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Latest revision as of 14:44, 2 September 2021

New Kid In School
Date of Scene: 02 September 2021
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: New best friends for life, Dyani, Madison and Irie meet and bond over bees and tree phasing!
Cast of Characters: Dyani Zitkala, Irie West, Madison Evans

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Early evening, classes are finished, home work is done, and Dyani is outside with the bees... a /lot/ of bees. She is tending to the hives that have been placed on school grounds, but out of the way. If one were to gage location, they are under the window to her dorm room. Right now she has one of the hives open and is literally covered in bees, the only thing of her really visible is the visor and her wings, the rest are bees getting the groove on by walking around on their 'Queen'.

Irie West has posed:
Irie is out walking with Madison in the early afternoon, after class. They've been talking about something Star Wars related, of course. Maddie's enthusiasm about the franchise had kindled interest in the speedster to go out and watch some of those 'classic' shows.

She stops when she sees the apiary and the girl covered in bees. She squints, and suddenly recognizes her with a gasp. "That's Stinger!" she almost shouts, pointing excitedly. "She nearly single handedly-" Her eyes go wide and slap her hands over her mouth before she can say anything else. Spoilers.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "So - then we went into bar, yeah? I mean, I'm not even old enough to be in a bar! Yellow Scarf Buster," they'd already talked about how silly the name was, no doubt, "went after the leader, and I kept the other guys off her, yeah? And I used the Force to dump a pitcher of beer on the floor in front of the guy with a bat, and then I whacked the bat out of his hand," Madison had had her own bat you see, "but then he pulled out a knife! But Scarf took care of that, and we high-tailed it out of there. After leaving their boss zip tied to a-"
    She cuts herself off short, as Irie excitedly interrupts about someone named 'Stinger,' studying the other teen with an uncertain look on her features. "...she just looks like another kid, though," she remarks.
    I mean, just like any other kid with brightly colored hair and antenna and wings.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The reaction to the sudden voice is immediate and obvious. All the bees take flight at once as Dyani turns toward the voice she heard and stares, though it's not really obvious she's staring because of the visor. The bees hover around her, buzzing in a rhythm, then start going back into the open hive. The little mutant tilts her head, out of habit more than anything else, then a smile spreads across her face.

"Hello!" she calls out with a wave, which dislodges a few of the more stubborn bees. "They are perfectly safe, they will not sting you."

Irie West has posed:
Irie has a huge ole grin on her face when Dyani comes to meet them. "Yeah but she's /famous/ in the future," Irie tells Madison in a quiet voice so as to keep Diani from overhearing.

She nods once Diani gets up to them with her fuzzy little friends. "Oh I know!" she says. "Back in.. when I was growing up we had somebody to teach us the importance of bees and how they're really quite gentle as long as you don't, like, swat at them and stuff."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Ohhhhhhh," Madison murmurs before blinking and going. "Wait. That means I'm not!" she protests. Unless Irie did a better job of keeping that spoiler from her than - well, than she thinks she would manage. She puts her hands on her hips and regards her friend sternly for a moment - before relaxing into a broad grin to show she's just joking.
    "Hiiiii!" she calls, turning her attention back to Dyani. "I'm Maddie - this is Irie! Are these your hives? Are you growing honey? Making honey? ... producing honey? That's probably the right verb. Wow, Miss MacIntyre lets you do that at school? She's soooooo cool isn't she?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Bouncing right over to the two, each hop knocking a few bees off to fly back to the hives, Dyani extends her now bee free hand toward both of the girls.

"We are Dyani, and very happy to meet you!" she chirps with a broad smile. "The bees make the honey, it is their secondary purpose, the first purpose being to pollenate /all/ the plants in the world. Big job, little bees." She giggles and grins again. "You can say that bees produce honey, or you can say they make honey, either is true."

She glances back toward the hives, and the bees that were still sort of lingering around start flying off in different directions in search of late season plants needing pollination. Looking back to Madison and Irie she says, "You go to a doctor, we go to bees." As if that explains everything.

Irie West has posed:
Irie looks totally starstruck, and takes Dyani's hand into her own and shakes vigorously. "I'm Irie!" she says brightly, repeating what Madison said. "It's soooo cool to finally meet you ... for the first time." She winces. Wow, Irie. You're doing so good at keeping the past spoiler free. "How many hives have you got so far?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison is starting to hate spoilers a little bit. But... oh well. So she doesn't end up famous. That doesn't have to mean anything. Right?
    "...wait. What do you mean you 'go to bees'? Do the bees like... heal you somehow?" she asks in puzzlement. "...can they heal me? I mean, not that I need them to, now that we've got this like cat lady nurse lady, you know?" She shoves her hands into her pockets as she meanders closer in Irie's wake.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani eagerly, too eagerly, shakes Irie's hand, and then Madisons, there maybe a lot of shaking involved.

