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Latest revision as of 06:54, 21 September 2021

Date of Scene: 01 August 2021
Location: April and Harley's Apartment.
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Terry O'Neil, Jacen Knight

April O'Neil has posed:
It's an evening at April's, she invited a few people over to hang out and enjoy some food on the roof of her building. Of course people are busy so she didn't know who'd show up!

The ladder to reach the top of the two story tall building is down near the mouth of the alley and she'd left that in the texts. Up on top of the roof the reporter is wearing some sunglasses and sitting at the table setup on the roof with some drinks in a cooler and some food already cooking on the grill. IT's a nice sunny day out and she's got the roof garden well cultivated with flowers and vegetables. Lovely day to eat out together.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
5rAnd as it's customary, Terry has brought the Tiramisu.

Agatha, Terry's mother, was a wizard in the kitchen, and some of that was passed on to April's cousin- the O'Neil variant of Tiramisu had what the family called an 'Irish' variant: it was made with Bailey's cream. The plate of it is placed under the shade, as soon as Terry arrives, and he seats himself at the table.

"Hey 'cous, how's it hanging?" the young man grins. He's in his human form for this, because it wouldn't do to have April's guests startled by an anthropomorphic feline. And it also dettered them from asking if they could scratch his ear. "Guess what I did yesterday? I got an interview with the Martian Manhunter himself!" he says, grinning from ear to ear. "At the Watchtower, no less!"

Jacen Knight has posed:
Stopping at the bottom of the ladder, Jacen shakes his head in amusement and slings a bag over his shoulder and climbs up to the top. The bag in question is a trauma kit and he doesn't seem to go far without one. While it is clean, he is currently wearing paramedic gear indicating a local hospital name. His combat boots clomp to the roof and he looks around, noting the familiar face of April and smiling a little.

"I ain' much of a cook, but I did bring these." He holds up Budweiser longneck six packs,"Recon maybe some day I'll get 'round ta learnin' ta cook." He places the bottles on a nearby table and sets the trauma bag under said table so it isn't in the way and he doesn't have to pack it around.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has her feet up on another one of the chairs up here and she looks up from her phone to smile at Terry. "Really?" She asks. "When are you gonna come work for me at my podcast studio anyway? O'Neil and O'Neil finally together and hammerin' out the true truth seeking in this crazy world." She grins at Terry as she stands up then and walks across the roof in her sandals toward the grill.

Its then that Jacen arrives in full medic gear and this has her waving and smiling at him. "Oh hey, its our rescuer!" She teases him. "Looks good." She says of the delivery he bestows upon them. "Cooler is there..." April points.

"It's real early still, we'll expect more later, but Terry and I are hanging out in the mean time."

She motions to Terry. "This is my cousin, by the by. Terry O'Neil. And Terry..." She motions to Jacen. "This is Jacen, a very kind hearted man who helped me rescue my bike after I had a run in with... Frank Castle..."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Girl, you just need to say the word and we can collaborate. Let me tell you, that man is ho-" he pauses what he is saying when Jacen comes onto the rooftop, and he waves as introductions are made. "Hey Jacen! You are one in a long line of rescuers who have snatched my cousin out of the claws of danger, welcome to the club!" he says, teasing April. It's a thing he does.

One thing, however, does need to be addressed. He turns to face her. "April. Why on earth did you have a run-in with Frank Castle of all people? Haven't we gone over this- you don't run into psychos unless you have a loaded Harley with you?"

For those who are magically sensitive, there is a slight feeling around the young man- an echo of chaos magic. He doesn't seem particularly sorcerous, though.

Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen nods towards Terry and replies,"Seemed like th' thing ta do't th' time. Folks tend ta question m' good sense, but always had a soft spot f'r the proverbial damsel'n distress." He opens the cooler and puts eleven of the bottles in, opening the other for himself.

Moving to a comfortable conversation distance he settles in to visit for a while. He does make a face at the mention of Frank Castle again and shakes his head,"That guy really does know how ta get around. Leaves a trail o' bodies all over town." His own presence lets off a hint of spirit magic energies, though he doesn't seem to notice anything about Terry.

