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The missing Jessica case, part I
Date of Scene: 31 August 2021
Location: Queens
Synopsis: The Furiae go investigate about a missing mutant. Turns out they are against the Friends of Humanity.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
Practice makes perfect. Isn't that what everyone around SHIELD says? Practice at everything.


Jane truly has enough paperwork to last several lifetimes and no desire to sit in front of a screen, staring at an increasingly wobbly permutation on a document. She doesn't have AARs to file or another view of Jemma's complex heliacal modelling between dormant and active Inhumans to worry about. That leave a weird gap in her schedule, a possibility mirrored in the parting of lips, the tilting of her head when it happens. "Huh."

So be it. The one Furiae is working diligently, but the other? The message flits across the network to her.

<<Bored. Any time for something active? Doubt we can run away on lunch. Maybe a bad guy to profile?>>

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's good to be back.

To being SHIELD, that is. It means going back to certain routines that Daisy had missed, like takeout lunch at the labs, or teasing Fitz with a chocolate or three. The worst part though? Reports. But heck, even that she has accepted as a fact of life. Resigned to such! Of course the problem is when you have to do so in triplicate. One for the Secret Warriors debrief ... Another for SHIELD debrief. Ufff, tiring!

She is just about done with those, rubbing at her eyes tiredly and as she looks at the screen it is all unfocused. "Ugh, I am starting to see the Matrix again or something ..." another rub of her eyes to make sure all is fine (it is) and then a sigh. Reports sent. A small victory.

And finally some time to look at her phone.

Reports, reports ... Oh, a message from Jane.

<<In need of some action in your life is it? Well, I am at the catacombs, also known as the cyber-cubicles for the tech people. Come on by and we can figure on something.>>

Jane Foster has posed:
Back to SHIELD in the Triskelion means a shorter commute from one end of the city to the other. Daisy's in Hell's Kitchen, Jane is on the Upper Something Side, and Jemma lives in the R&D Dungeon. Right?

Reports, more reports, and infinitely more reports are the price for regular trouble. That, possibly, and the necessity for stamping yet another email as done, being required to measure how many hours she spent on it in an internal database, and sighing inwardly. Her engineered technology on a micro-scale is something which requires considerable work to manage, and she's clearly not quite about documenting every last freaking detail. Nope, that will wait. Small victories.

<<Catacombs? I'm half-tempted to see if we can get seconded to SWORD for some reason. I still want to meet Captain Danvers in the flesh, off-combat, in a location without 80 people.>> The text flies across the aether. It's not that far. <<Let me punch the last pop-up mole back into place where it belongs on this database, and I'll be down.>>

Her fingers flit across the screen and add one additional message, fired off into the void to Jemma. Just in case.

And a third, which is just a string of emoji.

Down, down they go, then, as she heads for an elevator to Daisyland.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
If only things went as planned all the time!

When that ding comes for the elevator to open up so as to lead Jane down to where Daisy rules as supreme Lordette of her cyber domain, there stands Daisy. Dressed in a blue and black uniform, eyes down and currently typing a message with both thumbs. A glance up right when a 'ding' is heard on Jane's phone. A new message. From Daisy.

"Good that I find you here." She then says, "I had just sent you a message. Received an alert of a missing mutant. Going out to look into it, if you care to come along." she suggests, already walking towards the area where the motobikes are.

Because not everyone has a Grani at their beck and call!

"It's not too far from base."

Jane Foster has posed:
If only things went as everyone wanted all the time! The phone she has may be good, but not superlative in dealing with elevators and tons of metal, concrete, and worse. Tucking it aside is purely an act of self-protection. Sliding it into her pocket, she waits to become the Lord of Misrule in the orderly domain of IT and related analysts, which pretty well becomes apparent when entering that cage.

Not even much of a chance to step out, is there? "A missing mutant? Naturally you'll need me for..." A pause. "Agent purposes. Active threat or following up on a lead?" Daisy had her at motobike.

The slinky coats and outfits for the autumn are a long way off with it being so hot. Jane might just prefer to be dressed in a t-shirt and a comfortable, questionably non-elegant pair of jeans. Alas, not at work. "Not too far, nine million people. What are the odds?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Following up on a lead." Daisy replies to Jane while continuing to walk over to the garage area where the motobikes await, "College student who hasn't given signs of life in the last 24 hours. And considering her place is close to a Friends of Humanity spot the SHIELD algorithm triggered off.." a brief shrug. "It may just be a coincidence. But we'll see."

