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Swords and Sand
Date of Scene: 22 September 2021
Location: Sandy Beaches
Synopsis: Harley and April enjoy a nice afternoon at the beaches of Themyscira while later going to a cave and finding an ancient sword! During it they talk about Amazons, how hot they are, and go for the thrills with jumping down from a waterfall! Oh, and April avades getting sharked. But who exactly did this sword belong to?
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
Harley, being closely connected to Diana Prince, had earned herself a trip to Themyscira as the mythical island continues to push toward opening its borders more and more toward outsiders. Harley had been told she could bring a plus-one and that lucky plus-one just so happened to be her roomie, April!

As it so happens, April's cousin Terry is a member of the Titans and the Titans had recently gained access and accommodations on Themyscira themselves. April also has a unreasonble terror toward flying, so Terry had offered to use his portal-powers to give the two young women passage to the tropical island paradise.

They had arrived as a small group, to the fanfare of the Themysciran warriors that greeted them. Needless to say it was a bit intimidating... at least for April. Harley seemed to experience nothing but joy from the army of mounted and armored warrior women all greeting the two upon their arrival.

Some time had been spent in the city, a bit of tourism and eventually they had been escorted to the beach to enjoy some sun. It was an offer of many different variety in how the two visitors could enjoy their afternoon on the island before a feast would be held later that night in celebration of two more outsiders coming to Themyscira.

So after spending time in the city with many of the island's female inhabitants the two young New Yorkers now find themselves on the beach spending some casual beach time in this far away place together. Of course... they're not alone, two mounted Amazon warriors are not far away silently watching and overseeing the women as they stroll on the beach together.

April is in a black bikini with a wrap around her waist, and her large designer sunglasses on. Her long dark hair is flowing in the warm winds coming off the waves of the ocean to her right and the sun shines down upon them as they walk.

"Good golly, miss Hahley..." April mutters. "Knowing you has certainly been a roller coaster of events." She says to her friend on her left. A grin on her lips. "From finding you in sewer smelly prison clothes in my bathroom to now being ... here..." She motions to the insanely beautiful environment around them. "This is like... a place out of, I dunno... Lord of the Rings? It doesn't feel real... but... here we are..." She smiles over at the Clownette. "Good job." She says, playfully fist bumping Harley's shoulder.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Contrary to what one could expect from Harley she didn't come all bling-ed out to Themyscira. Jewelry, bling, all those had been left behind. Of course that she still came with extravagant multi-colored clothing in the form of mismatched pants and top. And of course that she still arrived like a popstar when they went through the portal, tossing kissy-muwahs here and there at the warrioresses waiting for their arrival.

Questions had been made about whether she could ride with them to the city, or ride a horse. And then a bit of NSFW commentary about riding that our readers do not need to have their minds troubled with! Still, she was full of joy as they made it to the city, then went full tourist mode. "I wondah if I can get an armoouh ta bring back home with us.. You know, we need all the protection we can get! That crocodile head could be around every corner!" great, nothing like remembering traumas when trying to have fun!

Some time later they are on a beach so Harley has changed to a bikini as well, dark red, large sunglasses covering her eyes. Lots of pale skin in sight to tan! "April O'Neil.." a glance over from a little fight she was having with a crab by ways of a toothpick, taunting the lil creature with it, "We don't talk about the dark ages!" the dark ages being her dressed in smelly sewer clothing! But she lets out a big, wide grin at April when she seems to be happy to be here. "I am glad you are enjoying the place! And yea, lotr without all the dwarves, and elves, and hobbits with their big feet! Just the Arwens and the Eowyns.." a waggle of her eyebrows given towards the mounted warriors in the distance.

"Glad I am gettin' ta share it with you, Apes! You deserve the best."

April O'Neil has posed:
April pauses on the beach and turns to watch Harley toying with the crab before responding to her. She gives the blonde a big grin and a soft shake of her head before she pulls her flowing hair out of her face from the winds. "You better be careful..." April warns. "This is Themyscira. That crab probably has super powers and can block bullets with its pincers... or something. I dunno. It is gonna jump ya when ya least expect it though." She says before looking back to the two women on the horses.

April waves at them too and smiles toward them. Both women in ceremonial armor and red capes that whip in the winds behind their armored shoulders. One of them nods toward April and Harley but they otherwise just keep doing their assigned duty, watching the two women in bikinis stroll their beaches.