April O'Neil has posed:
April smirks at the both of them. "Ha ha... I've rescued myself before too. Like three whole times! Well... definitely once." She mutters at the grill as she pulls some of the mushrooms off and some turkey burgers. The kinda stuff she knows only she and a few of the people she invited for later will enjoy. Taking the food to the small counter beside the girll, April turns around to walk over to the cooler to get on eof the drinks Jacen brought.

"I'm not afraid of Frank Castle. I've done enough research on him to know that I don't really qualify for the kinda people who... has in his sights, so to speak. I mean, of course there's cross fire... which darn near happened that day we did run in to one another... but..."

Bottle opened and April takes a sip, then looks at the label more closely.

She grins then and looks at Jacen."Hows work been? I was just offering my cousin a job at my studio, I think..." She states with a grin at Terry.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, that psycho had better not cross my path!" Terry says, his expression darkening. "If I see him even fingering his trigger near me, I'll drop him in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a flotation device." @emit

Terry thumps his fist on the table, and then quickly tries to stabilize it so as not to tip anything over. "Or maybe I'll just have Raven eat his soul. Yeah." He grins and leans back on his chair, "I will totally work with you, Ape. Just say it. We'll do a crossover podcast- Channel Six and the Daily Planet's youngest up-and-comers, face the truth and look under every nook and cranny!"

He grins at Jacen, "You'd listen to that, right?"

Jacen Knight has posed:
After taking a drink, Jacen smirks and replies,"It's been busy. I reckon that's th' best way. Makes th' day go by. Reckon I'm gonna hafta hire someone ta look after th' ranch on m' work schedules. 24 on, 48 off makes it tricky ta take care of things out there."

Jacen considers Terry's comments about Raven eating a soul or droppin' Castle in the middle of the ocean, but doesn't comment merely chalking it up to things that make people intersting. He takes another drink and nods to Terry,"I reckon I'd listen ta that sure. Be interestin' ta see what y'all could come up with. Ya keep runnin' inta folk like Castle I'd say ya got th' potential never be dull."

April O'Neil has posed:
April steps back to the food and puts a lid over what she's already cooked then turns back to look at the two of them. She grins at Terry. "I like the sound of this, really, seriously. You haven't even been to my studio since Harley and I picked it out. Its the best. Since I gave my office to her here as a bedroom... I've loved having a full office building of sorts to myself now when I need a place to concentrate."

She looks to Jacen then. "You both should come by some time. There won't be any Frank Castles, I promise." She states with a grin, one hand on her hip and the other still holding her beer bottle. "I don't think he'd do a interview with anyone, no matter how much they're good at puppy dog eyes."

She nods then toward Jacen. "I can put some feelers out for someone looking for work. Where did you say it was? Upstate a bit? She asks of his ranch home.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"You don't know the half of it, Jacen," the redhead grins. "I'm a Titan, so I run into weird shit... all of the time. Aliens, ghosts, wizards... alien ghost wizards, you name it," he chuckles. He doesn't grab a beer, as he is only old enough to drink when visinting the Themysciran Embassy. "Ape - I'm not joking. Let's do this. We could even have Harl in some episodes. Like... we could play Never Have I Ever with her and a guest for fun episodes. And then we could tag-team interview guests for more serious ones, talk about topics, investigate..."

He turns to Jacen, looking interested, "You have a ranch! That's pretty cool! Where is it? Ape will surely find someone who wants the work... say, did she ever tell you about the O'Neil family farm upstate?" he glances over at April, mischief in his eyes.

Jacen Knight has posed:
"Upstate yeah. Not quite'n hour north o' th' city proper. Close enough ta work here, far enough ta not be near th' chaos daily." Jacen comments and takes another drink of his beer. He nods to each of them and agrees,"Reckon I could come by sure."

He considers both of them and replies,"Yeah I could use help findin' someone that I don' hafta worry 'bout leavin' there a couple three days outa th' week. Money's a good draw, but findin' th' folks what ain' gonna rob ya blind's th' real trick. I don' know too many people 'round here so I could use all th' help I c'n get."