Daisy really isn't the type to believe in coincidences. Hopping up on the bike she busies herself getting an helmet on. "Want to ride on mine or taking one of your own?"

Regardless of choice they will be out and on the way to the city soon enough, trailing through highways to reach their destination.


Jane Foster has posed:
"That's concerning. Wellness check show up anything? Sounds like the social media team already has a bead on where she should have been. Did they see any activity from the Friends?" Oh, she has nothing good to say about them, but Doctor Foster's neutrality is a requirement for public service, and Jane shunts her opinions aside. "I'd like to think the new semester starting might have overwhelmed the young lady, but not likely, is it?"

Though she can ride one of the bikes, she shakes her head to the idea of taking one. "No worries being the passenger. Let me grab a helmet and..." Finding one for her size isn't hard, nor putting on a proper jacket, even if it's a little heavy. Daisy is a good rider, no doubt, but safety counts! Especially given the fact the woman who rides with her has a body in a shell downstairs.

So comes the ride, careening through the streets of New York, which means gridlock basically everywhere. Flying to Queens might be nicer but where would they land? Attentive to the landmarks around the area as they get closer, she asks, "Does she live in an apartment or at home with family?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A nod, "With all that is going on as of late, the protests, the attacks on mutants, friends are taking more care of one another. The alert came from one such friend, a mutant just like her." Daisy explains as they ride through, high speed, urgent matters after all! Which implies Jane may need to hold on! ... Or get those wings out to stabilize herself. Choices!

"From the info we got she is renting an apartment in Queens. She is from ...." a tap on the side of her helmet. "... Minneapolis."

But as these things go they eventually do make way past New York traffic, because motobikes are good like that, and arrive at their destination. A tall apartment building, some students on the outside. It looks like the type that's rented out to students that come study in New York's universities. Somewhat rundown, but you get what you pay for!

"We have arrived." She dismounts, taking the helmet out of her head and brushing one hand through her hair, a look up and down the street.

"We will see about looking inside her room, maybe talk with the landlord."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Friends should. I would want to have some kind of network set up to notice trouble if I were in their shoes. Considering the dangers, we all need a few extra hands available to help." Jane rides with Daisy, but the Inhuman gets to drive. She just needs to hold on and not get thrown through someone's windshield, though of the Furiae, she might be the best suited to such questionable pursuits! Noticeably surviving the bounce through the glass would be interesting. How can you hurt an embodied soul?

Let's not find out. Especially because the answer is at Chichen Itza right now.

Holding fast to a motorcycle is part of her experience, though. "Queens apartment, that gives us an in if we need to find out from the landlord what's been going on. Anyone unusual hanging around the building, for a start. Getting security feeds from cameras, noting when people come and go if they have a buzz-in option or a key. If we can acquire some kind of idea of who was around, that gives us targets."

She shakes her head under the helmet, taking in what she can of the streets and any signs of things amiss as they draw closer to the apartment. Hopefully nothing too obvious like MUTIE WOMAN DIE is spraypainted, but she can always be disappointed in humanity. Frequently is. When the bike stops, she stretches her legs out and then hops off. Ooh, land legs, fun!

"Let's go see what we can find then."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
As the two arrive, both of their phones receives a ding as a message pops up in the shared chat the two have with a certain other Furiae. One who is just discovering a new blue and red hue imbedded in her experimental tactical suit. Yet, it isn't that which the text refers to. It is only a short response.

<<Heard on the grapevine that you two are heading to Queens. Missed you. Want me to join?>>

Followed by another text shortly thereafter.<<On my way, regardless.>>

That Jemma is a persistent one...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
As they step out of the bike Daisy turns her nose some, looking at the facade of the building. "Mmmm, don't think this is the type of building to have security cameras.." a glance around the street. It's not exactly full of traffic, more on the outskirts of the main buzz itself. Some shops do line up the sideway though. "Maybe on the mini market on the other side of the street but ... Lets go in and check first."

Daisy starts leading the way, making sure to look both ways before crossing the street. The group of young people seems to note the approach and shuffles a bit further away, waving the air in front of them as they do so. Might be they were smoking something! Daisy looks back to Jane, "I used to be so cool and now I look like a cop I think..." a brief sigh. From hacker to authority!

