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Latest revision as of 12:25, 11 September 2021

Director Furry vs Eowyn
Date of Scene: 20 August 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Jane visits Daisy and Matt at their home and brings Eowyn to meet Director Furry.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Matthew Murdock, Jane Foster

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy had threatened already and now it was finally turning reality. The Furiae were getting to come visit Matt and Daisy's place! Or at least one third of them as Jemma had sent a message saying about busy with a project or another. She was lucky Daisy was too far to drag her all the way from the Triskelion to Hell's Kitchen. Still, messages had been sent, along with the request that Jane brought along Eowyn! Because what can go wrong with a cat and a dog sharing the same place for an indeterminate amount of hours?

And no, Daisy did *not* cook.

Instead the Royal Dragon provided, because that's how they roll, and it can't be a meeting with Daisy without some chinese food. But she had gone daring by ordering JJ's special. Which had .., lots of bourbon. Eater beware!

"You have no idea how glad I am that we are finally able to have some measure of a .., normal life." Well, normal for their standards. Daisy is sitting on the living room, glancing over towards Matt while stroking the sleepy cat lounging on the sofa. And waiting.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt sitting on one of the window sills fingers running over a last little bit of paperwork before Daisy's friend arrives.

"It's nice," he says lifting his head to smile in Daisy's direction. "Though if ninjas attack all of a sudden, that's on you for jinxing it."

Since it's a casual day at home Matt has ditched the suit and tie in favour of his old Columbia Law sweatshirt and pair of jeans, no sense being formal when it's just friends.

Jane Foster has posed:
One Fury who counts! The other Furiae is working. And for no reason, Jane particularly needs to warm up. Whatever message from Daisy gets very strange coordinates if she bothers to check the receiving or sending point, bouncing through satellites in geosynchronous orbits not pointed at New York.

<<I'll bring Eowyn, but I have to bring the car.>>

A text message bleeps back and it will be another hour for dog, woman, and car to cross the particularly short distance from the Dakota to Hell's Kitchen. But one does not simply walk into Mordor or bringing a happy golden retriever through the subway system because everyone needs to be inspected and she's such a happy, trustworthy pupper that she would be stolen four times over. If Thor were a golden? He'd be that golden. But a lady. And no hammer.

Happy wags are happy as the pupper hopefully leads her brunette astrophysicist to the basin of all happies: Chinese food. So much goodness! The eager sniffing around is secondary to a little yarpy noise she makes, tail thumpthumpthumping in hopeful greetings that would probably knock Jane off her feet if she were not aware of the hazard. Daisy on the other hand...

"Remember. You be on your best behaviour. There is a cat in here and until we know if she is a spy up to no good, treat her as one of the good ones. Also be sweet to her people, they are my friends," warns the brunette. Eowyn brightens, ears perked, like she understands exactly. Because she does, but that's her little secret along with the pegasus who /also/ lives in the house with her. But the cat doesn't get to know about that, yet. Jane knocks, and the dog sits pretty, wiggling only a little bit. Ears perk. Happy smile... on!

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"What? You were the one that just mentioned ninjas!" Daisy complains, shifting a bit on her seat which in turn makes Boxer lift his head and let out a meow of complaint at all the motion. "See? Boxer agrees." and then he closes his eyes again and purrs. "Speaking of. Have I told you about Bobbi's wedding? Apparently there were ninjas..." she shakes her head. "Because of course..., they always get in trouble no matter what."

"Ah, here she is." Daisy gets up to her feet and starts padding across the grounds to go for the door. Opening it she grins wide at both Jane and doggo. "There you are!" she leans over to give Jane a hug if she lets her before reaching to ruffle Eowyn a bit.

A sleepy Boxer is already rearing it's head and looking at the doorway. Smell of new people! And ..., doggo.

"Come in." She gestures, bringing the two inside before leading them to the living room, "This is Matt, I had already told you about him at *length*, but now you get to finally meet. At last. Gosh, it's been a while coming, hasn't it?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles hearing the the enthusiastic footsteps and *whump-whump* of a tail in the hall before Jane knocks on the door. When Daisy gets up he does too, putting away his documents and putting on his red shades to cover his unfocused eyes. He forgoes the cane though, enough of SHIELD saw him without it at Afterlife that he doesn't try to hide that he's more capable than most people who are totally blind. "I read the news story, figured it was because she got mixed up with the Hand one time along with this guy from Gotham," he says of Bobbi before the door is opened and introductions are made. "Jane, good to finally meet you, Daisy's told me a whole lot about you," he extends a hand, smiling.

