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Latest revision as of 04:30, 7 September 2021

Oh no, April was kidnapped. (Again)
Date of Scene: 06 September 2021
Location: Alleyways: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Frank rescues April from a group of kidnappers.
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Frank Castle

April O'Neil has posed:
Frank's contact told him that April was last spotted at Angelo's Pizza in the arcade area. It's two blocks away from where her apartment building is as well, so it seems to be a legit source of where to find her...

Of course... once he arrives there and investigates he'll be told by one of the employees that she was grabbed just minutes before he got there by some guys in a van. Her bike is even parked outside the Pizza store still, chained up with the little Bumblebee sticker on the chasssi of the bike, definitely hers!

It won't take Frank Castle long to get information from his tech guy about the van, it was marked as a Plumbing and Services vehicle of a small local company that went out of business last year. Their supposed store location is just a few blocks to the east.

Currently, this is where the Van is parking and the men inside it are getting out with April tied up by the wrists and gagged with a strip of duct tape over her mouth. They're shoving her out of the van and toward the back entrance to the old plumbing store. April is looking around frantically before they shove her thorugh the door in to the dark of the back of the store.

Frank Castle has posed:
Once it became clear April was kidnapped, Frank was already in the Battle Van heading to the location. Releasing a recon drone, it zoomed over above the plumbing store and was set to standby, "Keep an eye on that and let me know if anyone comes inside." Frank told David over the commlink. "On it, Frank." Came a reply.

Within minutes, he's parking near the store and in the back of the Van gearing up. He wasn't expecting to have to conduct an operation... but here it was...

Bodysuit and trenchcoat over webbing, Frank shouldered a custom M4A1 and waited at the back, "Any security I should be aware of before I go in there?"

April O'Neil has posed:
Frank's man on the coms comes back over. <"That place has been out of business since last fall. It's owned by ... six different investors, none of which live in the United States. I've only barely looked in to this and the money it was generating was going all over the globe. This couldn't be more of a open and shut case of laundering money from who knows what or where."> And a second later the guy on the coms will chime in again. <"I have the plans for the building drawn up. The door your beside opens up to a small loding doc area, could be a storage garage for this kind of place. Beyond that there's two doors one that leads in to the main show room and one that leads in to some offices and a bathroom. My money is the girl is in the offices. No idea how many guys might be in there with her though.">

Inside the first room, the garage / warehouse, Frank will find out that there's three men with two sitting nearby one another at a table and another walking casually out of the offices area with a large shotgun in his left hand held casually and not ready....

Frank Castle has posed:
Going in through the front seems like a bad idea, so instead he heads for one of the side doors. Opening the door just slightly so as to not attract attention, Frank peeks in with a periscope mirror, one hand holding up the carbine idly.

April O'Neil has posed:
The men inside are sitting casually by that table, with the one walking standing by some of the crates in the room. With the door held open a little Frank will hear inside "How long do we have to hold her?" One at the table asks. The man with the shot gun replies while flipping through a notepad on the crate. "Till the boss arrives. He'll decide what to do with her." To which one of the two men at the table chimes in. "I can think of a few things." Which makes the other laugh.

"Keep it in your pants, Knucklefucker. Boss doesn't want her harmed." The man with the shotgun adds in a monotone voice. He closes the notepad up then and turns toward the exit. "I'm going to grab the iPad out of the van. If she starts screaming again, go throw some of the ice water on her."

Shotgun Man is now walking in Frank's direction, headed for the alley!

Frank Castle has posed:
The periscope is pulled, and Frank moves to one side of the door so he isn't seen when he leaves the store. His Ka-bar is taken out and set into position, ready to immediately grab and slice open the neck. There's a boss? Best to wait for him to come so he can capture the ringleader... so stealth mission it is.

April O'Neil has posed:
The shotgun guy opens the backdoor and steps out of the warehouse with a spring in his step, going down the back step to the alley where the van is just a few steps away. He doesn't notice Frank, and Frank could easily jump him, especially after the heavy door clsoes behind him cutting him off from his coherts inside.

The guy splashes through a puddle from last night's rains and pops the driver's side door open. His heavy gun is slung over a shoulder as he reaches around inside the van with his back to Frank, the logo of the plumbing company on the light jacket he's wearing....

Frank Castle has posed:
He remains where he is. giving away his position means warning the boss... and Frank wants to catch the entire group at once now. Otherwise, this will just happen again.

They seems to be holding her hostage only, which means she'll be fine until then.... and Frank gets to punish the entire lot while he captures them.

While he waits, he reloads his carbine with Mercy rounds. He can't be doing that in the middle of the fight just for their boss... so knocking everyone else first it is.

He can kill them all later.

April O'Neil has posed:
The man retrieves the tablet computer from the inside of the Van and stands there beside it for a moment browsing something on the screen. He then takes a step back and shuts the van door before he walks back toward the warehouse and moves past the niche that Frank is concealed within.