As they open the doors to go in she asks. "Want to take on the landlord? Or to look at the apartment?" then a quick message sent.

> We are on site, are you going to pop in soon ...., Poppins? <3


Jane Foster has posed:
"You never know," says the woman whose hope must bloom eternal. She tugs on her coat and slides her helmet off her head, hair bouncing lightly as it goes in a wave of chocolate. Jane scrunches and frizzes it up, then procures the trustiest of disguises. Sunglasses! Now she can look young and cool.

"Tuck your shirt in to your waistband left of your navel and leave the rest out. Then strut. You got no reason to worry, Dayday," she drawls out the sounds, dropping those vowels and clipping to match how fast New Yorkers talk. Not a big change. Suppressing polite terms, like 'please' and 'thank you' or 'why are you wearing that obnoxious outfit,' will get her everywhere in this world. A world. The world.

"Start with the apartment. I want an idea if the landlord is messing with anything. If we need to, pulling the right to be in the apartment while you hassle some neighbours is the proper way to go."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There is a single tone once more as pair of phones sound off at the same time. Should one or the other look, there will be a single word response to Daisy's inquiry.


No other answer. No incoming time nor ETA or estimate nor any other technobabble that Jemma would usually produce. Just the one word.

And it becomes apparent why. As the two start their approach to the apartment, a little car, perfect for driving around New York streets, turns the corner. And why is it perfect? The small profile makes it rather easy to find a parking spot, even for those that seem to wish to take up more than their fair share. Which...seems to be the only spot available.

Thank heavens for sensible engineering!

The car parks, with just enough room to spare to remain legally so, and then Jemma extricates herself from the vehicle. With her usual red Converse and practical but casual style, she would seem right at home in any area. But, especially for here...for her ensemble just screams 'modest college student.'

Jemma hurries to catch up to the two. "Well, hello there. What are we up to today?" There is just no disguising Jemma's accent as anything typically New Yorker. But hey, people like exotic accents, right? Even British ones.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You missed your 'fellow kids' from your hello there." Daisy retorts back to Jemma. Because really that's what she is trying to do! Mingle with the college students while being a senior agent at SHIELD! And certainly better than Daisy replying with 'General Kenobi'. Whoever does that anymore? This is why Daisy isn't cool anymore.

It also doesn't help she is dressed in uniform. Black and blue.

"But right on time. Jane is going to speak up with the landlord, come up to the apartment with me." she taps on the earpiece. "Keep in touch, lets see what we find out."

And then she starts going up and away towards the fifth floor. Because of course it's on the fifth floor. Good for cardio workout really.

As the approach the doorway to the apartment Daisy focuses, eyes closing briefly. "There is no one inside." she nods to the door for Jemma to go ahead and start her assessment.


The landlord lives in the apartment right by the doorway. Maybe to keep an eye on what goes on? Knocking or ringing the bell brings a shuffling noise from the other side and a throaty response. "Hol' your pants! I am on my way!" some locks opening and then a large man peering out from the semi-opened door. "If you are selling something I am not really interested." beady eyes taking in Jane.

Jane Foster has posed:
Can Jemma fool them? Can Jane pass? Probably both questions are maybe, dependent on who happens to feel up to answering or perceiving them. Dayday and Cardi J make enough of a splash in their own competent ways to make the grumpy little white-tipped sharks scatter in place of brighter, statelier arrivals. Sucks to be them, right?

Jane isn't in uniform, unless the coat counted, and she can flip that over her arm not to display the SHIELD patch or whatever motorcycle wear happens to sport. Not an obnoxious yellow STAFF or SPY PERSON on the back, anyway.

"That was supposed to be the other way around," she chides Daisy. "You being the one more likely to charm a landlord or terrify them. But I can manage it. Try not to disturb everything too much for me?" The teasing tone is warm.