"We have three hives at our parents home, and four here, we hope to establish more, including some in central park." She beams at this, clearly she's a bee-girl with a plan.

"The bees heal us, and we are the bees. I do not think they can heal you, but we could try some time and find out." She pauses there, head again tilting almost sideways. "Cat Lady?"

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah!" Irie says excitedly. "Our new nurse is the cat-child of a moon goddess! Isn't that cool?" She shakes her head, "There's so many cool people at Happy Harbor."

She tilts her head curiously, "When you say you're the bees, does that mean you can turn yourself into a swarm of bees? That would be /so cool/ if you did!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean - I wouldn't really neeeeeed the bees to heal me. Since, you know, I can heal myself some, and we have the cat lady nurse lady now, and everything. But it would really be really cool if the bees could help other people how do they heal you exactly? It's because you're... bees?" How can someone //be// bees? Unless- well, like Irie suggested, Madison muses quietly.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The grin that spreads across Dyani's face is massive, her cheeks pushing the visor up slightly she is smiling so big. Without further word she does something she has not done since the fight at the Sphere, when Hydra still controlled her. Standing there, her body just disintegrates into a massive swarm of bees. The visor and her clothing hit the ground where she had been standing and as the swarm she flies around the two girls a few times.

It was exhilarating. If someone asked her to explain the sensation she would never be able to find the words. When she was the swarm, she was many voices as one, and yet still just one, something else she has never been able to explain.

Clearly the girl did not think all of this through, because after a few more trips around Madison and Irie, she landed on both and the whole of her started to wonder about her clothing.... oh well. Zipping the swarm back to the clothing on the ground, the swarm forms up into the girl again, standing there naked with another huge grin on her face.

"We are the bees," she says simply.

Irie West has posed:
"Woooooooaaaaaahhhh," Irie says letting out a long breath as the swarm that is Dyani circles around her a couple of times. She reaches out a hand to let a couple of them land on her before flitting away to rejoin their sisters. When Dyani reforms, Irie is matching her grin, from ear to ear. "That's /really/ cool!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Duuuuuude!" Madison agrees, sounding just as impressed. That is //pretty cool//. She quickly realizes the problem though as she starts to giggle. "Oh no. She's going to be naked, Irie!"
    Sure enough - a few moments later, there was a naked Dyani, and Madison positions herself, and tugs on Irie's arm to pull her into place, too - so they're blocking any view of Dyani from the street. "That is awesome! But - umm. You really should put your clothes on. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be naked in public. Isn't it?" It's a bad idea, at any rate. "Your eyes are neat, too," she adds. "Why do you wear there weird glasses?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Grabbing her clothing, Dyani starts dressing herself pretty quickly, though the shirt and the wings are always a problem.

"We did not think that through," she comments, feeling around on the ground for where the visor landed. Finding it she stands back up and looks at the both of them, revealing her insect eyes.

"We do not see correctly," she explains, once again tilting her head. "Our eyes are compound, so we see many things and nothing as a result. The visor helps teach our eyes to see, so we can read and see computer screens and well, see you. It is easier to see through the bees than it is with my own eyes."

Irie West has posed:
Irie nods, pursing her lips. "Yeah. That makes sense," she says. "I know that some bugs can see ultraviolet light. Can you? I bet that'd be cool if you could."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Man. Then those glowing rocks would always look like they're glowing for you! That would be soooooo cool!" Madison beams at Dyani, then turns to Irie, adding, "My mom took me to the mines in New Jersey. Have you been? They are sooooooooo cool."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani nods to Irie, then finishes the last of the dressing and the visor goes back on.

"We see ultra violet, in many small images that never quite become one solid image, which makes it hard for us to actually ascertain what we are looking at. That is why I tilt my head," she demonstrates, even though she doesn't need to. "Because doing this allowed us to use only part of the vision of our eyes and mostly see. Doctor Hank made these for me," she taps the visor. "So we can see, and to train our eyes better."

She inches a little closer to the pair, not quite in the bubble of space, but slowly getting there. "What glowing rocks?" She asks Madison curiously.

