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...and good friends help you move bodies
Date of Scene: 11 October 2021
Location: The Outsiders base in Gotham. Then the ruins of Colony 2 just outside Metro
Synopsis: Conner drags Laura and Tim into a corpse-recovering scene at Colony 2. It is about as fun as expected. Mild horror warning.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Laura Kinney, Tim Drake

Conner Kent has posed:
A few days after crashing the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. base things are back to normal in the Roost. They have some good info from Umber, no one got hurt, and it feels that after a year of skirmishing they struck a solid blow on the criminal group. All seems great.

But Conner has been brooding. Which it is not normal. He broods a little, but compared with the average brooding-factor among the Outsiders, he is positively a happy guy. In any case, he has been scarce, not even showing for the latest movie night. First time he misses one.

And today is not a weekend, so it is unusual he is around. But he is, brooding in his room for a couple hours; then texting Tim to see if he was around, and finally going downstairs to look for a fellow clone person.

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 doesn't brood. She maintains a tactically appropriate level of alertness that sometimes requires her to conceal herself behind a gargoyle for extended periods of time.

Of course in Gotham few could tell the two apart...

Today at least she's not on the rooftop. Nor is she concealing herself. No she's doing what passes for recreation in her social calender and maintaining her extensive armoury. Cleaning guns, sharpening blades and hand loading her own ammo. For those special occasions when she needs to shoot a killer cyborg.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Believe it or not, Tim hasn't been meeting his brood quota for the past few weeks. He hasn't been chipper, because that would be... well, weird, but he's been pretty relaxed. No grumpy "don't talk to me until I've had my caffeine" mornings (which are actually afternoons, because of his usual sleep schedule) or anything.

    He's also been less present at the Roost the past few weeks, too. Still around, but he's not quite locked into the loop between the training room and his computer lab that he sometimes defaults to. The couch in the lab hasn't been needed for emergency naps at all. Is he actually sleeping in his bed? Wow.

    Character development!

    But he's here now, and arrives from the kitchen with a fresh cup of coffee, because Tim is still Tim. He tucks his phone into the back pocket of his jeans as he perches on the back of one of the couches.

Conner Kent has posed:
So many guns. Maybe Laura has been raiding Rose or Hope's stashes. Or more likely, stealing from the many, many armed groups of Gotham. In any case, he disapproves. But only mildly, it is not his business, and besides it looks like most of the female Outsiders are gun-lovers.

"Laura, I... need some help with some stuff," he admits somewhat reluctantly. "Gotta talk with Tim too. He is at the rec room." Hopefully Laura follows him there, as he is not feeling too chatty right now.

At least until he finds Tim. "Hey man. I need advice, and maybe some help from you."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura knows better than to borrow from Rose or Hope without permission. Besides she maintains all sorts of equipment stashes throughout the world. Some bigger than other. But since relocating to mostly operate out of the Roost the biggest is probably in the Gotham area.

Probably not in Gotham itself. Better not risk upsetting Batman that way.

Suffice to say her weapons are her own. This one in particular is a low caliber handgun complete with a silencer.

Her response is a simple "Lead on." and of course that she follows Conner.

Tim Drake has posed:
    No surprise that Tim is able to keep himself entertained on his phone while he waits. It's synced up with all of the Roost's systems, and he's probably running some analyses in the lab that he's tracking on it right now.

    One he finalizes the design for his automatic aeropress machine and brings it up from the fabrication lab, he'll probably be able to control that from his phone too.

    When Conner and Laura enter the rec room, he looks up. Back into his pocket goes the phone, and he takes a fortifying sip of coffee before he says, "Yeah, of course. What's up?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner flops down on a couch, looking somewhat reluctant to start. He seems to need a few seconds to organize his thoughts. "Yeah, well," he starts, "Bart told me about the clone room he found in the base. It was... actually something I remember seeing. Mostly I remember dreaming about sometimes."

He leans back, folding his arms. "So, pretty sure that is the place where I was made. You know we looked for it a few times," he says looking Tim. "I guess we had no chance, right? Now it is there for anyone to investigate, and the Metro Science Police is going to be pushed by the DEO or maybe SHIELD. They have been arguing about who has jurisdiction." And he knows because he as been spying on them. Isn't super-hearing great?

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Recovery or demolition?" Laura asks bluntly. Getting right to the heart of the matter. Those are the only two options for illegal and unethical cloning labs in her view. "Give me five and I can prep for either."