Seeing the others take the stairs, she turns her attention to the landlord. Her manner shifts when the door opens, her sunglasses pushed back on her hair and that bearing altered for someone used to dealing with bureaucracy and, moreover, fame. That's her weapon in spades, among others. "Good afternoon, sir," she says. Still plenty New York. "Actually, I'm here on business. I understand you are responsible for managing the property. Following up on an incident, I received a tip that you might be able to help me with. However, it's sensitive. Not fit for a conversation out here," she gestures behind her. "May we talk inside your office? Or perhaps a cup of coffee over at Raimi's?" The reason to look around, that little cafe around the corner holds promise. "My treat. Or, more precisely, taxpayers', for being such a help."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh, SHIELD physical assessments have nothing on visiting the front door of a 5th floor walk-up apartment. Fortunately, Jemma isn't completely at a loss for breath upon reaching the desired floor. Though, there is certainly an accelerated heartbeat that Daisy can easily sense. Yes...cardio indeed.

As Daisy announces the lack of a presence inside, Jemma offers a nod. "Right. Let us see what we can find, shall we?" Unless Jemma has found a way to miniaturize her portable lab to be pocket-sized, there is a considerable lack of equipment to be found upon her person. However, as Jemma dips into her pockets of her pants, there is at least one article that she had thought to bring along with.

Two, really. A pair of latex gloves.

Slipping on the gloves is second nature. Almost an afterthought. And, as Jemma peers at the doorway, it is evident that she is looking for anything out of the ordinary. Which doesn't seem to be the case.

Until she grasps the doorknob between her thumb and index finger and gives it a turn, betraying the door to be unlocked. Which may not be strange until one considers the following.

Who *doesn't* lock their door in this neighborhood?

"That's odd. No forced signs of entry. It...is just unlocked."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yea, I am in charge...." The man straightens just a bit. He is tall. And wide. Unkempt beard on his face and a beer belly to finish the ensemble. The door opens just a touch more. "An incident on the property? What incident?" he raises a brow, not that convinced. "There's been no problem going on here." followed by a moment of hesitation and then he opens the door. "But sure, come on in."

He lets Jane walk in, and his office is sort of his home too. Some leftover pizza on a table, a rack of beers. The house looks somewhat unkempt too, old. As he moves further into the place he gestures for Jane to come along. "Close the door behind you, will ya?" all the way to the living room to settle down on a chair. More old furniture, a last century sound system over at a corner. Though to contrast with the rest there's a rather wide full HD Tv on a wall. Looks new too. "Now whats this about an incident. And are you a cop?"


Twisting the knob does indeed give way to a room typical of a college student. Small, one bed, a table where various papers are strewn around, along with a laptop which is half-close. Bed is unmade and there's some clothes strewn about, along with a school backpack with a few books within. All in all seems a very normal room. If only someone was here at the moment!

"Weird." Daisy says, making her way to the laptop and opening it up, already going through her magic of breaking into it. "It's like nothing is out of place here..."

A couple of doors are visible, one giving way to the kitchen and the other to a bathroom. All very diminute of course.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane steps into the apartment, which might be next to madness if she were not sure of her peers upstairs and the underlying readiness to default to her training, SHIELD or not, if trouble shows up. The guy has two stone on her, easily, but there is no Pavlovian worry ringing in the back of her head.

The door shut quietly behind her, she scuffs her shoes lightly on the mat if any. Evidence, dear Watson, in case they need to track her. "A tip-off about a problem," she says quietly, "involving possible problems with a resident. Disruptions to the quiet enjoyment of businessmen, like yourself, and other residents in the area. We received the tip anonymously from someone afraid of blowback, but they were concerned there could be..." A delicate pause here. "Some upheaval and problems involving someone who wasn't quite normal. Would you happen to know anything about unusual activities happening here? Anything that would be making your residents or your neighbours worried? I expect you would be sharper on the uptake than some of the younger people around here. Different demographic with limited experience in knowing when something is off, right?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Noticeably absent from Jemma's usual accruements is her tablet. However, that is not to say that she is not sporting some sort of technological device on her person. From a pocket is produced a smartphone, unmarked with any known branding. Another offering from the R&D lab?


The reasoning for the phone becomes clear. Jemma tilts the device into landscape mode, with the tell-tale snap of a shutter being heard. She is documenting the room, just barely larger than a studio. The stack of papers. The half opened laptop. Even the matchbox of a bathroom and the slightly more spacious kitchen. Even the messy bed, with its matching bedstands, gets a picture.

Then, while Daisy continues to peruse the laptop, Jemma flips through her photo gallery. Looking for anything...something to set her off.

"Well, that is interesting..."

