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Latest revision as of 06:54, 21 September 2021

Truthseekers: Harley Quinn Returns
Date of Scene: 01 August 2021
Location: Truthseekers Studio
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Terry O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
April and Terry had decided to do a unscheduled episode of April's podcast 'Truthseekers' on a whim yesterday, and since not enough alcohol was consumed at April's roof party to make eitehr of them forget about it the next day, they made it happen!

Harley had been grabbed, almost at gun point, and the trio had gone to the studio to meet April's show manager, Vernon Fenwick, to setup the show.

So here the four of them are, Vernon in his command center corner manning the cameras and computers, and the other 3 gathered around the desk in the main studio. Mics in front of them, the fancy decorations all around them on the walls from the guests April's had on the show previously... and plenty of snacks and drinks in the fridges near the main desk.

April has her headset on and is poised behind her big studio mic. She's waiting for the snazzy intro song to finish before she's there, smiling over at Terry and Harley. "Well here we are. We said it'd happen, and maybe we're a liiiiittle late, but still. The one year anniversary return of one Harley 'The Unbeatable and Unstoppable' Quinn. Hello, Harley." April says the last two words with a sweet calmness to her voice. "A lot has happened this past year, yeah? Like, the first time I met you we didn't know each other. Now its arguable that we know each other way too well." She says with a big grin.

"So welcome back to my show, my lovely roommate." And soon there after April is looking to Terry. "And for those of you who don't know my cousin, I bring to you Terry O'Neil. A reporter out to challenge my own street cred, and a hell of a super hero no less too. Also welcome, Cousin. So good to have you both here today."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Nah, Cousin, your street cred is pretty cemented alright! It has been one hell of a year all around, indeed. I've started to live the O'Neil life- which means that I've been exposed to more deadly peril than most insurance companies are willing to cover. And on top of that, I grew a tail, ears and fur. But that's nothing compared to the journey the lady of the hour has gone through. There are stories- oh, we have stories... but before anything is said and done, I want to reiterate the welcome to one of my best friends- Welcome, Harley!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
What is this? Highway robbery?! At GUNPOINT?! And she's supposed to be the ex-criminal here, not the O'Neil clan! But maybe her influence was starting to rub off on them. The infamous gang of Harley Quinn and the O'Neil Clan. Yea, it could catch back in Gotham! But with illusions of mischief being set aside Harley gets DRAGGED to the Truthseekers for the podcast.

And of course that she is complaining all the way over, "I go out foh one night. ONE NIGHT! And ya guys awhe partyin' like theah was no tomorrow!"

The grumpy clownette continues on her tirades for a small while on their way over, peeking here and there when they get inside. No cops, good. One never knows when she might be betrayed! Maybe she's getting a bit paranoid... She settles in on her chair, starting to tap tap a little on her mic while April is talking.. So yes, there's a few brief noises on it when her roomie is talking. And when Terry gets introduced? She grins.

"He's so supah he even makes out with himself, ihihih..." The mic is already on, Harley!

"Oh, hello!" She then finally says, letting out a wide, surprised grin. This was fast to get started! "Yes, been a year! Time does fly when you awhe havin' fun. And oh, we've been havin' some reaaaaaal fun." she says, then a 'pop' is heard of her bubblegum. Maybe she is nervous! Being on the radio never goes well if she doesn't have a gun in hand.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has her arms folded in front of her on the edge of the fine desk that the mics are all setup on. She lets her blue eyes go form Terry and his introduction back to Harley who makes that kissing joke, which has April laughing and looking back at Terry.

"That didn't take long to throw out there, did it?" She says with a continued grin on her lips. "Terry brought that kissin' thing up last night at the party, which you were totally invited to but you were 'oh so busy!'." She teases her roomie.

"But yes, I'd say the biggest element of the past year is that the first podcast I did at Arkham with you is long gone, and instead of that ... horrribly gross and yucky place, we're now here, in this fine new studio that you've helped me earn by simply BEING on the first show with me. So I have to say, right off, thank you Harley, you and your fame helped me get a leg up in the super competitive podcast landscape!"

