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Latest revision as of 15:24, 30 September 2021

Vitaserum, Ninja Foodie, Go
Date of Scene: 17 September 2021
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Talking about vaccines, yo.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
Once upon a time... No.

That's not how it goes.

See Jane. See Jane use an elevator.


Either way, there is a Jane Foster, doctor of things, going down the elevator and slipping out with a truly irritated look on her face. Definitely one of those days where the day needs to be eviscerated a few times. "Interim director, isn't this a crock. I swear if it weren't utterly against everything I stand for to run a criminal record check." The tooth-grinding darkness in her is a matter to be resolved later as she descends, sharply mobile and light-footed, pivoting to pass a desk.

Where art thou, Jemmakins?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma....is Jemma.

That means, really, that Jemma is in the one place that she goes whenever she feels she needs to get work done. Which, in this case, is the Research and Development labs at the Trisk. And, since Jemma constantly feels like she needs to get work done, it is a pretty sure bet that she will be in the labs. She has been getting better about getting out more, but old habits die hard.

And Jemma is nothing if not a creature of habit.

This time, she is standing at her station, her fingers upon a keyboard as she types in what looks like various chemical compounds, formulas and what-not, then running simulations, seeing how fast reactions are...and how to accelerate should she wish to. And...how to stabilize certain reactions and even store certain compounds inertly for travel, yet allow for a controlled stimulus to initiate desired results. Just for what remains to be seen.

No desk for Jemma. At least not yet. Certainly there is a desk for her somewhere in a cluster of others for senior agents...but Jemma has never been one for a desk.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jemma works. See Jemma work. See Jemma fix whatever she is fixing.

The lab should be a place of calm and acceptance. In many ways, it is. Here the world is ordered and acceptably divided up, a host of rules and systems operating in accordance with their parameters. Jane knows the rules of equations as well as Jemma does genetics; the codes are a bit different, the structures governed by the same properties on a micro and macro scale. Who can't love that?

Habits bring forth the Furiae in her second form to join the first. Third? Whichever they are. Trios work without numbering. "You look plenty occupied. Is this a bad time? Or have you been up to yoru eyeballs in requests?" she asks with an amused smile.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh, no. Not at all. Now is a perfect time. Please..."

The work is paused. Which, for Jemma, is a welcomed relief. Just how many projects and requests were she doing at once? Many. That would be the answer if Jemma was ever asked, or perhaps no answer. Just an enigmatic smile.

But, she wasn't asked how many. And, for Jemma, there is no such thing as a bad time for friends.

"It is good to see you, Jane. To what do I owe this very welcomed visit?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Are you sure? I hate to interrupt you during your fifteenth sequencing." A look flashes over to Jemma's screens and holds there, reading by whatever happens to be roaming by. It's good opportunity to learn and pay attention, at least, by developing some manner of structured approach over other sciences. Mmm, math. Chemistry. All of this is magical.

"You look like you could use a cup of tea. How fortunate I put the water on to boil. I also have to check in and do actual work, though how much of this is going to be related to building Einstein-Rosen Bridges for -functional- use is another matter. I need to calibrate a few pieces, but largely I'm feeling like my contributions of late to SHIELD have been..." She wobbles her hand. "I suppose the point becomes what ideas I can offer."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
A most definite affirmation is given to Jane, as Jemma actually turns away from her screens and her sequencing. That...is a sign. Jemma is actually not watching her work. Yes, indeed. It is time for a break.

"I assure you, your presence is most welcomed." Really, Jane. Jemma hijacked global positioning satellites in an effort to track down minute traces of the astrophysicist's favorite plain golden bauble just to try to join the soul(?) to the body. Going against the very concept of known science for a friend? That's what Jemma does.

In the face of those odds, catalyzed chemical reactions do not stand a chance.

"Well, I will not deny that a cup would be acceptable at this particular moment." A pause. "I am working on some theoretical concepts as well. Seeing if I can make myself more useful for Daisy's mini-Avengers group than a decoy target. Along with refining antivirus serums for possible inoculation...to prevent rather than react." A laugh escapes Jemma. "I suppose it is much the same as usual."

