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Latest revision as of 19:16, 22 September 2021

I know what you did last summer (night)
Date of Scene: 22 September 2021
Location: 6B - Elektra's Condo
Synopsis: Elektra talks with June about her little scuffle with Colleen. And drops the news that she will be sharing her room with Colleen. Yay!
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, June Connor

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Last night was done and truly gone. All the Hello Kitty shirts, or the mocha icecream. Or a fight with a rather precious vase as protagonist. Clean up had been accomplished after so what was there to worry about? Nothing, right?

Elektra has just finished going through her morning exercises. Which pretty much means she woke up pre-dawn as the sun really hasn't been up for long yet. Still, she has been able to get quite the sweat going, breaching accelerated and she currently leaning her behind against the back of the couch. Incidentally the one where June was somersaulting about last night. And she is looking at that bookcase she went against.

Nothing to worry about, right? Right?!

She mmms thoughtfully to herself, picking a book from the shelf and changes it to another place.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't usually get up too early. It's against her code of conduct. So when she does wake up early, it's because she went to bed a little earlier than usual. Which she did, because she was a little sore after the altercation with Colleen.

    But getting dressed? No, that's where she draws the line. In her underwear and a man's plain white V-neck tee that's so frayed it probably should have been thrown away long ago, her bare feet slap along the wood as she comes searching for coffee. She doesn't even look into the area where Elektra is, and instead makes her way to pull the coffee filters down from the cabinet.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As June walks by like a mindless drone it makes Elektra quirk a brow. Of course that she already knows how averse the girl is to waking up early. Something that has to change! But all in due time.

"Good morning, June."

The voice coming from behind, just as she leaves into the kitchen to procure that coffee.

"Great morning for training, isn't it?" The tone is clearly Elektra's. But so .., casual. So unlike her! Something's afoot for sure!

June Connor has posed:
    "Nope." June's one word answer isn't clarified on whether it's a response to the morning, or to the training question. But then, sometimes one word can answer two questions. She continues to prepare the coffee, pouring some grounds into the filter with an inspecific measurement before resealing the bag.

    "It's way too fuckin' early to be awake," she comments as she tosses the filters back into their position in the cabinet.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
At those last words Elektra's response comes, "Yet here we are." awake and alive! Always a good thing. But she then follows it up with, "When you are done with readying your coffee come out here, I got a doubt of two about a couple of things."


Also, there might be a mug of coffee already prepared and ready to be served that June might catch sight of while going through the motions of getting another mug ready for herself.

June Connor has posed:
    The lid is opened, old coffe is dumped, and June pauses, noticing for the first time the mug on the counter. Those old grounds were still warm. The mug is clean. She pulls the pot, realizing that it has fresh coffee in it. A sigh is released. At least it's ready for the next pot.

    "Yeah? Took you this long to figure that out?" she asks, having no idea what the doubts might be referring to, but assuming she's at the center of them.

    She pours herself coffee, and then drops the filter with fresh grounds in the top of the brewer. The lid slaps shut again, and she turns around, wandering sleepily toward the main room.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Didn't even get me a mug.." Elektra murmurs when she sees June walking out of the kitchen carrying only her own mug. So much for gratitude! But there's a bit of a smirk on her expression when she says that. Maybe not so serious. She's also infuriatingly awake for such early hours.

When June finally joins her she taps on the couch behind her. "I was wondering if anything of note happened last night..., were you sumersaulting about the place...? Something just feels off.." she turning her nose, another glance to the bookcase.

"And my War and Peace wasn't at the right place it usually is either..." who the heck pays attention to where books are in a bookshelf?! "And even if I feel it'd be a good read for you that's what happened.."

June Connor has posed:
    "Fuck. No. I've never read a book that big in my life, and I don't plan to start now," June says, latching onto the last question first. "I figured you already had yours," she adds regarding the coffee. She looks at the book case, and shrugs. "Yeah, just had a wild party, fucked like fifteen guys, hope you don't mind," she tells the obvious lie, though that doesn't quite equate admission of the truth. She takes a sip from her mug.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You should." This about reading. And Elektra even looks serious when she says it, "Perhaps a chapter every night. It would do you good. And before you start being contrary as per the usual just consider it." yet that is put aside for the moment as June then goes about her wild party. A brow is quirked but she doesn't deign to answer that.

"No, I think this was a party of two." a glance to the sofa and she dislodges herself from it.

"Someone landed on the couch. And from the angle, not a very technically gifted person if this was a fight. I imagine at least a sore rib. But that's what one gets from not knowing how to properly cushion a fall." a rather neutral tone to her. Yet those dark eyes are of course on June when she says all that. Watching the girl's expression? Fishing for a reaction? Who knows?

"Am I getting close to something here?"

June Connor has posed:
    June narrows her eyes. "My ribs are just fine," she answers, half-confessing. "And no way you got that from the couch." She glances up, looking around for video cameras. "Your friend Colleen was here. We just had some mistaken identity. But no harm no foul, right?" She shrugs, and eyes cast past Elektra to the small hole in the wall where her kunai remains imbedded. Oh yeah, except that. She adds, "Oh, and you really should thank me. I thought she was here to kill you, she thought I was here to kill you. So really, you got two people watchin' your back here." See, there's an upside!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You underestimate my observation skills." Elektra replies to June, arching a brow as if daring the girl to contest her, "And my assessment still stands, rather poor form. Which tells me that training will be in order." implacable.

"Yet what I will thank you both is that the vase wasn't broken. Would had broken my heart..." Now she's messing with June a bit. "I am actually more glad that you two managed not to kill each other." oh yes, there's most likely a camera on the hall.

"What did you think of her?" She then asks.

June Connor has posed:
    "She's a bleeding heart just like you," June replies, taking another sip of her coffee and sits to stradle the arm of the couch. "Only she doesn't try to fake that she's not." She shrugs nonchalantly with her mug between both hands, holding the position for a second before releasing her shoulders again. "But she seems nice enough. I'd have a beer with her. I sure as hell won't be watching TV with her, though."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Interesting how you think you know me after a few weeks." The amusement remains on Elektra's expression, but she shrugs very much like June did. "The only comfort I have is no one would believe you if you tried saying to anyone that I have a heart. So we're good."

"I am sure you will be pleased to know she will be sharing the room with you. So you will have to learn to be nice." she smiles over at the young girl. "Aren't you looking forward to more hello kitty in your life?"

She starts hovering towards the kitchen. Most likely to prepare a mug of coffee for herself too.

June Connor has posed:
    There's a frown. "Okay," she says, not bothering to argue. It's not like it's the first time that she's had to share a room with someone. "But come on, we know you got a soft spot deep down. I've seen enough real assholes in my life to know when someone is faking it." She hops up, taking a larger swig of her coffee now that it's cooled a little. "You should take it as a compliment. I don't hand them out very often," she notes. "And it's cool, I've come to accept that it's my superpower, to somehow be as big an ass I can to people, and they still want to rescue me from myself. Can be hella handy on a mission, you know."