What a world!

"Do you think this is weird for them?" April asks Harley as she looks back to her roomie and walks over toward her to stand closer. "Like having two wildly weird girls from New York just standing here on their shore suddenly, wearing basically nothing and ... poking at their crabs?" She grins at Harley then.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Block bullets?!" That makes Harley look back to the crab, eyes squinting as she nears it, "I don't see any ...--" that's right when the crab attacks! Chopping her dueling toothpick in half and nipping a finger. That backstabbing little scoundrel! "Oooowww!" there' a bit of a fuss out of Harley. One that makes sand fly away, and incidentally makes the crab run off too, pincers in the air in most likely celebration at having won the duel. Or simply because it's a crab and that's how they move around!

"Oooo, this means war. I am gonna get you. Oh yes, I will...." Harley is shooting daggers from her eyes at the crab while it flees but soon enough her attention is back on April.

"Oh, those two are totally into you. I can see it from heah.." Harley sagely nods from her lounging position on the beach. "Still, was hopin' they wouldn't need ta be escortin' us. Sorta creepy! I wondah what they awhe scared of. How nasty is the fauna around Themyscira...?" she sighs. "Ya know, lots of questions I could had asked Diana about the trip but ...! Why spoil the surprise, right?"

"And I dunno if they think it's weird. If they awhe anything like Didi they must be itchin' ta come and ask us about how life is out theah. And you know, that's a great idea!" she starts waving the two guards over.

Oh no, Harley!

April O'Neil has posed:
Diana wasn't on the island, a detail that Harley and April had been told upon their arrival. The Princess was back in New York this weekend. BUT, the Queen would see them later this evening at the banquet-- which was something April had also said how nervous it made her. How could it not?!

The fleeing victorious crab gets a grin from April. "Poor little thing is probably gonna get eaten by a super fish in an hour anyway." She mutters before looking back toward Harley, then the soldiers on their horses.

"Do you think they're all ... ya know... in to women?" She asks while they're still out of hearing range (or what she assumes is hearing range). She looks from them back to Harls. "I mean, they have to be right? They've lived here for thousands of years, alone together... I mean, statistically some of them would be straight and some not... but... they got no other options, right?" April exhales. "I'm out of my league in this one." She says as she puts her hands on her nearly bare thighs and just watches the mounteed soldiers start to trot over to see what Harley needs.

It takes a few minutes so Harley has plenty of time to reply to April before they do arrive.

When they do, the leader of the two speaks up. "Are you enjoying your stroll?" She asks in her heavily accented English. "Should you need anything, we can signal to have it brought down from the city."

April smiles at them both. "That's so sweet." She says. "But I think we're good. We don't want to impose upon you all while we're enjoying your beautiful home." She glances toward Harley. "Right?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Don't worry! We only need ta survive till dinner and I can make all those questions to Didi! I am suwah she's gonna love you just like I doooo.." Is Harley trying to put April more at ease about it all? Most likely! She even reaches over to bump her shoulder to April's for good measure.

As the subject shifts to the two warriors Harley waggles her eyebrows from under those sunglasses, tongue briefly out. "Ooo, having naughty thoughts, are you? I mean, it's a paradisiac island, lots of beautiful women around. I get you, I really do. I even brought Mr. Thrusty because a girl's got needs that need ta be satisfied! If ya know what I mean..."

Wait. Who's Mr. Thrusty?!

"But to answah, I think it's only natural that they will be moouh into other women. But the question here is.." a pause for dramatic effect, "Are -you- into women, April?"

And the question coming out right before the two riders arrive. Harley grins widely at the two. "Heeeey!" she sits up more properly, folding her legs under her, "And right, no need to impose. We weah just wonderin' about the need for an escort. Are theah any big dangers we should be aware of? Didi told me nothin' about the island befoouh we came!" beat, "Aaaaand, we weah wonderin' if you'd want ta share stories! We got some from Brooklyn!"

April O'Neil has posed:
Under April's sunglasses she flutters her eyelashes several times before the riders arrive, but that's entirely due to the Mister Thrusty talk, and the question of her orientation. "I mean, I h..."

Then the Amazons arrive and April looks over at them while Harley greets them. She smiles up at the mounted soldiers who shift on their saddles some as their horses clop their feet on the sandy shore.

"These are entirely safe beaches, Madam Quinn." The woman on the right says to Harley. Her name was given over to be Mercia, while the other being called Solia.

