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Latest revision as of 06:54, 21 September 2021

Something something Manor something I'll rename this later
Date of Scene: 31 July 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Cael Becker, Sara Pezzini, Bruce Banner

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Friday evening is the end of the workweek for Jennifer and she fully well plans on taking a weekend off for once. So she decides to check in on the Avenger's Mansion to see how things are going over there. Catch up on the latest about the aliens, have a beer, maybe convince Clint to play some video games with her.

She pulls up in her vintage Cadillac and parks it in the garage. She's still dressed for work, charcoal grey pencil skirt with a matching jacket, and a cream colored button down blouse. This time she's leaving her laptop in the car. No work for her now that she's here. Nosiree.

She walks into the lobby and calls out, "Hello? Anybody home?" With any luck somebody will be around.

Cael Becker has posed:
    An unknown car is parked in the garage - a rather nice looking brightly yellow Corvette that anyone with an eye for cars would see has been heavily modified with an eye for speed. She was a //beast// to handle, however. Cael had driven her and Sara over, so that the newly minted 'FBI Liaison' could get a feel for the place, and maybe meet a few more of the people she might be working with. At the moment, she was digging around in the fridge. "God, the Guiness will be Cap's fault," she mutters under her breath. "But - oh, hey! There's a few cans here from 'Big aLICe Brewing Co." She claims those, and then asks, "You think this thai take-out is fair game? There's no name on it..." She sure as hell doesn't know the rules when it comes to the Avenger's fridge. "Though I suppose we could always order some delivery, if we want to err on the side of caution."
    It's about then she hears the voice, and looks towards Sara to see if the other woman can identify it. "Hello?" she calls back.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara hangs in the fridge right beside Cael, looking over the choices. She gives the thai food a sniff, "Meh, I'd say it's good enough, no shrimp though, that's probably bad." One of the cans disappears from the fridge into her hand before she steps back. "I wonder if there's a Chinese place that delivers, I could go for some mu shu and more alcohol... christ would you just shut up!" The last part was aimed at a wall, not Cael.

At hearing a voice she calls back, "In the kitchen!" even as she turns the silver bracelet on her wrist around once. "More alcohol Cael, I need more."

Bruce Banner has posed:
There was indeed someone in the mansion this lovely friday.

Bruce Banner was in the lab, but Jarvis's motion detection systems alerted him to the arrival. Never know when villains or the like were going to approach the Mansion, and it was best to be prepared. "Give me video footage, please." Banner asks of the AI, and video footage is immediately provided. Once he saw who it was, a smile actually rose to Banner's face.

He rose from his table, put on his nice white lab coat, and he began to move from his spot. Of course, the voices that seemed to move through the Mansion was more than enough to gather his attention. As he rises in the elevator, the doors open, and he exits, turning his full attention to Jennifer. "Hey Jenn." The greeting is a simple one, but perhaps quite effective.

"Been a long time." He smiles gently, before humming. "We have guests in the kitchen too."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Bruce!" Jennifer's face lights up in delight when she sees her cousin come up from the elevator. She rushes to give him a friendly, but not too tight, hug. "I haven't seen you in /ages/," she says. "Let's go find out who's in the kitchen and you can tell me what you've been up to."

She makes her way to the kitchen to find two unfamiliar faces there. Well. One unfamiliar face. The other one she's been briefed about. "Hi there!" the jade giantess greets, holding out a hand to Cael. "You must be Cael. I got the briefing that you'd be joining us the other day. Welcome to the madhouse, I'm Jennifer."

Sara's mention of more alcohol elicits a chuckle out of the lawyer. "I take it you haven't found the liquor closet yet, I take it." She breezes past the two women and stops before one of the pantry doors, and opens it. Inside is a selection of booze that would put a liquor store to shame, with LED lighting on each shelf to make each bottle glitter. "Stark set this up back when he drank, but we maintain it for the other residents and guests. Help yourself."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jennifer, hello," Cael answers - shaking the woman's hand readily. "You got it in one," she confirms. She - for her part - had made sure to read up briefly on each of the members of the Avengers, so she'd have some base of knowledge to work from. "And Dr. Banner of course - or would you rather Bruce?" she asks - shifting her hand to the man in turn.
    "Wait. Stark doesn't drink?" That seems to baffle her - but she lets it pass as she asks, "We found some leftover thai in the fridge - is that fair game, or should we be ordering some delivery instead?" Her attention shifts back to Sara as she adds, "I was thinking drunken noodles myself - always one of my favorites." Her concern at the woman shouting at the wall shows only as a brief flicker before it's quickly replaced with a smile.
    This is your life now, Becker. You can only blame yourself.
    You know - and Barnes.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara didn't have to read up, she knew most of them from reports and from living in New York her entire life, but still, meeting them in person was another matter entirely. Walking over to Bruce she extends her hand, "Nice to see you again Dr. Banner," she offers as she does, then after shaking his hand steps back. Do not crowd him, she learned that at the SHIELD interrogation he has to hastily leave.

