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Latest revision as of 19:14, 12 March 2020

Hello Cassie!
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Diana and Cassie reunite in the Themysciran Embassy.
Cast of Characters: Cassie Sandsmark, Diana Prince

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
It's a typical afternoon at the Themysciran Embassy, with visitor both mundane and official walking through the foyer. And in the sitting area, waiting with nervous energy, there's a young blonde woman, dressed in what can be called 'business casual' attire; rose-colored polo shirt, tan khakis, sensible flats. It's been months since Cassie Sandsmark has been back home in New York, although she'd seen Diana several times while training on Themyscira the past months. But, even if this might be a formality, Cassie was still nervous about asking her freind and mentor for a job. Like, a real job; not just something for her to do when she's not being Wonder Girl. So, an appointment was scheduled, formalities followed. Wonder Girl might be Wonder Woman's sidekick, but this was Official Themescyran Business, not superheroing.

Diana Prince has posed:
For Diana, she's excited to have Cassie here because Cassie marks the third Amazon Warrior to given permission to come to the Embassy and though Cassie is from the United States, it's still a step in what Diana believes to be the 'right direction' for Themyscira. A direction that will have the otherwise isolated island paradise, more openly connected with the rest of the planet, a planet that it - in Diana's opinion - needs to be more involved with.

In the hectic day to day of the Embassy though, things can get very busy as people and groups come and go from the large building that once was a home to a former New York Mayor a hundred years ago.

Diana comes down the central hallway, escorting two people who she'd just finished a meeting with. She leads them to the front doors and bids them farewell with smiles and casual chit chat but then turns and sees Cassie. Diana's red hued lips upturn into a smil eand she walks toward the young woman. Wearing a royal blue dress with sleeves down to her wrists and a golden chain around her neck, her hair tied back, Diana looks professionally attired today.

"Cassie..." Diana says with an affectionate happiness at seeing her, her smoky voice familiar to the blonde. "I am so happy to see you."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Diana..." Cassie says as she leaps up from her seat when adress. "I mean..your Highness." She blushes at her slip of protocol. "Thank you for seeing me. I know that you're extremely busy with your work here. I wanted to stop in to let you know I'm alright; the travel back home was fine. And also...I wantd to see if there's anyway I can help out here in the Embassy." She looks a bit embarassed, and for a moment, the confident poise of the young woman she now is reverts back to the shy, awkward teenager she was...what, 3 years ago when Cassie first became Wonder Girl?

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows a quick smirk at the Your Highness bit and she shakes her head quickly. "Oh stop." She says. "'Diana' is what I prefer, you know that." The formality of being in the Embassy and it being a sovereign piece of Themysciran property now doesn't make Diana hold to titles and such. She's never been one for them either. She always wanted to be just like the other women on Themyscira, much to the chagrin of her mother.

At the rest of what Cassie says, Diana offers her hand out to Cassie to put it around her shoulders. "Come, lets walk." She'll guide her then down the central hall of the Embassy, with double doors leading out to the courtyard in it's center up ahead.

"Of course you can help out here. I want you to spend as much time here as you wish to. But I also want to know what other plans you have as well. What else you see yourself doing now that you are with us here in Manhattan."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie smiles and looks very much relieved at Diana's casual attitude. Then again, Diana always has a skill at putting people at ease. Cassie follows her down the hallway, chatting. "Well, I'm too late for classes this semester, but I do have a standing acceptance into Columbia University. So, I'm thinking of starting classes there in September. Probably the Classical Studies program." She smiles wide, knowing that she had quite a few advantages in such a degree program. "Besides that..." Cassie lifts up an arm and slides the sleeve back to reveal her shiny new Bracer of Submission. "Wonder Girl is always ready to go."

"The guys that I used to do hero stuff with? Superboy, Robin, and Impulse? I haven't checked with them yet. But I'm thinking of seeing if the team is still going. It'd be nice to work with them, too. But the main thing is the job. I don't want to just live off my mom, or you. I want to earn my living. Maybe not all of the tuition for Columbia, but a place of my own, food, and all that." She's smiling wide, and it's a remarkable indicator of just how much Cassie has grown in just a few months.

Diana Prince has posed:
When the Bracers are shown off, Diana raises her hand from Cassie's shoulder and reaches her fingertips out to touch the edges of the glinting metal. "They are beautiful." She says then, glancing to Cassie to flash her a grin before moving to open the double doors that lead out to the courtyard. It's still March outside, but the weather is nice today, in the lower sixties and the sun is out. "Let's talk out here, I think today. I feel like being outside for a bit, any time out of the office is a good time, I believe."