April does a flourishing bow from her place at the helm of the show. "Beyond that though, what else has been going on? A lot of my listeners, for starters, have constantly asked me 'How the hell did she get OUT of Arkham and STAY out from it, legally'."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry laughs, "Wow! I had a bet going on with Beast Boy about how long it'd take for THAT to be brought up. I had ten bucks on five minutes, and he said immediately. Guess I owe him," he grins and glances at April, "So if anyone wants to donate to my Ko-Fi so I can be an honorable man and cover my debts, please do- just kidding. I'm not an honorable man." Beat. "I'm kidding. I don't have a Ko-Fi."

Turning to Harley, he adds, "Before you answer, Harley, I have a challenge for you: Answer as if you were retelling an adventure story from the golden age of piracy! If you forfeit the challenge, you owe me a soda."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I am always busy.." Harley contests back at April, folding her arms with a bit of a grumpy expression returning when she is reminded of the party AGAIN, " ... everyone wants a piece o' this clownette! I mean, literally .., is theah a week I am not bein' shot at?" of course that it's usually her fault to get into trouble (and dragging others with her to it), but it's the kind of detail she won't be getting into! "What happened to people comin' at ya swinging' a bat? Oh a surfboard? I sweah, those criminals don't know the meanin' o' up close and personal anymoouh.." she letting out a sigh. And yes, going on a little rant of her own completely off-topic.

But soon enough she is brought back in to the conversation, glowering at Terry, "It was an ACCIDENT! Geeez!" she does pout at being predictable though! Damn it!

"And oh yes, Apes. Befoouh we continue I'd like to send my regards to Director Jerkins..." it's Jenkins, she just likes calling him that, " ... for providin' such a great service at Arkham! I totall commend theah security.." because they couldn't hold her in at all!

Storytime though? About what she's been up to..? "Mmmm, piracy you say? But wheah's the ale? Tales can only be told with ale ..." a beat, "The house also accepts whiskey..."

April O'Neil has posed:
April laughs softly at Terry's request of having Harley tell the story with a bit of a twist. She shakes her head lightly at the idea but looks back to Harley and when she asks where the ale is she motions to the fridge to Harley's left a mini fridge but if cracked open she'll find its loaded with drink options. "There should be some IPAs in there, and a bottle of whisky near the back. Shotgun Whiskey, I think, or Fireball, I can't remember... not my thing!" She laughs softly again,

"But yeah, in truth I've... wanted to bring up Arkham on my show more, but I worry about how to frame it properly. The place is, in my opinion, creating more crazy people than it is helping any of them they label and bring in. The whole place needs to be shut down, and something new created... but, yeah, it's complicated! I get it, so don't send a fiery bomb in my mail box, Mister Jerkins." She speaks to Harley's 'friend' over the mic with a little grin.

A look is given to Terry then. "You should've seen my face the night harley showed up at my apartment. I thought she'd crawled through the sewers to come and strangle me to death or something!" April finishes that with another little laugh... the nervousy kind! "She didn't though! I think...."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, at least you recognized her~ me, Super Journalist Terry, thought she was a friend of yours dressed up as Harley. At least, for two thirds of the time we talked that morning." Terry chuckles and glances at Harl, "There be the chest, matey. The rum is gone- the rum is always gone- but ye've got yer whiskey and now ye can tell us a scurvy tale of the seas!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley busies herself procuring some drinks. She will settle by the whiskey, pouring a generous portion into her glass and then getting a couple more for both O'Neil's. No refusing drinks when they dragged her out here for an interview. She even gives them the -look-, as if daring them to refuse. It's her best prison look. The I-will-shank-you-in-the-yard-and-make-you-watch kind of look. Arkham was great about providing her valuable prison insight!