Jemma bends down, studying the picture on her phone. But...no explanation is given to Daisy. That is, until Jemma turns, and walks over towards one of the bedstands, situated on the right of the bed. "Did you notice that this stand is missing a lamp? Here, look at this." A gloved finger points to the surface of the stand. And, sure enough, there is certainly an empty space there. But, not just empty, but devoid of dust, which is apparent when looking at the other surfaces.

Something was just recently moved.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yea, I dunno about that. We don't want incidents or problems here, and I am not aware of anything." Is what the man says, fidgeting with his hands and shaking his head again, "I just do my thing, I don't want no problems, okay?" he repeats himself, looking away to where that large, new tv is. "People should know better than taking their problems *here*." he's clearly agitated with something though.


Inside the room Daisy taptaps on the computer until finally letting out a sigh. "Nothing on the computer, just a couple of files open with some college work. It's as if she had just left." a glance across the room to Jemma when she mentions having found something. She follows Jemma's motion to the bedstand. The missing lamp. Mmmm.

Standing up she wanders towards the bedstand, pausing, "Did you hear that?" she takes her foot back and squats down, looking at the carpet and then picking up a small piece of plastic between her fingers that she had stepped on. Similar to the one on the other lamp. A glance under the bed and another piece. "Might have been a fight here." she says. "Someone didn't make a good job at covering it too."

Then to comms, <<That landlord is full of shit. I bet he's the only other with keys to this place.>>

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane smiles a little, easing her way in. "The problems might be in the street, but these matters have a way of affecting everyone around them." She lightly touches her sleeve, pulled over her knuckles for a light adjustment. "I wasn't suggesting you had anything to do with the situation, sir." She lifts her palms, a gesture entirely in keeping with being calm and non-threatening.

She asks, "I'm just doing my due diligence to clear the businesses here who might be able to help out. It wouldn't do for you to feel that no one had your back if trouble occurred here, or that your concerns were not being heard by the city."

Her tone doesn't veer from anything bright. "Are you quite all right? There's still that cup of coffee if you want. Don't let anyone here make you feel you're unsafe."

Because the Valkyrja in her is already stirred, lingering out of reach. //Liar, liar, pants on fire...//

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Here is the question. Why?"

Jemma hmms softly. "Well...if you found that on the floor." On a hunch, the scientist drops to her hands and knees, taking a moment to look under the bed. "It does makes one wonder what exactly happened. We are not necessarily forensic scientists, though." The phone comes out, and with it the flash, which makes for a handy flashlight.

"Might want to warn Jane. Especially if the landlord had anything to do with this." Jemma, mistress of the obvious..

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I think at this point it's pretty much a given the landlord is up to no good." A frown on Daisy's expression, reaching to retrieve another piece. Yea, broken. "Definitely a fight of some kind..." she murmurs, "And he may very well have tried to cover it. But it didn't go well for him." specially as they got here a lot faster than if this was a simple missing person report. They normally take a good while to get processed.

"Lets start going back down." Then she speaking on comms, <<We found evidence of some kind of commotion here. Either the landlord or someone he let in most likely. We are on our way down.>>


The landlord is calming down after Jane appeases him. Specially that his interests are being taken in consideration! "Look, I don't want no trouble. And it's true that *those* people really have no business in living here with good, honest..., *normal* people." his tone now lower, "I just want things to go back to how they were, really. You seem to be like me too. Normal. You understand."

Jane Foster has posed:
A slight lowering of her eyelids signals a certain understanding from Jane, that she is not the kind to rudely stare the gentleman hard in the eye. Letting out a soft sigh might be seen as a sign of alliance, or at the very least sympathy for his plight. "The past couple years have seen so many changes, it's not surprising that you feel that way," she says, nodding.

Even if her bracelet and private thoughts firmly agree this is not in any way acceptable. Being an undefended young lady in someone else's house calls for certain measures. <<I need to find out what happened. Hang in there with me, Undrjarn, I can't start turning the sight of truth on everything yet.>> Hopefully that mollifies the sentient weapon.

"For all you're going through, you are not alone." Too many other idiots feel this too. "People care about what happens out here. It may not seem like it. Agencies can be big impersonal places that don't have the right touch, too heavy-handed when you don't want them and not there with a hand out when you do. I'm trying to be part of that solution. Can I help? If something is going wrong, you have a channel that will listen. That's what I am here. Someone on the ground trying to make sure things should be how they ought to." Maybe humanizing and rapport can eat away at the fear. Maybe.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well....time to go.