Solia does point past Mercia to the north where there are cliffs and edges of trees visible atop them. "There are caves that way that lead toward places one should not venture alone, but here, you are both safe." She says before smiling to Harley and April both, Solia clearly the friendlier of the two.

April looks toward where the caves were pointed at and then back toward the two women. "Its such beautiful landscape. I can't imagine any story about Brooklyn would interest them, Harley." She says over to her roomie with a grin.

Mercia speaks up next then. "Miss O'Neil. You're injured?" She asks, seeing April's bandage on her hip through the sheer white wrap she has on over her bikini covered waistline. Which causes April to look down at herself, then back up to Mercia. "Yeah... I got attacked before coming here. I think its okay now, but I might need to have it checked out sometime soon by someone with medical know how."

Solia chimes up then. "We can take you to our Healers. They will assuredly know what to do."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Saved by the bell! Or in this case the arrival of the two Amazons. Yet it's clearly a talk they aren't done with! Specially considering how Harley's brow arches up at April. So curious! But that's the clownette.

"Argh, don't call me Madam. Just Hah'lee works. Or clownette, whatevah you might fancy." no madams here! Harley sits up straighter though as Mercia and Solia start to speak, a look towards those mentioned caves. "What if we go with ya? Would it be fine then?" going to those caves that is! "And o' course they might be interested in Brooklyn stories! Say, you two look like big gals, have you evah played roller derby?" shameless. Recruiting players for her team even at Themyscira! "I am suwah you'd have fun. Buuuuut, we weah curious about stories you might have about your life heah. April was also curious on what you guys do wheah it comes to sex." more shamelessness. But hey, it's not like Harley is known to be coy.

As the talk then goes to April's injury she looks the young reporter's way and frowns just so. "Moouh like ya got shot, Apes. And Solia is right, might be we should to their healers." cave exploration would have to stay for another time! "Can you bring us to them?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April shoots a look at Harley when she just bluntly asks about Amazon sex practices. She's about to protest with a open mouth when one of the two Amazons speaks up.

"We are trained in many things. We have been on this island for a very long time, I assure you both." Is the stoic answer the Clownette gets back before the Amazon, Mercia speaks again. "We can take you to the healers once you are finished with enjoying the beach. It will just be a short horse ride back to the city. I apologize for not having noticed the injury until we got you down here. We should have taken care of it upon your arrival." She's a very serious Amazon type.

The other one, Solia, just smiles at April and Harley. "The caves are a wonderful experience. There are hot water springs deep inside them, they are a great way to rest inside a underground cave and enjoy some hot water relaxation."

Mercia glances to her sister and then back to the other two. "She tells the truth." She adds gruffly.

April, smiles back. "Sounds amazing. I'm sorry I didn't bring up the injury before hand, it didn't even occur to me. Its not doing too bad now, all things considered." April says as she glances down at herself and touches the bandage with her fingertips.

Harley Quinn has posed:
That answer about their sexual practices just makes Harley more curious. Really! Who wouldn't? "Ooookaaaay.. I feel like that deserves some follow up questions. Like, could I get some tips? Or in this case we! Because you see..." and she leans in towards the two amazons, stage-whispering. "April is always on that tindah of hers, but she deserves bettah.." well, but who got April on Tinder in the first place, mmm?!

The revelation that the caves are a great experience instead of a death trap makes Harley's eyes light up and is up on her feet in no time. "Ooooo, let's go explore April! Come on!" even if she does seem somewhat divided about instead going back to town to get those injuries looked. "Or do you prefer to go back? Is it hurtin'?"

But now Harley is on her feet, and a bit manic. Because it's vacations, and they need to enjoy it! Maybe a bit too much? Or perhaps Harley is trying to get April to have a good time without exactly knowing on how to provide so perfectly.

April O'Neil has posed:
Solia looks like she's about to crack and laugh at Harley but she keeps herself under control, likely because Mercia is there. The two exchange looks again before MErcia speaks up again. "I could take you to the library soon to read about our practices and methods toward intimate relationships if this is what interests you most, Miss Quinn." The serious one says before Solia nods toward them both.

"We would be happy to escort you to the caves, ma'ladies." Solia says then.

April smiles as she raises a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun and keeps her other hand on her uninjured hip. "Caves it is then, my injury can wait. I took some pain pills just a bit ago so I'm doing just fine!" She says with a sly grin.