But finally she clears her throat. "Alright then, ya scurvy dogs. Ya want a tale on how I got outta Arkham and STAYED out.." she lifts one leg up, then the other, feet up on the table, crossed by the ankles. Because she's a pirate, and pirates do as they please. "It all started as we weah gettin' ta run a rig on Arkham. On how fast we'd be able ta get out. As ya see, back then I was followin' this black hearted pirate that needs no mention.." even in a tale she doesn't seem to be able to bring up the J's name! "A no good pirate that scoured the seas of dark Gotham foh plundah and laughs. I used ta plundah and laugh too but that was no life, foh I knew theah weah otha treasures worth moouh than what I had. And soooo, I left.. Foh good. And I sought me treasures.." she pauses then to take a long drink from her whiskey. Long enough that she is pouring herself another drink shortly after.

"And treasures I did find! I sailed all the way out ta New Yoik wheah I found a new crew that set me right. They set me right so much that when I went ta meet with this fabled amazon pirate queen, Diana Prince herself she vouched foh me, and evah since the authorities have eased up on comin' aftah me."

April O'Neil has posed:
April's attention is across her desk on the both of them as they do their pirate back and forth. She just grins and softly shakes her head here and there before reaching out for the glass of booze handed her way.

"Thank you, Dread Pirate Quinn." She quietly says before taking a sip and doing her best to keep it down, whiskey! Fhew!

As the tale begins to unfold, April just listens quietly and eventually leans up close to the mic to whisper loudly to the listeners. "If you think for a second its easy to get a straight answer out of either of these two, you're boldly mistaken, ladies and gents."

She leans back again and takes another sip of the drink before asking. "So Wonder Woman vouched for your release?" April asks. "What a lady, that one. I had her sidekick on the show about a year ago, super sweet young lady. I'd strangle someone to get Miss Prince herself on..."

A breath is taken, as is more whiskey sips and April continues. "So she has a lot of pull then, to suddenly get you off whatever had you in Arkham to begin with. But again, maybe more people realize how incredibly unhealthy that place really is! Ahem, that being said, you're free now and... that means you're doing what now, Miss harley?" She asks that last one with a sweet smile back to her friend.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I mean, of course Wonder Woman has a lot of pull- she's got a magic lasso! Which, incidentally, I held once to completely embarrassing effects, but let's not talk about /that/." Terry takes a sip from his glass. Let nobody ask what his actual age is- but he IS old enough to drink on Themyscira!

"Yes, what is Dread Pirate Quinn up to nowadays? Aside from chasing me with her Hyenas!" There's a story behind that, true believers.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"The amazon queen's influence is vast! Besides, she ties a knot like noone's business. It's the kinda knottin' that would make even the fiercest wench o' the hellfire club blush! If ya know what I mean ..." Amusement showing on her tone while she talks, a wink coming out of the dread pirate to the other two, "And I can put in a good word, maybe I can drag her into the show mmmm?"

"And now you owe me a soda.." this to Terry!

April's question does have her look her way again, "Well, let me see what I have been up to! I have become a bounty huntah, and licensed. I got my license right heah if ya wanna see it! It's my multipass." a beat, "I became friends with an interdimensional travellah who danced like a hellion and taught me some crazy magics.." she tipping her glass up to the sky and downing the second whiskey, " ... I got in with the titans when Terry was missin' to help them cope and now I am accepted all the way in to the lobby!" it's a victory.

"And of course gettin' into all kinds a trouble with April and Ivy. My besties." a look to April. "What was the last thing. Runnin' from this mutated crocodile creature? Yea..." she smiles sweetly back at April!

But to Terry? She then asks him when he speaks about embarassment with a lasso. "No, let's talk about -that-." she says, "What's the story with Terry and the lasso?"

April O'Neil has posed:
The whiskey glass is set down on the table again and with a smile April finds a moment to chime in after Harley. "Well, in truth, what I didn't know is how much I really did need some protection at home. I've had my fair share of trouble even before running in to Miss Quinn here... if you can believe it. My nose and mouth have gotten me in to some hot water with some bad people and even if I do have a lot of very capable heroic friends, having one living with me has been a god send, quite honestly. The Hyenas included. They're my furry protectors under my feet."