Indeed she has a go back for most mission types ready and waiting in her room.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim cups his hands around his coffee mug and looks at Conner, silent and waiting, but eyes narrowed in the way that says the gears in his brain are turning. At any rate, he doesn't look too surprised once Conner starts explaining, and he nods. "I thought there was a chance it might have been there," he says, and then he tips his head towards Laura.

    It might not be the most socially acceptable way of asking, but she's got the right of it. So Tim takes a sip of coffee and then leans forward to set it down. "We'll follow your lead on this one, Kon. Just tell us how you want to handle this." And while Tim doesn't have the same kind of firepower that Laura brings to the table, he's always planning. No doubt he has something prepped for this very moment and is just waiting on the word.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shouldn't be too surprised Laura gets it first. But he actually seems briefly startled when she states the options. "Uh. I just don't want the remains of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. failures fall into more mad science people. I mean, we have all heard about Cadmus, right?" He grunts. "I was going to tell Superman, but... eh, I think this is my business more than his. Maybe Jon's business too, but I can't find him."

Beat. "Jon-El, I mean. Pretty sure he is the original template. I think he hangs out with the Titans. Or at least he did." Now he is babbling. "Anyway. It is maybe stupid, but I'd like to recover the remains and bury them somewhere well away from any more abuse."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I have plenty of body bags," Laura states. To the surprise of absolutely no-one. "I'll go get my things."

There doesn't seem to be much need for planning from her point of view. Reading the after mission reports has given her a pretty good idea of the location. And evading whichever group has currently got jurisdiction of the site. Well they won't have those details until they get there. And sneaking past one set of agents is much the same as any other.

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Clean-up, then," Tim says, subdued, and his gaze drops away so that he can stare at a spot on the floor. Gears turning again. Though the mention of Cadmus brings his attention back around. "Yeah, it's probably for the best, then."

    He doesn't have anything to add about Superman, or his inclusion-exclusion in this. It's Conner's decision, and like Tim's already said, he's following Conner's lead.

    He stands up and retrieves his coffee. "I'll go get suited up. Give me five minutes." It really doesn't take him that long any more, but he doesn't have super-speed, so he tries to temper expectations. The mention of body bags has him downing the last of his coffee with a grimace, and then he shakes his head. "I'll get the jet warming up, too. Let me know if you have a... burial site in mind already." The implication being, otherwise Tim probably has a few ideas for that himself.

Conner Kent has posed:
Body bags is a good idea. Conner didn't even consider where to put the corpses on the way out. Improvising on the run would have been a bad idea. "Thank you," he sighs, "I hope we don't get into major trouble for this one."

It wouldn't be the first time he leads Tim into major trouble, either.

It is darkening outside already, and there is some distance to the airstrip with the jet. Which seems a bit of overkill for going to Metropolis, it is just across the river. But on the other hand, they might end up with a few full body bags.

Laura Kinney has posed:
When X-23 finally turns up at the jet it's with body disposing supplies. A good quality shovel, high quality body bags and a bag of lye. Clearly this is something she's done more than once. Perhaps even more frequently than she's attended a party....

"I've also got some explosives and incendiary charges for if we can't move everything." Or indeed if the lab itself needs smashing beyond understanding.

"Do we know if anyone will be on site? Or any automated security systems which might be reactivated?"

Tim Drake has posed:
    Meanwhile, Tim is in his usual Red Robin suit, but who knows what has been loaded up into the jet's storage compartments in the meantime. Though usually his style is to just overprepare for everything so, who knows. He sits at the pilot console, hands steepled in front of his face. "I don't want to think about what would happen if those remains ended up in the wrong hands," he says. "N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is enough of a problem on its own without adding another group of mad scientists to the mix."

    He sighs. "No one learned anything from Jurassic Park." For a few moments he stabs his finger against one of the screen displays, mouth twisted with discomfort. Obviously this runs a little deeper than just a disagreement with the misuse of science.

    "Wheels up," he calls out, and the hangar door closes as the noise of the jet engines begin to build. Soon enough they're on their way.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner glances to Laura's gear. Such a practical girl. Makes him wonder if she has a part job as gravedigger. Better not to ask. Uh, and answer. "Yes, the police have the whole place cordoned with yellow tape. There are basic security alarms, and a couple guards, but they are not very attentive. I am not sure how far into the base they have gotten, as the place is deemed structurally unsafe. I am pretty sure the DEO will fine-comb it, though."