Jane Foster has posed:
Eowyn wants to befriend everything under the sun, minus the occasional balrog and badly behaved Witch King. She settles for turning her snoot up at Daisy when the door opens, and giving her that warm look of a very happy girl saying hello to the goodest two-legged person. That sweeping tail of hers is committed to mostly staying on the ground. Thump-thump-thump. Her mouth opens to show such nice teeth that would have eaten shadow monsters in Metropolis if they could, but such a smile of those dark lips would never dare take a bite out of crime.

She doesn't even chase the cat, leaning into whomever wants to give her a pet. Yes, nice pets. Daisy receives a conventional hug from Jane, who properly keeps her dog on a leash for all that it may prove less than needed. "I brought tidings of peace, love, and pie. Let me hand this over to you before it ends up a cobbler, though heated up, I don't think anyone will tell the difference." Berry happiness, and still warm from the oven! Promise. She offers the reusable bag with a grin.

In they go, a pause to remove their shoes and check paws with a small towel. Eowyn is far more patient about being groomed. Only then does she break into tippytaps, claws dancing on the floor. "I should have warned you she loves new people," the astrophysicist adds with a wry laugh. "As long as you don't resemble a living shadow. Hi, Matt! It's lovely to meet you finally. She says very good things about you, I promise."

Her own hand is warm from the pie, and she gives him a gentle shake. "I'm officially extending you two an invitation for dinner or drinks at my place whenever you want. I have moved in enough to make it look like I didn't rob someone or dsquat in a museum."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh yes, Eowyn might not chase the cat but it doesn't mean there aren't shenanigans afoot. Shenanigans that start with Boxer diving under the sofa to lurk. To hide. Shiny eyes watching this new 'opponent'. So sugary! Little paws rest right on the edge of that sofa, prepared to 'strike' at any moment now. But for now .., it waits. Patient.

Daisy looks over to the couch. "And there's Boxer too but .., I guess he went to hide somewhere.." she looks around and then smirks. Poor cat. Between Matt's sharp senses and Daisy's vibrational awareness there isn't a place where he can hide. So she leans in to whisper to Jane. "Don't tell anyone but Boxer is hiding under the sofa. I think it will come out to strike soon.." she then taking the pie gladly to go place it at the kitchen. "It smells marvellously. And I hope you are hungry." this last part she speaking from the kitchen. "Don't think Jemma will be able to make it though. But the more food that is left for us! I will keep some pie to get her when I go to the Trisk though ..."

"And we can certainly accept the invitation. I was just telling Matt how ..., liberating it is to go back to having SHIELD in the open. I mean, I know we are spies but ..., that was getting extreme." And Daisy never really trained for such conditions!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt shakes hands, then holds a hand out towards Eowyn for a sniff and a pet if he passes muster. "Good to know, you'll be happy to know she's told me the same about you," he steps aside to let woman and dog within the apartment. "And that pie smells amazing, and I'm sure Daisy told you I'm something of an expert at pie," he says with a wry smile. "A lot of our clients pay what they can with what they can," he shrugs. "And I don't want to speak for Daisy but dinner and drinks sounds great, and even if the place was still a mess as long as there's a clear path for me to walk I wouldn't notice," he grins joking at his own condition. "Anyhow, come on in, food is here and I can put the pie in the kitchen and get us some beers if people are up for it?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Eowyn watches the humans. Boxer. Humans and cat alike receive the full attention of her nose, though she waits to be unclipped from her lead before going wherever Jane does. She more than happily sits to guard the woman's legs, like you might need to. "I, for one, make a terrible spook. But anyone on the admin side must be feeling considerably better about their situation," she muses. "Hello, sweet Boxer. I promise, she won't snap at you. We have an understanding."

Nope, the cat isn't spotted. Promise. "Is there anything I can help with? Carrying out heaps of food, ransacking Spain? It does smell amazing in here. Jemma might poke her head out, you never know." Hope springs eternal. "I hope the pie turned out. Dad's recipe for a crust is amazing. My skills remain a bit dodgy." She breaks into a smile. "The problem is how empty it would be. Two moving boxes and a pile of books looks more like robbery. And any drink will do. I like a practice that accepts pie for payment, though if you have a tip jar..." The suggestion is there without coming outright and saying it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Boxer jumps out of his hideout to poke at Eowyn with it's paw. Surprise attack! But no claws. Then it looks for a reaction, then meows. Daisy returns from the kitchen. "Ransacking Spain? Can we do that?" she smirks, rubbing her hands over her pants, "And come..., hope you love Chinese. Oh I know you do. But this is special one. From the Royal Dragon." she presses her fingertips to her lips in a chef's kiss.

"And pie indeed ..." She says over to Matt, "Matt has always chosen to help people regardless of circumstances. Which is one of the many reasons I fell for him." a grin as she approaches him, wrapping one arm around the man for a gentle squeeze before placing a kiss on his chin.

