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Latest revision as of 22:51, 12 September 2021

We ride...., to Themyscira!
Date of Scene: 12 September 2021
Location: April and Harley's Apartment.
Synopsis: The trip to Themyscira is ready to go! Just minor details needing to be ironed out. Like Harley not having told April they were going, and April having been shot! (Tis just a flesh wound)
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
April had gotten home from her near-kidnapping event about 30 minutes ago. She had to call Angelo's to have someone there bring her bike over, and that's what someone is doing right now. They're standing outside the apartment doorway in the alley and chain-linking April's bike to the pipe outside the door. Harley, may or may not think that someone is trying to steal her bike. A nerdy looking kid, probably 21 years old or so. He's got a green shirt on with a white collared shirt and is hunched over locking the bike up...

Upstairs, April is in the restroom sitting on the edge of the tub. She's got her top off (don't worry, still covered up with a bra) and is trying to treat herself with a med kit she pulled out from under the sink. She's holding a bandage over the wound and moving it here and there as she pads at it on her left hip. Her phone is on the sink and playing the local news talking about a crime scene at a plumbing store that closed last year... the very same place April had been retrieved from by Frank himself.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Everything is set to go! A couple of suitcases for all of Harley's needs in the hallway that perhaps April skipped due to being injured when she got home. Already having gotten a sitter for her hyenas in the form of Poison Ivy herself! She is just about giving one last walk with her hyenas around the block when....

Who's that near April's bike? A loud whistle is heard from the former clownette of crime. Leashes are released. Growls, followed by hyenas charging towards that nerdy kid, tongues lolling out with those perpetual smiles that one never knows whether they are running to you to lick your face or to bite it off. In this case.., maybe the latter. Of course that it makes the poor kid yelp and start running down the street and away. "Go get 'im, Bud and Lou!"

Oh yes, they will pursue him for a bit just to scare him off. But no biting. They have been domesticated by April! Harley runs over to the bike to make sure it's secure and hmphs. "This neighbourhood is goin' to heck!" a beat, "Hmph!"

Yet nothing can take her mood down from what she has planned. Oh yes, she has it all planned now. Leaving later on today to Themyscira, courtesy of Vorpal's teleport 'airlines'. It's gonna be great! She just can't shake off that feeling of having forgotten something...

Maybe something like TELLING April that they were to be leaving soon. The door opens up. "April! Someone was down theah tryin' ta steal yoh bike..!" a look, "Wheah awhe yoh?!"

April O'Neil has posed:
The nerdy kid in the pizza shirt looks up and stares at Harley and the Hyenas with wide huge eyes behind Harry Potter-esque glasses. He shrieks like someone of the opposite gender and turns to hoof it out of the alleyway! The Hyenas give chase! What happens next is anyone's guess!

Up inside, April is still poised on the side of the tub, her blue jeans still on of course but there's blood on the top edge of them, blood on her hip too. It looks worse than it actually is, or so April thinks anyway. She probably needs stitches.

She looks up when Harley's voice sounds off. "I'm in here." She calls from the mostly open bathroom. "I'm decent. Ish." She huffs out a sigh and gives another look down to the wound. She tosses the bandage in to the waste bin and reaches for another to slap on the wound.

On the phone, the newscaster can be heard "The Punisher's notorious black van was scene driving away from the scene, but got away before authorities arrived. If you see Frank Castle, do remember to call your local police department immediately. He is a danger to society..."

April hhuffs out a grunt at that, and her wound.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As April announces being decent-ish there's a little bit of an amused chuckle coming out of her lips, she singsonging, "Oh, no. My poouh innocent eyes. They cannot see you unclad, m'lady!" she starts prancing over towards the bathroom. "I hope ya gettin' into yoh amazon attire, because we gonna be rollin' sooooon!" she announces. And whatever is she talking about? Are they to be leaving today?!

"Ivy'll be keepin' the hyenas while are gone. And oh man, this is gonna be great.." Her tone excited! She barely registers what's on tv beside a brief comment, "Everytime they say that name, the Punishah, I remembah my times in the hellfire club.. You know they got this room with--" she stops her tales of the club when she opens the door a bit wider to look in and catches sight of the blood! And of April!

