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Latest revision as of 03:09, 10 October 2021

A Tycat comes to Call
Date of Scene: 06 October 2021
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Tynan Ireton visits Nettie at the Candle, Booke & Belle. The two talk shop, and Nettie tries to determine what to begin with to Ty.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Tynan Ireton

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Candle, Booke and Bell is ordinarily not very busy on weekdays, but today was Weak Wednesday, and Nettie was running an introduction to some exotic brews of tea. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail today, and she was wearing a Sex Pistols T-shirt that looked maybe a size too big for her, with a knot in the front, arm warmers and ripped jeans. There were a few stragglers who were talking about the teas and throwing around the words 'mouth-feel' and 'temperature related oxigens', to which Nettie would give an expression of mild amusement.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    One of today's visitors is a bit different from the rest. Ty showed up today, wearing her civvies. A black tank top and cargo pants. The woman walks in, and nods her head a little bit as she sits down. Ty thinks, and then orders something a bit exotic as well. "I'll have some Yellow Gold tea.", she orders. Its an odd mix thats found more in her home area in Singapore. It has a metallic yet floral taste to it. Ty watches the stragglers as she waits for her tea, though she does make sure she has an escape route as well. She knows she's sopposed to be protected here, but same token, don't trust what you don't know.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Laili!" Nettie greets Ty with a grin, and she pours water from her steam kettle, and takes a deep breath as she settles up some of the Yellow Gold. She notably does not charge for the tea, a log comes up as 'No Sale' and the slip of paper is slipped to the merc as she gives a slight smile to the younger woman.

    "Good to see you, You're coming in at the end of the night, but I reckon I can keep the store unlocked for a wee bit while things sort out -- right, Poppets?" she asks with a smile.

    "Oh! Right, closing time --"

    "Here's what I owe for today's tea, Nettie!"

    "You'll hear from my lawyer about copyright infringement!"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a little bit as she moves off the the side. Ty knows this is a very expensive tea, but its also one of the most exotic/rare ones. She waits as she watches everyone. She frowns at the one talking about a lawer. Yeah, that one is marked. She may or may not have conversations with that one later. The woman takes a deep breath as she settles down into a chair, dispite any looks she's getting.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie, however, doesn't seem to pulsed by the threat of a lawyer.

    "All right, miss, well you just have a good night now. Please forward their inquiries to my business bin!" she states, giving a wave as the three make exits, and she takes a deep breath, she rubs the back of her neck a moment as she looks at Ty. "Well, Laili, how are you doing?" she asks, and she pours herself a cup, and adds a teabag from a tin with a skull and cross bones on it. It turns the liquid dark purple.

    That can't be natural.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan looks at the tea, and quietly sniffs her tea. She takes a sip. "I'm doing alright. And you?", she asks. The woman knows whats going to happen. Its kinda normal for her. Why the act, and what is real and what isn't. And that Nettie is uncomfortable. She's had to learn to read body language to see who amoung her clients are trustworthy, and whose trying to suicide mission her.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie was only mildly uncomfortable. She shrugs her shoulders a moment and goes: "Oh, well, someone's tryin' to kill a mate of mine and his girl, but he's got a handle on it." she drawls out with a frown as she looks to a newer smartphone on the back counter as if accusing it of some wrongdoing. She turns back to Tynan, and she leans back against the bar. "Mairin was threatened by a girl with a knife. I confused an awful lot of people by suddenly being on a third floor window. Been a busy last couple of days." she gives a little bit of a smile.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit. "Oh? Something that I should look into?", she ask. The woman rolls her neck a little bit. "But really? Just a knife?", she asks. The woman look confused as she listens. "I mean, it just seems a little odd giving everything that I've dealt with.", she tells. Ty takes another sip of her tea, and watches Nettie a bit. "So, I think you probably have some questions?", she asks.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Only if you want, I suppose. I've tried not to stick my nose where it's not wanted, Sometimes it works out well." Nettie replies as she tilts her head, and she looks to Ty. She gives a little smile, and then she steeples her fingers.