As they head outside, Diana walks with the other and looks sidelong to her. "I know full well about the desire to be on your own. It is that desire that helped lead me to being away from Themyscira in the first place. Not that I do not love it there, but I knew that my... place... was elsewhere. I needed to help others, I could not take the training I had and sit idly by while others in the world suffered. You have that training too now, and I believe you will do the same with it. So of course I will find a place for you here, for as long as you desire it. And... should you need it, I will put a good word for you in at Columbia too. I know a few people there." She grins lightly again then.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
As they talk, Cassie is reminded of why she idolizes Diana; not bcause Wonder Woman is one of the strongest and most powerful heroes, even if she is. It's Diana's innate compassion that Cassie tries to emulate the most. "Thank you." And outside of the view of others, Cassie gives Diana a sudden hug. She takes a deep breath after ending the embrace, relaxed and calmed. "I love Themyscira. And I'll always be ready to defend and protect her. But New York is my first home. And it needs all the help it can get, it seems. Everything that you, your mother, all the Sisters have done for me...I can't repay you enough. But, I can honor your kindness by putting what I've been granted and taught to use in helping others here." She's still shorter than Diana by half a foot, but Cassie is standing just as tall and proud. "So. I guess you have your sidekick back and a new go-fer for the Embassy."

Diana Prince has posed:
The hug is returned to Cassie and she gives her shoulder a good squeeze before pulling back agains. "Heavens no." Diana says then. "I will not be referring to you as a 'sidekick', Cassie. That word is... it is belittling of you. You are more than that. You are my friend and family. We are partners in this, as far as I am concerned. You are... young, certainly, and I want you to keep your training up as well. But you are no sidekick."

As they stroll through the garden, Diana lets her eyes sweep around its well manicured landscaping, Greek culture littering its decor. "And along the lines of training..." Diana looks back over to Cassie. "Two sisters are with us. Galatea and Adrastea. They are here now, up on the roof where we have a greater amount of space to work with. They also like the view I think." Diana grins lightly then.

"But yes, while here, you will want to train with us, in the mornings and evenings before dinner. It is the best way to stay sharp and ready for... as you noted, the troubles that seem to endless crop up within this never sleeping city."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Partner." Cassie likes that word, and beams with pride at it. She listens to Diana talk about the other Amazons here, nodding at the mention of continuing training. That's something that's never going to end; there will always be training and time for honing her skills. "Okay. So, enough about me. How about you?" Cassie looks at her friend and partner with a bit of concern. "I've heard some of the things that have been happening recently. Genosha, anti-mutant rallies...How are you dealing with it all? Anything happy going on in your life?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana grins at the reaction to the 'partner' declaration. It gets a subtle nod of agreement from the Princess who then steps toward a nice stone bench that is bathed in warm sunlight from the sky above. Diana moves to sit herself and offers Cassie the spot beside her. In front of them is a small fountain with a statue of a woman warrior on a horse, jumping over what is meant to be a babbling brook as it has a little running stream of water that adds a nice ambiance to the garden courtyard.

"I am helping the Avengers these days, with the Justice League still out of sorts in Superman's... absence." She glances to the fountain and watches the water for but a second before looking back to Cassie. She smiles to her. "You are sweet for asking about me too. I am well, happy even. Of course I yearn for situations like the Genoshan incident to..." A quick sigh. "Not ever occur, but life is as it is. We have to respond to it where we can. I will aid the Avengers in it, however they desire me too. Beyond that well... keeping busy, if isn't dangerous criminals escaping prison convoys--" Like Mystique yesterday. "Or shootouts in Gotham." Jason Todd a few weeks ago. "I would not know what to do with myself."

Diana then smirks to Cassie. "I think you will find much to put your skills and abilities toward helping with around here, now that you are back. And the world will be better off for it."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
At the mention of Superman, Cassie puts a comforting arm around Diana. "I miss him too," she says quietly. "And you're right. The world is as it is. And we need to carry on." A quick hug, then Cassie sits up and gets a determined look. "Well. Good thing you've got your partner back. Heavy work loads get lighter when there's someone to share the burden, right? I'll do my own hero thing, patrols and all that, but I'm always just a call away for you, Diana. Like you said, we're partners in this. And working together, there's nothing we can't handle, right?" She leans in to give Diana another supportive hug, then stands up. "I've got a lot of catching up to do with others. So, I think I'd better leave and start trackign people down. But I'll be here at sunrise for training. And then...whatever papers you need pushed for the Embassy, I'll play Sysiphus." Cassie smiles brightly and her blue eyes have a sparkle of determination in them. he's back home now, in more ways than one.

Diana Prince has posed:
In truth, Clark Kent had been here fairly recently and spoken to her in her office as Superman. Diana knew the secret that he was still alive and recovering, she was waiting for him to be ready to do what he saw fit on his own terms and time though.

So to Cassie, here and now, Diana returns the soft embraces and smiles to the young girl. When Cassie speaks of needing to be off to reconnect with others, Diana stands up. "Of course. I will have a room made up for you here, it will be yours to use as you need. Plus, I'll find plenty of work for you as well, so do not fret. There are many people who come here who will be thrilled to see the American-born Amazon Warrior." Diana grins and motions to Cassie's hands. "With her fancy new bracers. You will be a star within no time, Cassie." With another soft hand to Cassie's shoulder, Diana nods to her.

"I am very happy to have you here now, keep me informed about what is going on too?"