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Latest revision as of 18:33, 5 September 2021

Brotherhood Networking.
Date of Scene: 04 September 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Lorna and Clarice speak with Cain about a protection racket.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson, Cain Marko

Lorna Dane has posed:
It was unfortunate that Lorna was having to resort to old contacts of the Brotherhood, but with current events the allies she had were stretched a bit thin. The Queen of Genosha had sent out a request to meet at the asteroid, with Clarice's help of course to get him here. A spot at a table has been chosen as she waits with a few drinks already poured out.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A tell-tale purple-tinged tear in reality opens just outside the cafeteria and bar - and Clarice allows Cain to step through ahead of her, before she'll follow. "I believe Her Majesty is this way," she invites with a gesture, escorting the man into the cafeteria, and moving with light footfalls - especially by comparison to the hulking figure beside her.

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain was somewhat wary about going through the portal. Not that he was worried about geting hurt. But it wouldn't be the first time somebody tried to stand him on another planet, or another dimension, or New Jersey. He glances around curiously at the space decor, then moves into the banquet hall. Since this place was built with mutants in mind, presumably the doorways are tall enough he doesn't have to bend over. Once inside his eyes go immedietly towards the food. But, he's here for other things right now. So instead he approaches whre Lorna is seated. "So. You wanted me for something?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane is seated with one leg draped over the knee of the opposite in a casual, yet fully alert posture. One elbow leans lightly on the table she'd nudged her chair just to the side of so that she could easily extend her hand out snag the drink nearby. The familiar portal does draw her attention as she waits for the two to join her. A single gesture is made inviting to the table, though she chuckles at the glance to the food. "It's nothing entirely pressing, just some matters I wanted to see if you could assist with. For payment, of course," she hastens to add knowing full well Cain's proclivities. "Feel free to get a drink or the like. I'm not so formal as my father can be at times." A well-fed Juggernaut is a happy Juggernaut, right? Right. Let's hope so.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    There is a moment where Clarice considers going to stand behind, and just to one side of Lorna for the conversation. This //is// business, and that's where she //ought// to be for such negotiations, in her mind.
    But somehow she doubts Lorna will see things that way.
    In the end she opts for a seat beside Lorna as she adds, "You're welcome to help yourself to as much food or drink as you'd like. All is provides for the guests and residents here."

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain peers down at the greehaired woman at the table, looming out of habit. And, well. It's for him not to loom. "Uh-huh. Well, it's your money lady." He glances over at the buffet, then wanders that way. Picking up one of those trays that you use to hold other plates, then just starting to pile various kinds of food directly onto it. After gathering enough random snacks to feed about twenty people, he grabs the container holding some drink, takes the top off, and takes that back with him as a cup. Settling into the seat across from the two women. Again, assuming that a place built for mutants would have chairs that can handle his weight. "So what sorta matters are these? Breaking people or breaking into somewhere?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances toward Clarice with a thankful nod when she joins her to sit. This wasn't a meeting of a sort she'd had before. Generally she often tried to avoid actual business with any of the Brotherhood members outside of present company of course, just on principal. They were working to redeem themselves though. "Not my money actually, so by all means help yourself." She watches as he goes off to the buffet to set himself up with a large helping. More than large. A glance is cast back to Clarice along with a sigh. "I don't suppose you could blink one of those slices of red velvet cake my way, could you?" She inquires with another look shot back to the buffet. Getting up now just seemed silly after all. If only the plate it was on was metal she'd get it here herself. As it is the knife for slicing the cake lifts up to cut a peice helpfully. Then Cain returns, and she clears her throat. "Nothing quite like that. The Brotherhood is looking to reinvent themselves after all. Though I'm sure there may still be some issues where that is required. It's not my business," she utters though it did nag at her. "Genosha is at the point of rebuilding where we're looking to bring in some expensive equipment and supplies. Given the nature of them, they're a high value target for theft. I thought it would be prudent to have someone with your..." Her hand lifts to gesture toward him. "Knowledge and skills to help protect them during transport."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice raises her eyebrows. Can she //blink her a piece of cake//? She rolls her eyes - but she does indeed comply - summoning a pair of javelins to her hands. It was a good opportunity to practice precision, after all. First she flings a javelin at the plates, causing one to land on the table with a faint wobble. The second throw catches the slice of cake, and drops it onto the plate - on its side. A small piece of it hangs over the edge of the plate, though, and drops a few crumbs onto the table.
    So nearly perfect.
    She remains silent for the moment, however, as she allows Lorna to pitch the job - and seems neither surprised nor offended by the amount of food Cain has claimed.