When he opesn the door he looks around and speaks out. "Okay, Boss is inbound. You guys clean that shit up in the corner before he gets here, I'm gonna check on our guest, make sure she's not some kinda Houdini with the cuffs..." And the door shuts closed.

It only takes a few more minutes before a sedan comes around the mouth of the alley and splashes through the puddles as it pulls up in front of th evan, facing it. A second later and two men get out, one wearing a suit with his hair slicked back, the other wearing a black leather jacket over a black suit and tie style garb.

They walk together toward the building, the man i nthe leather jacket opening up the back door of the building for what can only be the Boss... Together the two head inside... leaving this 'crew' fully together for the hiding Frank to deal with now.

Frank Castle has posed:
The side door is silently opened just a few inches, a grenade is taken out, and he rolls it inside.

A flash grenade. Getting attention drawn to it? Part of the plan.

Once it goes off... Frank opens the door fully and steps into view... and the Mercy rounds from his carbine start flying in three round bursts as he combat dashes inside, checking the corners.

April O'Neil has posed:
The flashbang goes off with a loud reverberating BOOm that shakes the building. Those things are no joke, and the two men inside are both taken off-guard by it. The first is a portley man in a grey and white suit. His gun was laying on the table beside him and the mercy rounds pepper his chest causing him to fall back over the table and land on his neck, he's left shocked and sputtering on the ground while the second man reached for his gun with live rounds, far-from-mercy-rounds! He opens fire on Frank but the flash grenade has him all manner of off, the bullets pepper the wall well away from Frank before he's tagged across the shoulder and throat. He falls in a heap back toward the showroom doorway, his gun going off once more toward the ceiling!

The rest of the warehouse is clear and there are muffled noises coming from behind the closed office-area doorway....

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank is already moving behind cover when the first shots start, and he continues aiming around the room. Anyone with something larger than a handgun is being targetted first. Especially that shotgunner.

It's the crucial few seconds after that flash grenade that Frank capitalizes on. Once they're starting to recover? Frank hides behind his cover and starts moving in combat rolls, trying to keep them guessing. Burst. Roll. burst, roll.

April O'Neil has posed:
The only two men in the warehouse in sight are taken down fairly easily, but Frank's experience in this kind of thing far exceeds these thugs. The acrobatic nature of Frank's gunplay is impressive though, but when its all said and done the two men are down on the floor now... but neither of them are the guy who had the Shotgun...

Where was he? Well that question is answered moments later as the door to the offices is blown apart from a blast behind it! BOOM!

The man with the shotgun fires from behind the door hoping to catch Frank off-guard!

Frank Castle has posed:
A bit of the pellets hit his bodysuit, he grunts a bit. He hasn't survived this long by relying solely on agility, after all.

Once it's clear they're trying to ambush him though, Frank switches the fire mode... and starts unloading into each door randomly... all the while making his way to the corner of that door the shotgunner was.

April O'Neil has posed:
The door is cut to pieces within moments and eventually the shotgunner goes silent. At least for a moment. He calls out after about a minute and says. "I surrender!" He shouts, with some others talking muffled to him. "Fuck you guys, I'm not gonna die in here for this bullshit!"

A second later and the shotgun is tossed out in to the warehouse where it clatters to the ground. "I'm coming out with my hands up!" He says as a moment after that he pushes the splintered door open and does just that, his hands are up on his head and he's stepping out in to the warehouse... his eyes looking around for Frank... "I'm just a hired gun, and this is total horse shit, man." He says, now seeing his men shot down on the ground. "Fuck, are they dead?" He asks angrily.

Frank Castle has posed:
There are no words, he is shot in the head with a single round to the head. Mercy rounds... but that's gonna leave a mark.

Well, they would, if they survived. Most will not. Hired guns willing to do kidnappings? Not even remotely on the no-kill list. Trash like that gets put down.

Once he's dealt with, the shotgun is kicked away under a table, same for the rest of the guns, and he starts to do a sweep and clear of the rest of the building. "Any runners?" Frank asks Microchip over the commlink.

April O'Neil has posed:
The man drops to the ground in a heap along with his two companions, knocked out by that shot to his head!

What Frank finds upon his search are the Boss and his henchman inside the main office with April handcuffed to a plumbing pipe sticking up out of the ground, duct tape over her mouth. The Boss has a gun aimed at April's back.

"Who ever the fuck you are, you've barked up the wrong god damn tree." The Boss says, his gun shaking a bit with fear.

April is staring at the office door to see who the hell has come to her rescue today, and she's clearly shaking in fright as she's handcuffed to the pipe!

"I advise you to hit the road, Soldier Boy, or the Reporter is gonna have a real bad day!" The Boss shouts out in to the hallway leading to the warehouse.