Now she turns to extend her hand to Jennifer, "Nice to meet you. Sara Pezzini, NYPD Detective. member of SHIELD and the current wielder of Witchblade."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Before Bruce can even respond to what Jenn is saying, he is suddenly being embraced! Bruce seems to smile a little bit, returning the hug with even a little pat at the end of it. By the time the hug concludes, he's just smiling a little bit. "Likewise, Jenn. Yes...and I can get myself something to eat, I feel starved." He chuckles, perhaps a little shyly, his hands writhe over one another.

A nervous habit he's had since he was a child.

Noticing Cael and Sara, Banner offers gentle smiles to both of them. "H-Hi. Welcome to the mansion." He greets the pair of them, Sara's hand being met with a firm shake from his own. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Pezzini." he retorts. Though his eyes shifts to Cael.

"Uhm, Bruce please. I guess it doesn't really matter too much." He ponders a second.

"Stark hasn't drank in a long time. He's been on the mend since Pepper."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I have no idea who the Thai belongs to," admits Jennifer. "Unlike some of the others I don't live in the Mansion. I've got my own place, but I do like to stop by fairly regularly. I could eat, and I don't think that leftover Thai is going to satisfy all of us." She makes her way around the kitchen to one of the many drawers and opens it up to reveal that it's stuffed with menus. She paws around in it until she finds the right one. "Here we go. We've got one that we like to use. They have a mean green curry and doesn't mess around with the spice." She walks around to the island and sets the menu down. "Tell me what looks good and I'll order for all of us."

Sara gets a broad smile as Jennifer recognizes the name. "Sara! It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard good things about you and it's good to finally place a face with a name," she says taking Sara's hand and shaking it.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Bruce it is!" Cael replies readily, flashing the man a bright smile. "I prefer informal, anyways. Always have." She finally cracks her beer open, taking a deep pull before she looks at the menu. "I mean - I'm always fond of a good noodle dish. Pad Thai, or Pad See Ew. Mee Krob makes a nice change sometimes. Nice and spicy, of course." She takes another sip from her beer before asking "Should I grab you guys some beers?" She turns back towards the fridge without waiting for a response - pulling it open to claim another pair of beers that she can slide towards the two.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
With the beer still in her other hand, Sara steps back to crack it open, but doesn't drink just yet.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Jennifer, or do you prefer Jenn? I get called Sara, Pez, hey you, Detective and put on more clothes, so which ever make you happy."

She takes a sip of the beer now, despite her wanting more alcohol she honestly has no clue what will happen if she drinks too much. For the moment, small sips and another stare at the wall to mutter, "The sound of you voice is driving me insane, do you ever sleep?"

A quick, jerky shake of her head and she looks to Bruce, "I'm trained to stand on routine and titles, but I don't mind casual myself."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce seems to chuckle a little bit to Jennifer. "I wouldn't touch it, to be honest. There's a great deal of weird that makes it's way into this kitchen." He says with no small amount of amusement in his voice, though he eventually looks to Cael. "I don't mind it one way or another. Personally, fomrality is just...well, a formality." He smirks a moment, but manages to find a chair for himself in the kitchen to sit down.

Though he lifts his hand to Cael. "None for me, I don't drink." Becoming angry while drunk and turning into the Hulk? Extremely bad idea for every single person involved. His eyes shift to Sara then with a small tilt of the head. "Who are you talking to?"

As for the routine and titles, he seems pleased. "Good. Then we will all talk to each otherl ike friends."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer fishes out her phone from a pocket and gives Cael a wary glance. "I guess I /could/ order all that and leave leftovers for the rest of the residents," she says as a subtle hint that Cael might want to narrow down her choices. At the offer of beer Jen nods, "Yes please. What have we got in stock?"