Irie West has posed:
"Glowing?" Irie asks, mirroring Dyani's curiosity. "You mean like Kryptonite kind of glowing? That can't be healthy. It'd be, like, radioactive or something."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Glowing!" Madison confirms enthusiastically. "In New Jersey, there's a lot of minerals that glow! Well. Ahem. Fluoresce under ultra violet light. They had to shine these special blacklights on them to make them glow - but when they do the whole mine lights up like a rainbow all around you! Red and orange and green and yellow and purple! It's sooooooo pretty. You guys //have// to go," she insists with a broad grin.
    "Maybe my mom can take all of us!" she adds eagerly.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani gets excited out of no where and starts bouncing in place as she chimes out, "We can go places now that the Hydra group is dismantled and no one is hunting us! Maybe we can go see these glowy rocks!" Way too much excitement over rocks, or maybe it is that she can actually go places, do things, with people her own age, for the first time, ever.

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah!" Irie says excitedly, "It'd be like a field trip but just us three!" And just like that, Dyani is their friend now too.

"Wait, Hydra was after you?" She scowls, "But why? You're not like some sort of Nazi superweapon are you?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "....how can a girl be a Nazi superweapon?" Madison asks. "She's just a //kid,// Irie! Like us!" She links arms with Dyani abruptly saying, "Don't worry. We won't let any Nazis get anywhere near you. We stand up for each other, right? And you guys are gonna love the cave soooooo much. I'll let my mom know we're going back! I'll be the tour guide! Since I went once already."
    Yeah. No asking her mom. //Telling//.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani stops bouncing and looks at Madison who is touching her, she's okay with the touching it just surprised her. Slowly she looks back to Irie.

"They kidnapped us," she says to Irie, then looks between them. "Three years ago they came to our human parent's home and kidnapped us, them made us do bad things. We were rescued by Clarice," she suddenly smiles huge again. "She is our hive. She saved us, then went with others to destroy the group that took us. We are fully free now, for the first time in three years, but we are... a little behind on how the world works for people our age."

Irie West has posed:
Irie throws her hands up in the air, "I don't know! They're Nazis! They do evil things to kids all the time!" She turns as Dyani explains what happened to her, "See? Evil!" She walks around to the other arm and links hers in it. "Well, /we're/ superheroes so we won't let anything bad happen to your or your hives!"

"Don't worry about being behind," she says. "I'm a little behind on some things, too. We can help each other out!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Man. Aaaaaaaassholes," Madison mutters under her breath. Understatement much? "I'm glad //someone// stopped those jerks. Look, if you need any help with anything - you just ask me and Irie. We look out for each other. And- well. I mean. I don't know about superheroes - not me, anyways. Not yet. But you know - I can still do stuff. You know, when I gotta." Like she'd been explaining to Irie, earlier!

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani looks from Irie on one side of her, to Madison on the other side of her, then starts giggling profusely.

"Superheroes? Really? What can you do?" It's her turn to be curious. "Why only Irie? Why are you not a superhero Madi? Are you just training to be one now?"

Irie West has posed:
"Well /I'm/ a speed force conduit! A speedster!" Irie explains. "I can, uh, run real fast." Now that she says it out loud it sounds kind of lame. "Amongst other stuff! Maddy, here, is a Jedi in training!" It's kind of cute how much into Madison's delusion Irie is. They both know that Jedi really aren't a thing, but Irie thinks that if /anybody/ could become a Jedi it would be Madison.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yeah. I'd say I was a Padawan learner except - well. You kinda need a Master for that," Madison remarks, letting out a heavy sigh. "Oh well. I'm figuring it out! And someday I'll find other Jedi and teach them and be a Jedi Master," she adds with cheerful confidence.
    ...it really would be nice to find other Jedi. At least //one// other Jedi. Being the only one was weiiiiiiird.
    "So. Can you fly? I mean - when you're you. And not... bees."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani whoas softly, and the shift of her brows indicates her wide eyes behind the visor, "Speedster... we have heard of those. Faster than anything on the planet, other than another speedster. That is very cool." She nods repeatedly at this, the power declared cool by the insect mutant means it is, there is no debating it.

Looking to Madison her head tilts slightly, inquisitively, "What is a Jedi?"

Then she perks right up again, "Oh yes, we can fly. We are not super fast, but we are still training. We can go faster than most people running, without having to run."

Irie West has posed:
"Fastest girl alive," Irie tells Dyani proudly. "My father is the fastest /man/ alive so it only makes sense that I inherited his awesomeness. I can count on my hand the number of people out there who are faster than me." She shakes her head, "And not one of them is a girl."