Jane Foster has posed:
Screens call for a break? Imagine! Jane tips a smile despite her irritation for her coworkers up to absolutely no good, since there is no help there to be had in overthrowing the board of the American Natural History Museum. Or the uppity jerk. "It is? I am rather glad not to be a burden, though it feels I am ever behind on your work and ours. Daisy seems to have run off for a moment I stopped to say hello but she wasn't in." A hint of a smile rises lightly at that, her gaze elevated to meet Jemma's instead of dealing with screens. Screens are boring!


"Let's see. Green, black, this questionable elderberry and hibiscus? It sounds better than it probably has a right to be." A smile arcs higher for that, anticipation dangerous but blithe. "Theoretical concepts? So they will be real in ten minutes or by the time this is steeped and cool enough to drink?" Finding her way back to the steaming kettle is going to be another matter; yay for electric kettles. "Playing a decoy is not fun, believe me. I feel often like this is my curse."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Another laugh escapes from the biochemist. "Oh, let us go for the questionable. How can we call ourselves scientists if we are not willing to experiment?" Oh, that does bring a bright smile to Jemma's face. Now this...is certainly what the doctors ordered.

The talk about Daisy does cause Jemma to frown, just a bit. "I think she is still upset I had to drug her. Though, only a little. I mean, I am sure she understands why I needed to stop her. She was being rather irrational." If Jane didn't know any better, it would sound like Jemma is trying to rationalize her decisions. But...Jemma doesn't do that.


"In any case, I haven't seen her much since then. It has given me time to try to determine an inoculation method...at least I hope. Which, really, is probably better use of my time than as some sort of costumed adventurer armed with a pistol and prayers against demons and demigods."

Oh..a bit on the fantastical, that one...

Jane Foster has posed:
"The questionable is rather part of our existence, isn't it? We aren't happy to sit there and imagine what could be instead of what is." Her fingers fan lightly across her brow, leaving Jane looking a bit like she's swoony. It's not truly the case of course. "I love the fascinating way that we break things down, wondrous as they are."

That said, she pours a cup of hot water into a mug that she takes down from a cabinet. Another is added for her. "About that -- how is she doing? Have you been able to read more into it? I felt positively useless there, I assure you. Just the experience a girl wants, realizing all of the senior staff are activated and I can at most shoot something with an ICER. You had the right position to act in a helpful way."

Her gaze brightens, and she drifts in with the teabag in question. No milk or sugar, that's for Jemma to decide. "Here. You deserve this. You do not need to be costumed anymore than I need to be. Save it for Thor and Mockingbird. We do the heavy lifting and work, don't we?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh, I do believe that Daisy and Bobbi are positively elated that they can play dress up with their favorite British scientist. Goodness knows Fitz wouldn't have anything to do with this." Oh, there may be a bit of sarcasm in that voice of hers, but Jemma is treating it rather good-naturedly. She really isn't all that annoyed, at all. "Not needing to be costumed just makes it more fun to require that we are costumed in our reds and blues or whatnot. I do believe they find it amusing."

Back to Daisy, even as the teabag meets water and opts to steep for a while. "Well, she does seem none the worse for wear. A little under the weather...less impacted than Blackagar was, at least. Or, rather, I think so. Certainly a quicker recovery time. So, perhaps my impromptu injection was the cause of that. Still, it was reactionary. I need to perfect a vaccine to prevent such an event from happening. Which...is bloody well difficult when the virus only impacts a select sample set...and converts those into little more than sentient weapons of mass destruction."

So, yes, there might be a little pressure on Jemma there. Just a tad.

"Part of that research prompted me to see if I could accelerate the normal incubation period needed to fully develop appropriate antibodies. Which of course led to providing catalyst to other reactions to possibly harness them out in the field. Which...now brings you up to speed as to why the 15th sequence was running when you so kindly entered."