It is going to be a ten minutes flight, plus whatever long takes for Tim to find a good place to land the plane. But he feels necessary to point out, "I am not a dinosaur."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"No," Laura agrees solemnly. "A dinosaur is far less dangerous."

It's less of an occupation and more of a frequently necessary activity. It really is best not to ask....

She packs the essential bits of the body moving kit, most can stay on the jet while they carry out the mission, and gets ready for deployment on site. "Guards won't be a big problem. Between our senses we can just avoid them."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Plausible deniability is the name of the game for a lot of things the Outsiders do. So long as it generally stays outside of Gotham? Well. Tim's decided it's best not to ask questions he doesn't want answers to, along the same lines as what Conner is thinking. He stares forward as he pilots the jet.

    "Wait, you're *not*?" he asks Conner, without looking back. "Wow. Real unfortunate to find that out now after I've based the entirety of our friendship on you being the evolutionary ancestor of my people." Birds, he means. He means birds. Birds are his people. That's the joke.

    Stealth mode is engaged as they near the site, so it's not too difficult to find a place nearby to land. Though as soon as they're on the ground, Red Robin taps at the screen set into his left gauntlet. The jet rises back into the air to remain in the safety of cloud cover until it's needed to transport the bodies. "Let's go. In and out, right?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yes. Uh... maybe?" Because Bart didn't leave them a map, and he was the only one to see the clone chamber. Still, the base wasn't very large.

The security is not very good, but the police have been quiet about the whole affair. Nothing in the newspapers, not even the Daily Planet. So, thieves were unlikely. Nevertheless they set up a decent alarm system that takes Tim and Laura nearly twelve seconds to figure out. The night shift cops, though, are drinking coffee and watching movies on a tablet on a police van. Pretty useless.

So the trio of corpse-stealing heroes manages to sneak in without too much of a trouble, despite Conner not being very stealthy at all.

The big chamber just past the busted gates has been stripped of most gear. Only the skeleton of the futuristic plane/spaceship remains.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Cloning labs tend to have a distinctive smell," Laura notes with a shrug. "That should lead us to where we need to be." Not to mention that with all the damage the building has suffered it's unlikely all the clones are being stored freshly. There is probably going to be a rather unpleasant aroma.

"It seems like they were hoping no-one would find out about this place," she muses as they sneak inside. "Alternatively N.O.W.H.E.R.E has bribed someone and they plan on returning to fetch their things before the authorities can move in for them."

Ever the optimist.

Tim Drake has posed:
    The alarm system is enough of a non-challenge that Tim is a little bit suspicious of it. Not that Tim being suspicious is anything new, of course, but he pauses for a moment, looking around with his eyes narrowed behind the lenses of his mask. Laura puts voice to some of his reservations, and the furrow of Tim's brow only deepens.

    "They're already tearing this place apart," he says quietly as they enter the main chamber of the base. "All of this N.O.W.H.E.R.E. tech circulating out into government hands...." Well, he doesn't say that he finds the thought disquieting, but there's something uncomfortable about the way Tim says it that communicates the thought nonetheless.

    He nods once to Laura, letting her (and her sense of smell) take point. Even after getting everyone's post-mission reports, the exact location of the cloning lab is a mystery to him. He glances over at Conner as they move. "You good?" he asks.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am okay. And it doesn't seem they got much tech," points out Conner. "They blew up their base when they fled," even Tim can smell the burning and acid of the self-destruction mechanisms. It has been difficult to get out any tech from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the battles with the Outsiders. Nadia 'borrowed' the blaster canon they captured in Yucatan, and that was the biggest piece of tech the Outsiders got. Until now.

The remains of the aircraft look pretty burned, but the shell had survived. Maybe the government will get some ideas about new alloys. But they already got plenty of space tech from the Invasion.

The scent of burning makes hard for Laura to track fainter scents. And to say the truth the cloning section was closed down years ago. There isn't much to track down. Looks like they are going to need to do some exploring. Main doors (cut open by the Metro science police) or side corridor (sliding door stuck open forever). "Maybe the lab was destroyed," murmurs Conner, "but I better make sure.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Event without the advantage her nose brings X-23 is still no stranger to breaking into evil science labs. She moves cautiously, staying low to the ground and keeping quiet. Looking for hints in the environment that'll guide her searching. Cloning labs have specific needs and by looking for telltale signs like chemical storage she can at least eliminate some of the least likely search areas.

"If the Government really needed it they would just buy it," she points out. "We already know that N.O.W.H.E.R.E. sells tech to people."