Frank Castle has posed:
"Amateurs." Frank grates out, simply, before he autofires right for that hand with the gun. If a few stray bullets hit April? Too bad. She'll live.

The rest of his magazine is spent on lightning fast bursts at the remaining attackers.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes go wide when she sees it's Frank out in the hallway. she makes a muffled noise moments before Castle just opens fire which has her eyes clamping shut and her brows knitting down from the sounds filling the office space! The man with the gun aimed at her back is hit across his arm and April takes one shot to the small of her back causing her to slump forward against the metal pipe!

But she'll live!

The other man with a gun is behind the office desk and levels it at Frank but he too is hit by the Soldier's quickfire blasts! It makes him stumble backward in to a fake fern plant while his handgun goes off in to the wall before he slumps down in a heap himself.

The Boss is on the floor on his knees now while April is unable to fall down since her cuffs are holding her up even though she's in pain from the hit to her back. She's standing up though on shakey feet as the Boss looks up at Frank with huge eyes.

"What the fuck!?" He shouts at Frank. "Who the fuck even are you?!"

Frank Castle has posed:
"If you can't figure that out, you don't pay attention to the news, asshole." *BANG*

A quick 360 check around the room later, and Frank heads for the door to check the outside for any reinforcements, sweeping his carbine to each side in a half dome from the door. Then, he slings the carbine, takes out his Ka-bar, and starts working on cutting the duct tape.

Next up is a small self contained welder from a utility pouch that Frank brings up to her eyes to show her. "Move as far away as possible and make the cuffs taut."

April O'Neil has posed:
With the duct tape off of her mouth, the sweaty skinned April breathes in deeply and rapidly from all of the madness of this. "Shit...." is the first thing she says before she follows his orders and pulls herself back to tighten the silver chain of the cuffs against the pipe. She has to put one foot over the man he'd just shot, and as she does this she looks down at him to see if he's dead. "Did you shoot me?" She asks him, clearly never having been actually shot before, she tries to look back at herself but can't turn her head that far.... Her eyes close though when she realizes what Frank is about to do!

His searches outside had shown no backup, but there was an alarm going off in the electronicsstore next door, so the NYPD was likely on the way....

Frank Castle has posed:
The torch ignites after he gets a set of safety goggles on and cuts right through the cuffs.

Once open, Frank looks to her, "I don't shoot people accidentally. Your friend managed to get a shot off, I think. Back to me, I have some basic first aid."

April O'Neil has posed:
April's hands snap back when the chain breaks and she looks down at her wrists still wearing the cuffs... but she's free. She exhales and steps over the man before looking to Frank. "How the hell did you find me?" She asks then before she lunges at himand hugs him. No dodge roll is going to save him from the hug that he just earned! She pulls back a second later though and winces before looking down at her side. A graze shot hit her left hip and cut through her shirt, but it didn't go in.... luck is on the Reporter's side!

"These assholes are supposed to be in jail!" She says then before she kicks the Boss on the ground with a dull thud of her pointed boot against his stomach!

Outside the sound of PD sirens can be heard....

Frank Castle has posed:
"And you wonder why I do what I do." Frank remarks. Then, he pulls out a pistol, grabs the boss over his shoulder, and as he starts to leave, he starts firing rounds into each mans head as he goes. "Come with me. I can answers your questions later. I'd rather not get into a police shootout." He says as he moves towards the Battle Van.

"Microchip, can I go out the front?"

April O'Neil has posed:
With each shot from the pistol, April yelps... it's just in her nature, she's not a fighter! She can barely even work a butterknife across bread! "I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know!" She says with her eyes not looking at the men that Frank just shot. She just follows along with him with the cuffs snapped chain clinking against her wrists as she goes....

Micro getes back in a second <"Yeah, but you better hoof it. PD is two blocks over from your current location.">

The store's front door is barely locked, one simple deadbolt and the duo can make it outside with the unconscious Boss over Frank's shoulder. "Jesus, these guys are a lot more mad at me than I thought." April mutters as they make it outside back in to the late summer heat!

Frank Castle has posed:
The guns from each are taken as he goes; More for the armory!

As Frank gets into the Battle Van, he opens the passenger side for April. "Get in."

April O'Neil has posed:
The PD sirens are getting much closer at this point and as the door is thrust open, April climbs up inside of the van with another wince from the cut she sustained on her side. But she's okay! She pulls the van door shut with a thud and a rush of wind that blows her dark hair across her face and shoulders, her blue tanktop is soaked with her own sweat, her blue jeans dirty on the hips and sides where she'd been thrown around in the plumbing van too, but she otherwise looks okay. Her eyes go over to Frank as he gets in to drive. "I can't believe you found me...." She gasps before looking out the window to the cops coming. "We better go." She reiterates.

Frank Castle has posed:
Putting the boss in the back and tying him up, Frank starts up the Battle Van again and starts to head out. "I'm good at what I do." He notes.