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Latest revision as of 19:02, 16 September 2021

Enter the Van Queen.
Date of Scene: 16 September 2021
Location: 6A - Janet's Condo
Synopsis: Gwen brings Bando to meet Janet. Will plaid make a return?
Cast of Characters: Gwen Stacy, Janet van Dyne, Bando George

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It's been a few difficult days for Gwen. Her father being in intensive care for having been shot, her own feelings of guilt at not having been enough to both prevent it or train Bando better to do so. It's all came to her breaking contact for a couple days to focus on her father's recovery. And then ...

> Bando, what do you say about a trip to Soho? Got a person you should meet.

And then to Janet:

> Hey, can I go visit you? I got someone I'd like for them to meet you. A teen trying to fit into too big boots for them right now... Also, about some suit upgrades. >.>

Yet it's uncommon of Gwen to ask for *those*. Might be she just wants to meet her too considering the news of her father having been shot.

Meeting up with Bando near the area she starts walking over to the lush apartment building, eyes darkened as if she hasn't slept for a while but at least there's a bit of a smile on her lips, "So. Ready to meet an avenger?" boom. Bomb dropped.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
> Suit upgrades?! Of course! Come on over. And you can bring your friend. The more the merrier!

Of course Jan zeroed in on the clothing aspect. She always used the 'upgrades' term to just alter her own costume on a whim. Really, if Gwen only seen the closets of 'suit upgrades.'

Well, a girl has to look her best, right?

There might be a little fuss in ensuring that the Soho condo looks its best. But, really, this is Janet's home. Well, one of many. Of course it looks its best. That's what comes with having money and a maid service. Still, there is a little minor fluffing of cushions...a straightening of objects...and of course a digital pad close by for drawing designs.

Never know when inspiration will strike.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando's search for people who have secret invisibility fields has been...less than successful. He's meant to talk to Vivian, because she's...a robot or something, he's not sure. But...that hasn't happened. When he gets the text from Gwen, though, he's actually very relieved, a little worried still that she may be secretly angry with him, and so his response is quick.

> Sure! Lemme know when and where!
> Well, maybe after class at least. I think I'm skating on thin ice with tardies.

    Bando noticed her exhaustion rather quickly. "You okay?" he asks. "You look..." don't ever tell a girl she looks tired! "Like you've had a full day already." Yeah, that sounds better. "Wait, an Avenger?" Question is distracted, clearly. He isn't dressed fancily, it looks like he came directly from class, his backpack on his shoulders. He of course had no idea he was going to meet the ultimate fashionista. His sneakers are worn, not new. His pants are from Target. His shirt...where in the world did he get that pale yellow button down? 2005?

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Look at that. It was Bando suggesting that they should do it *after* class time. Gwen is almost proud! Maybe there's some hope for the young man still. "I took the chance to go down to the hospital and check on my father. He's still in an induced coma to let his body have enough time to recover, but he's stable, the surgery went well." her tone somewhat relieved when she says that.

"And yes, an avenger.." She assures Bando, some life returning to her blue eyes as they seem to dance with amusement. "And you look just perrfffeeeect to meet her." is Gwen's objective to have Janet faint upon seeing Bando and his ..., particular choice of clothing? Who knows?! Maybe she's a villainous spider. Everyone knows they aren't to be trusted.

The walk doesn't take a long and they start making way to the front of the building. The ring downstairs to announce they are arriving and then the climb. No stairs. Consider it cardio.

"She is perhaps the other heroine I am closest to in this earth." this earth? Where is Gwen from? Outter space? Well, you could say that.

Yet soon enough there's a knock on the door. "We have arrived." she singsongs from the other side of the door.

Bando George has posed:
    "This Earth?" Bando echoes. That's a weird thing to say. "As in opposed to other Earths?" He grins, as if it's a joke, not expecting that she might actually mean another Earth.

    He shoves his hands in his pockets as they wait for an answer, "So which one is it? Heroine, so woman, um, Black Widow? Is it Captain Marvel? Um, Wasp?" He seems to just be going through the list in his head as names come to him.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Err, yea..." A brief nod given when Bando speaks of other earths. Though she *did* take a bit more of a pause than she should had if it was all supposed to be a joke or something of the kind. Gwen then smiles faintly. "There's a whole multiverse out there after all." another faint smile.

As Bando then starts going through various names it makes Gwen's brows shoot up and then she lets out a brief laugh, "No matter what you say when you see who it is remember to tell her it was your *first* guess." which may give an hint on who it may be.

