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Latest revision as of 06:45, 21 September 2021

Caffeination Revelation
Date of Scene: 20 September 2021
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: A meeting of friends.
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, J'onn J'onzz

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Though it might pain her to admit it, Coffee of Doom strikes a familiar chord in Wanda's heart. The shared culture of the Balkans takes its cues from the long-lost Austro-Hungarian Empire's influence. A hundred some years on and they're all addicts for the darkest brew served up in a genteel environment. Someone playing a piano and moving through jazz tunes adds a pleasing element to simply drink to. For all she prefers tea, coffee has its own special pleasure too.

A thick book sits precariously on the corner of the table, thumbed through with regularity. A notebook goes ignored for the time being. Instead, she tears a small pastry to bite-sized pieces with her fork, staring off over the pianist's head as if in anticipation of something.

This is, however, a Latverian property. She probably well and truly expects trouble.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Coffee of Doom.

It had been some time since J'onn had been t oa coffee shop, recently returning from a venture offworld. It was a strange sensation, being back on Earth after so long. Today, the Martian Manhunter takes the appearance of a tall caucasian male with long dark hair and a thick black beard. Looking a mixture between millenial and hobo, that kind of stylish flair.

He sees...someone he hasn't seen in some time through the window: Wanda Maximoff. The Scarlet Witch.

And so, J'onn enters the Coffee of Doom shop, and begins to immediately approach where Wanda had been sitting. Latverian or no, the company was spectacular. "Wanda. It has been some time."

If the Scarlet Witch permits the touch to her mind, she will see the visage of the tall green Martian behind this human guise, a window to the soul if you will, thanks to the wonderful gift of telepathy. The only question is...does she remember him?

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Millennial hobos; without them, craft breweries or prestige coffee shops wouldn't exist.

The variety of desserts available nearly matches the bean-derived brews, and none of them would darken the name of DOOM by being anything less than highest quality. How many pages must be given up for the options on tap? A wonder Wanda hasn't lost herself entirely getting lost between blonde roasts, dark roasts, the respective joys of Ethiopian highlands compared to Guatemalan mountainsides. She might also be overly grateful for an escape from reading or worrying about her next refill.

Time is on J'onn's side then, for his appearance might not tip her off. But witch isn't an idle title for Wanda. Her gaze constantly reads the sparkling traces in the world, filtered somewhat by distraction. When someone names her and announces himself, possibly not in a familiar form, her eyebrows arch a little. "Good evening. You have me at..."

His touch is like no other, save maybe Ms. Grey or Ms. Frost. Those twin psychics have a talent on par with his and that smile turns more certain. Unease at the first surface impression becomes clear. "Hello. Would you like to sit? It has been quite a while, hasn't it?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
So many coffee places would be lost without the Millenial hobos.

Fear their power.

But, as J'onn approaches Wanda, he takes notice of her confusion, though once the touch to her mind occurs, he notices her smile turn a little bit more certain, though still that sense of unease at the surface first impression.

"I apologize if I caught you off guard. I understand it has been some time." The offer to sit was accepted graciously though, slipping into the chair across from her with a small smile. "Are you enjoying your coffee? How have you been lately, Wanda?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Millennial hobos: unsung heroes of modern society or subtle villains bringing about the end times? You decide.

"Oh, little trouble. It's common nowadays to have a Genoshan or well-wisher come up and say thank you, and that always puts me a little on the back foot," Wanda says. Her admission does not cost much, thoughts tumbling in colourful dimensions of how often that happens. "Compared to Cap or Superman, I get off quite lightly."

Adjusting her posture in her seat, she sits up a little straighter and loses the faint slouch to her shoulders. Her hand rests on her book, the other in her lap where a napkin protects her clothes. No reason to be worried of stains here. J'onn settling in she watches with interest. "You found me in the right place. Everything is going well for you? Is there anything we need to be mindful of?" You never know. Their worlds extend far into trouble. "I'm having a lovely time in here. Home had nothing like this, but it aspired to this kind of elegance. It grows on you after a while, believe it or not. Quite enjoyable for an evening."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
They are typically the ones holding up 'the end is nigh' signs arn't they? Man, they always got a really bad rap for that. That, and always standing in seriously illegal spots to ask for money - the scammer ones, anyway.