Mercia and Solia then offer Harley and April a hand, to get up on the horses with them. "Come along then." Mercia says.

April glances to Harley and then back again. "Our stuff will be fine here?" She asks with a glance toward their things on the beach.

"Oh yes, the tides do not come in this far." Mercia answers the reporter.

April gives a glance to Harley and then moves to take Solia's hand and mount up on the horse and saddle behind the Amazon warrior. She ends up behind her on the saddle and puts her hands on Solia's shoulders. "Well it's been awhile since I was on a horse..." April quietly says.

If and when Harley does the same for Mercia, they will set out soon.

Mercia will speak up. "Tell me about this Roller Derby." She says back to Harley as they go.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hol' up, it's not what interests me -most-!" Harley states, eyes abit wide, "Buuuuut, color me curious about it all! So yes, a visit to the library will be in ordah. Wheah I shall learn yoh fu and become master in amazon sex.." yet it's clear by her tone she is mostly jesting. She winks a few moments later, "Just messin' with ya.." and then it seems like it's go time. She hops up onto the horse, wiggling her hips to get more comfortable atop it.

And ..., it really doesn't seem like it's been too long since she has done this. "Oh man, this throws me back to when I was ridin' this horse through Gotham while pursuin' a bounty. Ya should had seen me, Apes!" hands then go up and take hold of Mercia's shoulders to hold on. She may be fearless but she doesn't want a broken neck!

The question about the roller derby has her grinning widely. "Well! You'd love it! It's like an arena o' gladiators wheah we need to go around a track while on rollah blades. Most hits are valid soooooo, it's lots of fun. Oouh team is the Brooklyn Queens." a beat, "Do you guys even got rollah blades around heah in Themyscira?" she questions. Because clearly she wants to demonstrate the game!

A look to April, "I still need to convince April ta join us foh a game. I even got Ivy to play once!"

April O'Neil has posed:
Mercia goes on to ask all about what Roller Blades are, and inquire more about this gladiator event that Harley is talking about. She sounds very interested.

April had smiled at Harley and told her she saw it on the news and was both concerned and impressed at the same time.

Solia and April spend a bit of time talking about the news and what that is, what April's job is back home while the four women ride toward the caves. Its a casual experience!

When they reach them they spend time hitching the horses and letting the two soldiers remove soem of their gear before they go in tot he caves together. The walk is a bit perilous for the likes of Harley and even more for April. They have to do some stone jumping, and the stones are wet and some even slippy! April nearly falls in the ocean several times before they all make it to the cavern mouth...

The walk inside is mostly involving staying on the precarious rock platforms that lead them further in to the dark. Mercia is at the front with Solia at the back behind April. April has Harley in front of her and Harley is right there behind Mercia as the line of women go deeper in to the Themysciran cave system...

Eventually they reach a cave inside that has a beam of light coming down from the sun shining through a hole in the rocky roof. Its a noisy cave because its filled with three waterfalls, the one on the far left being the tallest.

Mercia motions to them. "Those smaller two ar ethe hot springs. The taller is cold mountain water." She says of them. "There is the resting point." She motions to a place illuminated by glowing Amazon sconces of 'magical' light. There are stone benches and flora flowers set up in pots... it as much of an underground oasis as one can find... even with a small island in the middle of the mini pond that has a lone tree upon it along with more furniture for lounging.

"Holy shit..." is April's response to seeing all of this...

Harley Quinn has posed:
Oh yes. Harley knows aaaaaalllll about roller blades. And so she explains it. No matter that the player may not know too much about them! (Or actual roller derby rules, but that's just details!) As they dismount and then start moving in through the caves she comments. "You know..." a glance over her shoulder at April as they are wandering the caves, Harley making use of her impeccable balance and increased strength to keep up, "I feel like I am in a movie with some known archeologist..." beat, "Like that gal Lara Croft, oooh she's the best!" a grin and she looking ahead once more.

And while the clownette may be all smiles and giggles she is paying attention to the beauty around them, to those caves that have barely been explored besides by other Amazons in the past. It's a moment she can't fully describe.

The revelation of that resting point has Harley widening her gaze. She is surprised about this. "Gah, I left my phone with the horses!" no pics apparently.

"Come on, April. I will race ya to one!" and off she goes, running towards the one with cold mountain water and ..., jumping in.