Any doors which haven't been cut can always be sliced open with her claws. The ultimate lockpicks.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim shakes his head. "You'd be surprised how much you can reconstruct from near-complete damage," he points out. "I guess the best we can do is hope that N.O.W.H.E.R.E. knew what they were doing with their demo plan."

    He scans the hallways and rooms past open doors that they move through, both with his eyes and with the sensors that feed visual information into his HUD. No doubt there's some variation in how each of the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. bases are laid out but constructing a 3D model of this one can at least inform them when-slash-if they track down the next one.

    He doesn't have Laura's senses, but he's still on the lookout for any minute details that might clue them into where the lab was located. Or, you know, a sign that says 'Cloning Lab This Way'. That would be good too.

Conner Kent has posed:
Fact is Tim is going to need those scanners to navigate the corridors of the base. It is almost completely dark in there. But with some adamantium slicing and some tactile telekinesis help, they can go through the blocked blast doors and blocked corridors a good pace.

Most rooms look pretty much totalled. Some merely exploded and burned. Others exploded and burned after having acid rain from the ceiling over computer servers high tech but fragile electronics. After half an hour, they reach what must have been living quarters. The destruction is not as bad here. There are pieces of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. outfits in decent condition. But little in the form of personal possessions. Certainly no tablets, cellphones or even paper notes, and the (shattered) computers are just terminals. It is mostly identical small cubicles with metal walls covered by a thin layer of plaster-like substances to make them a little less cold with little storage space. And in one case the storage space is slightly smaller than the others.

It is barely noticeable, but it breaks the patter of the previous dozen or so rooms.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney pauses by the slightly off storage room. She might not have the advantage of mapping programs to notice the room is unusual but she can pick it up from other cues. The way sounds carry, the flow of air and a sense of the general layout of things in the room being other.

"Did Impulse give us any information about the exact location?" She muses. "Hints or clues about what was nearby." Of course at a speedster like Barts speed everything is nearby.

"Perhaps a secret or walled off area?" Hiding labs from your own employees might not be practical building design but it is rather an evil group thing to do. Heading a little closer she moves to dig her claws in, raising her hand as if ready to make a new door and then halting, waiting for Tim or Conner to give the go ahead. Those sensors of Tims can probably identify if a wall is structurally supporting better than her nose can!

Tim Drake has posed:
    Operating in suboptimal lighting conditions are fairly old-hat to Tim by this point. He can easily switch to nightvision and thermal IR modes through his HUD, and the former is swapped to automatically whenever the sensors pick up low-light conditions, like now. He may not be able to assist in any of the heavy lifting (or slicing) that Conner and Laura do--well, he could, but they're much faster than any of the tech he's brought with him--but he can at least keep up without tripping over anything.

    "Nothing that gave me any indication of where it was," he replies. "I'm sure he covered just about all of the base while he was running through, though."

    He's quiet while they search unless directly questioned, likely focused on absorbing as much intel he can gather from what remains of their surroundings. Even partially destroyed, there's no telling what they might uncover. The minimap in the corner of his vision slowly begins to expand as his scans are sent back to the Roost computers, where a 3D model is being generated. It's not quite Tim's own investigative eye for detail that notices the small discrepancy in the room size as it is the computer system. But he probably would've picked up on it eventually! "It could be something," he says, and then takes a few steps back. "Who knows what's behind there. Be ready."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hmms at Tim, and scans the area with his tactile telekinesis through floors and walls. "Hey, you are right. There is small compartment here, and something the size of a book behind. Stay back, in the case it explodes." He reaches into the storage space and pulls a false plaster plate. There is a small metal box with a complex electronic lock. "Hmm, it feels solid," he comments, showing it to Robin. "Think you can pick this open? It looks far more advanced than the police stuff outside. And someone wanted to keep it hidden."

Laura Kinney has posed:
While Conner and Tim investigate the box Laura sniffs the compartment it was hidden in. Things which have been walled off a long time have a particular smell to them. And it should be possible to get a rough idea how long it was since the container was stashed.

"Perhaps we should have some recon or map making classes?" she muses. "It'd give us an advantage in the field if our speedster could scout accurately for us."

Tim Drake has posed:
    No one has to warn Tim twice, so he backs up further, partially shielding himself behind the doorframe. Though it proves unnecessary, and soon enough Tim is examining the small metal box that Conner has uncovered. "I could pull the sensors out of a mapping drone," because of course the Bats have access to those, "Though I'm not sure if it would be able to keep up with Impulse's speed. Manual might be the best option," he acknowledges towards Laura.

