way." She shakes her head and then looks back at the menu, "And why not learn to drive? I mean, wouldn't it be kinda cool?" She then shrugs, "Seems like it'd be cool to me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "Maybe I should, and if you wanted to drive, I am sure, we could rig something up, there is a story about a mouse and a motorcycle. " He says remembering a story he once heard "And if you wanted to drive something human size instead of your size, I am sure, they could rig up a remote control set up, with monitors, and steering wheel, and peddles your size to work the human sized ones.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A laugh and she rolls her eyes, "I'm sure though I'm not sure it'd be quite the same." She then shrugs and looks over at the menu before pointing at a few things, "I think I want that and that." She points first at a hamburger meal and then at a chicken salad, "Now, as for the other. I just don't know, might feel too much like a video game."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Aint nothing wrong with video games." He tells her and as the waitress comes over, he makes the order of her food, and a nice amount for himself, enough it will probably fill the table. He orders two soda, and asks for an empty saucer as well.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"No, but still not the same!" Kaida declares before sliding down below the menu carefully when the waitresse arrives. SHe peeks out briefly to get a look at her before looking back over at Bart. She grins up at him and shrugs, "So, what have you been up to? I have been checking in on some old friends." SHe nods her head before shrugging, "I used to live with a lot of the homeless before I joined up. Wanted to make sure they were ok."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well been working and going to school, so that takes some time, I mean it does not have to but it does if you know what I mean." He will offer her a smile, and says "Working at the zoo is a neat job, get to see and help all the animals. And if your looking for the real thing, just have Nadia shrink a real car or motorcycle down for you." He hmms and concentrates a moment studying Kaida."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A grin at him and then she shakes her head, "Maybe I'll do that." She laughs, "Zoo seems cool, though!" She nods her head, "I would love to check out the zoo at this size. Never thought to do it. I had done it in the past but never as I am now." She considers, "Not sure why but I guess you don't really think about such things right off when you are so concerned about your next meal."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her and a brow raises "You have not always been this size?" He actually seems surprised at this. Having just accepted this was Kaida." He hmmms a bit and says "Do you want to go back to normal human size?" He asks her concern showing on his face. "And I can g et ya into the zoo in Gotham just let me know when.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A laugh and she smirks at him, "I guess it'd be nice to get into the zoo legally. I mean, at this size and with my speed, most places are pretty open to me." She then shrugs before settling down on her butt and sitting cross legged, "As for normal? What's normal?" She asks and shrugs, "I don't know if I would want to go back. I am more used to this now than before and I couldn't help people as muc hat my normal size."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Not even if Nadia just used her powers to make ya my height, or even Caitlin or someone else's size?" He asks and moves the menu so Kaidia can hide if she wants to while the food is brought over and set on the table. He thanks the woman, and says "Yea, I am in training, for one of those food challanges." He explains/lies."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A smirk up at Bart and then she shrugs, "Maybe." She states and then nods her head, "I mean, it could be fun but I am more interested in making sure I can still help others." She nods, "If I have to choose between being normal and being able to help, I'll choose help every time." She nods her head at Bart before quieting down when the food arrives.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and a bit and will take the saucer and pours come soda, into it. He then takes one of the straws and tears off a bit of it. Luckily older looking place has plastic straws. He rubs it in between his fingers a moment, letting it heat up and melt one end of it before offering it to Kaida as a make shift cup for her. "I hope that works." He offers.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A smile as she looks at Bart before she chuckles and shrugs, "Hardly need a straw but thanks!" She states and settles in to eat, "I think I'm gonna have to come back out here at some point. This is really good." She nods her head and chuckles.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has a meal and chats with Kaidia a bit more, the two getting to know one another.