April O'Neil has posed:
Their lovely Amazon guards wait by the seating benches together as the two women in swimsuits make their way to the falls. "I forgot mine too!" April calls up to Harley as they are nearing the falls which means there's quite a lot of ambient noise around them. April watches Harley jump in and it makes her laugh as she winces at the thought that strikes her mind. "How cold is it?" She calsl out when the Clownette resurfaces.

She inches toward the edge of the stone walkway though and with bare feet easing closer and close, April goes to jump, but slips and just falls in without any grace at all! The last thing heard before her feminine form vanishes beneath the crystal clear water is a very girly scream! Then SPLOOSH!

April's form can be seen through the water with arms and legs sweeping around as she regains her composure and comes back up to break the surface, her hands coming up to push her wet hair back out of her face. She opens her eyes and smiles big. "Oh my god, its cold and hot at the same time, how is that even a thing?!" She calls out as she turns around in the water to look for Harley, and offer a wave to their guardian women from afar.

They both wave back.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Asking how cold the water is can only have one answer from Harley. And that is for the clownette to start tossing water sprinkles with her fingertips towards April when she approaches the edge, which may or may not add as to why she falls the way she does inside the water!

When April comes back up there's the sound of a cackling Harleyiena in the air, the pale one with her hands on her hips and laughing out, "Best jump evah, April!" she commends just before reaching up to brush her hands over her bleached blond hair, "And I know, right? It's peeeerffeeeectttt. Those two hot waterfalls got nothing on the cold one!" which pretty much is her way of saying she always chooses right!

She joins April in waving back at the two Amazons by the entrance before looking back at April, "See? Good thing we got ta talk with 'em. We'd never had found this place!", a beat, "Well, not without some spelunkin around and runnin' around from our escort.." she goes to the edge and settles in, body lowering under water so it's mostly just her upper chest and head visible, elbows up and resting back on the edge, "Too bad Bud and Lou couldn't come, they woulda enjoyed this! Well, maybe not the watah .."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is athletic but also notoriously clumsy. Its a strange combination but exists none the less.

She ends up ungracefully in the water, but once she surfaces and starts to swim about she has clear swimming skills in her arsenal of reporter abilities. She swims around in the pool and flows herself through the hot and cold water that is mixing together to create a plume of constant steam that wafts through the cavern air.

She looks over at Harley who is lounging like she's at a da spa, and it makes the wet headed April just smile at her roomie. "Hey. This is the nicest damn public pool I've ever swam in. It makes the one I grew up in look like swimming in a toilet. Which... it probably was most of the time." That last part is muttered as April swims toward Harley in the dark clear water.

"The Hyenas would be chasing magical crabs and squirrels right now if we'd brought them." She says with a continued smile on her pale pink lips. "But they'd be having a hay day for sure... We'll show them the pictures we take when we get back." Cause they definitely love pics!

April does have a ridiculously high perception and she notices soemthing between the cold and warm falls. "What's that?" She asks as she points to a stone staircase going up between them.

One of the Amazons notices the point and calls out. "That is to the jumping point! Feel free, if you are not too injured!"

April looks over to Harley with huge blue eyes, seeing if Harley wants to go do some waterfall high jumping...

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's worse than being at her favorite spa! It's almost as if Harley was back home, lounging on her favorite sofa like a Lordette of the Manor. All this while watching April swim about. She is grinning though and eventually she lets her head lean back, hair going back under and she closing her eyes, wiggling a bit more comfortably in place, "Oh gosh, you had ta dodge bogeys back then?!" in her childhood pool that is. Sometimes those memories are best to stay repressed! Like so many of Harley's are. "I am not really suwah about havin' swam much as a kid. But I learned somewheah! Or how else would I get out of those silly love traps Mistah J was so fond of doin'? Oh, he could be cute when he wanted to ..." what the heck? That conversation took a turn, but then her attention goes back to April when she mentions the hyenas.

"Like a lil slider show just for 'em. They will love it!" Then she starting to pick herself up from her lounging position, squinting her eyes at that platform, "Oooooh.." then rubbing her hands, lips turning into a mischievous little smile. "Would I say no to jumpin' down from some dangerous point, nnoooooope!" she is already swimming towards the edge to get out of the water and to trail up those stairs. "Come on, April!" she extends one hand to help the other up if she wants so, water dripping down her wet body and hair.

