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Latest revision as of 14:45, 2 September 2021

A Higher Perspective
Date of Scene: 01 September 2021
Location: Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Angela 'pitches a fit' and Power Girl talks her down.
Cast of Characters: Aldrif Odinsdottir, Karen Starr

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
After having realized that Sera isn't coming back, Angela had some decisions to make. She had to accept some things and think on others. She had stepped out of her apartment via the fire escape and slowly floated above the city. She looked down at the realm that has become her new home. She could fly anywhere. Go anywhere. Anywhere except the place she knows as home. Now without anyone or anything tying her to it, she isn't even sure of this planet. Suddenly, she sucks in a breath that isn't even wholly needed and launches herself skyward. She breaks the sound barrier in moments, breaks it several times moments later.

As she leaves the atmosphere, she flips once in the general orbit of Earth, her hand casually reaching out to catch a broken down piece of an old satelite and she spins once before effortlessly throwing that hunk of metal deep into space just to watch it fly away.

Then a moment later, she slaps physics again. Moments later, the fire in the sky progressively breaks apart to reveal Angela returning to the upper atmosphere of Earth, flying low enough to be able to pull breath and be heard once more. She screams. A guttural scream that blankets the area around her with a tapestry of battles fought and yet to come, woven with a thread of lament and helplessness that can only be felt by one who has so much and yet can achieve so little of their goals.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Meanwhile, somewhere else, Power Girl alights on the noise of an object- perhaps a person- booking it through the atmosphere. Similarly, her attention is caught by the racket of Angela chucking something out of orbit. While this isn't exactly a tragedy, those pieces of satellite and detritus were destined to casually fall into the greater atmosphere and burn away, it's still a cause for curiousity.

    This is why as Angela bursts back into the atmosphere, as she is letting out her primal scream, a figure arrives before her- travelling at a speed that even Asgardians find difficult to see when they're not expecting it, the statuesque blonde comes to a halt floating there, arms folded.

    "Not that you're breaking particularly many important rules, but do you care to tell me why you're pitching a fit on an otherwise peaceful day?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
A blink comes to Angela's face. It's a surprise to see anyone moving at a speed like that. One could argue that Angela was the fastest Asgardian. That is, if she knew she was an Asgardian. As far as she's concerned, she's the fastest angel. Be that as it may, the surprise does not last particularly long on her face before she stands up straighter upon the sky.

"Pitching a fit?" She asks of Power Girl, staring at her carefully before tilting her head, "Yes, I suppose one could see it as that. Be that as it may, I have not harmed anyone or anything of any particular import or value. Unless someone was particularly attached to that broken hunk of metal." She states even as she crosses her arms.

"I am Angela, formerly of Heven. I have not had, what one might call, a good year."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen's implacable expression doesn't fade. Instead, it remains, engaging Angela's surprise and reasoning with no small amount of discontent. Clearly, she isn't happy about the actions the other woman has taken. It is nice, at least, to have someone surprised at her speed: It helps somewhat with the self-confidence.

    "Yes, pitching a fit." she responds, one brow raising as she looks at the other woman. "You haven't -physically- harmed anyone or anything. That's a statement of fact." Offering that, however, she shakes her head. "But the truth of it is that when you break the sound barrier, it's audible. People on the ground can hear it. They take notice, and you're not familiar; So they're standing down there wondering if you're here to help, or if you're a moment away from bringing down lightning or flying through a building on a lark. Made altogether worse by the fact that you punctuate all this by doing your best Yoko Ono."

    She turns, unfurling one arm and gesturing towards the ground. "Listen, I get that things can suck pretty bad, I can't imagine what you're going through-" That's not at all true, but Karen never leverages her personal tragedies against anyone else's, "But do the people down there need to pay for it with their peace of mind, even if it's not a long-lasting affliction?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
A breath is sucked in briefly and then let out slowly. No one ever said that the Norse gods were perfect. Angela looks down briefly and then to Power Girl. She shifts slightly in her spot before saying, "Mortals recover quickly from surprise and fear." She states simply enough and looks more carefully at Power Girl's face. She squints a little before saying, "I came up here to avoid conflict and potential damage. Do they not scream and get angry when frustration sets in? Do you?" She points a finger accusingly at Power Girl.

"I am sure you are not without a pitched fit or two." She then purposefully breathes in and then out. Her hands clenching ever so briefly before saying, "I have had a great deal taken from me and I am on this foriegn world trying to make the best of what is here. A society within which people prey upon one another for their own gains and I don't even speak of the criminals. Now I am to be wary of upsetting their..?" She pauses briefly and looks to the sun before looking back to Power Girl.


Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl ends up frowning somewhat at the argument presented, her mood not necessarily hostile- but deepening somewhat into that displeasure. Any sort of disregard is going to do that, and it shows. She's here to protect people.

    "Yeah, sure, but each of these incidents is a dent in the armor that people build up. The result is one of two things, either they build it up and end up less afraid- something that's /bad/ for them because if they don't understand a threat when it happens, they might not think to get out of the way." She lets that point rest for a moment, before picking it back up. "Or, the dents just tear down the armor because every noise in the sky could be some asshole strong enough to hit people with a building, and the nerves just shatter. I'm not saying don't lose your shit, I'm saying lose it responsibly. Find a place where people won't hear you, you can scream there and nobody'll bat an eye."

    There's a scoff, and a roll of her eyes. "According to testimony, sure. Again, I can't imagine what you're going through, but while I sympathize, what you're pointing out about this society is just a matter of civilization that is universal, I'm sure if you went to a world that /wasn't/ foreign, you'd see the same things, now that you're attuned to it."

    Her arms fold again. Breathing doesn't seem to be a problem for her, or at least, she doesn't seem to need those stabilizing breaths that Angela is taking: Which, makes sense. To a degree.

    "If you want to make the best of it, find something you like, and hold onto it. People are going to prey upon one another, but everyone deserves their chance at life- even the ones that you disagree with. Be an example."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"Something I like, hmm?" She asks and looks Power Girl over briefly, almost seeming to enjoy the view but then she frowns and looks away. Her hands pulling tighter to herself as she sighs and shakes her head. She grinds her teeth, audibly for someone like Power Girl before she lets out a breath and shakes her head. She hardly needs to breath at all herself but in many ways, she's far more human than 'her kind' ahould be. Not that many are at all familiar with angels.

"Where I come from, life is simple. Nothing for nothing." She states and looks to Power Girl, "It is a good example to follow. To gain something, you give something of equal value up. Give nothing? You get nothing. Yet, the people below seek to always gain advantage when, in the end, it leads to an outcome that is bad for the many and great for the few."

She then looks down, "And they do nothing about the real issues or threats." She shakes her haed and gestures about, "I cannot save any of tehm from themselves and I should not just hand them things." She gestures, "You say be an example but of what? For whom? By what standards?" She eyes Power Girl, "You heroes of this world and those loathesome Asgardians have a lot in common."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl draws in a quiet breath, and lets it out in a sigh. She's so used to that gaze, and yet every now and then it still draws a full reaction out of her. She lets it go, thanks primarily to the fact that Angela doesn't seem to stick on it either, but regardless, this verbal combat doesn't seem to be over.

    "And where you come from, nobody has ever bargained that something is worth more, or less, than it is? There has never been one argument after which one person is less off as what they've traded is of lesser value than what they received? Sure, we've got an awkward system here, and the deception is easier to spot from the outside, but this is still endemic of society. Everyone has selfish tendencies, and no society is immune to people taking advantage."

    She gestures again to the ground, this time keeping the one arm free and letting it gesticulate to add to her point. "They do what they /can./ They live their /lives/ and I've tried, I /do/ try, to be an example of something better, of someone that gives, so that maybe, just maybe, the people that /can/ do more begin to believe that it's right that they /should./"

    "I haven't met too many Asgardians," she admits, after waiting a moment, "But I can't say they've been particularly disagreeable. Jovial, medieval, closer to hedonistic than is safe to emulate, but not bad people."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"You do not know them the way my peop..." She stops and clicks her teeth together. She looks down and to the side, "You do not know what I know of them." She then looks up to Power Girl, "It isn't right for people to get something for free. It teaches nothing. The people of this world seek it all the same." She then looks up again, looking into the distance, "Maybe all are flawed." She shrugs and shakes her head before looking to Power Girl again. Her eyes more directly on hers.

"The angels of Heven, however, are far closer to a proper society than anything I have seen here on Midgard, or Earth, or whatever you wish to call this." She gestures down at the globe below her before she shakes her head.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen nods a couple of times. "I don't know them the way anyone else does, I'm sure. They don't come to Metropolis often, and I haven't had a ton of experience working with Thor. I could absolutely have the wrong opinion of them as affable people, but even if I am that just proves my point." However, she shakes her head. "It teaches the most important thing; To receive something as an act of kindness shows that kindness is better than the opposite. Kindness repays itself."

