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Meeting With The Headmistress
Date of Scene: 05 September 2021
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Having come to pay his respects to the headmistress of Xavier's School, and see what he might do to repay the destructive antics of his people, Michael ends up with a proposition he certainly doesn't expect.
Cast of Characters: Michael Erickson, Ororo Munroe, Laxmi Mallick

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Twice he's been here since his people came to try and kill the students at the school; as he drives up in the rented sedan he'd secured to make the trip up this time, the man who carries the name Michael Erickson on this world comes through the gates and up the drive toward the house with a sort of haunted hollow in his gut. Last time it was himself and Agent Drew coming up the drive at speed, just in time to meet a force of Death Commandoes and their leader. Who prompty destroyed the car and tried to kill them all. It was at this house that he broke faith with his people. Or at least the Imperial Throne.

    He knows, at least, that he wasn't wrong to do it.

    Rolling into the parking lot, Erickson puts on a pair of Ray-Bans to go with the nondescript gray suit he wears and heads toward the front door, taking his time to cross and make sure that he's seen. These poor kids hae had too many surprises of late. No point in giving them another jolt. He knocks at the door, then, and...waits.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The arrival of Michael Erickson isn't so unknown, and is in fact something that those in the need to know category were informed by the technology and protocals entrenched in the school's very infrastructure.

    The gates did open for him.

    A request was sent to Laxmi to backup Ororo, who will be opening the front door before Erickson can actually knock. "Good afternoon Mister Erickson." Ororo says, standing in the foyer, but not baring the door, and stands to the side to allow the man entrance into the house. No need for nosey neighbors to try and peek at the current drama unfolding at the school. Should drama unfold.

    "I am Ororo Munroe, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says, wearing a sharp charcol suit with a simple white and dark grey stripped blouse beneath.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    The gates /did/. And he should be at ease - but it was his own people who rolled up and tried to murder them all, so he's not at all remotely expecting a warm welcome. Even if, of course, those he's met already haven't run him off with torches and pitchforks.

    It's because of this that, when he's let in the house, he gives Ororo a warm smile as he takes off his sunglasses and offers him his hand, eyes like blue chip ice gleaming in the light of the foyer. "It's actually Cal'hatar," he offers. "Of Chandilar. Officer, Third Magnitude, of the Imperial Military." A beat. "Formerly, of course. I'm a traitor to the Empire now. So." Well. There's that.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi had been deep in her music - but her concentration had only cost her a few minutes - and she makes her way down the stairs now, her bright skirts swishing around her calves with each step. She's just in time to catch the introduction, as she nods to Ororo, then looks towards Michael. "I'm Laxmi Mallick - namaste." She presses her palms together, nodding her head politely to the man, before turning her attention to Ororo. "Should I take a few moments to prepare us some chai, Ms. Munroe?" she asks politely. "It would be my pleasure."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Forgive us if we tend to for go most of the titles for the expedience of human conversation." Ororo says with a curt bow and a look towards Laxmi, "Chai would be lovely, Cal'hatar." She says with a practiced tongue. "Well, traitor or not, you did good by us and as such, you are more than welcome to join us in our home." Ororo says, closing the door behind them as she guides him into the mansion. "We are pleased and surprised you decided to return. Is there a way we can pay you back for doing what you did and sacrificing all you had to in order to do what you preceived was right?"

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Michael's brows arch faintly at this question. "I would think that I'm the one here to repay /you/, Headmistress," he replies, though he pauses to turn and nod politely to Laxmi and offer a smile. "Hello, Miss Mallick. And no tea for me, thank you."