April O'Neil has posed:
April walks back to the original chair she'd been in and sits back down upon it. The roof of the building has a bit of shade coming off of the table's umbrella and the water tower on the west side that supplies the building.

"I think that sounds like a lot of fun, Terry, and you know what I failed to do was get Harley in studio for a year-after interview. That interview I did with her in Arkham was a life changer for me, the amount of attention it got me online... I mean... I don't worry about my bills like I used to. Now I just worry about... ya know, Harley living here with me. Never saw that comin'." She says tha tlast part with a big smirk.

She grins softly at Jacen. "Yeah, my father's old farm... well his parents... they left it to me. ITs clsoer to Boston than it is to New York though. But yeah, I imagine yours is way nicer. I'd volunteer my friend VAnessa for the job, she could really use somethin' like that, but she hates anything I ever try and do for her. She is the type who wants to do everything on her own. Which I guess is good... But yeah, I'll ask around!"

She takes another swig of the beer then and sets it down again. "But yeah, Jacen, if you wanna see the real danger magnet in my family then look no further than Terry here." She grins at her cousin next. "He acts like its me, but no way... he's been to /space/ to find trouble!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That was certainly a life-changer. I don't know if what I said to her was what drove her to go to Diana or not, but... I'm kind of glad it all worked out. She's an agent of chaos but she means well. And you could say the same thing about me!" he laughs "But you should do the one year interview. That would be very interesting."

"Hey, you know, you could find a way to let Vanessa find out about the opportunity without knowing it was you? Sneaky sneaky. Just ask Leo to train you how to do it..." he glances at Jacen, "He's a friend of ours. Very subtle. Works... in advertising." Yeah, that works.

He tries his best to act offended, but it doesn't quite come across, "Pff. You talk as if nobody has done that before. All of New York got invaded by aliens, you know!" he turns to Jacen, "So you are working in the medical field down here, I take it? That's got to be super busy. Before I got my powers I ended up in the ER at least once a month..."

Jacen Knight has posed:
"Gotta say I'm sorry I missed th' alien invasion stuff. Heard 'bout it though." he comments about that story. He nods to April and replies,"I'd 'priciate th' help. I reckon if ya kinda pointed me't th' one in question we might be able ta not point't at you havin' th' idea."

He turns to say something to Terry and pauses as his phone buzzes. He holds up an index finger to indicate a "one minute" and raises the phone to his ear. He steps away far enough to talk without interfering with the conversation,"B'fore ya ask, I'm one beer in. Go ahead."

April O'Neil has posed:
Speaking of Vanessa has April reaching for her phone to shoot her friend a text to see if she can come over for the impromptu gathering atop of the Antique store roof. She sets the phone back down then and just grins over at Terry. "I'd feel weird being deceptive about it..." She looks between the two of them then. "Hey, if we get bored here we can go down to the Club and ask her all as a group. That'll surely work. Strength in numbers!" She snickers at herself before huffing out a sigh.

"Don't worry, more aliens will be here soon, I'm sure.... They seem to love this planet."

With Jacen needing a moment, April takes her beer up again to sip at it before nodding to Terry. "We should make the year interview that three-way style you suggested. Obviously not like that." The last part is muttered.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry laughs! "Yeah, I think the furthest I go on that is when I ended up kissing my Doppelganger and Harley took pictures..." he glances at April with a raised eyebrow and adds, "Do you know if she still has them? I'll trade her multiple paychecks in exchange for her deleting them! But we should do that- see if we can get her in the studio tomorrow and do a whole One Year Later. I mean, on eyear ago she had escaped Arkham and was on the lam and hiding out at your place and I was trying to claw my way up the Planet ladder. A year later she's trying to walk the narrow and straight and I got to wear Wonder Woman's tiara for the holiday party!" he grins.

And then he purses his lips, "I still need to take you to Paris, though. I don't need planes or anything like that anymore... we should go and have a time of it in Gay Paree. What do you think? You could take a day off of work and I could and we can have a family excursion!"