"But yes." April says with a nod toward Harley and a glance toward Terry. "Was the lasso the reason you were kissing your mirror self from that poor alternate reality ... thing that we heard so many were dealing with last year?" She asks her cousin then.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh god, I guess I deserve it. No, the lasso wasn't the reason I smooched. The reason I smooched was because I am irresistible, okay? Just ask Gar" Terry sighs and throws his hands up in mock despair. "So this is /after/ I had made up with my doppelganger from another universe and the jerk stole my powers. The Titans managed to trap him and then I had to force him to say a magic word to get my powers back... so Troia thought that the best way to do so was to use Diana's lasso to ask him 'WHAT IS THE MAGIC WOOOOOORD?' and, you know, he'd answer."

He sighs, "Well, apparently, when I'm the Cheshire Cat? Even touching the Lasso of Truth makes me drunk as a skunk. Like, I'm not kidding you, I collapsed onto the floor in a fit of giggles and I started saying stuff I don't remember. But which Raven will hold over my head to the end of time and Gar will use to tease me forever and ever. And that is the story of Terry O'Neil And The Magic Lasso Of Truth."

And then Terry grins and points at Harley, "But it's still nowhere near as great as the story of Harley Quinn And The Army Of Possessed Demon Dolls."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Squint. Harley casts a look over at April when she calls Bud and Lou her furry protectors. Robber! "Yea, sometimes I wondah who those two actually follow.." a grumble about her hyenas being domesticated, and she shakes her head a bit to herself. "But at least they awhe on a diet now!"

"It was just kissin' foh the heck o' it..." this about kissing his own doppelganger, "I mean, I dig it. Sorta cool in a mirror darkly kinda way."

The talk about the lasso has her lift her brows, "Maybe ya should come ta my office sometime, which as a reminder I am acceptin' patients!", then she continues talking to Terry, "Because we probably should talk on why you consider the truth a mattah of giggles, or o' bein' drunk."

Dolls though? She beams an evil-looking grin back at Terry, "It's not my fault ya left a cursed book wheah everyone could read it." she pauses, "Besides, me and Aimee said the right words, totally. It shouldn't had brought back all those nightmarish April dolls!"

"We made you a favor April, those dolls weah hideous. How could ya grow ta be such a sane woman I am not suwah. Or well, sorta sane, ya have me as a roommate.." and then she cackles!

April O'Neil has posed:
April is just sitting back and watching the two of them go at it about the lasso and such. It has her grinning and shaking her head but when the dolls come up she points at Harley. "I know all about the dolls, you're the one I'm keeping from knowing that they move around the apartment on their own. I used to think they were my protectors, but now I got you and the Hyenas, so the dolls are angry at you... they want their old job of savin' me from bad guysback." She snickers at her friend.

"So /bounty hunting is what you're doing when you're not at home. Good to know. It's comforting knowing you're out there making more enemyes to bring home with you. Maybe the dolls are more important than I realized." She grins again and takes another sip of her whiskey drink... dainty tiny sips.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, c'mon, Ape, let's be serious here- anyone foolish enough to come after Harley Effin' Quinn has got whatever they have coming to them. I've been chased by this lady and her Roller Derby brigade before- trust me, you don't want her swinging for ya. So if you're listening out there, bad guys... just give up, really."

The redhead grins, "And if you don't, she'll throw you to the demon dolls."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Right! How could I forget about the team! Bein' the captain of the Brooklyn Queens ain't no small feat! Also ..." And Harley leans in to the mic, speaking almost as if she was doing a commercial, " ... We are lookin' foh some playahs foh the next season so if ya think ya have what it takes..." a beat, "Brooklyn." boo, Harley taking advantage of being live on air for it!

Harley just scoffs at April's talk about the dolls still being out there, "Good luck. I sort o' smacked them all the way back ta Wonderland. So you are stuck with me and the hyenas, April!" and that's how things roll!