    Then back to Ororo. "It was my people who had attacked. And...frankly, that's somewhat my fault. I was originally dispatched here to monitor the Kree back in the 1970s, but when Miss Grey first manifested the Phal'kon - that is, the Phoenix - it was my job to monitor her. I have been doing that for thirty years, now. It was my fault, I am sorry to say, that they had any details about her." And this, at least, he seems most serious about, his expression hardening into a stony mask as he says those last words. "So. I am here at your disposal."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "As you wish," Laxmi agrees. She nods to the man - breaking off from Ororo and Cal'hatar to head into the kitchen. It doesn't take her long to have an electric kettle kettle on the boil, to get the tea and spices steeping - while on the stove she scalds milk with brown sugar. While that is heating, she fixes a little tray with cups, a plate filled with small tea biscuits, and a thermos to hold the chai once it's ready. She hums happily to herself as she works, the song helping her time the cooking so she won't oversteep the tea to make it too bitter.
    She's a truly awful cook, but chai she can handle - so long as she pays attention to what she's doing.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Thank you." Ororo says with a kindly smile to Laxmi as she is more than helpful and kindly to go get her some tea.

    "Ah, come this way." Ororo say, motioning with a hand away from the foyer to a less open area and towards her own office. "Lets talk somewhere a bit more private." She says and on the way she doesn't hesitate continuing the conversation, "You think that because you were doing your job, that others doing their job is somehow your fault? And I think you and all of us now know that anything the phoenix chooses to do, is more than likely going to happen, regardless of what we mere mortals choose or expect."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "Which was quite our concern when we detected it here." Michael follows, hands tucked behind his back - and once entering her office and finding a seat, crosses his legs before speaking once more. "What do you know about the Phoenix, Headmistress? I ask only because, knowing what /you/ know, I might be able to better frame why my people chose to act as they did." He considers. "Well, that is, at least as a pretense. Whatever the Majestor truly had in mind, I know for certain that my people fear the Phoenix as people here fear the Devil."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    With the milk warmed, the sugar disolved, and the tea ready, Laxmi pours them both into the thermos and sets it on the tray, before adding a pitcher of ice water. Two empty glasses are added, as well as two tea cups. Sure - Michael had said he didn't want tea, but it wouldn't be unheard of to change his mind. And perhaps he simply prefered water?
    It was a poor host indeed who didn't provide for the needs of their guest.
    Picking up the tray, she makes her way to Ororo's office, balancing it all one hand so she can rap. Only when she gets an answer from Ororo so she enter, bringing in the tray and setting it in place.
    "Don't let me keep you from your business. And please, help yourself to anything you like," she offers Michael warmly. Then with a polite nod, she'll slip back out of the room.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "What we know of the phoenix, isn't as much as I think would be preferable." Ororo says, after opening the door for Laxmi and taking the tray and setting it on the side of her desk. Grabbing the cup that smells like it is holding a chai tea, Ororo holds the cup with both hands allowing it to warm her fingers and palms.

    Taking a soft sip, she allows her eyes to close and she savors the flavor before sitting back down at her chair on the other side of the desk. "We know it's not of this earth, and it's old, very very old." Ororo says, musing as she looks upwards to the ceiling lights. "But, I don't think we know a whole lot more than that."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "It is, indeed, very old." Michael's brows arch. "And not from your galaxy, apparently -- we know it from the Empire, where it once, if our history is correct, attempted to destroy my people. Until very very recently, the Phoenix was naught but a destroyer, you see - very very recently, until Her Royal Highness and your Professor Xavier claimed to be able to control the creature in its host of course. My people didn't believe it, and thus the assignment was given me to aid in murdering Miss Grey as the most recent host of the Phoenix." He makes a face. "Which I obviously refused to do."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "And this is where you come back today, seeking a repentance, or redemption, sir Cal'hatar?" Ororo asks, lowering her drink to rest on her desk and lifts her eyes to lock onto Michael's.

    The acting headmistress doesn't carry such airs normally be expected of the title given her, she carries herself with a grace and a respect and assuredness only granted to those of divinity. But she isn't, is she?

