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Latest revision as of 22:07, 1 September 2021

in search of evidence
Date of Scene: 03 June 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Vic Sage, Nazo Sarwani

Vic Sage has posed:
It is a Warm early summer night and its quiet around the United nations building security is there as normal but with no events taking place it seem like its a normal night.

The question is prowling around. He's got a hunch that he could find the smoking gun to a theory he's been putting together. He looks like a normal man in a suit coat and hat but those that look too close at him will notice he's missing a face.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
The United Nations. A joke of a name really. Wrong on both counts. United? In mutual webs of hatred maybe. Nations? Not all of them. Only those that the most powerful five will accept.

But people take it seriously.

Nazo had taken a tour of the place earlier in the day, then, after getting promptly lost in the warren of unfamiliar streets, finally found herself present outside of it once again, dressed in her usual black abaya, hijab, and niqab, belted in at the waist with its only splash of colour: a red sash.

Now which way was that subway?

The man in the suit. He'll likely not be a ruffian, so...

"Excuse me, sir? Would you happen to know the way to..."

Nazo freezes on seeing the man's lack of a face. What in Allah's name!?

Vic Sage has posed:
"if I smash one of the glass does to misdirect security perhaps" The question mutter to himself before noticing the startled young woman. "Oh hello what are you looking for" The Question asks as if he's not a faceless man speaking with no mouth.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
For an instant, but it must be a trick of the eye, right, it seems as if Nazo had, upon seeing Vic's lack of a face, somehow dematerialized, been blown back, and then rematerialized. She stares in consternation as he speaks then, seemingly inable to be rude, answers his question by continuing her own.

"...the subway?" She looks around her for anything resembling a clock. "And if the subway is still running? Or the ferry to Happy Harbour?"

If any of those aren't running, she's going to be looking for a place to stay the night. She's heard good things about Central Park...

Curiosity overcomes her.

"Why do you wear a mask like that?"

Asks the woman wearing, well, almost exactly the same thing, notionally, but for the visible eyes.

Vic Sage has posed:
"A few blocks west should take you to subway. It should be running but at this hour you might run into people who make me look normal." The Question says.

He now turns to actually look the girl in the face, or eyes. "I wear this mask so that no one can tell who I am. I don't need to be recognized or noticed its better if i'm not all that I find the truth of things and expose it to the world. I am the question that asks for the real truth. I am the one who 'knows'"

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"I'm ... Nazo?" The man before her is strange, but ... oddly polite. (Doubly odd for New York, the city that prides itself on being rude, though the words they use are 'direct' or 'honest'. Rude is rude, no matter what you call it.) Looking somewhat like a deer paralyzed by a spotlight, she finds herself getting drawn further into the conversation.

"The ... mask ... aside I don't think you're particularly strange," she manages to say. But ... uh ... truth? What truth?"

She looks around the UN grounds, then up at the building.

"You're definitely in the wrong part of the world for truth if you're here."

Vic Sage has posed:
"No if you look at the outside if you look at what they show you you will not find the truth. I'm going in to find what they hide from us. That is where you find the truth. where you find out about all sorts of secret plans to subvert the way of things. for the purpose of making us more compliant and less willing to resist." The Question says making his way towards a door looking around for impliments he could use.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Following along, Nazo peers at the grounds, looking where Vic looks and scratching her head. "What are you looking for?" she wonders. "If you want to know what's inside, surely you have to go inside?"

Her eyes stray to the side of the building, finding a vent near a door. "There, for example. Through that vent, there's probably a way to get to the door and open it from the inside."

Her eyes go back to the ground. "Or are you looking for a secret tunnel? Do they have those?"

Vic Sage has posed:
The question is examining the locking mechanism of the door very closely.
"hhm its on of these huh? perhaps..." The question trails off and looks to a near by potted plant for decoration. He picks it up and heaves at the door smashing the glass door,

Immediately alarms go off and security starts running to the location. "Come on run!" The Question says as he runs away.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Nazo doesn't run at first. She freezes in place in confusion as Vic runs and the security personnel start closing in.

Then she vanishes in a puff of dust that collapses to the ground. Vic hears the noise of rustling in the grass and nearby shrubbery, keeping pace with him. When he finally finds a place to stop, the rustling stops and turns into a dust storm that reforms her beside him.

"What was that for?!" she asks, baffled and more than a little upset.