April O'Neil has posed:
Some part of April knows there's a ton of mental anguish inside of Harley's history. It's something that the reporter is aware of, but has no clue how to help with. It isn't like Harley is the type of person you can just say 'Hey, I know this great therapist, you should go see them!'

Her current approach to all of it is to just try and help give Harley a wealth of positive experiences in life to counter the old ones... who knows if it'll work in the long run!

She just smiles at the other as the cliff diving is offered as an option and swims after her...

... the hand up and out of the water is taken and April comes right up with water falling off her form as the duo exit the underground lake. April runs her hands through her hair as she looks back to the guards and then back to Harley. "I think we're putting quite a show on for them, so at least we're paying back in that regard, yeah?" She says as the two move toward the stairs. April checks her bandage on the way up but its still secure, just soppy wet now.

The stairs are winding and a bit uneven of course, but eventually lead to a few pathways that let one choose which fall they want to jump from, and April... of course goes to the highest one. She is a bit of a thrill seeker after all.

Shee peers over the edge and then steps back to look at Harley. "That's high." She says with a grin. "You wanna go first?" She asks in the shadows as its much darker up here from this vantage point.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Well, there is this *great* therapist called Harleen Frances Quinnzel! Too bad she is often 'elsewhere' and with Harley on the helm instead. Still, Harley does seem to appreciate the positivity, or at least apparently so in this last year she has been chez April.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down, Apes.." A little hand squeeze to show her approval at April not backing off from doing some dangerous diving. Harley can't even see the platform just yet! But she doesn't have those sharp senses that April does. She starts on her way up, footsteps firm as she leads on, hand kept around April's to make sure there is no falling down. She saw how April did when nearing the waterfall! This would be a bigger fall...

So no risks!

"A show to 'em? Oh, I dunnnnooooo, Solia was sorta lookin' at you in that kind manner that wanted ta be alone with ya, if ya know what I mean. You dooo, don't you...!" she tells April in that kind of naughty, low toned manner of hers, "Which leads us all the way back...!" she drawing a circle with her hand, "... to that earlier question I made ya about sexual preferences.."

A glance down at the high fall, "Oh, I have fallen from higher places..." she comments casually. And ouch, that sounded dark. AGAIN. Still, it's done with all smiles on her face and then she jumps!


April O'Neil has posed:
"The rock is actually dry up here." April comments as she walks around on her bare footsies. "I guess its the wind coming off the rushing water, I dunno. I'm not an expert at this stuff..." That last part murmered under her breath.

She steps back then and listens to Harley pick up the flirty talk again about the Amazon guards. It has April laughing and glancing off to where the two distant women in fancy armor can still be seen. "Yeah? I didn't get that vibe. But... my radar is nothing to write home about, in that regard...." She shakes her head and looks back to Harley. "I dunno. I fooled around some with girls at parties at Berkeley, but nothing really ever came of it. Just making out in public to get people to react to it, ya know... free drinks and all." She states.

But then the clownette is running off and jumping.

"Oh boy." April hears that familar voice grow distant as she drops down in to the pool below...

She gives it some time before she looks over the edge and then vanishes.

A moment later and April appears again with her arms flailing and legs bicycling in mid air as she leaps!

Free faaaaaaaaaalling girl in black bikini!

Screaming echoing through the cavern along with the rushing falling waters!

And then.


The Amazon women share glances and words with one another before applauding casually to the two New Yorkers.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Maybe your radar ain't! But mine is primed and ready ta go!" A glance over to the two Amazons before she pauses, "Oh shit..." her eyes widening, "If they are anythin' like Didi they might heah us from afar!" scandalous! But then she is grinning again. "I hope they dooooo.." another laugh. But then there's a jump to be made... And Harley is falling down. Or freefallin', like in the song... "Yea, I am freeeeee....", a few twists in the air like an olympic jumper before there's a SPLOOSH!

It's a few moments before April does the jump so she has time to get out of the way just in case when she surfaces back up, "Woohoo! You go Apes!" she calls out to the falling April, joining the amazons in applauding.

And then she dives back underwater to join the other underneath, big wide smile on her expression.

April O'Neil has posed:
April went in to the water and down down down in to the depths of the pool where she opened her eyes and peered through the beams of light coming down from the whole in the cavern roof. She could see something glinting in the water down there and started to kick her feet and sweep her hands....