    After a long moment, he shakes his head. "Nothing I have with me can handle a lock of this complexity. Maybe with..." He pauses. "It might have hidden security features. This is N.O.W.H.E.R.E. we're talking about here, I wouldn't put it past them. We'll need to take it with us."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner seems to consider telekinetic dissembling for a moment, but then nods. They are not in a hurry and that box is not what they were looking for anyway. "Lets keep going," he murmurs, moving past the living quarters and into what seems a storage area. Most rooms are empty, though. To Laura keen senses, there are faint marks in the floors hinting there might have been heavy machinery here in the past, but it was removed years ago.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"It smells explosive," X-23 notes with a shrug. "So we'd better handle it with care." Or make Conner carry it. Worst case it just ruins his jacket. "If I had to guess it's been there a while. Months, maybe a year or two. Which means it's important enough to hide well and rig to explode." Her head tilts to one side. "Seems promising anyway."

Slipping out of the storage room she glances around. "I'd try scent track Impulse but if he's been everywhere..."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Right, so Tim definitely hands the box back to Conner for transport. Just in case. "It could be rigged to explode or just destroy the contents," he says, but... well, still. Better safe than sorry. The storage room beyond the living quarters gets scanned, same as usual. It's a quick process, and once done he taps at the control panel in his left gauntlet.

    In his HUD, the 3D map of the base that they've explored so far is brought up into the center of his vision for a more thorough examination. He's at something of a disadvantage when it comes to direct investigation right now, given the lighting, but he can at least inspect the map for any obvious gaps between spaces that might give an indication of where the lab is.

Conner Kent has posed:
Gee, thanks. This will be the third jacket in a month.

"Impulse might have been everywhere, yeah," he usually does that. But he not always remembers the important details. Nevertheless, the area they are entering has very few recent scents, and Bart's is discernable despite the strong smells of acid and ash.

Tim's computer map seems to indicate the base is a rough sphere around a central point. Said central point was the epicentre of the destruction, completely wrecked. Now they are near the southwestern side.

"It was here," whispers Conner, remembering what happened four years ago. Conner moves forward faster, pushing aside shattered shelves and broken panels with little care. Until he reaches a closed sliding door.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I'd try sniff for trace differences but at the speed he moves those would probably burn off," Laura ponders while Tim loads Conner up with the explosive parcel. And then, before she has chance to follow up that thought, Conner is off.

The mutant superhero slips into a fast low rush. Staying close for support and to keep near in case he smashes something that was holding the roof up.

"It would be wise to remain calm. You might be fine if the facility collapses but even I'll struggle to heal if I'm buried alive." Depending on how quickly she's dug back up anyway.

Tim Drake has posed:
    While he follows along, Tim considers the map, and the shape that the base is slowly resolving itself into as their exploration considers. "Maybe the device they used to fold spacetime has an area of effect like this." Don't mind him, he's just muttering to himself as the gears in his brain turn. There's plenty to be learned about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in what remains behind within the base's charred corpse.

    His attention is still divided when they approach the other end of the storage room, so he's caught off-guard when Conner suddenly begins to move. "SB, wait!" Tim calls out, and he's right behind Laura for similar reasons. He won't heal if the base collapses on top of them, and he's kind of attached to not being dead.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has stopped at the door, and give the others a bemused glance. "Guys, I am not going to go nuts." Probably. Maybe. Well, he is opening the door and entering the... not quite a clone lab. Just a storage room for corpses.

There are 14 containers made of glass, or something that looks like glass, set on metal platforms and connected to the ceiling by long dead wiring, and sensor devices. Twelve corpses are preserved within the first twelve containers, those labelled X-1 to X-12, floating in fluorescent pale green liquid.

The first three are half-formed fetus, the next three are small children, some showing hideous deformations, the others are older corpses, easily recognizable as Conner's copies. Ages 3 to maybe 15. Some are hideously mutated, a couple seem just sleeping. X-12 is perfect, looking around 20, but he is also a chalk white stone statue.

It is macabre. Why did they keep this? An exhibit of the failures caused by too-comples cloning, in a room no one ever came to watch.

Laura Kinney has posed:
This isn't the first time Laura has seen a room filled with clones in various stages of development that have X's on the containers. But it /is/ the first time those containers haven't had clones of her in them.

It doesn't seem to improve her mood much though.

She paces after Conner, increasingly wary, pausing every now and again to leave a small but potent explosive charge at strategic points around the area.

Whatever they can't take will be buried. Hopefully forever.