Jacen Knight has posed:
"No I ain' on call t'night." he replies steadily,"I worked the 24'n almost 12 more. I'm havin' a coupla brews with friends'n headin' home ta work there f'r two day." There isn't any room for discussion on that one either. For being the new guy he doesn't seem too concerned putting his foot down. Of course running 36 hours doesn't leave one up for being a responsible for other people's lives. He paces a little and waits for reality to settle in.

April O'Neil has posed:
April laughs at the pictures and the kissing dopplegangers... "Oh god. She never showed them to me. Maybe she already got rid of them--" Not chance. "I'll ask her about it though. It could be a funny story for the podcast though..." She lets a sinister grin show on her lips then and there before she masks it with another pull from the beer bottle.

When she lowers it she glances where Jacen had gone before the talk of a trip to Paris has her looking back quickly. "Oh right,t he portals.... you know I was about to get an anxiety attack thinking of a plane."

April hates planes. Hates them... Its why she never goes to Cali to see her sister and her family.

"Paris, via... what do you call them? Rabbit holes? Yes. I'd do that. Those look like... well, a pretty big damn time saver. Imagine if I didn't have to ride my bike to Manhattan every other morning... and then back. Good exercise, but, damn. I would love that though. IT'd be a dream come true." She hates planes, but she loves Paris. Or she thinks she does anyway!

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Sure, I'll talk about it- anything for a good podcast material. I can even make it a moral with advice to our listeners: Don't kiss yourself!" he chuckles and takes a sip of his soda.

"You know, if you want material for your Channel Six life, I'd let you come on a patrol with me and Gar and Donna sometime. I figure that I give the Planet enough exclusives, it'd be nice to reach over to a competing news source. There's no reason why we can't collaborate even if there's a friendly rivalry because we're all in the news world." He leans on the table and grins, "You know... you could interview Gar. He's a movie star and a superhero, and he's got the teen demographic appeal. Let me lend you my boyfriend! I guess we could do an interview in tandem with him, but we might get too goofy if I'm in the room."

Jacen Knight has posed:
Shaking his head, Jacen puts his phone away and starts back towards the duo, muttering something to himself,"Morons..." Once the phone is settled he takes a drink of his beer again, finishing it off. One dead soldier. He can't very well work now with alcohol in his system now anyway. He goes to the cooler to get a chaser.

Once he is up and opening another he tells the duo,"Sorry 'bout that. Some people ain' got no good sense'n it don' matter how much ya try ta set'm straight, sooner'r later ya gotta break it down ta th' basics. Beer good, but bad. You don' wanna deal with bad on y'r ambulance."

April O'Neil has posed:
"Channel Six is a bitch." April replies bluntly to Terry. "I mean, they might go for it. But they're gonna highly edit it to fit some narrative that may not shine the best light on you and your friends. I'm willin' to give it a chance though, I mean how badly could it go?" Very! Don't be naive!

She looks up to Jacen when he gets back and offers him a smile when he grabs another beer. "Terry's just trying to convince me to go on all kinds of additional dangerous adventures with him and his crazy friends. He should settle down like me, and get a roommate out of a Gotham City insane asylum."

She takes another swig of her beer, not nearly as quick a drinker as Jacen is.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, Ape. Just tell them that I record all of my patrols on our team go-pro, and if they edit it to make it look dishonest... I'll publish the whoooole thing and make them look bad." He grins. He has learned a few tricks from Lois, after all. "And besides, I already have settled down. I live with two boyfriends: a green shape-changer and an alien with wings in an apartment. I'm practically a family man!"

He glances at Jacen and whistles, "I know what you mean. Some people have no common sense at all..." a pause. "Like me!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April laughs softly at Terry's response. "Yeah, that sounds like the setup to a sitcom that I'd watch on a weekly basis, I gotta be honest with ya, Terrry." She moves to stand up as she hears noise off the edge of the building. Peering over she waves down at the faces looking up. "Just climb! Its not that scary!" She tells whomever is down there.

When she looks back she raises her hands. "Party time!" She announces with a nerdy laugh.