Harley might wonder if April was under the water a bit too long, maybe even getting worried, before suddenly she appears and... hoists a shining silver and gold sword up out of the water, sending a wave of clear liquid flowing across the top of the lake.

She holds it up triumphantly!

The biggest happiest smile Harley's ever seen on April's face is shown then next.

"Oh my god, this place is a fantasy storybook!" April says to Harley as she turns around to show the sword to the distant Amazons. Mercia puts her hands on her hips while Solia calls out. "Be careful!"

April lowers the sword then and offers it to Harley. "It's heavy..." She says to the bleached blonde.

Harley Quinn has posed:
That kicking and poking on the bottom of the waterfall perhaps saves April from getting her top stolen from Sharkley since when she goes back underwater in pursuit of the flailing journalist she turns her interest to what she is digging out there. Curious!

Harley tries to peek but only gets a really good look when they are back up out of the water, Harley having come back up first, still running one hand through her hair when April comes up holding the sword in that triumphant pose. "Just like Nimue, the Lady of the Lake!" Harley exclaims delightedly, watching the sword with big, wide eyes, "I surrender, m'lady!" Harley then adds when she turns the sword her way. No matter that it's done in offer.

A moment hesitation and then she takes the handle to look over the blade. "This sword looks fantastic. You should keep it, Apes. Finders keepers and all that! I am sure the Amazons will say yes.." then in a lower tone, "... I will talk with Didi if there's any trouble.." really, it's good to have friends in high places.

After a few testing thrusts and slices she hands the blade back to April. she even does a little bow, putting a knee down as they stand on a shallower part of the waterfalls now. "And it will only be heavy until you actually train with it." Harley is already making plans. Clearly!

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes are on the sword as she presents it to Harley, and then watches Harley play around with it some. She moves toward the edge of the water with the other woman and when the sword is presented to her like this, the reporter just smirks and folds her arms over her stomach.

She looks down at the kneeling woman before her, her trusted roomate. "So you finally yield to me." April says. "The sofa kingdom is now mine..." April states as she plucks the sword up and holds it high in the cavern sky.

"I have the power!" April shouts then!

A moment later and the two Amazon women are walking along the stone pathway beside the pool to come closer to where Harley and April are. Mercia speaks up. "You found quite the item there, Miss O'Neil." She says before April smiles at her and lowers the sword.

April offers it to Mercia who reaches out to take it and overlook it. "It's old. We don't make them like this anymore...." She shows it to Solia who looks as well. "I believe this belonged to one of our ocean explorer units." Mercia says. "Captain Sanca's perhaps." To which Solia nods softly.

Mercia offers the sword back to April. "We can see about you possibly keeping it. It comes down to what became of it's owner. If the Amazon who once wielded it moved on to a new blade, they may have forfeit ownership so it can fall in to new owner's hands..." She says firmly with a nod before looking to Harley. "Nice jump, Miss Quinn. I was amused by this 'cow a bunga' you shouted." The serious soldier woman with the light brown hair says to Harley.

April grins and holds the sword again, smiling to the two Amazons. "Well. I am just glad I found this for you. If nothing else. I don't really need a sword... I'd probably just cut myself with it." She says grinning before looking to Harley. "Wanna jump again? Or head back to town?" She asks.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hey, I am the blonde heah!" Is what Harley replies when April goes with her He-Man shout and holding the sword aloft. Still, Harley is grinning wide, in both amusement but also happy for the reporter, "And I said nothin' about yieldin' the sofa kingdom. I shall fight tooth and nail foh it!" a fist shake to show she is serious (maybe not that serious) and then she is back up to her feet, almost like a coiled spring, hands resting on the back of her hips.

"Captain Sanca, eh? I am suwah she must have moved on from this sword. I mean, if it's old... And it's not like it was doin' anythin' good undahwater. Ya can call it fate ta have been found by Apes!" another look from head to toe at the young reporter, "She looks just like an amazon, doesn't she?!" then a glance back to Mercia and Solia, "Well, not as .., well, big as you.. If you know what I mean."

The mention of the cowabunga has Harley grinning, "We got these green friends that enjoy shoutin' that all the time. Was my homage to them since they couldn't be heah with us."

April's question then has her looking her way, "Let's head back. I got pics to take of you with the sword, then we got to see the healer, and we should go talk with Didi too! Lots of stuff to do, and we are only starting our vacation!"

She moves to hook her arm with April's so they can start on their way out.