    She offers Angela a shrug. "That they're closer to proper doesn't harm my point at all. If nothing else, just /help./ Or, if you can't find anything here that's worth your time, maybe you ought to look elsewhere. It's a big universe."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
A frown at Karen and then she looks up into space briefly. She glares into the void of the great beyond and then back at Karen before saying, "Maybe that is the case." She sucks in a breath and looks back at the world before saying, "What I had here is gone." She shakes her haed, "This is where I was put as a punishment for my choices but, I had to..." She then shakes her head and looks to Power Girl, "nothing for nothing." She then looks at her carefully, "As repayment for your advice, I will, for the moment, take your advice and not continue." She looks down.

"I am going to go back to the home I have aquired here." She nods, "And perhaps I will pack up and leave this world. Not that I have much to pack after a year."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen watches the other woman stare out into space, and there is sympathy there. She does know what it's like to lose everything. Twice. "What you had here is gone, but that doesn't mean there's /nothing here./ I don't need any repayment, but the truth of it is that what you might need right now is just some time. Whether that's here, or somewhere else, is up to you. I'll tell you now, that if you /let/ it, this world will have plenty for you, and it will repay your kindness many times over."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
The woman floats there for a long moment, arms hanging at her side as she does before she finally looks up at Karen and shakes her head, "I do not know." She looks back down at the world below and shakes her head, "That's the problem. My friend. A close friend who, I do not know, perhaps thought I'd spend a lifetime or two with is gone." She looks at Karen, "She..." Angela trails off and then she hugs her arms to herself.

"...I do not know you." She states and looks to Power Girl, "I have heard of you but only somewhat as I do not use all the information devices that those of this world do." She shakes her head, "I do know you are fast so I have to assume you are at least more powerful than most. So, perhaps you can understand what it is like to have a great deal of power and still feel powerless." She shrugs, "And that is where I am right now."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl's expression becomes sympathetic. She understands exactly what the woman is going through. In silence for a time, she nods along, not commenting until Angela is through. "Whatever the reason for her departure- willing or otherwise- if this person was special to you, she probably expects you to be here. Maybe she's not selfish enough to have expected you to wait, but that's a lot of reason to find /other/ reasons to stick around."

    "I know that feeling better than anyone." she admits, looking off to the side, "But I also know that you can't let it /make/ you powerless. You can do good things. You can occupy your time however you like, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. You can be happy. You just have to find out what it is that /you/ want to do, and do it."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"I know what I want to do." She states simply enough, "And that isn't possible." Angela shakes her head and shrugs before she sucks in a breath and looks then to the sky above. "Even if I found a way back, I'd have a fight on my hands. If I found a way to get who I lost back, well, she wouldn't be gone." Angela chuckles and shrugs before looking down again.

"I can cross the universe." She looks up at Power Girl, "I could probably fight with some of the most powerful people on your world. I can do a great many things and I can't..." She sighs and shakes her head.

"I will no longer scream in your atmosphere or cause fireballs or throw space debris out into further space. Honestly, though, that would be doing most of you a favor. It is horribly cluttered up there." Her eyes going up as she waves a hand in the direction of orbit before she looks back to Karen.

"As I stated. I am Angela. You're Power Girl, right?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen offers an understanding sigh. "Yes. I have a feeling that what you want to do involves busting through a door that, maybe, deserves being busted through, and then going- colloquially- apeshit on whoever happens to be on the other side." She shrugs, then, "But that never works out so great. Feels /really/ awesome, though."

    Having noted that, Karen continues watching the skyline. "Nobody can do /everything./ Most of the time, nobody can even do the thing that matters to them at the time. That's why I always advocate just... Doing what you can. Try and make the world, whether that's just one ball in space or an entire galaxy or whatever else, try and make it a place where what happened to you doesn't happen to anyone else. /That/ is something you have the power to do."

    Her eyes, then, trace up to the black above them, and she offers a small shrug. "Yeah, I mean I'd be more careful about where you put it, but nobody's going to argue with cleaning up. Just make sure you know what you're cleaning up and that it needs to be cleaned up." she notes, looking back down to Angela.

    "Yeah, that's me. Power Girl. Good to meet you, Angela. Glad to hear you're going to stay calm. Best to just... Channel all that into being constructive. Somehow."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"If I find something constructive to do, I'll let you know." She floats there a moment before saying, "I enjoyed this, Power Girl. I'll hope to have another conversation with you again at some point." She floats closer and nods, "You are, someone I have enjoyed speaking with on this world. It's a rare thing." She then shrugs and turns to look down, "For now, I'm going to try to discover what it means to be constructive here." She then looks back briefly at Karen and nods to her, "If you need help, I'll help you in the future." Angela then gives her a nod.

"I am quite capable at hearing and seeing things from afar. Calling out from me in the tri-city area, might actually work." She chuckles and then flies downward with a whip of sound. It's not quite the bursting sound barrier speed she was using before but the subsonic movement is effortless as she heads back to the Earth. For now at least.