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Latest revision as of 04:54, 10 September 2021

Reporter Woes
Date of Scene: 10 September 2021
Location: April and Harley's Apartment.
Synopsis: Frank drives April home after a failed kidnapping... and takes someone for 'interrogation'.
Cast of Characters: Frank Castle, April O'Neil

Frank Castle has posed:
Whatever else had happened, Frank is clearly used to simply.... blending into New York and becoming one of the masses to escape the police. Police cars aren't even half a block behind him and he's driving like nothing happened.

Then, there's the knocked out man in the back, just feet away from them both behind the door into the cabin.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, but I didn't have time to play nice." Frank tells her, almost matter of factly. "That shot only grazed you. I had hoped to knock the gun out of his hand before he could pull the trigger, but he got lucky."

April O'Neil has posed:
April can tell that the wound to her side isn't terrible, but it is painful enough to make her wince and make a little sound of annoyance. "It's /fine!/" She says to the gruff man in the driver's seat as she looks over at him with a momentary level of annoyance. It fades though as her senses come to her. "Thank you." She says then. "I don't know how you managed to find me, but I'm glad youd id... obviously." She smirks then before looking out the front windshield. "Those bastards deserved that... they were gonna do god knows what to me. And all I did was rat their shitty scam business out."

And got them shot down! Cost them who knows how much money! But yeah!

Frank Castle has posed:
"Classic retribution operation." Frank tells her, "Send a message with your corpse or whatever to anyone who might shut down their next operation. You never know when they'll have the balls for it. The guy in back should be able to tell me what their plan was, but I'd lock your door and keep a gun from now on."

April O'Neil has posed:
April puts her right hand out on the dashboard of the van as she turns around to look between their seats at the man on on the floor...

She turns back to look at Frank and raises her left hand up to sweep her dark long hair out of her eyes. "His name is Victor Swallows." She says with clear disdain. "He was supposed to be in jail, I don't know what the hell he's doing out. I hadn't heard /anything/ from the Cops or nothing about him escaping. You'd think they'd warn me."

She flumps back in the van chair then and shakes her head. Her eyes up on the roof of the van now. "I don't need a gun at home." She says then as she looks over at Frank with her head back on the chair still. "I got a Harley." A motorcycle?

Frank Castle has posed:
"Pretty sure a harley isn't gonna save you from thugs if you can't get to it." Frank side glances to April. "Unless that's a code word or something?"

They're rounding a corner now. Frank seems to be driving to head back towards her apartment, at least.

April O'Neil has posed:
April lets out a tired sounding huff of a laugh, it's been a long day for her, but she props her right arm on the side of the door and looks back over at him. "Harley Quinn is my roommate. You may have heard of her. Famous in Gotham in particular. She's a reformed criminal. She's on the right and proper pathway now. But.... having Harley at my place means these crooks that I piss off with my job stay away from me." That and the Turtles. But that's an element of April's life she's definitely not about to share with Frank Castle.

"It's worked too, for the most part. That and Harley's Hyenas. They do a pretty good job of security all their own..." She says with a smirk. "So what made you come find me? Ready to be on my podcast?" She asks the man with a grin.

Frank Castle has posed:
There's a silent moment as Frank listens to her... then, "They always say that, but it only takes one bad day for them to relapse." Frank shakes his head as they hit a red light. "I was told you had a cloud server and I was going to discuss removing the evidence of our talk from it."

April O'Neil has posed:
April smirks at the bit about one bad day. "Like the one I'm having?" She asks back at him with a bit of sarcasm lacing her tone. "I know you're a bit of a hardass on crimninals, and I get it, I try to be myself. I just... like to get them to screw up and get their dumb asses thrown in jail." She gives a glance over her shoulder to the man on the floor of the van. "Lot of good that does me if they just jump right over the fence and get right back out though..."

"And yeah, my phone uploads to the cloud." She says before glancing back where Frank had tossed the thug Boss in the back of the van. "He has it in his pocket." She elaborates of her phone. "I haven't touched the stuff I recorded of you yet though." She says then to try and sound 'good' for the driver.
of the truck then to start to crouch by the Boss' body where she starts to search him...

Frank Castle has posed:
"Were you planning on doing anything with it?" Frank asks, a hint of concern to his voice. "You put any conversations with me up, and I guarantee the police and half the underworld are gonna come knocking. If they think you're linked to me..." Frank shakes his head, "I'm one of the most wanted men in the world, and just about every agency in the known world would love to know where all my hideouts are."