    "I always have questions. I like to know who I'm working with and to what ends any lessons may be used before I start dispatching with anything than a light show and some Columbian food." she replies. "So, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Not much that I can tell that you don't already know. You already know that my first name isn't Laili. Its my middle name. And you know what my dreams are, and what my job is.", she tells. "I was born in Madripor, and my mom and dad sent me here to learn and work.", she tells.

    Ty stretches a little bit. "I'm...a soldier is the best way to put it. I mean, mercenary is my job title, but I was trained much like a soldier.", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mercernary is still a soldier of fortune. Just tend to freelance rather than seek steady employment, is my understanding. Have more experience with soldiers of the other sort, myself." Nettie admits, and she taps her pockets, and pulls out a cloth packet. She pulls a hand-rolled ciggarette from it, and reaches down to strike a match to light it.

    "So then, Laili. What do you want out of magic lessons with an old witch like me?" she questions in the utmost amusement, letting the cigarette hang from her lips.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "World's changing. I'm finding myself in more and more siturations that puts me not only a disadvantage, but puts others at risk. I'm also finding myself in siturations where people are using magic or overpowering me.", she tells. The woman stretches a moment before she sips her tea. "So, like Dad said, learn from anything you don't know, so you can learn how to deal with it.", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "And you're going to learn magic and the occult to fill in the gaps where you have no experience or knowledge." Nettie states quietly, and she rubs the back of her neck a moment.

    She sits at her stool behind the counter with her dark purple tea, and she holds it in her hands a moment as she brings her gaze to Tynan.

    "Do you ever question your orders or contracts?" she questions, "To ensure that you are on the upside of morality or ethics?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan looks at Nettie a long moment. She pauses a long moment. "I'm not going to lie I have done some things. I've learned a bit from it. I have a code, and I've told Task Master just as much.", she tells. The woman takes a deep breath as she leans back a bit.

    "If I don't like the contract, it can go to hell. I'll walk before taking a bad contract. And if it involves innocents, I won't do it. I'll kill the person trying to give me a job at that point.", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Good to know, Poppet. Magic makes you do things you're not going to want to do. It also paints a large target on your back for those who would like to use you as a battery. Or as an example." she states. "I don't have to worry about your courage under fire, as it were, is secure." Nettie takes a deep breath, and then she downs that purple tea, all in one go, and gives a 'bleeech' sound afterwards.

    "Good God above me that is nasty--" she states, her nose wrinkling as she cracks her neck. "But does it ever wake you up."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Oh, that I never worried about. I've done solo jobs more then a few times. Either way, you're worried that I'll misuse any magic I learn.", she says. The woman watches Nettie a moment. "As much as I learned, I take pride that I never took an innocent life. And thats dispite being trained in using demolitions. My dad was IRA, and made it very clear not to harm an innocent.", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Wish I could say the same in that." Nettie frowns, and she leans back.

    "Generally, I could say that I worry about people doing horrible things with what I've taught them. But people do horrible things anyway." she gives a smalls mile, and tilts her head back.

    "Magic is messy business. Inevitably, people get caught up in it. Some more than others. And it's scary. There's going to be times when you're dealing with things you are definitely going to be out of your league with... but I have your back, all the way." Nettie gives a toothy smile.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head. "Thanks.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath as she watches Nettie. "My question back is what are you getting out of this? No offense, but I'm fairly new, and only a few people are even looking in my direction.", she says. Ty sips her tea, only to realise its empty. She puts the cup down. "And I don't fight in a...normal sense. It might even be weird to those like you.", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Literally what I said that night. I'm old. I'm not getting any younger or really any stronger. If I want my family's practices and traditions to carry on, I've got to find pupils who are willing to put in the work. My own remaining blood family are..." she wrinkles her nose, and tilts her head back and forth. "Unaware of my existence." she explains, "which is for the better, probably." she trails off, and gives a grin.

