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Birthday Gets A Free Lunch
Date of Scene: 09 September 2021
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Jessica crosses paths with June once again, until it all gets overshadowed by the Color Purple.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, June Connor

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's a busy packed late lunch type of crowd, but Jessica has the trump card of being close with the owners. What with all the Defenders have done here, hell, there are even some dishes named after the group's members. Being Jessica's very happy birthday, she's even been gifted a free lunch, which she currently enjoys by her lonesome. A typical Jessica Jones birthday.

June Connor has posed:
    June, knowing that the Defenders are popular in this neck of the woods, feels a lot safer here than she might in some others. All the same, she's changed her hair color, the fire engine red replaced with a royal purple, though the half shaved style hasn't disappeared any. She walks up to the line in her usual rather revealing attire, only this time it's as far as just a black sports bra that is complimented by a pair of baggy cargo pants that hang from her hips, meaning that all of her various tattoos are full on display. She's oblivious to Jess at this juncture, though, as she peruses the menu, waiting for her turn to order.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica took note of June on the other hand, and while she doesn't go out of her way to approach the girl, she just speak up at her, "takes more than hair dye if you're serious, and it's kinda full house, so if you like, you can share the table with me." She raises her glass and has a sip.

June Connor has posed:
    June hears the voice before she sees Jessica, it's familiar. She turns to look over the crowd, spotting her once she does. A smug half grin comes across her face, and she gives a nod. Once she's through the line, she brings her bulletproof beef and broccoli over, casually plopping into the seat across from her. She actually does have chopsticks. Ninja training and all. There's not many opportunities she has to look cultured, so she has to take them where she can. "So, saving the world from perverts that are corrupting the youth?" she asks, definitely a teasing question.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm not that altruistic, for me it's more about killing those fucking assholes who deserve it, rather than saving the world, but yeah...if it happens. Too many young kids have their minds spun by media and shit." She takes a bite of a spring roll, those are pretty damn addictive. "That disguise isn't much, you really have to change your hairstyle. Clothing too. If you're trying to hide or disappear that is."

June Connor has posed:
    June takes a bite, chewing with her mouth open. See? Cultured. "Yeah, but you'd be surprised how little things throw people off their shit," she says. "I mean, about 90% of the Hand is other losers like me, so it's not like they are tryhards or anything. Heard you and Elektra seein' who could piss off further the other day. So you got raped or somethin'?" she asks, as if it was not at all a super private question. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if her goal is to kill predators more than save people, she's got some personal collateral.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is luckily the last person in the world to tell June to chew with her mouth shut, she's not the best example of a responsible adult after all. "I guess those Hands are as stupid as the clothes they were suggest they are...?" Jessica tries for the easy explanation, before having more of her drink. "It's amazing the Hand recruits like that...I guess they like expendable people, huh? Easily motivated to get back at society for letting them down? Was that the sales pitch?" Jessica asks with some mild interest. The talk ot her and Elektra fighting has Jessica looking oddly at June, "how do you know...?" But then comes a flippant comment she did not expect at all. Her visage all at once turns empty of all expression, as she turns a bit pale, "...did Elektra tell you that?" She asks, her voice surprisingly brittle all of a sudden.

June Connor has posed:
    June takes another bite, and actually swallows before answering. "Well, I was actually sleeping in the other room, and you ain't exactly a church mouse." She clacks the chopsticks twice before reaching down to pick up a piece of broccoli. "But she didn't tell me nothin', you did." One pierced brow arches, and the chopsticks shrug outward in her left hand as she explains, holding up her free right hand to count. One. "You wanna kill pervs and rapists, but you don't care about saving people from them." Two. "You went slammin' doors like the Hulk when Elektra got too close to the subject." Three. "You look like you just turned to stone when I said the word." She takes the broccoli in her mouth. "Ish okay," she says around the bite. "Like, I ge' it. I been zhere." Chew chew swallow. "I don't blame you or anything. Guess I just, I dunno, decided to tune it out. After a while just didn't seem to matter anymore."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"The fuck!? She could have said something!" Jess is clearly irate to think June was there to overhear her yelling at Elektra over taking advantage of the teen for her own ploy. "I didn't tell you nothing either," Jessica is all prickly as she insists, glowering at June. "You're a clever fuck, if you're looking to intern as a P.I. you can come work for me..." Jessica states as June lists her reasons for suspecting as such, before doing a complete 180, and insisting, "I wasn't raped. It was much worse than that...and you were not where I was, thank god..." she starts looking all about the place nervously, once that topic has been touched in conversation, looking every which way in alarm. She...looks scared, it's weird to anyone who knows anything about Jessica. "Do you see anyone wearing purple...?" She asks genuinely out of the blue, while shovelling the rest of her food in her mouth.

June Connor has posed:
    June knits her brow, and simply looks up at her hair. "Uh. I suppose," she answers the purple question first. "Kinda left field question, there. And to be fair, Elektra didn't have a clue I was listening, so as much as wanna see that stone bitch squirm for fun? That one ain't on her." She shuffled her food a little, looking down at it, and then back up. "And I'm not tryin' to get your back up or anything about it," she adds. "I mean, I guess ya I probably wasn't in whatever you were in, all our own experiences, but I just mean I get it. Dunno if I can claim it really either. When you need a place to stay, sometimes you only got one thing to offer, y'know? Play the cards you got. Yer not gonna freak out on me, are you?" she asks. "Cuz I am a shit therapist."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"No, no, it's not left field, it's very important," Jess insists, and having hurriedly finished her meal she downs her drink. Whisky by the smell of it, and she looks around a few more times, very on edge. "Good thing she didn't know better, guess I can let it slide," Jess notes absentmindedly. Absolutely jittery in her seat. "Look, none of your business what I been through, none of my business what you been through...but if you were raped...you come see me in my office and lets talk it over, because I want to kill the bastard..." she huffs out, stressed, and all of a sudden pushes her chair back and gets up. "I really have to go, I have an important....appointment, yes, was good to see you...stay away from douchebags in purple," she warns, and hurriedly rushes to the exit. Was that a positive reply to whether she's about to freak out on June? Maybe.

June Connor has posed:
    A very neutral glare comes from June as Jessica continues her...whatever is happening. She takes another bite, just listening with that condescending apathy that only a teenager can properly pull off. "Okay," she answers. She doesn't make any movement to stop her, though the claim for an appointment seems a clear fabrication. "Tell Jack I said hi," she quips. Yeah, she's a bitch.