He glances back to her, "I'm not kidding when I say I'm a danger to anyone solidly linked to me. If you put out anything with me in it, you put a giant target on your back."

April O'Neil has posed:
April turns around to face him in her chair now, her back to the passenger side door. She looks right at him as she hears him say this and she just flippantly responds. "I already have a target on my back." She says. Her eyes go back the direction they'd come from. "I mean, you saw that quite first hand today." She says with a little smirk. "I've got an entire clan of dissociated Ninjas from Japan who want me dead. I got a number of crazy scientists who want me dead. I got a guy who can command an army of rats with his mind... who wants me, and my friends, dead. It's..." She shakes her head side to side.

"It's what I do. It's what I do to get the truth out there, Frank. The truth is the only thing that keeps the world right, just and safe for others so they don't have to do this shit."

She looks forward to her right out the front window as he drives. "But no, I didn't use any of your stuff. I want you to trust me, so you'll share stuff with me that I can maybe use to get these kind of guys to screw up, get them off the streets in ways that doesn't involve bodybags." She looks at him and smirks softly.

Frank Castle has posed:
"I have most of the global underworld and almost all of the police agencies after me. It's comparing oranges to watermelons." As the light goes green, Frank continues on, "Don't pretend it's the same thing, and don't bullshit me on how relative it is."

As they pull up to her apartment complex, Frank parks the van and turns finally to look at her. She can see the full regalia now; the trenchcoat, the skull vest that looks to have more than a few outlines where bullets have hit, and the armored bodysuit that looks worn. "So you're... what... trying to get me to become a source?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April sees her familiar home base of the Antique Store front windows as he parks the van. She looks back over at him when he looks at her directly now. Her eyes look over his jacket and the vest with the skull. She doesn't comment on it, though its clear on her face she'd like to.

Instead her blue eyes just jump up to his. "Why not?" She answers his gruff question. "You know stuff. I know stuff. Share, and share. You probably aren't on the internet much, huh?" She asks with a smirk. "I run a podcast, a website with forums, I got people sending me leads on crooks and shady shit going on in this city all day. Let alone the rest of the country, and other countries beyond it. This world is on fire, only the fire is in the shadows. People are showing me where the smoke is, and I'm trying to lead the cops to it.... I could always show you the way some too, if you're running low on people to do, whatever it is you do to them." She smirks at him. "Not like I don't work with other street vigilantes, after all." Casey versus Frank? Yeah, Casey's a bit different! But they might get along... truthfully.

Frank Castle has posed:
"You're a grown woman, but getting into a partnership with me is a whole other league." Frank sighs heavily, "Don't say I didn't warn you. I've managed to stay alive because I've devoted my entire lifestyle to evading the army of hunters looking for me." Frank looks out the window, "You're gonna have everyone after you when -not if- people figure you out"

He looks back to her, "I can respect the recklessness, at least." He brings up a hand, rubs his chin in thought, then reaches into a glove box and pulls out a flip phone. "My technologist secures these. If you want to talk to me, there's only one number on this." Frank hands it to April. "It also has a tracking beacon you can activate for emergencies. If shit goes down again, just hit the button and I'll know you need me to pull your ass out of a situation again."

April O'Neil has posed:
April stares at him as he makes this rundown of response to her. She smirks at it softly. "I can respect you worrying about my well being...." She says softly. He doesn't know she has more defense than just Harley after all.

When he hands her the phone she accepts it and gives it an open, and look over, before flipping it closed again. "Haven't seen one of these in forever..." She mutters before she lowers it down to her lap. "I need to get my phone out of Swallows jacket pocket." She says then, motioning to the back of the van and smiling to Frank.

"I could maybe use your help with the Rat King guy. If you hear anything about him, I'd appreciate being told about it. This guy... attacked me and my friends. He nearly killed, well, all of us. But he busted up my friends home and really beat up their father. Harley and I have been trying to track him down, but he's a bad dude..."

She exhales and moves to get out of the van now, popping the door open to step out.

Frank Castle has posed:
"YOu'll need to send me everything you have on this 'Rat King' person." Frank tells her as she leaves, "I'm very good at what I do though, so it shouldn't be hard to find him."