    "I'm not so complicated a lady that I cannot enjoy teaching others what I love."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan nods her head a bit. "Aye. Just call it a habit I picked up. I don't ask a lot of questions, but when I do, its cause there's something that doesn't seem right.", she says. The woman rolls her neck a bit. "So whats the trick at Laughing Magician that lets me get drunk there? I've been thrown out of more bars then I care to count, simply cause of my ability...", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, that bar is warded about and above damn near anything. He's... just amazing at what he does. Reminds me a bit of me in my prime." the woman in the gray hair gives a smile. "So it probably is negating any sort of power that lets you regenerate. Tricky thing about those wards, basically if you have ill intent... like theft -- tends to let who set them up know. For instance, if you tried to steal something here -- " she looms a moment. "My blood is on the door, the bar, and on every wall in hidden sigils. The only reason you don't feel the wards right now is because it would also stop you from using magic here, and this should be a safe space to learn while I try and suss out a 'classroom' properly."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit. "Regenerate?", she asks. "Just cause I'm a mercenary, doesn't mean I regenerate. I blame Deadpool for making it seem that way.", she says with a laugh. "I just able to pull weapons from out of nowhere at anytime. I mean, would the sigils recongize that the item has left the shop, but didn't?", she asks. "Getting drunk, and running around with a AMR does kinda piss of bar tenders."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, well then I misunderstood what you meant by 'only place I can get drunk'." Nettie gives a smile, and she gives a little bit of a grin. "In that case, you should probably make nice with John. His girl's a real peach when it comes to mendin'." she gives a soft cackle, a little 'ee hee hee hee' sound. "And I'll thank you to *not* pull any weapons out of your pockets or put any of my ingredients, reagents, or sale-ables. Otherwise I'll be cross." Nettie gives a wry little smile.

    "So, what kind of affects were you considerin' working?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Affects?", Ty asks. "I don't understand. Then again, I'm not sure what magic can do. Like I said before, most 'mages' I've ever seen has done stuff that I've seen others do in combat.", she says while making quote marks. "You could say that I have no clue what magic can really do, or how to even use it properly. You'd probably have to see how I do combat first."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "What do you want magic *to* do? Guide bullets? Enchant arms? Throw fire out one ear and butterflies out the other?" Nettie gives a wry smile.

    "Magic can do anything. That's what makes it magic. If I wanted, right at this moment, I could probably summon the dead to the right circle. On fire. With butterflies coming out of their ears." she jokes.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a few times, and sits there thinking. She never really thought about that. She's just seen the uses. "I'm already a sniper. Enchanting my weapons sounds awkward. I mean, I have not idea what I would want to do there. I mean, outside of camo for my sniping spots. Though, fire out of my hands would be a great short range attack.", she says. The woman scratches her cheek a little bit.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Learning illusion then would be useful to you. How to cast yourself in shadows in the middle of the day and strike unseen, might be useful in your line of work. Along with magical healing, but I don't quite have the knack for that one. Could send you to someone who does -- wonder what Alice is up to these days..."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a moment as she listens. "How would enchanting a blade go?", she asks. "I mean, I do have a long sword. THen again, probably a dumb idea, given that most of the time, if I'm stuck fighting with my long blade, either I'm confident that I'll win, or I'm royally screwed.", she comments.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Easier to enchant when it's being made rather than lay atop of, but it can be done. I'd need a couple of oddball ingredients that I don't have off the top of my head, maybe. I'd have to do a bit of research." she purses her lips a moment "... but it can be done."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Well, I mean, it makes more sense then trying to enchant a gun. You have to enchant the gun, then the ammo, right? And frankly, I'm not rich by any means. All my money mostly goes back to replenishing what I use. I have a few..expensive toys.", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mmm. Gained from touching them and then recall." The witch replies with a little smile, "I recall. And you could enchant a gun. I mean, it's possible. I'd have to learn schematics and you'd have to prepare it very carefully... but Impossible Magazine enchantments... I'd worked on one back in the forties. Never really finished it. Wonder if I still have my notes..."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head, and then her phone rings an obnoxious russian tetris theme. The woman groans a bit as she picks up the phone. She sighs a bit, and gets up. Then her phone makes an even more obnoxious gong noise, and Ty facepalms...She shakes her head a bit. "I got a mess that needs to be dealt with. Apparently two people want to hire me at the same time, but they want hire me to kill the person the other side wants to hire...Which is me...", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... too late to fake your own death and collect from both sides?" Nettie inquires; "That's a thing that happens, right?" she purses her lips, and she waves off a hand. "I'll dig out some notes that may prove useful. Next we meet, we'll do some focus work."