Cain Marko has posed:
     Starting to eat steadily, Cain listens to the spiel from Lorna. His head ends up tilting to the side at the end of it. "So. You wanna hire me to.... STOP things from being stolen?" He considers that for a time, eyes narrowing. "...well, I guess that would be a change of pace anyway. Might keep away some thieves just knowing I'm there." He certainly has a high opinion of himself, anyway. He picks up the plastic container filled with gallons of.... sweet tea, maybe? And chugs a bit of it before setting it down. "You guy always paid on time in the past. I'm sure things'll go well this time around too. By the way, who were you?" He gets distracted by Clarice doing her javeling trick. "...the hell."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles indulgently at Clarice's blinking of the cake. It was a silly little thing perhaps, but... It got her cake now didn't it? A smugly amused smile is cast to her friend as she lifts her hand to grasp at the fork that floats over within her grasp. It's twirled in hand before dipping down to save that little dangling bit off the edge of the plate. "I know it's not as big a blink as Montana, but... Thank you." Was she teasing? Yes, yes she was. The bite is raised to her lips with an indulgent sigh at the flavor. It had been awhile since she'd had red velvet and cream cheese frosting was so good. Cain's remarks earn a nod in response. "That as well. I was hoping your reputation alone might keep people in line." Then he asks who she was. THAT causes her to blink, in a manner not like Clarice. "Oh. I was known as Polaris." Here she pauses before adding, begrudgingly, "I'm Magneto's daughter. One of them."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out an exagerated with. "We'll be old, and grey, and you'll still be complaining about Montana!" she counters - though she flashes Lorna a smile. At least the woman can joke about it now - so she must not be terribly angry anymore?
    She doesn't respond to Cain's comment on her teleporting - but her attention does return to the man as he questions Lorna's identity. "She's also the Queen of Genosha," she points out simply, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. How cany //anyone// be unaware of the identity of the Queen of Genosha?

Cain Marko has posed:
     After popping a whole chicken into his mouth, Cain chews. Since this is business and all, he's currently in his armor. Which means he's considerably a few feet taller than he usually is when running around the city or hanging out with badgers. Because for some reason that's how it works. Thankfully he swallows properly before speaking again. "Magneto's daughter, huh." He considers her, his eyes briefly focusing on the green hair. "Was your momma She-Hulk?"

     Then he turns his attention on Clarice, staring silently at the teleporter for a while. Then he grunts. "Never been to Genosha. I'm not a mutant. I've just fought a lot of them." He takes another long pull of his drink. Apparently Loran's royal position doesn't impress him.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That's just a job title, Clarice. This isn't really related to it," She assures her friend as her fork makes another delicate stab toward the cake. Unlike Juggernaut that was eating whole chickens, which was a little disturbing, she was in no rush to gulp down the entire slice of cake. "Genosha has had a lot of troubles and I'm trying to at least get things back on track for the people there. Not all are mutants," she adds with a small shrug. "Though it is meant to be a safe place for them. Regardless. We're moving in some transformers, computers, and other items which will help to rebuild and offer proper infrastructure for the nation. Unfortunately these are also often sought after by many terrorists groups to build other devices. Thus the need for the extra security. And of course you'd be paid." Another little bite is taken. "So long as you're not afraid of your reputation taking a hit for picking up such a job."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "This is related to the rebuilding of Genosha," Clarice points out simply, her gaze going back to Cain at his general disregard to Lorna's position. You can see her hackles raising in the way her shoulders stiffen - but she doesn't make any comments. She listens to the exchange between the pair, seemingly unbothered by the way the man devours entire chickens whole.
    She's seen things far more disturbing than that. I mean - have you eaten around Toad before?

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain grunts at Lorna. "Right. I have heard about a lot of bad shit happening over there. Sorry aobut all that." He leans back in his seat. "I mean. What happens with humans isn't really my business either. I just do what I'm paid to do." He nods at the list of items. "Sounds boring. But yeah. I can give you some extra muscle during the whole thing." At the mention of his reptuation, he raises and drops one huge shoulder. "It's not like I never was willing to do that sort of job. S'just people generally don't hire me for it. People know what I can do. If they don't like my choice of work they can just go fuck themselves."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane clears her throat lightly with a faintly amused grin. "Well then it seems as if we've come to an accord. Thank you." A faint gesture is given to the station. "You're welcome here for the duration though do try to stay out of trouble. Namely avoid the hot heads that like to start fights if you could." There WERE a few after all.