Jemma climbs her way back off the floor, taking care to not disturb anything more in the room. Evidence, right? Of course, she takes pictures on where Daisy found the plastic shrapnel for future reference. The laptop is left alone, as is the rest of the room. "Yes. I do believe it is time to vacate the premises."

And...possibly arrest a landlord. If any case, place the fear of the Furiae into him.

Jemma does wait patiently for Daisy before descending down the five flights of stairs. Descending goes considerably easier than the climb up.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I think I am going to shake that landlord until he's quaking in fear..." Daisy announces while they are making their way down the steps. Clearly seems they have found the 'bad cop' from the good cop/bad cop routine. If they even need to get to that part. But indeed the way down *is* going a lot easier than the climb. <<Almost there>> she then says on comms to Jane, getting to that first floor and approaching the door.


"Yes, I knew you would understand." There's a relieved smile from the man, "Having the neighborhood clean is a good thing." he licks his lips, "And the big orgs don't look at the little people that are just out here battling for some measure of normalcy, you know? But you do ... So we are both happy I guess, the little troublemaker of the 5th floor won't be harassing as no more. I have .., 'friends..'", and he seems damn well proud of himself, ".. and they pay well, you can even--"

The door opens up, or rather the lock bursts out, Daisy making her way inside, and not looking friendly at all.

Jane Foster has posed:
They have good and bad cop, and then they have... spy? What exactly the role Jane intends to play, shrouded by a certain measure of double-speaking, might or might not please her superiors in SHIELD. But as an alternative to violence, her plan probably would have gone better.

"Quickly, down!" she says as the vibrations run through her, as much a warning as the certain purpose of telling the landlord to stay put for undoubted arrest. Since when is anything they say on a SHIELD mission not recorded to some extent, wired in by their comms or other links? Besides, when it comes to being a character witness in front of a hidden tribunal, privately shrouded, the testimony of an agent to the word of a suspected criminal with his fingerprints potentially on things.

She puts herself in harm's way not so much to block Daisy or Jemma as to keep the landlord from doing something foolish or rash against them. So that he isn't immediately hurt, either.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
See, when Daisy is mad, you do not get in the way.

Jemma knows this rather well. From the early days, when Daisy was 'Skye' and still depending on if it was better to sleep in the van or be with SHIELD. Angry Daisy is a sight to behold.

Although, there is Jemma in the back, watching. "Did you need to shatter the lock?" Oh, sensibility talking now. While Daisy goes for shock and awe, Jemma goes for the intellect. She is most definitely the good cop in this scenario. Unless the landlord is a Nazi sympathizer. Then all bets are off.

"Hmm, yes. So sorry about that." Seemingly unphased, Jemma walks in, preparing to show her ID. "Yes, would you mind if we ask a few questions? Like, did you attempt to clean up after your tenant as a show of good will or as an admission of guilt? Because, quite honestly, it does not look favorable."

So polite, that Simmons.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy walks in with that kind of look of someone that may be ready to throw down, jaw set tight, brown eyes shooting 'daggers'. The comment from Jemma brings a response though. "It looked at me funny." it truly did. Specially because it was locked down.

But can anyone blame her? Well, yes. But the Furiae are known for being quite distinct. Jemma is the intellect, Jane the soul and Daisy the heart. And there's a life on the line here. "Jessica Roberts, from 5B. Where is she?"

As for the man himself, he goes down to the ground when Jane tells him to. He is well trained! And he certainly doesn't seem the type to bum's rush anyone. Scaredy one. Which may be an inkling that it might not be *him* doing the kidnapping. He speaks up, still on his knees. "You ..., you are with them.." he mutters, looking from Daisy, to Jemma, then Jane. "I .., she left! I cleaned up the room, sure. I am a good landlord.." he is lying.

"I would never hurt anyone. I just ..." he pauses, looking at Jane, to whom he had revealed way too much already, then to Jemma, "Look, I may have just told those Friends of Humanity guys that I had a mutie here..."

Yea, someone better hold Daisy back.

Jane Foster has posed:
"You admitted to a government representative that you received help from others dealing with your tenants in an unlawful fashion." Jane's voice is soft. "You received payment from the Friends of Humanity for providing what, exactly? Information, her address?" When she turns, it is to kneel, giving a clear shot for those who need it and making her presence that much closer to the landlord lying flat on the ground.