"Apes, what happened to you?!" She walks in, blue eyes a bit wider. She is dressed in a pair of skinny jeans today, boots and a t-shirt. Hair is pulled back in a single ponytail instead of the usual pigtails and she leans down to look more closely at her injured friend! "Who did this?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April registers what Harley says, but its a hard thing to focus on at the moment... it could be Harley-code for something very very different... and she often needs her full mental capacity to decipher Harley-code. So right now she is just working on stopping the bleeding when Harley comes in the room. She looks up at her, her eyes visible but the rest of her face hidden by her dark hair. She sweeps her right hand up to push the mess of hair out of her face. "I got grabbed." She starts to explain.

She nods toward the news broadcast. "I helped take down a laundering scheme last year, exposed the store owners of that plumbing shop a few blocks from here. Well... the guy and his goons grabbed me at Angelo's a couple hours ago. They had me cuffed in an office... I didn't know what was gonna happen."

She adjusts her seating spot on the edge of the tub and winces.

"Frank Castle came out of no where and just shot all of the damn guys dead. But one of'em got me with a grazer before Frank got him..."

She looks up to Harley and then pulls the bandage back. "I think the bleeding is stopping though..." She says with a heavy sigh. "This is gonna leave a scar... So much for bikini season..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley's expression goes through various states. From surprised, to angry, to then worried. All is displayed in the clownette's expression while she listens. Not that being grabbed or kidnapped is a novelty for April. And with Harley having lived here a while? It's not the first time it's happened! "Damn plumbahs! Nevah trust one.." Clearly she has stories with those! "Let me see that..." and she gets on taking April's hands out of the way to see if the wound is properly sterilized and handled.

Look, when one has lived in Gotham and with the Joker it means they learn a thing or two about first aid.

"So Frank saved ya, good that he was around then! For all the bad publicity he gets on tv..." She murmurs, starting to fiddle with the wound. And most likely tearing down what April had been doing with it! But Harley has to make sure it's all taken care of. "And bikini season is still on! Did ya forget we goin' to Themyscira?!" it's more like she forgot to tell April, "And a good thing that they got some healing magics theah that can help, mmm?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April relents when Harley moves in to take over. She definitely has better first aid skills than April does, plus its just at a awkward angle on the back/side of her left hip and stomach. She just exhales and puts her right hand on the wall and her left on the shower curtain. "Yeah. I can't believe he found me. He said he tracked my cell phone, which is... ya know, creepy in one way, but I'll let it slide this ti---" She winces as Harley's manipulations of the wound causes a spike in pain.

April leans her head back, closes her eyes and just clenches her teeth through the pain spike before she hears the rest of what the blonde says to her. "Themy-what?" April asks, quesitons, with confusion. "Themyscira... Idaho?" She doesn't believe they'd be going to a mythical island that Wonder Woman resides from... She did interview Cassie Sandsmark on her podcast a year ago, but.... why would they be going to the island now?

"Did you just get back from the bar?" She asks with a weariness in her voice, cause its been a long day for the young reporter!

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hol' up..." Pause as Harley fiddle-diddles around the wound, making sure to clean it all up! "..., how would that guy have yoh numbah?!" followed by waggling eyebrows, "Oh, don't tell me you guys got matched on Tindah! Or we talkin' about a repeat kidnappin'?" hey, it could had happened. Maybe she has lost count on all the people that kidnap April!

Now the wound is properly clean and she begins to get the area all bandaged up neatly, fingertips rather gentle considering how heavy handed can she be sometimes! "And Themyscira, yep. Didn't I tell ya about talkin' with Diana about goin'? Anyway, she said I was invited to and I asked about a plus one because I wanted ta bring you and she said yes." a beat, "We talked about this!" maybe they did?

"And so, we awhe ta leave in a while. It's all set foh the hyenas to stay with Ivy as I said, and then Terry will carry us ovah because I know you don't want to fly there!" See? She is thoughtful.

"So yes, bikini season is definitely going to be on. I hear their beaches are great!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April looks down to Harley to watch her as she works. though her hands move up to pull her hair back to airate her neck and shouldres a bit since the air flow in the bathroom is not the best with the fan off. "Are you serious?" She asks Harley. "No! You didn't tell me!" She says with an exasperated laugh. "I'll... have to tell... like, the guys. I'll have to call Vernon.... and my shitface Boss at Channel Six...."