She, then, stops and gasps in surprise at their buggy friend. "You don't know Star Wars!" She looks across Dyani at Maddie. "She doesn't know Star Wars!" She looks back. "Now that you can see we can show you Star Wars."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "That sounds like a challenge!" Madison chimes brightly - beaming at Dyani.
    "Oh! Yeah. Of course we'll show her Star Wars! Everyone should see Star Wars! But fiiiiiirst..." Madison points to a tree about two blocks away. "See that big tree with the pink flowers? I mean, Irie's going to win," honestly this is a race for second, and so she concentrates on that power within herself she calls 'the Force,' urging it to enhance her speed, as she continues with, "On your mark... get set... GO!"
    She immediately lets go of Dyani - and starts dashing towards the tree.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani was about to answer about Star Wars when there was a challenge issued! She starts bouncing in place with excitement again, unable to contain it. The second Madison says go and let's go, hopefully Irie does as well, Dyani's wings spread out behind her as she jumps into the air and buzzes off toward that pink flowered tree.

Sure, Irie can likely run to the tree, back, to the tree, back, to the tree, and back again in the time it takes her to reach the tree, but she's still pretty darn fast for a mutant with really delicate looking wings.

Irie West has posed:
Irie lets go of Dyani so she gets a fair start, and watches her two friends race for the trees. Grinning, she doesn't even /bother/ racing the two teenagers. They all know that it isn't even a challenge for her so she's not going to compete since it wouldn't be fair.

"Go, go, go!" she cheers. Who is she cheering for? Well, both of them, naturally. She wants to see a good race, and no matter who finishes first they're all going to be winners around here.

Once they get past the halfway mark, Irie zips over to the finish line in a blur of red and yellow, and starts cheering at them from that angle now!

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison bolts for all she's worth, getting an early start as Dyani has to take to the air and pick up speed. Does Dyani beat Madison to the tree because she's faster over the distance? Or because Madison stumbles over a loose stone and very nearly crashes to the ground? She manages to find her balance after several stumbling steps, and starts to run again - but she can't make up for the lost distance, and touches the tree second, forcing down the 'awwww, man' that threatens to escape. "Alright. You're pretty fast," she admits with a broad grin. "Good race! I'll have to keep practicing," she promises, reaching out to clap Dyani's hand good naturedly.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The high five. Dyani offers up her hand for one with a laughs, "You would have had us if not for that stone. Perhaps we should practice more together, as speed is important when getting away from large nasty things." She nods knowingly over this, she has run from large nasty things in the past.

Now she looks and realizes that Irie is there, not over there and that is what the yellow and red blur was, "Holy shite!" she exclaims and actually jumps slightly. "/You/ were the blur!"

Irie West has posed:
Irie offers up a high-five of her own to both friends, holding up a hand to each of then. "Heck, yeah!" she says. "That was an awesome race!" Once the high-fives have been had, Irie chucks Madison on the shoulder. "Aww. You would have had her, too, if it wasn't for that rock."

She nods to Dyani. "I... uh... kind of have a tendency to run /towards/ the big nasty things. Kind of what you do when you're a superhero. You make sure that the big nasty things don't hurt people."

She, then, beams proudly, "Yup! I'm the blur!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I'm teeeeechnically not allowed to run towards the big nasty things yet. My mom would //kill// me." Madison seems unaware of the irony of her statement. "But I'm training anyways. I mean, it doesn't hurt to get faster, and stronger, and all that, yeah? Someday it might save my life. Or someone else's. And mom can't really argue with that."
    She beams at the pair and then exictedly says, "Irie, you should take Dyani through the tree! I bet she'd get a //kick// out of it!"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani hmms, looking for a moment like she is in serious thinking mode, but that doesn't last because she smiles broadly again.

"We do not have useful skills for superheroing," she admits plainly, clearly okay with it. "Unless we happen to attack the one villainous person who is allergic to bees or hornets. As the swarm, our toxin is still lower quality, and as you know, heroes do not intentionally kill. Now that we have the visor though, we can return to our archery. We are quite good with a bow..." there isn't even a pause as she says, "Through a tree? We cannot go through a tree. Over, around, maybe under with a shovel..."