What? Everyone knows Janet likes to preen.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Truly, it does take a little bit before a voice calls out from the other side. "The door is open!" It is the same sing-song tone that Gwen used, only that voice....that voice is *awfully* familiar. Like, definite celebrity familiar. And, should Bando recognizes voices, it will be absolutely no surprise who belongs to that voice.

Once the door is opened, the mistress of the house comes into view. Wearing a simple green dress (well, simple for her) with a glass in hand, she is already beckoning the two in. "Come in, oome in! It is so good to see you, Gwen!"

Yes. Gwen knows Janet Van Dyne. And, better yet, they are on first name basis. How does that happen?

Those eyes of the petite powerhouse turns to regard Gwen's friend. And, yes, Jan is judging the outfit. But, at least she remains nice about it. After all, it is apparent that it is the classic neo-college ensemble. Not enough money for anything truly proper, since all of it is going to education. But yes...she sees. And already, she has plans.

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh, it is the Wasp!" Bando exclaims. He grins broadly. "Hi, I'm Bando, Bando George!" His middle class nature is on full display,a nd he eagerly holds a hand out to shake, despite the more traditional expectation that a man should wait for the lady to extend the hand first. Clearly he never heard that.

    He feels the assessment instantly as Janet eyes his outfit, and he glances to Gwen, and then back to Janet, straightening his shirt a little with a self-conscious touch.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Hello, Janet." Warm tone in Gwen's voice. And indeed first name basis! Even if her expression appears to falter for a second there, perhaps not as chipper as usual. But could anyone blame her? As for dress code? One might note that Gwen went to the closet to get some of her *best* stuff, which means designer jeans, a nice black and white top with a pink rim on the edges (Does it remind anyone of her outfit? Maybe.)

"It is great to see you too." And she doesn't even look at the glass in Janet's hand. It's not even dusk yet!

"He's a friend." She adds, "We met on the ..., 'job', and I sort of took him under my wing to train him some. And yes, I didn't tell him we were meeting *you*." which perhaps is an attempt for Janet to not judge the young man's outfit too harshly. But she knows how this goes sometimes...

Still, she moves in closer to give Janet a hug if she isn't stopped. Careful with that glass!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
That glass is held out expertly as hugs are doled out. And no, it is not discussed what is actually in said glass. Could be water, could be a vodka tonic. Jan isn't offering any answers. Though...the distinct lack of scent would betray that it is most likely water.

For now.

"This is a true surprise then? Well, then, how delightful! I can forgive you for coming to see me directly after classes." Wait...how did Janet know? Does she? Rather, seems to be a rather intuitive guess on Jan's part. She switches hands, the glass moving from the right to the left, then over to a side table as Jan does in fact take Bando's hand in greeting. A light touch, but certainly not reluctant. "Oh, so you are a hero type, too. A pleasure to meet you!"

Then the hand is released...and Jan turns back to Gwen. "Well, then. Gwen, my dear girl. What brings you here? And don't tell me it is because of ensemble updates. We both know that was just to appease to my delicate sensibilities." It seems that Janet is more observant than she lets on. Did she catch the expression faltering?

Of course Jan did.

Bando George has posed:
    "Yeah!" Bando agrees with the sentiment that he's a hero. "Starting out, but you know," he says with a lopsided grin. He bobs on his feet a bit. "Doing what I can! Have powers, must hero," Is that a saying? It is now. "really exciting to meet you. Wasp, Janet? Ms. Van Dyne." There, he has all three possible proper addressings covered. He has no idea why he's here, but the mention of ensemble updates has him glancing to Gwen. Wait, is that why he's here? The bobbing on his heels speeds up. A nervous tick of sorts, perhaps. He's a little hyperactive, and it doesn't take a doctor to diagnose it.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As Bando starts going on with his hero stuff Gwen comments, "A bit too eager at times too.." a nod given his way before she letting out a sigh, "I am hoping that you meeting a *real* hero will help you understand what we do. And that it's not all fun and games.." did her tone get a little harsh in the end there? Maybe she hasn't fully forgiven Bando just yet. For .., something. Yet swiftly enough her more jovial tone returns and she winks. "But the way she is looking at you I dunno. Seems like she has other plans.."