She winces again. "They have magic medicine?" She then asks. "I'm gonna be honest with ya, Harls, I don't know anything about Themyscira besides the general talking-points. No men, very old, ancient Greece, yadda yaddaa."

April can feel Harley's work on the wound paying off and in much better fashion than she was doing. "Damn, you really are a Doctor." She tells the other woman with a faint smile.

"I'm very humbled you chose me as your plus one too. I imagine Ivy is not very happya bout that..." She thinks back to the 'other' Frank in her life, the pet plant monster of Ivy's. That thing had a bigger crush on her than Bud or Lou! "And no, I didn't give Castle my number. He figured out that I was recording him to a cloud server that last time we first met. He wanted to come back and tell me not to use that stuff, that it'd get me in trouble. I told him.. its pretty clear I arleady get myself in enough trouble as-is."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You can call me Doctor Quinn..." pause, "... medicine woman." ugh, of course she went with the pun about that old tv show! But Harley's eyes are twinkling in amusement, looking pretty damn proud of herself once she is done getting the bandage fashioned, "That should hold until we get to Themyscira." she gets back up to her feet, washing her hands quietly for a moment. "And ya know, you could be lookin' at some long time in an hospital if the bullet went a bit further to the right." a small frown, "Or worse." what is this? Harley being responsible?

Yet as April announces that Harley hadn't told her about the Themyscira trip she just shrugs, "Well, theah was a lot of excitin' stuff happenin'! It must have been lost in translation or somethin', I dunno.. But don't worry! I will help you pack!" a beat, "And Ivy was fine, she isn't really in a vacation mind right now. She's got work to do, and while I worry about bein' away foh long I am hopin' the hyenas will keep her mind off .., other things." like villainy.

Hands are washed now so she claps them. "Alright! Shall we get started?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April looks down at the covered-up wound now and just exhales lightly. "It looks good, thank you." She says quietly before watching the other go to clean up. She smirks at Harley's words. "I'd be dead right now, probably, if Castle hadn't shown up. But, Yes, I know. I gotta watch myself better.... they just came outta know where while I was locking my bike up outside of Angelo's. Speaking of..." April stands up and reaches for her phone.

"The new kid, Kirk, was going to bring my bike back to the alley and lock it up to the pipe beside the door. I better text him to tell him thank you...."

Oh Kirk... where for art thou now, Hyena food.

She stands there in the bathroom now, bloody jeans and no top just tapping away on the phone. "Am I ready to go to a far away mystical island of warrior women and amazing beaches?" She asks as she sends the text and grins at Harley. "Hell. Yes. I am." She states with a smile. "I just need to... make a few calls..." She starts out of the bathroom then, padding across the floor on bare feet, whining at the pain on her hip....

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Uh .., was he?" Harley looks a bit guilty for a moment then simply lifts a shoulder in a small shrug. If he dies, he dies! It's a tough world out there! But maybe on cue there's the sound of a pair of hyenas on their way up the stairs, walking in through the semi-closed door that leads to the store downstairs. Lou even closes the door behind him! They are well trained!

As for Bud? He is carrying a piece of green shirt on his mouth. A trophy! But no blood there. Still, the color is perhaps exactly alike the one KIRK was wearing.

"Theah you awhe guys! And what's that? Don't bring trash into the house!" She takes the 'prize' out of Bud's mouth before April can get too much of a good look at it. She does rub Bud behind the ears though. Good job, Bud. Good job.

"And fine, go make your calls! I will start getting your suitcase ready to go!" she starts heading to April's bedroom. "Everything that has yellow on it, right?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April is at the sofa when the Hyenas make it up in to the apartment. She doesn't see the green shirt bit, not looking up until right after Harley nabs it out of Bud's mouth. "Awww. Lou, you shut the door. You're such a good boy." Yep. The 'rabid' Hyenas come home to high praise. Poor Kirk!

April sits down on the sofa and starts to sort through her stuff she'd set on the table in front of it, she watches Harley stride past her in to her room. "Find me some new jeans, would you?" She says before setting her backpack on the coffee table to get her podcast planner out. "And a shirt!" She adds a moment later. "This is gonna be fun!" She announces as she stands up and starts to place a call while wiggling out of her bloodied jeans. Yep. Just another odd day in the O'Neil / Quinn shared residence!