They come in all shapes and sizes.

"Interesting. I would've thought that many wuld have seen you as a hero, and you would've basked in the praise. I understand that praise is an excellent motivation for excellence and confidence." He mentions with a kind smile.

"Though, even when compared to Captain America or the Superman, I would say that your contribution is comparative." J'onn smiles softly to Wanda.

He shrugs though.

"I'm glad. It has been some time since I have been in a coffee shop such as this. Everything is as well as it can be, I believe. No great terror is coming from beyond the stars, but...most certainly it may be in the wind." He chuckles, clearly not meaning too much behind it.

"I'm glad you are having a lovely time here, Wanda. I admit, this is a kind of coffee shop that is...beyond me, by way of understanding human culture. Though you are lovely company, so perhaps I may yet learn?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Those great pesky signs, crowded on every other corner. If only they could be whipped into a force to scare off all the villains that show up in NYC.

"Me, basking? You've mistaken me for my brother, and he only has so much tolerance for it." Pietro probably might be the more likely to swallow up the accolades as his due, and then rush off in irritation. "Praise can be a great motivator. I prefer smaller objectives, though. A sense of doing the correct thing or making a positive change is quite enough, if not accompanied by insults or outrage. Sometimes change is difficult."

The cup of coffee is brought up for a sip. It needs to be replenished, and she sets it on the saucer for a server to take away. They're dressed to the nines and precise in their manners, not quite obsequious but getting close.

"What brings you this way? A chance to step out from the solar winds of change?" she teases a little. "You bring good news if you detected nothing too troubling out there. Down here, it always feels like tempests get brewed up and spotting the one that will grow larger is almost a full-time job. Security for the likes of us, isn't it?" She laughs when he mentions the shop's culture being different. "The idea is to sit and reflect, take time to appreciate things at a slower level. Often people come to these places to do exactly what we are, socializing. Sometimes for intellectual discourse, sharing bold ideas."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
I can see it now: 'The End is Nigh...for all of you villains that keep breaking our stuff. Buy me beer and I'll void the curse I'll put on you later'.

Hobos are fun.

Though, J'onn seems largely amused by Wanda as she makes the connection between praise and Pietro Maximoff. "That, I do understand. Pietro is...forgive me for saying so, quite the personality." Whether J'onn means this in a good way or a bad way is unknown, but Pietro is an acquired taste and drives a great many people mad.

They were twins, but they were night and day.

J'onn nods ever so slightly though. "Smaller objectives...interesting perspective. But a noble one. Sometimes, doing the right things without the acclamation, but for the sake of doing it is it's own reward. A gratification of the soul rather than material. Unique, yet a condition that all should strive for...perhaps if all did, earth would be a far happier place."

J'onn then seems to remember himself after his rant and thoughts.

"Merely wishing to visit an old friend." J'onn's smile grows warmer at her. Friendly, close even. Maybe something else? Who knows, J'onn was a hard man to read. But he nods softly. "There is a beauty in anonymity. It is nice to not be noticed on the side of the street, and simply appreciate and -be-. A moment's peace is something that rarely happens...and I'm pleased that I have the opportunity to do that today." He chuckles a moment, though he looks around. "I believe that this place accomplishes that in it's entirety."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"I've heard it most of our life. No offense taken at all." Even if there was, what would be the point? Pietro arguments are generally circular, no matter how fast they are. A person's personality is what it is.

"A different perspective," she says to J'onn. "I do not see a need for fame the same way others might, if they were in my position. Fame hasn't ever brought happiness, not really. I think it often focuses more problems and public attention where we would be better off without it."

Just a thought. Not so much a rant as a meeting of minds, quiet as it is. A bit of a smile touches her lips.

She gestures to the menu. "Would you like something? Have you tried any? A sampler to go with that freedom to enjoy peace and quiet, fleeting as it might be." It's easy to smile, to laugh even. Nothing out of the ordinary here. "This place accomplishes much. Though tread lightly; the favoured despot is likely very aware."