Blue eyes return to look at Janet again and she winks amusedly, wrapping her arms about her waist, "And I always love your ensemble updates, Janet. Who's to say that's not what brings me here? Maybe I want some nice upgrades to my suit." a beat, "Which is perfect by the way." indeed it is. JVD crafted and approved! All the best.

As for the rest? She looks away a moment, "But yea, as for the rest. I am sure you must have seen the news..." about her father..

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Yes. There it is. That's the reason. To answer, Janet replies...but to Bando first. "Call me Jan."

So...wrong on all three counts. Poor boy.

Then, back to Gwen. "Captain Stacy." Just those two words, spoken with a weight not characteristically typical of Janet, gives all the indication that she knows. As for how? "Yes, I have seen." News? Avenger channels? Doesn't matter. She has seen. "He is recovering, I assume?" That would be a safe guess. Otherwise there might be a more emotional Gwen in her home than now.

A sip from the glass, then Janet continues. "The mentor is asking a mentor for advise for her protege, then." It isn't a question. More, a statement of fact...be it true or not. It is fact to Jan now. "Oh, you shouldn't listen to a word that I say. I am a *horrible* role model. Just ask anyone."

There might be a joke in there. It was said with a perfectly bright and cheery disposition. Yet...something says that Jan isn't exactly jesting there.

Bando George has posed:
    The 'real' hero comment felt a little directed to Bando, and he shrinks a little like a puppy before a newspaper. His eyes dart over at Gwen again, but he doesn't challenge it. But Jan's request to be addressed as such brings him back to a more cheery state. "Jan," he says with a goofy grin, nodding.

    "But you're an Avenger," he counters. "There's a lot of worse role models a person can have!" he points out, intending a compliment to the self-depreciation. "So we are here to..." he narrows his eyes, as if trying to consider the actual purpose of the visit. "Get..a costume?" he hesitantly asks. There's definitely a hope that it's that, and not to get more properly chewed out.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Oh no, poor Bando! Gwen shakes her head at him, "Oh, don't be like that. You know what I meant. She is in the Avengers!" she exclaims, "And, let me say, with actual action figures in production." hey, real heroes have an action figure of themselves out in stores. It is known. "So ..., a real hero."

Blue eyes then return to Janet and she offers a nod at her, expression sobering a touch, "He is improving. Stable but still in the hospital for the foreseeable future. I am hoping he will wake up soon ..." lips pressing to a thin line. And from up close? Those black lines around her eyes denote a rather lack of sleep from the college student.

"And you are right. Mentor joining forces with previous mentor to train young hero. Hey, it's a trope that works." She has seen her share of movies! "As for being a role model ..., it worked for me, Janet." she tells her friend, again her smile warmer.

"I am hashtag number one Janet fan.", followed by a laugh when Bando zones in on the costume part. Because of course he would.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Yes, well, you are a rather persistent young woman." The smile given towards Gwen is warm, inviting, and most of all genuine. "You reminded me of when I was just starting off." Well...there is more to it than that. But, Jan may have a soft spot for Ms. Stacy. Of that much, it is certain.

Then..."Oh, so it isn't you that needed the suit upgrades! But, rather, your little trainee here." Again, that eye of Janet's falls upon Bando. But...this time she picks up her digital tablet and starts recording numbers. "Let's see. You're what...about 5 foot 9 or so? about 110 to 125 pounds? Hmm...lanky...and what is your power set? Spider-themed like your mentor, young padawan?"

What? Janet watches movies, too!

As Janet writes down measurements, she comments to both. "Being a hero isn't about action figures, though. It is about doing the right thing when no one else can or will. It's about being willing to right a wrong, to find justice for those that are hopeless." Janet doesn't come out and say it...but it is there in her meaning. Heroes should not be afraid to avenge the downtrodden.

This, from not only one of the founders, but literally the one that gave the Avengers their name.

"Besides, those action figures look nothing like me..."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando grins sheepishly. "Yeah, but mom says I'm probably not done growing." He actually slaps his forehead. Don't mention your mother in superhero talk, Bando! What's wrong with you? "I mean, I'm probably still gonna grow a few more inches," he rephrases. "But-"

    He points at Janet's description of a hero. "That's what I'm talkin about! Doing the things that need to be done! No matter what. Never compromise integrity. Help people in need even if it means you go without. Make the sacrifice for others!" He may sound a little like a certain star-spangled familiar. "I don't really care if I get an action figure." He considers the idea. "I mean, it'd be cool, but that's not why I do it." What was the question? His powers? He forgot to answer that one.