"I'll start preparing the body bags."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Though a good portion of his expression is hidden behind his domino mask, Tim still manages to look more than a bit dubious when Conner assures them that he's not going to lose it. He takes a deep breath, perhaps to say something, but after a moment or two he apparently changes his mind. So all he does is nod at Conner and follow along, through the door.

    And it's both what Tim was expecting and dreading. Somehow, the remains within the first few sets of containers aren't too upsetting. Death is part of Tim's nightlife often enough that he can force down the bile in his throat and soldier on without visibly betraying his discomfort. But once the corpses begin to resemble Conner more directly...

    Well, Tim's face is set in stone. But there's a faint uptick to his breathing rate for a moment or two before it smooths out into something perfectly normal. Too perfect, really. His teeth grind together as he moves past the failed clones, one by one.

    "Right," he says to Laura after a long moment, and then he glances at Conner, before he goes hunting for some sort of control panel or the like to open up the containers.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is looking a little paler than normal, but otherwise keeps a rather neutral expression. He remembers this chamber. He has seen it a few times in nightmares. A pause before the X-13 container, where he was 'born'. The X-14 is empty, as it was almost five years ago.

Laura's voice pulls him out of his memory flashback. Body bags. Okay. "Uh, yeah," he murmurs. The controls of the containers don't have power. It is going to be messy to pull out the corpses.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney gets to work. Putting a body bag out for each container and then moving on to the next. The impending mess doesn't seem to concern her. Her outfits tend to be picked with how well they resist mess as a major factor.

"We can assume the fluids in the tubes aren't caustic," she muses. "But it could still be dangerous to regular humans." Her eyes flick up to the ceiling, checking for ventilation ducts, and then she sniffs the room. "Especially if it gives off any fumes."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Right. Okay. Tim can handle this. Mentally, at least, though Laura makes a good case for why he shouldn't physically. "I'll be careful," is all he says to that, with a shake of his head. He can't just sit and watch while she and Conner do it all themselves.

    Though he does at least pull out a rebreather that he attaches to the lower half of his face, over his nose and mouth. Fumes won't be an issue, but even that probably won't be enough to deal with the smell. "How do you want to do this?" he asks, his voice coming through their comms rather than passing through the mask--easier to be understood, that way.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner sighs deeply. "Uh, as quickly as possible. I'll open the... tubes," he offers. It will be less messy for him, as he can dissemble the devices with telekinesis and keep the fluids off him.

It is still messy. Some of the corpses fall to pieces in the most horrible ways. Fluorescent greenish liquid everywhere. It smell to rot and ozone. There is a 400 lbs stone statue, too. Fossilized Conner, or something alien-alike.

And about seven or eight bags of body parts. Conner is going to have some nightmares the next few months.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Ah yes. The smell. That's going to be delightful.. Thankfully X-23 did at least pack what amounts to a custom blend of kitty litter and other odour eating materials like activated charcoal on the jet. Ideal for neutralising those corpse smells.

Still they have to get them there first.

Loading up dead bodies is just something she's used to doing. Even if they're a little more mad scienc-y than usual. And hey if they're lucky there'll be a few metal trolleys lurking around the facility to assist with removing them. After all it's not the kind of equipment N.O.W.H.E.R.E would feel the need to take with them or destroy. Nor the sort of gear the Government is going to rush in and steal.

"I'm going to be charging the team for new boots."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Quickly is the name of the game. Whatever reaction Tim might have to the visuals and smells is either viciously controlled so it doesn't even show, or possibly just hidden behind his mask and rebreather. Either way, once the containers start to be opened Tim steps in, the armor plating and whatever else that makes up his costume and gauntlets more than enough to protect him from most noxious chemicals so long as he isn't submerged for prolonged periods of time.

    As best he can, he keeps the corpses separate, even the ones that can't really hold themselves together. It isn't until Laura makes the announcement about boots that Tim breaks his own silence to say, "Charge the account for an entire new outfit." To both of them. Otherwise he remains quiet.

Conner Kent has posed:
This is a leather jacker that is going to the garbage bin despite lacking bullet holes. Kryptonians probably can't puke, but Conner is looking pretty sick by the time all the body parts are retrieved.

And then comes the fun part of carrying them out of the base, past the police cordon, and into the batplane; a batplane that suddenly seems too small for so many body bags.

But then, as they take off, they can detonate the explosive charges Laura planted, hopefully deleting all traces of the clone chamber. Mission accomplished. Hurrah!