Irie West has posed:
Irie perks up. "Oh, yes you can! With my help!" She reaches out a hand for Dyani to take. "I can vibrate my molecules /just right/ so that I pass through solid objects, and I can phase stuff I'm touching, too!" She giggles, "That way I don't phase right out of my clothes." More seriously, though, "I can take people, too! I phased Maddie through a wall. I can phase /you/ through the tree, if you trust me."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It's sooooooo cool, Dyani! Give it a go!" Madison encourages, beaming brightly. "And then after Irie phases you through a tree - you can teach us archery! Do they have an archery range at school? Can we make an archery range at school? We have to build something behind it, right? To like... catch the arrows that I'm totally gonna misfire in the wrong direction - right? Though- actually... when I Trust the Force they should all hit..." she muses in a thoughtful tone.
    Maybe she really //should// take up archery.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Both of Dyani's wings to a little vibration thing, nervousness and excitement both. The idea of phasing through a tree was both terrifying and fascination, it was most definitely something she wanted to try, yet there was that fear factor.

With Madison cheering her one she finally nods and takes Irie's hand. "We must see what this is like, even if we get stuck in a tree... so long as one bee makes it out the other side, we will live."

There is another pause as she considers, "We do not know if there is an archery range, but making one is not that difficult. Perhaps we should talk to Ms. MacIntyre, because we really need to get back to practicing now that we can see again."

Irie West has posed:
Irie's grip is firm, and gives Dyani's a reassuring squeeze. "I won't let /any/ part of you get stuck in the tree. I promise." She walks up to the tree and looks over her shoulder. "I'll go first, and pull you through. When you get to the tree your body is going to want to stop because your brain is thinking, 'oh, no! Tree!' but just keep going, and don't let go of my hand." She places her hand on the tree when she remembers, "Oh, yes! You can breathe normally when we phase. Don't ask me how. It's a Speed Force thing."

With that, Irie sets her molecules to 'phase'. For Dyani it seems like all the word suddenly got a little bit out of focus and there's a kind of humming that she can feel throughout her body. It's very slight, but it's there. Speed Force energy arcs off of the two of them like little electric sparks, giving off a little glow.

Then Irie starts walking forward. First her hand disappears into the tree, then her shoulder and then she steps through it, her hand never letting go. Soon, Dyani would follow suit.

When phasing through the tree, it looks like there's about an inch or so of space in front your face where you can see the actual innards of the tree. You get to see each ring as you pass by, slowly at first but faster as you get to the heart of the tree, and then slowly again. And then, you're stepping out to the other side.

Irie gently guides Dyani forward until she's all the way outside the tree, wings and all, before returning them to a normal state. "See? Phasing!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Outside the tree - Madison has whipped out her cellphone so she can record it, grinning broadly all the while. "I got it on camera!" she informs them brightly. "I mean, incase you want to send it to anyone. Man, that looks soooooo weird from the outside. I mean - I've never seen it from the outside before! I wish that was a Jedi thing," she adds, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The brain screams about the solid tree being RIGHT THERE, but Irie's words run through her head again. She watches Irie go /into/ the tree, so clearly it can be done, but perhaps it was a practical joke? Dyani would start to walk forward and bonk against the tree? Either way, giggling inside over how funny that practical joke would actually be, when she reaches the tree, she keeps right on going.

She wants to count the rings, that's the first thing that pops into her head but then her head registers that she's INSIDE the tree trying to count the rings. Just as all that manages to get through her head, she is out the other side laughing. "That was amazing!" She almost screams, bouncing around again because that's how she works of excitement energy. "We should send the video to Clarice, not our human parents, it will worry them." It never occurred to her for a minute that it might worry Clarice, after all Clarice was her hero... heroes don't get rattled by this sort of thing.

"Star Wars," she suddenly blurts out because it came back to her mind at that moment. "We need to see this so we understand Jedi."

Irie West has posed:
Irie lets go of Dyani's hand once they're all through and beams as the bee girl literally bounces around. "See? Told you it'd be neat!" Madison, however, steals her attention. "You got that on /video/?" She rushes over to her friend, "I've never seen myself do that on video before. Let's see!"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "You've never seen it?!" Madison asks - letting out a laugh. She gestures Dyani over - and once the bee girl joins them - she hits play on the video. "See?" she says. "It's sooooo cool looking. I really wish I could do that too," she remarks, letting out a sigh.
    "But! I'll be able to do archery! Like Robin Hood! So that'll be cool."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani darts over, her wings fluttering again as she skids to a stop to look at the video.

"It looks as awesome as it was!" She offers with a huge grin. "Robin Hood? No, no, no... You want to be able to do archery like a Navajo Brave. They are much better."

She looks back toward the hives for a moment, then back to the phone and ohs! loudly. Taking her phone out of her pants pocket she shows it to both of them so they can get her number. "Now we can text, because we can do that now."