"Ms. Roberts may be in physical danger right now due to your actions. You're facing a felony charge, at least two, and can be treated as a knowing party to any laws they broke." Hold Daisy back? There's a goddess baring her teeth and profoundly moved by a clarion call. Jessica Roberts, Jessica Roberts, have you a -soul- out there to find? Has the world shaken so far out of true? Ghosts trapped in broken spaces still don't elude a psychopomp knowing one is around.

She puts her hand to her knee, fingers curled. "However, your cooperation to bring her back safely can make a difference. Tell us what you can and I will affirm that you aided us once you understood the gravity of your actions." Coercion isn't a necessity here. She doesn't have to threaten him. The vibrations do that already if the angry British accent hasn't.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The British accent is certainly calm. And, as for confirmation that the landlord done fucked up and admitted to government representatives that he aided and abetted in a felony, there is Jemma's ID and badge, identifying her as a senior agent. "Agent Foster is correct." Oh, yes, confirmation there, too. Perhaps the landlord is rethinking his actions now. "It would be considerably more favorable for you if you would be so kind and detail exactly your involvement. And, I would advise that you be absolutely truthful. We will know if you are lying." A glance is cast over towards Daisy. "I assure you, it is absolutely in your best interest to cooperate."

That phone, with the photographic evidence, is stashed into Jemma's pocket. "I would advise that the next time you clean a room that you lock the door after you are finished."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Jemma! Don't teach him how to be a criminal mastermind! Not that the landlord may have many more chances to be one considering how this is going. The man swallows dry when Jane says exactly how he messed up, "I .., I don't know! They just said they'd relocate her and show her that she is not welcome here. Physical danger?" is he that oblivious? Or is he just playing coy. Still, he's singing info out.

"Look, I know they have a place nearby. A congregation they call it." his eyes are darting between the Furiae trio now, "And so, I was bemoaning my bad luck online when I got contacted by one of them, and that they could help. They didn't really give me details! You gotta believe me!"

"All I did was unlock the door, and they did the rest. I just came later and cleaned up some. I heard them talking that they'd be convincing her out at the congregation. I can get you guys the address!"

Daisy isn't held back but she doesn't bum's rush the guy either. Because now she is listening, barely contained fury in the very subtle vibrations in the air.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane absolutely is thinking the same thing, going so far as to shake her head until catching herself and halting it. In this, fellow Furiae agree: do not advise the man how to get around criminal activities that investigators appreciate as a sign of incompetence and ignorance!

"I am not the district attorney. What charges they choose to bring against you will be up to them. Get us the address," she tells the landlord, "and then..." Protocol says they need to clear out and quick, but three women versus the world? One of them holds rank here over the other two, and that matter settles on Jemma. "Does he need to be secured to be taken in?"

Zipties are a thing. So might a Vulcan nerve pinch be a thing, and Jemma likely knows how to do it. That said, she nods swiftly to Daisy. "We need to get there sooner than later, and have a proper sweep here." No questions about evidence, but there they are. SHIELD bots, go!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh please. It wasn't like Jemma said any major secret. Just locking the door would have done nothing to deter investigation, as Daisy's demonstration has proven.

Jemma doesn't even bat an eye. "Well, he did just admit to being an accessory. He will need to be taken in for proper questioning." A beat, then a nod. "Yes. He will need to be secured. Unless he cooperates"

Jemma wasn't expecting this! But, as it is, they need to go save a girl before it is too late. Jemma turns back to the landlord. "Address, if you please. And do hurry."

Did Jemma remember to bring handcuffs? No. However, she did remember to bring her ICER. And...if push comes to shove, restraint comes in multiple forms. Including involuntary unconsciousness.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The man is all too eager to give out the address. Which he does. Turns out the place isn't *that* far indeed. "Yea, I am cooperating, see? I gave you everything. You guys can just leave me be, I will be good! I swear." And he sounds so trustworthy too! Not.

Daisy seems done with the man but does nod at whatever form they use to aprehend the man. ICER? Suits her! Once the deed is done it's time to go.

"Time to go burst into a friends of humanity place." She tells the others. "Lets just hope we get there in time." if they don't someone will pay! Oh yes....