"I told him about some of your concerns with your disappearance." she then tells Jane, looking at her, "And those legal problems you were having. Might be he can help with that." she suggests. Then a gesture.

"To the kitchen everyone." Boxer continuing to prance about both Jane and Eowyn, occasionally moving back under the couch and sticking a paw out to see if anyone goes for it.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"We're all good with getting food and ransacking Spain," Matt says before Daisy contradicts him and he laughs. "Or maybe not," he says warmly as he heads for the kitchen, pausing to collect that kiss from Daisy and give one to her cheek in turn. "I'm sure it's great, pie is hard to mess up really, as long as the filling is good everything else can be forgiven."

Then on to business, he leans against the counter and nods, "I heard about your situation, with being gone as long as you have, I'd be happy to get you back to being a real person under the law again."

Jane Foster has posed:
Boxer being the scariest of kitties is very dangerous. The golden darts around Jane's legs to guard her from a paw, and flattens down, hips up, that classic "Yes, play!" position showing the show of murderous force might have been misread. An amused whuff dances.

Ransacking Spain may have to wait then. "A bowl of fried rice and dumplings will do instead of taking out Catalonia then. I hear their independence movement is a bit scary," Jane adds, laughing softly. The affection between Matt and Daisy brings out a smile, and Eowyn's wet nose in her hand until a scritch is earned. Yes, yes, sweet girl. She loves you too. All the pets belong to Eowyn. "The Royal Dragon is nearly the best. You knew I was cold all the way down to my bones, apparently." Irony lost on her? For sure. "It was a chilly day."

She grins brightly, and then carries whatever is in her hands. "You didn't have to. But help would be appreciated, if you can offer any suggestions. I /like/ my job. They like having someone doing the job, and falling incommunicado involuntarily isn't sitting well with the interim deputy director. Thing is, a six month coma is hardly anything new under the law. I really hope to avoid senatorial involvement at this point." Oh, woes. "But we aren't here for that. Food and fun before work." She'll go for the paw, wiggling her toe back and forth. "What's new?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh, it's play you want eh? Boxer obliges, going out to establish 'dominance' in what this is his turf. A little more paws, then pursuing Eowyn. Because it's a darn adorable doggo! But Boxer does live up to his name of 'punching' occasionally at Eowyn before eventually prowling away to get food, tail swishing.

"Whatever did Spain did to you, Jane?" Amused, she leading on to the kitchen where plates are already set. Along with glasses! "Can you get the wine, Matt?" yea, whoever expects Matt to just be a blind man at this stage would be in for a surprise. "I got us a bit of the JJ's special too." she says to Jane, "If we are wanting to be daring." a beat, "You will see."

She ushers Jane to go and sit before she eventually does the same, "And right now? It's all about settling back down to this new reality. Or rather, the return to the past. Somewhat.. Things are different, aren't there?" a grin, "And you are finally back with us, which is a plus for certain."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grins "Fine, work can wait, but if the deputy director is trying to have you replaced, because of your coma I should be able to help happy to help," he says before getting glasses for the wine or a beer if anyone wants one, though he's going for wine.

"Yeah, it's strong stuff, more bourbon than chicken really," he says. Bourbon chicken at a Chinese place? Must have been added just for Jess! "Anyhow it's still good, just boozy," he assures Jane.

"Life's been pretty normal, working a civil case for the Mutant Town Twelve they got picked up and detained beyond what was necessary because they were mutants, and we're trying to get them a little money to get their lives back," he says. "Nothing as exciting as Daisy has been up to though," he saya with a smile.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Pretty sure my family's part English. Probably something to do with an armada," Jane replies. She watches Eowyn from the corner of her eye to be sure her dog is playing nicely with the cat. In a game of tooth and claw, the larger and stronger sometimes comes out the victor. Unless the cat's name is Boxer Goose Furry. "JJ's special sauce? You are bribing me. What are you about to ask me to do? If it involves ninjas or Asgardian mead, not a chance. Thor already turned down six inquiries this week for being too strong. Why someone appealed to me on Twitter to fix that, I'll never know."

She settles at the table and sinks down. "I like being back awake. Things are different, but the more they stay the same." The ironies of life, eh? Magic and superheroes don't change much. "The deputy director is making a pretty strong case and some strings I refuse to pull. Going to the Nobel committee or Thor is just wrong. I have to earn this on my own merits." Beer will do. Heck, anything not especially toxic will.

"That sounds pretty thrilling. Being able to help people historically underserved is important, and you get a chance to really make a difference in their treatment now. Won't make up entirely for the past, but isn't it something?" she asks, curious. "And Daisy's up to everything. I imagine her calendar is a blur."