"Oh you can call me Jen. Everybody else does unless I'm in the courtroom." Sara's muttering grabs her attention, though, her smile faltering a bit. Glancing at Bruce as he asks his question, she asks hers. "Everything okay over there, Sara? Should we be worried?" Talking to yourself like that is /never/ a good sign.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, there's this thing from 'Big aLICe,'" Cael remarks, studying her can. "'Happy Little Galaxies' Hazy Pale Ale. And then there's some of Cap's Guiness." She takes another drink from her can before adding, "If you like that sort of thing." It's clear she doesn't.
    She ignores the question about Sara's condition for the moment, as she studies the menu thoughtfully. "Well, if we're all eating - why not get your green curry, the pad thai and mee krob," beause damn it, she loves her noodles. And who can blame her? "And maybe something like... basil chicken? Possibly with a pineapple fried rice. You know, unless someone wants to substitute in one of their favorites instead."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Her head snaps back to look at Bruce and then Sara laughs, "That... that is a long story really." She takes another drink of the beer. "I mean I'm willing to share it, if you want to hear it. It's got be better then listening to Thahn Ng rage on my head, and then maybe /he/ will understand it as well."

Walking over to lean against the counter she takes another drink of the beer. "You heard on the news about the events in New York today? Well... Cael and I were there. A group of Inhumans were possessed by an entity, that is also an Inhuman. That would be Thahn Ng, I only know his name because in my head, he keeps saying, 'Do you know who I am? I am Thahn Ng!' Anyway, to stop him from jumping through the humans who were tying to escape the danger, I sort of... well... it was Witchblade's idea, but I called him out, offered myself up as a subject to be possessed and he took the bait. The moment he did, Witchblade locked him in a magical box in my head, well in me really. He won't shut up."

There, explanation given she moves over to look at the menu. "They have those steamed or fried dumplings? I'd love some of those."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce seems to enjoy watching everyone as they indulge in conversation with one another. He doesn't eat anything, and he's certainly not drinking anything. The way there's laughter and teasing and talks of food, though as Sara replies to him about who she's talking to, Banner looks at her. "I'd love to hear it...and, well, I would understand better than most." That feeling of another...thing with you.

"That seems...incredibly foolish." Banner comments simply enough. "If you are punished in the end, it's less of a victory and more of a stalemate." He shakes his head ever so softly. "But that's just my opinion. I am surprised to know of a being that can possess others though."

Banner hums a moment, that is, until his pager starts to go off. "Ah, my project is nearing it's completion time." Banner rises to his feet. "You'll all have to excuse me. I have to go. Thank you for the lovely conversation." He tells Cael and Sara, though his eyes move to Jenn.

"We will catch up soon." He promises, before he's headed right back the way he arrived.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer starts punching in the order on her phone. "How spicy do you like your food?" She asks to everyone assembled. "I like the stuff hot. Not that I can /feel/ the hot, but I like the flavor it brings."

Green eyes watch Sara as she talks about what happened. "Right. Dumplings," she says punching that in. "What's the plan on getting him /out/? I've had telepaths knocking around in my head before and it's never pleasant."

She looks down on her phone and punches a few more things in, muttering, "I'm gonna add a pile of spring rolls to this. She looks up when Bruce announces his departure. "Don't be a stranger, okay?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We'll send some of this down to the lab, huh?" Cael calls after Bruce in a cheery voice as she moves away from the fridge, and pulls out a chair at one of the tables to sit at, turning it around so she's sitting on it backwards. "I like things damn spicy, but I don't know about Pez here," she remarks between sips at her beer.
    "I don't know if there is a plan for getting him out yet. We only just got him in. I've got no notion how one handles problems like that - I mean, if you can't shoot the problem, then it's outside my area of expertise, really."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offers Bruce a wave, as she calls after him, "I'll tell you how it all turns out."

Looking back to Jen she shrugs slightly, "I can handle some spice, but if it sets the containers on fire, that's too much." She steps back again, not wanting to crowd Cael out. "Right now... there isn't a plan. Morse send word to WAND, but it will take some pretty powerful magic to contain him in some manner outside of my head, until then he stays right where he it. I admit, it wasn't the best choice, but there wasn't much time to come up with another one. He was making people attack each other, and Witchblade could contain him."

Another drink from the bottle before she leans against the counter. "He was being controlled as well, by what I don't know, I just know that in my head he is glad to be free of it... whatever it was, even if he's trapped inside of me. So, once he's calmed a little we intend to have a conversation with him and see where he stands, what his intentions are, and determine if he even needs to be contained any more."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer looks up from her phone and just /stares/ at the two women. "You don't have a plan to get him out?" She pinches the bridge of her nose. "Welcome to the Avengers, ladies, where we come out swingin' and make shit up as we go. You'll fit right in." She turns to her phone and mutters, "Three spice..... and sent."