    "What reward or justice would you place upon someone else in your position?" Ororo asks, as if she were seeking ideas on how to grant this person his just desserts.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Michael - Cal'hatar - possesses none of this grace, at least outwardly. He sits very much in the world. "I feel that injury has been done to you all as innocent parties," he replies. "And if my people won't make up for it, I will try. You don't have to accept, of course. But I would be doing a disservice if I didn't offer."

    "As for the rest...I'm afraid I don't understand. I don't think I deserve punishment, if that's what you're asking. My people can be bullies; the Empire needs a bloody nose from time to time."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Raising her chin slightly, Ororo looks to Cal'hatar, but not down her nose at him, it's something she's mastered quite well. To look regal but not snobbish. "So you seek to be a force of revenge or at least retalliation for us?" Ororo remains seated, but then reaches out to take her mug and takes another sip, using the time to not only gather her thoughts, but to collect her words and order them properly.

    "We're not going to be asking you to take such measures in the name of Xavier's, or Greys, or anyone of this planet." Ororo states, ratherly statesmanly, "We will not be putting an air of hostility out in the galaxy and beyond, but that isn't to say that if you wish to go bloody the noses of your own people in your own name or desires, we're not ones to interefere in others affairs."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "You've already bloodied their nose," he points out. "I'm here to protect this planet, not avenge it." He shrugs, unhurried and - apparently - unaffected by her regal mein. Or perhaps he's just used to regal people. "But I thought that, perhaps, I might aid your people in some way or another. My people /will/ return, in whole or as a faction, so long as Miss Grey hosts the Phoenix."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Then we've no need to seek them out at all." Ororo says with a kindly smile, "I don't think any of us have a way to get the phoenix out of her head, or convince it to leave, baring those events, I believe that yes, you are correct. There will be continual efforts against this planet and our school." Canting her head slightly to the left, Ororo looks closer at Michael, "Would you stay in her some capacity as a form of security, because there will be no deterent we could mount, and possibly teach us about your culture and maybe even technology?" Ororo inquires, curious and maybe a bit hopeful.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He considers this for a moment, fist now tucked under chin. Looking at her quietly, reading that lovely, dark face with the eyes that are so much like his own. "...I will be pleased to tell you all about my people," he says. "Culture, structure, language. Teach you about the Empire. I will teach you how to defend against the Shi'ar ways of battle. But as for technology, I am not a scientist - I am a soldier. I will teach you as best I can about capability, but I do not believe it would be proper to share technology directly. I have told SHIELD the same thing. However...what I have in my possession, I will gladly use in the defense of this school and its students."

    That said, his brows arch. "What do you want to know?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "I don't have any pressing questions at the moment, but if you're truly meaning what you say, I can get you a trial position as a teacher, see how you fit in the faculty and with the students around here. It would be temporary, of course, but with a chance to be a more permenant role in helping us, if you would." Ororo lowers her finished mug down and begins to rise from her chair. Pressing her slacks down, Ororo then reaches back out to her mug. "I don't want to rush you or anything, take time to think about the offer, and what you can offer us as well, and we'll reconvene. I am interested in learning more, but let us also get a more clear and concise goal in mind for both parties."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He frowns faintly, considering that. "Well if you don't think your students would be angry with having one of the people who just tried to /kill them/ here at the school, then...yes, certainly." Michael looks at her, quirking a brow. "I've been a military officer all my life, but I can instruct. Why don't we have a meeting on the topic when you have time, and I'll lay out what I'm capable of doing. I dare say that it might be interesting to see what your students and faculty might get from my knowledge - understanding that I do /not/ wish to be known to the public as what I am. To be truthful, Headmistress, I've spent the last twenty years as the armored crimefighter known as the Red Sentinel. Normally I would wish to go under /that/ sobriquet, but since your students have already seen me in action as one of the Shi'ar, however against the Empire..."

    He chuckles, and then gets to his feet as well. "Tell me how I can help, and I will. You deserve this. And I will do my best to provide all the aid that I can."