Looking back up she wanders to the fridge. "I can get you into contact with Doctor Strange," her muffled voice says. Unsatisfied with the selection she decides to give the pale ale a try. "If you need big magic, his is the biggest out there. Doctor Druid would be a close second," she says, cracking open the beer. "He's good with the mind whammy stuff, but I haven't seen him around lately."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael presses her hands to her eyes for a moment. Magic is not a thing. Magic is not a thing. Magic cannot possibly be a fucking thing.
    God, what the hell is her life these days?
    "Hey - you're... strong, right?" she says instead of starting an arguement where she's out-numbered. "I was up against this super soldier guy - or something like that. He punched a light pole and dented the hell out of it. I need a chance to spar with something with super strength to figure out how the hell you deal with that. But how do you even spar safely in those circumstances?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara laughs, lifting her bottle, "I'll drink to that... head first, by the skin of your teeth, and pray you land on your feet. That's been my life since Witchblade chose me. Everything I've done has been in the process of learning how the hell it works."

She cracks her neck, breathing out slowly as in her there is suddenly silence. "Oh gods, I think he fell asleep... I might go back to church to thank God personally." She nods to Jen, "I have to let WAND take a stab at it, I have orders to follow, but if that fails, I'd love a chance to call Strange in. I'm also pretty sure he'd like a chance to look Witchblade over. I can't take it off, but he can still give it a look."

Now she looks Cael, "You having that argument with yourself? How do you explain what was happening, what's happening to me right now?" She smiles, wiggles her brows, then finishes off her beer.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer takes a sip of the ale and grimaces. "Good God, where the hell did they /find/ this?" Still. She takes another sip. "I'm one of the strongest women out there," she brags, "and the best way to deal with somebody stronger than you is to use their momentum against them. Things like aikido which is all about that will give you a fighting chance. But," she says waving the bottle around to accentuate the pause, "there's a line where you just have to cut and run, and help the other civilians survive the encounter." She sounds a little bitter because there have been more than enough times in her life where she got a bit too angry and collateral damage was a thing.

She chuckles at Cael. "If you're going to hang around us you'll have to get used to the strange and unusual. We've got a literal god of thunder hanging around all the time and I can bend tanks into pretzels." She takes a sip from her ale, "Speaking of which. Do /not/ get into a drinking contest with Thor."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You have a crazy mutant in your head," Cael answers simply and flippantly. "No weirder than the other shit that's been going on."
    She looks towards Jennifer with amusement as she adds, "Oh, I'm getting pretty used to the crazy. I've been running around with Barnes, Steve, and Sam - and some of their friends - for almost 2 months now before any of this shit started to become official. Which is a nice change. Do you know how much better it is to get //paid// for the nonsense? And - get this - I've actually learned to be //grateful// for the reports we have to file and the debriefs. After weeks of having to keep it silent and secret, with no one to talk to about any of it? That worst. Just //the// worst." She smiles with good humor, though, despite her words as she takes another drink from her beer.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara rolls her eyes, "Yeah, the entire inhuman Cael, mind, body and soul. Right here," she taps her head a few times. "He's asleep, but all of him is in there... locked up... by maaaagic."

She walks over to one of the chairs at the kitchen table and sits down, one beer was enough because she couldn't risk drunk, but she would kill for some rum, or vodka. "I've been filing reports for months, on maintaining plants and animal life with the agents were stuck in the Framework."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Do not," Jennifer suggests darkly, "talk to a lawyer about the evils of paperwork. I could tell you stories that will haunt your nightmares for weeks to come." She maneuvers around to the dining room table and gets a chair of her own. "Fortunately there's not much paperwork involved with being an Avenger. Sure there's a report here, and a debrief there, but relatively speaking we're mostly free of red tape."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "When you come up with a scientific test that proves the existance of 'magic' let me know," Cael counters, before shifting her attention back to Jennifer. If it sounds like an arguement the two have had before - there's a reason for that.
    "A reasonable amount of red tape is a good thing," she remarks. "There should be paper trails, and public records. And I really didn't realize just how big a role filling out the paperwork did in helping me process whatever shit just happened. But some of this stuff I went through - I figured it was so heavily classified that typing it up on my personal computer would have been a baaaaad idea. I mean - I suppose I could have handwritten it and set it on fire," she remarks in a dry voice.